Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1868: College shocked

In the destruction of the gods, Qin Yan is indeed trying to break through to the fourth level of Jinxian.

Jinxian level 4 is for the mixed Yuan Jinxian realm.

In the college, although there have been students who have broken through to the fifth level of Jinxian, the number is not large, that is, a few people.

Jinxian level 4, which belongs to the real first echelon of the college, is currently only more than 200 people.

Wan Yanzhi's dumbfounded eyes were still cheering for Qin Yan, but now they are speechless. Because he is also the fourth level of Jinxian, and it has just broken through less than 100,000 years, and originally he felt that Qin Yan, even if he broke through the third level of Jinxian, is still a first-year student in the university, there is still a gap with him. He is a fourth-grade Jinxian realm, but he is a second-year student in the university department.

Now if Qin Yan breaks through to Jinxian level 4 all at once, how can he equalize him instantly, how can he not be hit hard.

And it is conceivable that only Qin Yan in the realm of the Holy Fairy can hang Li Qing at the third level of Jinxian. Now Qin Yan has broken through to the fourth level of Jinxian. It must be easy to hang him. Even those third-year students at the university level are estimated to have few opponents to Qin Yan. At a more critical time, Qin Yan's breakthrough speed, who knows when he broke through to Jinxian 5th level, maybe not tomorrow.


Wan Jizhi whispered that he was hurt at the moment.

However, Yan Le flushed with excitement: "One day and four realms, the senior Qin Yan would have four realms in one day. No, I want to pass the news back to the college immediately to let the students of the college know that the senior Qin Yan is the best . Qin Yan returned, and the true king returned. "

Speaking, Yan Le logged into the college's forum, then took a photo and posted a post towards Qin Yan's position.

The topic of the post is: Four Realms in One Day, the King Returns, Yan Wang Mighty!

The content of the post is: shocked, we witness the fastest breakthrough speed in the history of the universe, one day and four realms! Come on, Qin Yan student, you are the best!

Many people paid attention to Yan Le. After all, he followed the dean to do the project, and sometimes he could learn the news of many deans from his posts.

As soon as this post was posted, someone immediately got a reminder.

Ding Ding!

Zhao Kang is a third-year student in high school. He also pays attention to Yan Le. At the moment, he is browsing some recent news from the college: "Liu Fan broke through to the fifth-level realm of Jinxian, and his combat power can rival the gods. Isn't this nonsense? The seventh Alchemy Contest is planned to be held. This one can be heard. I heard that the high school champion of the last Alchemy Contest was rewarded with a thousand thousand world fruits and six thousand mission points. Alas, there is new news, this is Yan Lena The guy posted again. "

With that said, he just popped up a window.

The first thing he saw was the picture. To tell the truth, Qin Yan in the picture hadn't touched it since he had been in school for less than 600,000 years. Qin Yan followed Wang Xing 1.2 million years ago. College. But Qin Yan's name, he still heard. He turned to the subject of the picture post, but he was dumbfounded at first glance, and the whole person was stunned.

"One day and four realms, the king returns, Yan Wang is mighty!"

He rubbed his eyes and only felt that he was wrong. Who can break through the four realms a day?

But after reading it a few times, he finally determined that he was not mistaken. This is the content above.

Really four places a day?

Or Yan Le hand made a mistake and made a mistake.

King of Fire?

Zhao Kang groaned for a moment. Who is this and does the college have this title?

After all, those who are kings are all fairy kings. They are the best in the college. At present, there are only less than ten people.

Where did this Yan Wang come from?

At this time, he didn't think of Qin Yan for the first time, after all, Qin Yan was always called Yan Emperor.

Immediately, he noticed the content below the post, and when he saw Qin Yan's name, his body trembled.

He knew who Yan Le was talking about, Qin Yan, president of Yandi Society, a legend of the academy, and more than a million years ago, he played a legendary figure who crushed the third-level realm of Jinxian with the Holy Realm.

"Qin Yan, King Yan!"

Zhao Kang couldn't help but take a deep breath, is this a breakthrough to seal the king, but four realms a day, that is not from the realm of the Holy Immortal, suddenly broke into the fourth level of Jinxian.

Thinking of this, Zhao Kang could not help but trembled.

The breakthrough is not terrible. I am afraid that the breakthrough is too fast and too bad, because it is said to be four realms in one day, but it also includes a great realm from a holy fairy to a golden fairy. Not only that, from Jinxian III to Jinxian IV, the difficulty of breakthrough is not small. Although it is not as difficult as Shengxian to Jinxian Realm, even if you make a breakthrough, it ’s like talking about the world. same.

Zhao Kang thought about it and planned to reply to a post and ask about the situation.

But obviously someone is faster than him, and already asked below.

"Is it really Qin Yan, is it true?"

"Yes, yes, it is impacting the fourth level of Jinxian. Academician Qin Yan has condensed a thousand small worlds. At this time, if there is a Zhongqian World Fruit, it is actually stable. But even if there is no Zhongqian World Fruit, I believe that Dean Qin Yan will also be able to break through. "

"It turned out to be true, but even if there was no breakthrough, the three realms would be terrible that day, and the college really needed another king of the feudal rank."



Below the post, there were hundreds of replies in a blink of an eye, and the news spread instantly to the college.

Mr. Hatomo was teaching a class to high school students. At this time, he found that a student seemed to be inattentive, as if he had lost his mind.

"Wang Ning, what are you doing?"

Kumochi inquired that he felt that his teaching was good, and that he was absolutely disrespectful to him when he took the class.

As soon as Wang Ning was surprised, he felt his soul was pulled back.

At this time, other classmates also looked at him, full of glee and joy, let your ya go, this time to write a review.

Wang Ning was scared of instinct when he saw Kumochi, but he said, "Teacher, I ... I'm so excited. Someone just sent me a message saying that our president broke through, and four days a day, from Holy Wonderland. The world broke through to Jinxian 4 at once. As soon as I was excited, I left God and asked the teacher to punish him. "

When hearing this, Hamochi did not think about punishing Wang Ning, but he was on the spot.

He could hardly believe his ears: "Qin Yan broke through, and he was surrounded by four days ... he is indeed my most promising student, haha."

Then he laughed.

Qin Yan's earliest practice followed him. He witnessed the glory of Qin Yan and the defeat of Qin Yan after entering high school. Now Qin Yan has risen again after more than one million years, making him all It was filled with pride, and this was the student he taught.

The other students were also uproar, really fake?

Four borders a day, is this going to heaven?

Wang Ning also noticed the confusion of the crowd and explained: "You can look at the Academy Forum. This is the news that Yan Le has just sent back, and Yan Le is working with President Qin Yan to do the project."

When he finished speaking, almost all the students went to check it out.

This news is really shocking.

Even Jiu Mozhi is no exception. When he saw Qin Yan in the picture, he knew that the news could not be faked.

Among the Yan Emperor's Society, the acting president Su Yu also received the news: "Finally broke through, four borders a day, terrific. It seems I have also been liberated, and I have taken care of him for more than one million years. He owes me so much. "

Elsewhere, Liu Fan, Xia Yumo, Yao Jie ... all got the news.

All of a sudden the news spread throughout the college, and even began to spread outside the college.

This day belongs to Qin Yan.


On the periphery of the God of Destruction, the more and more immortals gather, the blink of an eye has exceeded 10,000 people.

These people are all looking fiery, but they are taken in the presence of Berg, but they dare not come forward.

At this time, the first Lord God arrived.

He is called Aojie, and is the main **** of the forces of the Nemo universe. Now the news of the change of the extinction **** has spread to the Nemo nation, and he has also explored the extinction **** before, so he is very curious, so I rushed over the first time.

Ojer looked at Berg and frowned. "Which lord **** are you? Which power do you belong to?"

Although he is also the main god, he is still a bit afraid of Berg and doesn't dare to offend Berg ~ ~ Berg naturally notices Ogg and hums: "You don't need to know who I am, but If you want to break into the shrine of destruction, the consequences are not what you can bear. "

Oje didn't expect that Berg was so strong, he didn't even intend to tell himself by name, and was a little angry for a while.

Everyone is the main god, even if you are a half-step **** king, I ca n’t beat you, but it ’s not easy for you to kill me.

However, Aojie is not easy to attack, because he knows that there will be someone coming later. If he will be with others, it will not be impossible to break into the **** of destruction.

Sure enough, just when he had this idea, a man arrived, a Lord God.

"Deere?" Aojier froze, looking a little bit anticipated, because he knew Deere, knowing that Deere was a very arrogant guy, not easy to mess with.

"I've heard that Destroyer of God is very magical. I didn't expect such a change now. It seems that there is really a baby in it." Deere made a sharp voice, then looked at Berg, "This Where does the Lord God mix up, and what exactly is hidden in the Exterminator? After all, this is also the land of my female motorcycle universe. Do we not even have the right to know? "

When others heard this, they nodded.

Yeah, even if the lord sold the exterminator to you, but the exterminator is in our female cosmic kingdom, do we even know that there is nothing in the exterminator?

Berg frowned. Naturally, the secret about the extermination deity could not be leaked, but he came from the Orc Alliance, but in fact he looked down on the main gods of these second-class universe nations. Has nothing to do with you. "

This word roll is very strong, but it also makes Deere go away instantly.

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