Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1884: Rob the Immortal Army and kill!

Looking at the remaining position, Jiang Lan sat down calmly and did not say hello to these people.

Since these people are not good visitors, Jiang Lan is naturally not polite to them.

After Jiang Lan sat down, he said directly, "Say, what are you rushing to call me over for?"

At this time Jiang Lan also noticed that there was even an acquaintance in these supreme gods. This acquaintance was not someone else, it was Zhang Xiaomeng's sister Yanyue.

He didn't even notice it just now.

Of course, it is also that Jiang Lan did not expect that Yanyue even broke through to the supreme **** realm.

You should know that the last time I came to the college, Yan Yue was only half a step to the highest god, and if Zhang Zhou knew it, it would be more stressful.

After all, marrying a goddess king is scary enough, and now the goddess king has become a female supreme god, and people still can't live.

Jiang Lan guessed that it was also when the law of the universe's origin collapsed for the second time that Yanyue broke through to the supreme **** realm.

As for the other people, he also recognized one. That man was the Supreme God of the League of Gods. His name was Abraham, a very low-key Supreme God.

Before anyone else spoke, Jiang Lan received a message from Yanyue: "Mr. Jiang Lan, you are in a very bad situation. This time, the alien Supreme God has launched a raid. You are not on the battlefield of floods, but when you say it, Failure. Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the Supreme God can come out of the Shenhe River, and the strength of your college's external performance is not Supreme God, and your college has not obtained less from the flood field in recent years. Interests, now some people just rely on this matter to recover the benefits that your college has taken over the years. "

Can Jiang Lan not understand.

So he has been very careful, but this time he really couldn't blame him, and he was caught by others.

Yan Yue continued at this time: "I'll introduce you to these people first. The one on the far right is the Supreme God of the Desert Temple, whose name is Ibsen. Next to him is the Supreme God of the Patriarchs, Kilfiran and An. Tell, there are two Supreme Gods in the Patriarch ’s religion, and I think they are not intriguing. Followed by the Supreme God Bud of the Machinery Association, the highest **** Mackin of the Adventurer Alliance, and the highest **** Carlo of the League of Nations Tower. Then you are opposite, the two supreme gods of the League of God, one is Abraham, the other is Cameron, these two people do not deal with, belong to the League of God, a far left, a far right .In the past, it is the supreme **** of our orc alliance, Kexi, the supreme **** of the Space Bank Association, Brady, and the supreme **** of the universe arena.

Jiang Lan listened, taking notes one by one.

"The main target for your college this time should be the three groups of the Patriarch, the Union of Nations and the Cosmobank Association, and Cameron of the League supports them. As for Abraham and most of us, they are actually neutral . "

After Yan Yue finished speaking, she wanted to see Jiang Lan's reaction.

But Jiang Lan didn't seem to care.

At this time, Cameron of the League of Gods spoke first: "Jiang Lan, do you know what happened not long ago?"

Jiang Lan frowned. He found that Cameron was really disgusted with him, and he was not polite at all.

As for the others, with the exception of those who are about to make trouble, most of the rest are looking lively.

The three major forces, plus a supreme deity of the League of Gods, aimed at the Immortal Academy, obviously there was a good show.

"I know what happened," Jiang Lan said indifferently. "Why do you think I made a mistake and want to kick me out of the commander's position?"

"Jiang Lan, what is your attitude! As a commander-in-chief, you don't sit on the battlefield outside the territory, but went back to the college privately. Do you know how bad this nature is?" Cameron hummed, and found that Jiang Lan didn't treat him at all Put it in your eyes.

"If I remember correctly, the League of Gods has stipulated that as long as it is not in its own rotation time, the commander-in-chief can practice in isolation or do other things, as long as he returns when the war breaks out. But it is also in war Later, someone notified me about this. "Jiang Lan said lightly," Of course, you are right in one point, this thing does not mean that I have no responsibility at all. As a commander, I did not expect the supremacy of aliens. God will launch a raid. This is my fault. "


Cameron frowned. How could you, a **** king, anticipate the actions of the Supreme God, what a mistake?

However, some people have grasped this point.

"Jiang Lan, this time the League of God suffered heavy losses, and three billion the League of Gods soldiers died horribly. Is this a mistake you can make up for?" At this time, angrily came and looked carefully. It was Antler, the ancestral god. .

Jiang Lan was silent, and he sighed: "Yes, I really can't make up for those dead Alliance League soldiers, because I don't have the ability to bring them back to life, so I decided to formally blame and resign."

Said, Jiang Lan took out his commander in chief.

"Is there anything else? If nothing happens, I will leave first." Jiang Lan stood up, and he felt relaxed at this time.

This is a critical meeting originally, so there is no need to stay here more.

Others were still a little overwhelmed, and that was over.

In fact, the three major forces joined forces, plus this Cameron, which is biased toward the three major strengths, what the Immortal College is fighting for.

It's just too direct.

The commander-in-chief token just handed it over.

However, everyone thought for a while and thought that this was actually good for Jiang Lan.

Now the Supreme God has arrived outside the Shenhe River, and the commanders of the eight major forces have been replaced by the Supreme God. The Alliance of God is naturally no exception.

Jiang Lan resigned because of blame, in fact, and the next dismissal, not much difference.

At this time, they did not see that Jiang Lan had broken through to the supreme **** realm. This is naturally because Jiang Lan deliberately concealed Xiuwei.

Jiang Lan was gone, and everyone was dispersed.

Yan Yue couldn't help laughing, "It's really interesting. I thought there was a big show. I didn't expect to leave so soon."

Everyone looked at each other, aunt grandma, what do you think, there are big shows, where there are so many big shows.


Subsequently, Jiang Lan returned to the residence of Xian College.

He left the League of Gods, and if the Immortal Academy wants to gain a foothold in the extraterritorial battlefield, this 1.6 million immortal army is the confidence of the Immortal Academy.

The League of God, when they ask for them in the future, do not rush.

But at this time, Jiang Lan felt two powerful breaths and came straight to the Xiandao Army.

These are two supreme gods!

Jiang Lan frowned. In any case, he resigned and resigned. Isn't this matter over yet? What about the two Supreme Gods?

Flashing, Jiang Lan appeared in the void.

At this time he noticed the people who came here, the two ancestral gods who were hostile to the Immortal Academy, namely Kilfiran and Antl.

Jiang Lan looked at the two and frowned. "Please stop. This is the residence of Xianxian College. If you go any further, you will be at your own risk."

At this time, Kilfilan and Antl also appeared.

Anter looked at Jiang Lan, and then looked at the 1.6 million Xiandao Army behind Jiang Lan, revealing a greedy look: "It is indeed the Xiandao Army, and it has been repaired to be above the level of perfection." I heard that each of these immortal army fighters is a powerful master of matrix formations. If they join forces to form an array, they can even trap the **** king. "

"It is very powerful. On the extraterritorial battlefield, it is these immortal army fighters who have truly inherited the formation of the immortal college." Kilfilan also said. "Even some people have retired. If these immortal army fighters have the realm of the **** king You can even trap the cosmic god. "

Jiang Lan didn't understand the meaning of the two, but apparently the visitors were not good.

At this time, Antel spoke, and he condescended, "Jiang Lan, your immortal college has offended our ancestors, and even captured the digital immortality of our ancestors before. You think this thing can be done. Now Supreme God can come out of the Shenhe River, and the grudges between your Xianyuan Academy and our ancestral gods can be cleared up little by little. But considering the contribution that your Xianyuan Academy has made to the Shenhe universe, we can You have a chance to reconcile. "

"what chance?"

Jiang Lan was curious. He felt that the two men came over as if they were both planned.

At this time, Antel pointed to the 1.6 million Xiandao Army, and said lightly: "Give the Xiandao Army to our ancestors. Previously, the grievances between your fairy college and our ancestors have been written off. You should actually be glad that this also It ’s that our ancestral gods are magnanimous, otherwise your immortal college will disappear completely from the universe. "

Hearing here, Jiang Lan smiled.

Originally speaking for a long time, it was for the Immortal Army.

What more reconciliation?

Whoever believes you half a word is really stupid.

Jiang Lan laughed and was full of sarcasm: "Is reconciliation possible? It's not impossible! But it's not that our Fairy College ceded the Xiandao Army to you, but your ancestral gods ceded your ancestor army to our Fairy College. Otherwise, Your ancestral religion is waiting to disappear completely from the universe. "

"what did you say?"

Antler froze, only feeling that he had heard it wrong.

Crazy, really crazy, an unspoken **** college teacher, dare to speak to them like this.

"court death."

Kilfilan was already furious, her body looked extremely cold, and the space seemed frozen for a moment.

Jiang Lan hehe: "I'm looking for death, I think it's you who is looking for death. What are they two, are they stupid forks? When you ran here to rob our college's Xiandao army, you really thought your ancestors would be invincible in the universe? Get off now, or I don't guarantee you can leave intact. "

"Why, you still want to kill us?" Antel was anxious. "A little **** king, not a bit of a tone. Forget it, since you are stubborn, don't blame us for being polite. Kill directly You, we naturally have a way to control the Xiandao Army. "

"That's right, this guy is really damned." Kilfilan also said.

The two were angered by Jiang Lan, and they seemed to be moving.

"Want to kill me, do you dare?" Jiang Lan was still frantically dying, and many of the League of Gods soldiers couldn't understand.

You are a **** king, this is too courageous.

When the Supreme God could n’t come outside the Shenhe River, you would be arrogant. Now the Supreme God can come outside the God River at will, and you are still so arrogant.

Do you really think others dare not kill you?

In many other places, other Supreme Gods are also paying attention to this scene.

Bud of the Machinery Association groaned: "I think these two ancestors can't help it, they will fight soon, and for a while ... Do you want to stop it?"

He asked about Abraham and Cameron of the League of God.

At this time Abraham didn't speak, and seemed to be thinking about something, but Cameron whispered: "The Supreme God is not to be humiliated. If Jiang Lan is dead, it will be dead!"

What this said is that everyone does not know what to say.

Upon hearing this, Abraham nodded: "I think Cameron is right, and then really fight, everyone is not allowed to intervene."

The crowd froze and looked at Abraham in disbelief. He actually said this.

This is to watch Jiang Lan die in front of everyone, he also wants Jiang Lan to die?

"What do you think?" Yanyue asked in a low voice, but it was Kersey.

"This ... I don't understand the situation, but this Jiang Lan is a bit too arrogant, and he also said that he would destroy the ancestral religion. If it was me, he would also want to kill him." Kexi scratched Scratching his head.

"What are you? Antel also said that the Immortal Academy was destroyed." Yan Yue was quite speechless, but turned to her again, "But don't you think this is Jiang Lan who deliberately angered Antel and Ji? Is it Philfield? I've been to Immortal College, and you should never take it for granted. Maybe it's not Jiang Lan but Kirfilland and Antl who are losing this time. "

"Really?" Kexi was a little unbelievable, because Jiang Lan was a weak party.

"I was still a little uncertain, but Abraham was an old fox. He just said that. I don't think it was good for Antel and Kilfilan to kill Jiang Lan, but for a while. Let ’s not take any shots when we kill Kilfield and Antell. "

Kirsey froze, and some felt that his brain was not enough.

Can I still play like this?

Are you all talking irony?

Sure enough, Antel couldn't bear it anymore, and no matter where he was, he just wanted to kill Jiang Lan now.

Then, he punched Jiang Lan in the punch.

But at this time, Jiang Lan burst into a strong momentum, and that momentum was first the realm of the **** king, and then rushed to the realm of the high god.

At this moment, Antel was stunned.

Jiang Lan turned out to be the supreme god, when did things happen?

The same was true of Kilfilan, and they were a little surprised, but they thought Jiang Lan or the realm of **** king.

"He broke through."

Cameron frowned, never thinking that Jiang Lan would hide Lexiu.

But Cameron then sneered: "Is this your hole card? Do you feel like you have broken it, and you can't be afraid of Kilfiran and Antel? It's a big mistake, even the Supreme God is strong. Weak, you, a Supreme God who has just broken through, who gives you courage, makes you feel that you can resist two old Supreme Gods who have stayed in the Supreme God Realm for more than ten epochs. "

Abraham also frowned. If it was just Jiang Lan, the odds would be small.

Yan Yue is also a little dumbfounded. Did she guess wrong?

Jiang Lan just felt that he had broken through, and then he could be so arrogant and so brazen.

I'll go, you're really strength to die.

Sure enough, Kilfilan and Antl also realized that Jiang Lan is just a supreme **** who has just broken through. ‘

Today, they are going to kill Jiang Lan and teach the ancestral god.

To be honest, for several epochs, Xian Academy is still the only one who dares to challenge the ancestral religion.

Antel's punch had fallen.

At this time, Jiang Lan also punched in the past, when the space suddenly stagnated.

Jiang Lan's understanding of space is working to the extreme.

With one punch, they both flew out and Antler didn't take much advantage at this moment.

Although it was just a breakthrough, Jiang Lan's comprehension is the law of space, and the secret technique of cultivation is also supreme, and it can even exert its strength close to Antel.

"Interestingly, although this Jiang Lan is the Supreme God who has just broken through, but his strength is in the Supreme God, he can also rank in the middle level." The Bard of the Machinery Association looked very interesting.

"Jiang Lan practiced the law of space, and originally had an advantage in mystics." McKindo of the Adventurer's Union, "However, although Kilfilan and Antl have become the supreme gods by the second-class rule. However, they have deep foundations, and it should not be difficult to defeat Jiang Lan. However, if Jiang Lan knows that he is defeated and is determined to escape, then by the time he realizes by the rules of space that the two may not really be able to catch up with him . "

After all, the law of space is still dominant in speed.

The fighting continues.

Jiang Lan led them away and came to the edge of the extraterritorial battlefield. He was mainly worried that it would spread to the Xiandao Army.

"Jiang Lan, I didn't expect you to break through to the supreme **** realm, and I said how dare you be so arrogant. Huh, a peasant-sized academy, except for you a supreme god, is worthy of pride." Ante Seoul still looks down on Jiang Lan, down on Xian Academy.

"Since you've broken through the realm, you can't keep you any more." Kilfield said coldly, he felt Jiang Lan's threat.

After all, Jiang Lan has such strength just after breaking through. In the future, Jiang Lan may not be able to impact the realm of the universe.

The two glanced at each other, really killing.


They rushed to Jiang Lan again, left and right, the whole space was broken.

Jiang Lan felt only a coolness that seemed to freeze his soul, and at the same time a strong power to tear his kingdom of God.

He stepped back quickly, only to find that his actions were slow.


Antler yelled, he came to the top of Jiang Lan's head, and with a sword in his hand he tried to chop off Jiang Lan's head.

Jiang Lan wanted to resist, but found that her hands and feet were tied by two silver wires.

The other onlookers were stunned.

"Ancient gate!"

But at this time, only heard the roar from Jiang Lan's mouth.

I saw behind him a flash of quaint portal, and at the moment when this portal appeared, the energy of countless universes was drawn.

Then the portal flew towards Antl, deriving an old golden yellow fist, and colliding with Antl.

In an instant, hundreds of millions of miles of space shattered.

Many nearby immortals were blown out.

Many of the highest gods who watched were also stunned. They were all shocked by Jiang Lan's secret technique.

In fact, this is the ancient ancient heaven and earth birth and death mysterious power from the Holy King world. It is the supreme **** of ancient ancient mastery. It can evolve the ancient ancient gate. It can absorb the ancient innate energy existing in various cosmic planes in an instant. Since there are multiple blessings from the universe, they can be attacked and defended.

Antler flew out from the ancient door shock. At this time, Jiang Lan grabbed the silver wire on his body, and Kilfilan was dragged uncontrollably.

At this time, Jiang Lan couldn't get rid of the silver wire, simply endured the pain of the silver wire cutting the flesh, and blasted out numerous punches towards Kilfilan. Each of these punches was a space punch, and each punch was equivalent A small universe.


Kilfilan noticed that something was wrong, and where he dared to take it, it was frightened to escape, and the silver wire was also released.

At this time Jiang Lan grabbed his hand, and Yin Si was completely grasped in his hand.

But some silver wire had been embedded in his flesh, and his blood was frozen where the silver wire was torn.

Holding back the pain, Jiang Lan took out the silver wire.

Above the silver wire, blood was dripping.

Jiang Lan took a deep breath and looked at Antl and Kilfiran, but in fact they were not much injured.

When they launched their own attacks, the two avoided them for the first time.

"She was cut by my silver wire, and her **** body was damaged." Kirfilan sneered, and she knew that Jiang Lan's strength must have been affected. Well, if we can't win this battle, then the face of Patriarchism will not be necessary. "

"Okay." Anter felt the look around him, and he felt a sense of difficulty riding a tiger.

Jiang Lan is trickier than they think.

The two rushed over again, but Jiang Lan smiled at this time: "Do you like more people and bully less people, okay, Yuer, Piao Yu brother, come out!"

When Antel heard this, he suddenly had an ominous hunch.

Others were also stunned. What was Jiang Lan doing and shouting?

What does it mean?

Does the immortal college still have the supreme gods here, where are there so many supreme gods.

But at this time, there was a wave in the void, only to see Piao Yu Tianzun and Qin Yu come out.

The coldness of their faces was astonishingly murderous.

"Brother Piao Yu, don't you always want to fight against the Supreme God, the opportunity has come." Jiang Lan smiled, "The two men are fine despite the fight and the death."

Piao Yu froze for a moment, but then nodded solemnly: "Okay, then kill him directly."

Antel and Kirfilland suddenly breathed, and the Immortal College had two Supreme Gods hiding nearby, and they were unaware of it.

The other Supreme Gods who watched, also changed their faces.

Coupled with Jiang Lan, there are three supreme gods in Xian Academy?

You know that in the entire universe, the Supreme God is not Chinese cabbage, and there are less than 10,000 people.

It's just that the information they asked about Xianxian Academy did not have this at all.

Yan Yue's eyes brightened and she was very surprised: "I knew that Jiang Lan must have relied on it. I didn't expect it to be like this, haha, I watched a good show. It was just a two-on-one ancestor, but it is now I got three fights and two at Xian Academy, especially I feel that the two Supreme Gods of Xian Academy just appeared, each of them is a little stronger than Jiang Lan, and one Jiang Lan, just now Kilfield and Antler have dealt with it very well. Reluctantly, now there are two more stronger than Jiang Lan. They will peel off the skin even if they are not dead this time. "

Abraham smiled slightly. "It's really interesting. The strength of Immortal College is very strong."

Cameron's face was dark at the moment, but he thought that the ancestral religion had been won before, but he did not expect the situation to reverse instantly.


Qin Yu could not bear it any longer, and he was eager to fight.

In an instant, he rushed to Kilfiran.

I saw a spear in his hand that pierced Kilfield's chest, and this shot locked Kilfield's kingdom.

Kilfilan's face changed greatly, only feeling that the entire soul was attracted by the spear.

There, Piao Yu Tianzun photographed it directly.

Antel punched out with the same punch, but a huge force shot him down.

Boom boom!

With a few loud noises, Kilfield and Antl have completely fallen behind.

Piao Yu Tianzun and Antel are both indifferent masters, and do not give them a chance to breathe. Staring at them is a chasing fight.

Especially Piao Yu Tianzun, every time he shoots out, as long as Antler can't catch it, his body will lose 1%.

With dozens of palms in a row, Antel spurted blood.

Kilfilan wasn't much better at the moment. Qin Yu was weaker, but now Jiang Lan and Qin Yu were besieging her, causing her body to be damaged by as much as 10%.


Just then Cameron spoke.

If this is to continue, it is not surprising that Kilfilan and Antl are supposed to be beaten down.

Yanyue was unhappy at this time, and laughed: "You won't get involved, Cameron, what are you doing?"

Cameron hummed: "The aliens just launched a raid. Who knows when the aliens will launch another raid next time. If Kilfiran and Antl were really killed or seriously injured, who will come to defend them then? Alien? "

There is nothing wrong with this, but just when Kilfiran and Antl besieged Jiang Lan, you wouldn't say so.

"Get away."

Piao Yu Tianzun said in a cold voice, looking at Cameron, but also full of hostility.

Cameron could not help frowning.

At this time, Carlotta of the League of Nations and Brady of the Space Bank Association also came out and stood behind Cameron.

These two people also seem to have the intention to shoot.

The situation is getting more tense.

Jiang Lan said at this time: "I noticed just now that it seems that Carlotta of the League of Nations and Brady of the Cosmopolitan Bank Association intend to attack us."

Piao Yu Tianzun and Qin Yu looked at the two of them. If so, it would be a senior.

As for Cameron, he may not dare to take a shot, because he still represents the League of God.

However, this person is obviously hostile to Xian Academy.

"It seems that the supreme gods who want to kill these two ancestral gods cannot be made today." Qin Yu was somewhat disappointed.

"It seems so." Piao Yu Tianzun nodded, he actually knew that the Supreme God of the same realm, trying to kill each other was not an easy task, don't look at the moment they fight, even Kiel The gods of Philan and Antler suffered some damage, but they were not fatal at all, and with their powerful fourth-order **** abilities, they could soon recover.

Jiang Lan also knew what to do at this time: "Huh, now you want to stop the truce, okay!"

Hearing this, Cameron's complexion looked better.

But I followed closely and just listened to Jiang Lan said, "But after playing for so long, we have consumed so much power, and I have been seriously injured. It is impossible to forget it."

Suddenly, everyone was dumbfounded.

How much divine power is consumed?

Also, what serious injuries did you suffer, and even later you said, the wounds are going to heal.

Regardless of the others' white eyes, Jiang Lanke continued: "The ancestral gods must compensate us for our losses, otherwise we don't want a truce, there is no way."

Yan Yue couldn't help laughing, wasn't that extortion?

She remembered that Zhang Xiaomeng loved to do this thing, and when she was on the earth, she heard Zhang Zhou said that many students of the college, even the dean, had done this kind of thing.

"You dream!" Kilfilan gritted his teeth, and was short of breath.

"Well, don't give compensation, then continue to fight. Just now we hit three and two. In fact, our strategy is a bit wrong. If the three of us siege one person first and get hurt, we may not be able to kill one of you." Jiang Lan said indifferently, and then he looked at Kilferland, who was relatively weak, with a bad intention, that is to say that if we fight again, the three of us will kill you first.

Kilfilan shuddered ~ ~ If these three men besieged her, it would not be difficult to kill her.

Antler was not convinced at this time: "You are a furnishing, and with me, you can't kill Kilfield."

"If you don't believe me, try it," Jiang Lan said lightly, looking like he was going to do it again.

"If you really do, Kilferran will die." At this time, Abraham said lightly. "I just saw it. The teacher of the fairy college was still a little rusty. I think it's been a long time since I started working with people, but In the back, his fighting strength is getting stronger and stronger. If he is replaced with Kilfield, which allows him to deal with weaknesses, Kilphyland ’s body can be destroyed without a thousand strokes. "

After hearing this, everyone thought for a while, as if it really were.

The farther back, Piaoyu Tianzun's attack is stronger, so behind Antler and Phil Kiran appear to be less and less opponents, and they are almost in danger of life.

"What compensation do you want?" Cameron pondered for a moment, at which time he could see that Xianxian Academy obviously had the upper hand. It was really difficult to think of it like that.

"10 billion jins of divine fluid, three primary eternal weapons." Jiang Lan said directly, apparently already calculated.

"Why don't you grab it!" Anter said angrily, no matter whether it was 10 billion jins of divine fluid or the three-level primary eternal weapon of the three swords, they could not come together in a short time.

"This, I'm just grabbing." Jiang Lan froze, and looked at Antell and Phil Kiran with a smile. "Think about it, anyway, if you don't give it, we will continue to fight, and whoever died should deserve it. .How about, dare you bet? "

Everyone was silent. If it was a real bet, only Antell and Phil Kiran would die.

At this time, everyone was a little bit crying. The two men were so aggressive that they wanted to **** the immortal army of the Immortal Academy. But in the end, who can think of the result?

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