Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1899: Escape the earth

Quark nodded, sucked up the origin of the group with one stroke, and then urged his own source to start the fusion of the two groups.

Only to see the origin of the two regiments was still extremely exclusive, but one day later the two regiments merged into one.

It took seven days last time for the two groups to merge together.

"Big Origin Law System Binds Select Host ... Bind Host ... Bind Successful ..."

"Detection of the host's current origin disorder, automatic operation of the big origin method, the method is running ..."

"The environment surrounding the host is in danger. The surrounding laws are being modified. The space laws are being modified. The star rules are being modified. The star rules are being modified. The air rules are being modified ..."

"A defect in the source law was detected, and the source law is being repaired ..."

The familiar voice came to Quark's mind, and Quark felt the powerful feeling again.

He liked the feeling so much that he could do everything at this moment.

The three Wang Xing looked at him and kept recording research data, and really regarded this as a research.

"Okay, that's it."

"I feel like we have created something extraordinary."

"Yeah, it's been a long time since I became Hongmeng's master.


Quark was in a period of intense pain, and found that the two groups of origins were once again stripped away, and that powerful feeling followed again.

Quark left, more and more in his heart to want this source.

The origin of this group is really important to him.

Six thousand years later, quark cooperated with Wang Xing and they performed a total of eight fusion experiments. At this time, after continuous learning, quark also became stronger and stronger, and gradually had a combat power close to the high-level **** king. .

His cultivation and combat power gradually matched up.

"Quark, I recently found another good way to make money. Would you like to do another vote?" Yin Haojun laughed.

"I do n’t want to go for the time being. After all these years of study, my strength has improved. Although I ca n’t be as invincible as you, it ’s not as bad as mine. In fact, I am able to improve. There is not much space, and what I want to do now is to break through to the highest **** realm. "Quark said indifferently.

The realm of the **** king still left him without any sense of security. He must become the supreme god, even the universe god.

The fear of being dominated by the three Kings of Kings has made him stronger.

He no longer wants to be a mouse, he wants to be a supreme god, the cosmic god.

Yin Haojun thought about it: "Okay, I'm tired these years. I plan to find a idle job in the college, take a break, and then sort out what I have learned over the years."

The two talked a lot and left each in the end.

Quark did not dare to rest like Yin Haojun. He knew that he must hurry up, and while still studying at Xian Academy, he had to enrich himself and make himself stronger.

Returning to his place of residence, Quark sat down with his legs crossed, his eyes indifferent.

In the library of the Immortal College, Quark has read many books about the origin of the universe, and now he has a clear understanding of the laws of the universe and his own situation.

He wants to become stronger, and there are actually two ways to become stronger.

The first one is to practice step by step like a student of Xianxian College, to get rid of the influence of the fragments of the law of the universe.

The advantage of this is that the power he has will be completely his own in the future.

Unlike now, his power is actually brought by the fragments of the law of the universe.

The fragment of the law of the universe's origin is the core of his energy, just like the fusion energy of Iron Man.

Without the fragments of the origin of the universe, he is an ordinary person, and even an ordinary perfect god, he may not be an opponent

However, if this is done, it will take too long. When he gets rid of the original law of the universe and cultivates to the real state of the **** king, perhaps the third or even the fourth collapse of the original law of the universe has arrived.

He was soberly aware that he was not a genius at all, and let him practice step by step to the realm of the God King, so no kidding.

In addition to that, there is only the second way left, which is to integrate the source like everyone else.

The immortality created by the collapse of the law of the universe, like them, is actually devouring each other, just like raising a puppet.

For example, now that he has devoured the origins of the ten **** king realms, most of them will be able to break through to the highest **** realm.

"This is the way I want to go. If I can devour all the origins of the universe ... no, even if it only devours one-tenth, I can become the most powerful cosmic **** in this universe. Phase Compared to this, this is much less difficult for me. As for whether these forces are my own ... In fact, it does not matter, as long as the law of the origin of the universe is under my control, it is mine. And I am the son of the universe, It's the Son of Destiny, and these are supposed to be mine. "Quark's eyes were awful at this moment.

Everyone is immortalized by the fragmentation of the law of the universe, and they should have swallowed each other.

He believes that he is the protagonist of this universe, and he has no psychological burden.

In fact, over the years, he has collected many of the origins of the laws of the universe, but because he was afraid of being discovered by Wang Xing, they have never dared to merge.

Quark thought, looking at the void.

He can now clearly perceive the existence of the original law of the universe, and even he has tried to communicate with the original law of the universe over the years, and has succeeded.

Through his own fragments of the original law of the universe, he interacts with the original laws of the universe. He can borrow a part of the power of the original law of the universe. This power may not be strong, but he can save his life when it matters.

"Xian College, I guess I can't stay."

Quark took a deep breath, and his secrets became more and more, and he also became more and more repulsive to the three white mice, so it was inevitable to leave Xianxian Academy.

But he said that he was going to leave, he felt that this was to death.

He is nothing but a mouse and a research subject. If Wang Xing knew that he was leaving, would he be imprisoned.

He did not dare to take the risk.

If you can't leave with a sense of justice, you can only leave secretly, but before leaving, is he going to have something.

The first is the origin of the trio's creation, which he must get.

If there is that group of origins, his strength can be at least doubled, and he can really be invincible within the same level.

"The Big Law System is the key to my future practice. It incorporates the perceptions of the three cosmic gods. It can be manipulated and changed. It is simply too strong. This kind of thing is not weaker than a high-end eternity Magic weapon. "Quark groaned.

He wanted to wander through the universe to rob others of the origin of the universe. Why?

The principle of the big source system, which is his reliance.

However, once he stole the Big Laws system, it also meant that he was exposed.

"Besides that, there are prisoners in Heaven Prison who have incorporated the fragments of the law of the universe. It is said that there are more than 20,000 such people. Now these people are imprisoned. As long as I capture their source, I will break through to The Supreme Realm is a bit sure. "Quark thought to himself, but it was also not easy to get into the **** to seize the source.

Without saying anything else, he had no reason to approach the sky prison.

He must do a good job planning.


Three months later, Quark received the news from Yin Haojun.

It turned out that Yin Haojun took a task at the academy and wanted to stay in Tian prison for ten thousand years.

When Quark learned the news, the first feeling was that he was too coincident, and the second feeling was that God was caring for him.

He is indeed the son of destiny, the son of the universe, and the protagonist of this era.

Yes, that's it, otherwise how could it be so coincidental.

"Very well, Yin Haojun went to Heaven Prison. Based on my relationship with Yin Haojun, I went to Heaven Prison to see that Yin Haojun was completely justified. By then, as long as Yin Haojun was under control, I would be able to integrate the universe with the origin of the universe in a short time. The prisoners of the law fragment all deprived the source. "Quark thought, his thoughts became clearer and clearer.

This is no longer a problem, then the next step is to choose a suitable opportunity to steal the source.

He can enter the starry sky world where the trio of three are doing research, but he must choose a time when the trio are not there.

Not only that, after stealing the source, he also went to heaven to deprive the prisoners of the source, and it would take at least a day to add up.

Times of Day?

This opportunity is too rare, he must wait.

One hundred and twenty years later, Quark was called for the ninth time by the planet Astrology to merge the origin of the group.

This time Quark felt that there was more in the origin of the group created by the three stars, even the way of the three stars.

Yes, it is Tao.

This is what Wang Xing often said. Although he didn't understand it, that sentence was well-known, and it was called unconsciousness.

Road, very powerful, this is how he feels.

"This is the essence of the life of the three cosmic gods!" Quark looked at the origin of the ball, hissing in his heart, this is his, belongs to him.

But in the face of the three cosmic gods, he had to be patient, not even daring to show it.

After Wang Xing finished the experiment with quark this time, he once again told the quark about the cultivation, and even personally instructed him on how to cultivate.

But in the end, Wang Xing suddenly said: "Quark, you now have extremely powerful power, dominate the galaxy, and control the time and space are no longer an issue. At this time you have to consider one thing, that is, you have to take What kind of power is used to destroy the stars, to degenerate everything, to pursue higher ideals and goals, or to just kill them blindly. I do n’t know what you will do in the future and what you will become People, but I want to persuade you that if you have good intentions, you will be rewarded. "

Quark choked, always feeling something in Wang Xing's words.

Wang Xing smiled and patted Quark's shoulder: "You have been doing good self-study these years, enough to be half of our college's students and half of my disciples, and I can teach you not much in the future. In the future, I do n’t intend to point you at anything. If you do n’t understand anything, you can ask us at the end of each study. ”


Quark nodded mechanically, and he was naturally looking forward to consulting Wang Xing.

However, he knew his purpose. He had to flee from the Immortal Academy, flee the earth, and ask for something. It is estimated that there will be no such opportunity in the future.

"By the way, we haven't done much research recently, because the faculty meeting of our college is about to open, and all three of us have to prepare." Wang Xing said suddenly.

Faculty meeting?

Quark's eyes flashed. Did all teachers have to attend this conference?

At that time, wouldn't it be empty here.

"Dean, are you all going to a meeting?" Quark groaned and asked.

"Well, I have to go, and this conference is estimated to last two or three days." Wang Xing thought about it.

The quark didn't dare ask any more questions, but when he asked again, it was a little deliberate.

After Quark left, he was watching the news of the Faculty and Staff Conference every day. Finally, a month later, the college released this information.

Ten years later, the Twelfth Faculty Conference will be held by Xianxian College. All teachers must not be absent or late.

The news came and made Quark inexplicable. The opportunity he had to wait for finally came.


Quark took a deep breath and felt that he was not far from success.



Yin Haojun sits in the sky prison and is bored every day.

This day, a godship came over, and only saw Quark coming out of the godship.

"Yin Haojun, I've come to see you."


"younger brother!"


Yin Haojun quickly flew out of the heaven prison with a look of excitement.

The two met as if their brothers reunited.

"Go and talk inside."

"it is good."

Quark looked at Heaven's Prison and was excited. He finally came here justified, but this time he came only to explore the way for later actions.

In heaven, Yin Haojun and Quark talked happily.

Quark saw that the timing was almost the same. At this time, he finally said, "I heard that there are now 100,000 immortal prisoners in Heaven Prison, and there are hundreds of master-gods in it. Is this true or false?"

Yin Haojun looked at Quark suspiciously, and then smiled: "To be precise, the number of prisoners held in the sky prison has reached as many as 120,000. There are 127 people in the realm of the Lord God. There are 6,300 people who have fulfilled the realm of God, and 32,000 people who have fulfilled the realm of God. Unfortunately, there is no God King detained in it, but in the future, I believe there will be prisoners at the level of God King. "

Quark was secretly shocked, so many immortal powerhouses were held in the prison.

He knew that these were all committed in Wuxingshan Starfield, and most of them were arrested by teachers and students of Xianxian College.

"Oh, there are so many prisoners in the prison, what if someone robs him?" Quark pretended not to understand.

"Jailbreak?" Yin Haojun laughed. "Quark, you do n’t know. It ’s so easy to rob the prison. Knowing what our academy is best at is matrix formation, and the whole **** is an extremely powerful one. The formation method is wrapped up. Now this formation method has been transformed several times by the dean and the emperor, and the general Supreme God cannot be broken. Even if the universe **** comes, I think this formation method can resist several breaths. You Speaking of such a strong defense, who is going to rob him?

Quark nodded. He now thought he was thinking about breaking into the sky directly. Now it seems that he is really an idiot.

If he does come, it is estimated that even the gates of Heaven's Prison can't get in.

"Jun, I'm actually curious about this hell. Can you show me around?" Quark tried.

"No problem, this is a trivial matter." Yin Haojun smiled, completely disappointed, "In fact, it is not just you, there are many students curious about this hell, but the students want to visit the hell, but It will be approved by the college. But you do n’t have to. Whoever makes the two of us good brothers is now under my control and I will open a back door for you to show you. ”

"That's great." Quark grinned, feeling with emotion, this Yin Haojun really treats himself as a brother. If he comes in and deprives those people of their origin, will Yin Haojun be affected.

He feels sure he will.

However, Yin Haojun is an outstanding student of Xianxian Academy. Even if the college is a blame, it should not be possible to fire him.

Yin Haojun next took the quark to visit the prison, and when he entered the quark, he heard the sound of recitation.

This sound?

What quark thought: "They are sacrificing?"

"Yes, it ’s atonement for sacrificing the Emperor." Yin Haojun said lightly. "According to the rules of the academy, the inmates here must worship the Emperor for twenty hours a day, otherwise they will be punished. But you can rest assured For them, as long as they can live, it is nothing to sacrifice to the Emperor. And through this sacrifice, their hearts are also purified, which is also good for them. "

Quark, but he didn't believe a word.

Also the soul was purified. The first thought of these prisoners going out is to find revenge at your college.

"Look at this prisoner, he is called Bimson. The Great Perfection ’s cultivation practice destroyed a planet of life in the Fire Jupiter system 100,000 years ago, leading to the tragic death of hundreds of millions of people. Several treasured species on this planet It was extinct. Later, our college student Yao Jie caught him in the Mine galaxy and sent him to heaven prison. According to the trial of Tiandi, he was eventually sentenced to 60 million years in prison, but he did well. , Now the sentence has been reduced to 50 million years. "Yin Haojun said, pointing to the introduction on the jail door, by the way.

In that introduction, Bimson's crimes were clearly written.

Quark took a breath of cold air, and he could see that Bimson had a great accomplishment, but he just ruined a life planet and would be locked up for 100 million years.

You must know that a planet of life may not be able to produce an immortality, let alone an immortality in the Great Realm of God.

"Master Haojun, don't I all know that I'm wrong, see if you can apply for it outside and reduce my sentence. By the way, I also know the location of an immortal crystal vein ..." Muson stopped and looked at Yin Haojun warily.

"You regard me Yin Haojun as someone." Yin Haojun hummed, his face cold.

Bimson was startled. What was going on and turned?

Wasn't that pretty good before?

"It is impossible to reduce the sentence, but if you tell me the location of the immortal crystal veins, what do you want to buy? I'll buy it for you. If you want something to eat and drink, I will give you the whole thing." Yin Haojun lightly Said.

"This ... really can't be commuted any more?" Bimson was still a little bit dead.

"What do you think, you think the commutation is so easy? The only way to reduce your sentence now is to worship the Emperor. Is n’t Heaven Prison offering 20 hours of sacrifices every day, and 24 hours of sacrifices every day, and then you sincerely, It ’s better to let the emperor feel your sincerity, and maybe I can give you a little less at that time. ”Yin Haojun said,“ Do n’t think so much, now you tell me the location of the immortal crystal veins, you can still change points. Eat and drink, wait for you to tell me later, or if you still want to wait for release from prison, go digging by yourself, maybe it will be dug out early. "

Hearing this, UU Reading Bimson was hurt.

"Well, you're right, can I tell you it's not possible yet."

"Is that right?"


Quark saw Yin Haojun so easily got an immortal crystal vein, and immediately understood.

Yin Haojun came to this heaven prison, it is estimated that this is the idea.

Did he just say that Yin Haojun, who was not profitable, could sit in the sky prison with his eggs hurt.

"Isn't it difficult to reduce sentence? How did he reduce sentence by 10 million years?"

"Oh, he reported his wife and children, as well as several relatives who have been mischievous. Isn't this a show of meritorious service? Yes, the next room was closed." Yin Haojun said lightly.

Quark, this Nima is also a cow.

"From this side, are all prisoners of the Cosmic Alliance?"


Quark looked at the people inside and felt a familiar atmosphere.

The breath of the fragments of the law of the universe.

These people are his goals.

"Do you also incorporate the laws of the origin of the universe?" An indifferent voice came.

"Is he?" Quark looked at a prison, and it was the No. 2 leader of the Cosmic God Alliance, which was desert.

"An idiot, leave him alone," Yin Haojun said lightly.

Quark didn't speak because he received a message from that person.

"My name is Huang, we are a kind of people, save me out! My elder brother Zhou is outside. As long as you save me out, you will be the guest of our God Alliance, and I will let my elder brother give you a little Philip's compensation. "

When Quark heard this, he dared not show it.

However, there are still people out there in the Eurasian Alliance, and maybe he will deal with these people when he escapes the earth.

He is going to devour a lot of the origin of the universe, and those in the cosmic **** alliance are a piece of fat.

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