Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1900: Dean's son-in-law

Quark followed Yin Haojun, and it took three hours to walk through the whole prison.

Quark now has a clear understanding of what's going on in the prison.

The two returned to the room and Yin Haojun laughed: "Quark, now you know all about Heaven Prison. Will you have no other plans? I don't think you will be someone who sees Heaven Prison or you The **** was inside, so you lie down and sneak into our college to save her out. "

Quark was startled, thinking that his plan was seen through Yin Haojun.

But when he heard the words behind Yin Haojun, he knew that Yin Haojun was just talking nonsense, so he was slightly angry: "Am I the kind of person, wouldn't it hurt you if you did this. And where did I get the hoe, your imagination is enough Rich. Tell me the truth, I am still ... "

With that said, Quark suddenly shut up.

Yin Haojun laughed at this moment: "What are you, say it, say it! You are a **** king, you won't ... My God, you just refreshed my knowledge of the **** king."

Quark was embarrassed for a moment. Was he despised? Probably.


Quark left Tianhe, and made an appointment to see Yin Haojun.

Back in college, he knew it was only ten years, and he had to hurry up and learn something.

Ten years later, he will implement his own plan. When it is successful, he will leave the earth directly. After that, the sea will fly and the birds will fly high.

Failure, Tian Jie is estimated to be his final destination.

Time passed slowly, ten years were just fleeting, and these Uranus were preparing the materials needed for the faculty meeting, and it was difficult for many students to see him.

Inside the college, Quark met a legendary student of the college, his name was Liu Fan.

"You are quark?"

Liu Fan looked at the quark, this was the first time he saw quark.

Quark nodded: "I am, you are Liu Fan, right, I have heard of your name, you are named King Van Gogh, a student who is on par with Su Yu, Yao Jie and other students in the college."

Liu Fan didn't say anything and turned to leave.

But at this time, Quark received a message from Liu Fan: "If you dare to do something harmful to the college, I will kill you."

Quark fluttered, looking at Liu Fan's back, a little dignified.

In a blink of an eye, the day when the faculty meeting began, Quark knew he was going to act.

This time he must succeed.

An hour after the faculty meeting, Quark appeared in the starry sky world created by Hongmeng.

He was too familiar with it, and in less than three seconds, he found the origin of the creation of the trio of stars.

However, he did not dare to fuse the source of the group now, but instead put the source of the group into his own space of knowledge.

He then quickly left the world of stars.

The whole process took less than ten seconds, but he was soaked all over.

This step is really too dangerous.

After he left, he didn't notice the starry world, and his three eyes slowly opened.

"He took away the origin of the three of us."

"Isn't this in our plan."

"The real experiment has begun, and through him, we can understand what the source is."

"I think we should give this plan a name."

"What's your name?"

"What a good source invasion plan!"

"I think it's better to call the mouse plan."



Yin Haojun is very busy recently, because he hasn't extorted the prisoners of all the prisons.

The people who used to be in the prison in the past were too simple. They never thought of benefiting from these prisoners, so Yin Haojun was cheap.

"You are so poor, you are fully fulfilled. At this point in the family, you are not ashamed, and your face is not blushing, how can you still live in the world. In this case, in the future, other people will drink and eat meat, and you will eat buns Drink clear water. "Yin Haojun was in a bad mood.

The great consummation **** in the prison was also aggressive, was he despised?

I am poor, is it still my fault.

Seems like it really is.

At this time, Yin Haojun received the quark's message and pressed the answer button.

"Jun brother, I'm here to see you again."

"Kwa, only you still remember me as a left-behind child, come in quickly, this time bring me something good for this left-behind child."

Yin Haojun said, hurried out to meet the quark.

When the two met, it was natural to have bragging and farting, and this time the quark was indeed prepared and brought a lot of good things to Yin Haojun.

"I heard that there is a conference of faculty and staff at the college. Why aren't you bringing it? After the conference, maybe the college will release many welfare policies for students."

After speaking, Yin Haojun embarrassed and said, "I forgot, you are not a college student."

Quark, he would be a student of Xianxian University, he would like to be a student of Xianxian University in his dreams.

However, Xianxian College clearly stipulates that the students recruited by Xianxian College can only be in the state of cosmic light. Beyond this level, even if you are talented, you cannot become a student of Xianxue College.

"Don't be discouraged, you ca n’t be a student of the college, you still have a chance to become a disciple of the dean. Look at my wife Nicole, now is the dean of the dean's named disciple, not to mention the status of more prestigious, than we students have The board. Even my wife's light now feels like I'm a good person. "

Dean's disciple, Nicole is the only one.

Can there be a board?

The quark had only envy, but he was a little puzzled: "What light have you got from your wife? Why didn't I see it?"

He only regarded Yin Haojun as a student of Xianxian College. He didn't feel that Yin Haojun was superior.

This guy must have put gold on his face.

"Don't you see that, it's all so obvious. My wife Ni is the disciple of the dean, what is the dean, is my wife's master. So-called one-day teacher is the lifelong father, so Nicole is the courtyard My daughter, and I am the son-in-law of the dean. "

Quark was shocked at the moment. Are you the son-in-law of the dean?

you sure?

"So, the dean and I are a family. How can a family speak two things. This college belongs to the dean, but it is also ours. It is also my Yin Haojun. When the dean retires, I'm the first heir, do you understand? "

Yin Haojun said with great excitement and excitement.

But Quark had only one idea at the moment, Yin Haojun died again, and the college is yours, so shameless.

You'd better not let the Dean hear this, otherwise Tian Jie might be your destination.

"Kee, this relationship between me and the dean, you don't want to tell, I want to keep a low profile, do you know that?"

Yin Haojun said, but looking at him, he was obviously afraid.

If this is passed on, the dean may not be looking for him, but many students must fight him out.

The quark is speechless, and you know how to be afraid.

Time was running out, and Quark knew he couldn't wait any longer.

"Yin Haojun!"

"What's wrong, something?"

Yin Haojun drank another glass and looked at the quark strangely: "Why am I a little groggy, your wine is good, it's really big. Wait a minute, I'll do some exercises and let's drink again."

But the divine power works, Yin Haojun finds that his divine power is stagnant and cannot work at all.

He was a little strange: "It's a hell, my divine power doesn't move."

"I'm sorry."

Quark looked at Yin Haojun with shame: "You don't have to try it. I gave you the medicine. Did you know the black market we went to? I bought a god-class dragon whale liquid in it. The dragon whale is a starry giant Beast, ranked 22nd in the Starry Monsters. The urine of the dragon whale can make the limbs weak, and even the divine power can't work in a short time. These seem to be what you told me. Once you used this to complete A-level mission issued by the academy. "

Yin Haojun looked at Quark in shock, he looked a little angry at the moment.

"You should guess what I'm going to do next. Yes, I'm going to deprive the prisoners of the prison that incorporates the laws of the universe. You can sleep here, and when you wake up, I should have Leaving the Earth Confederation, leaving Wuxingshan Star Field. "

"Quark, you ..."

"Sorry, my good brother. I know you must be angry, even killing my heart, see you later in the universe, I will let you take this breath out."

Quark said, standing slowly.

At this moment, Yin Haojun couldn't even stand up. He looked at the quark and said angrily, "I want to kill you, treat me like a brother, and you even give me a pee."

Quark smiled bitterly. Isn't that the point?

He no longer cares about Yin Haojun and walks towards the sky prison. The prisoner positions of the Alliance of Gods and Gods are already clear to him.

"Sir, what are you doing?"

A prisoner who fuses the fragments of the law of the universe's origins is terrified at the moment: "I can feel that you also incorporate the laws of the universe's origins. Do you want to devour my origins?"

"Congratulations, you guessed it."

Quark said, sucking the man over with one stroke, and then pressing one hand against the other's head, he began to deprive the other of their origins.

He already knew how to deprive the source.

"Stop it. I finally practiced to immortality. I don't want to be an ordinary person again."

"What's wrong with being an ordinary person, let alone your immortal realm is not your cultivation, don't struggle."

Quark said lightly, irrespective of the other party's plea: "I did not kill you directly, it is already very good for you."

It might be faster to kill the source, but Quark didn't do that.

After so many years of studying at Xianxian College, he not only learned the practice methods of Xianxian College, but also the culture of Xianxue College, which was deeply affected.

Always have good intentions at all times, this is what Wang Xing taught him.

One prisoner in Heaven Prison was captured by Quark, and the entire Heaven Prison has been filled with sorrow.

Time passed in a day, and Quark came to the barren cell: "I can save you out, but after saving you out, you will take me to the God Alliance."

The fright was terrified: "What do you want to do?"

However, he saw what Quark did. The entire celestial prison more than 20,000 fuses the immortality of the law of origin, and he is completely taken away by him.

He's going to the League of Gods, and it's definitely the idea.

"As long as you agree or disagree? If you agree, I will take you away now. If you disagree, I am like depriving them of origin, but also depriving you of origin, and then you continue to stay here and sit underneath. . "

Quark looked at the wasteland with cold eyes, cold eyes.


"You can refuse."

Quark faintly said, secretly gathered in his hands.

"No, I agree. I don't want to go to jail anymore, as long as you can save me out and let me do whatever I want," the barbaric voice said.


A smile appeared on Quark's face: "Okay, go with me."

With that said, the two walked towards the outside of the prison.

"Quark ..."

Yin Haojun's weak voice sounded, "Let's go, you are not our dean's opponent. Don't come back after you leave."

Quark looked at Yin Haojun, his eyes were moist.

"Yin Haojun, you will always be my best brother."

Quark squeezed Yin Haojun's hand tightly: "But I have to leave, your dean treats me as a research object, as a mouse, if I continue to stay in your college, I feel that after I have no research value in the future, I will Will be killed by your dean. "

He was afraid of death, he had to leave.

Wang Xing has been a mouse for so many years, he is very insecure.

"I can understand, so I don't blame you." Yin Haojun smiled bitterly. "You can rest assured that the dean won't treat me like this, and you don't have any psychological burden. After all, I am the son-in-law of the dean, isn't it?"

"Jun brother, I believe you will be fine, but if your dean punishes you, you better not say his son-in-law, otherwise I worry you will be killed by him." Quark said, opening Yin Haojun His hand resolutely left Tianhe.

Huang followed the quark, excited in his heart, and he was free.

It was only the moment when the wasteland stepped out of the sky prison, suddenly a harsh sound was made in the sky prison.

"Someone escaped, warn, someone escaped!"

Hearing this voice, Quark and Huang were both very different.

not good!

The quark only felt that the formation of Heaven's Prison was excited, and at the same time a figure appeared in the sky, which was Heavenly Emperor.


The quark's face changed drastically, and where did he dare to talk nonsense, grabbing the desert and rushing towards the distance.


"Who is good at breaking into heaven?"

The cold voice of the emperor came, and then a palm fell from the sky, and the golden palms penetrated the space, as if a large mountain was coming towards the quark.

The stars trembled and countless stars shook.

Emperor Tiandi also has the realm of God King, and his blow is enough to penetrate a star field.

"Tiandi, you are just the realm of the **** king. I am also the **** king. It is impossible for you to kill me. I want to go, you can't stop me."

Quark yelled, but patted it with one palm.


Void trembled, and a black hole vortex appeared where the two played against each other.

Quark stepped back hundreds of millions of miles. This shot he barely blocked the attack of the Emperor, in fact, he still fell behind.

After all, the Emperor of Heaven has the highest level of **** king cultivation, and although he also has the high-level **** king cultivation, he does not reach the high-level **** king.

He took the blow from Emperor Tian, ​​and did not dare to stay at all, and flew towards the distance immediately with the wasteland.

"I recognize that you are the dean's research subject, Quark. I didn't expect you to dare to invade Heaven."

The emperor looked at the quark, and grabbed the huge palm towards the quark. There were golden hand shadows in the void. Each of these hand shadows was separated by trillions of miles. Sometimes the first second was still in the galaxy. , The next second has arrived in another galaxy.

"Catch up."

He looked back and exclaimed, "Hurry up, hurry up, I think the dean of the Xian Academy should have learned about it, and when the Dean of the Xian Academy comes over, we really can't get away."

"you shut up!"

Quark was most worried about Wang Xing, and now he was anxious to hear the absurd words.

The emperor has shot, Wang Xing knows that it is not a matter of time.

Thinking of Wang Xing, he just got cold.


The emperor's hand shadow rubbed over the scalp's scalp and only saw where Quark had just stayed.

"It's almost dangerous!"

Quark looked back: "It's okay, we will soon escape from the galaxy, and then the emperor will be unable to attack us."

As long as he is given a second, he can leave the galaxy.

The emperor is only the will of the galaxy. He cannot leave the galaxy at all. As long as he escapes from the galaxy, the space blockade of the emperor will be invalid at that time. As long as he performs a space move, he can directly leave Wuxingshan star domain, and then count This shift can completely escape, and since then the mud cow has entered the sea, and no one can find his trace again.

Come on, come on!

The borders of the Milky Way are in sight.

"Leave me!"

Tiandi also realized this, he manipulated the energy of the entire galaxy, and erected a wall of energy at the border of the galaxy.

When Quark saw it, countless fists blasted towards the wall.

Boom boom!

There were cracks in the wall, but at this moment, Quark felt the crisis.

Seeing only behind him, Tiandi's palm fell down.

The Emperor did not expect this wall to stop the quark, he just wanted to hold the quark.

"not good!"

The quark was caught by the palm of the emperor, only feeling that the whole person was to be crushed into pieces.

His fourth-tier original artifact armor made a clicking noise and cracked.

"I can't die here, I'm leaving."

The quark yelled, his face froze, and he suddenly yelled, "Quark, fire!"

The quark is exactly the godship of quark.

After the quark's voice dropped, only to see beyond the Milky Way, the Godship Quark appeared, and then three artillery shells came straight towards the Milky Way.

These three artillery shells are equivalent to a full blow of the three main gods of the peak realm.

The emperor could not have killed the quark all at once. At this moment, feeling that the galaxy was in crisis, he had to release the quark and intercept it in the direction of three shells.

He is the emperor, the will of the galaxy, and the patron saint of mankind.

Everything must be the first task of protecting humanity.

Killing quarks is only second.

He let go of the quark, where he dared to stop at the moment, and rushed out of the galaxy immediately.

After leaving, he can leave the galaxy immediately.

Unexpectedly, the quark he stayed outside of the galaxy saved his life at a critical time.

The famine is also a joy at the moment, and escaped, really escaped.

Boom boom!

The three artillery shells were intercepted by Emperor Tian. At the moment when Emperor Tian looked again, Quark had gotten rid of his space blockade.

The emperor could not leave the galaxy, and could only watch the two leave.


The quark shouted and he was about to enter the Godship.

But at this moment, the starry sky suddenly fainted, and the space was frozen like a frost.

Quark's body was locked tightly by something, as if he had chained him.

He looked up, only to see a patchwork of countless stars, and it was Wang Xing.

Quark trembled, his body trembling.

His most worried thing happened, Wang Xing really arrived.

But it is not the real body, but an energy clone.

But as a clone, Quark knew he could never be an opponent.

"Quark, you're so disappointed." Wang Xing's energy looked at Quark in a sigh and sighed. "I taught you so many things. I didn't expect you to betray me. You stole me. The research results have also invaded Heaven ’s Prison, depriving so many prisoners of their origins, which is simply inexcusable. Now you obediently follow me back, and I can save you a life. ”

Wang Xing's voice is cold ~ ~ like a god.

The quark had teeth, and he knew how to go back: "No, I do n’t want to go back. You just treat me as a mouse and treat me as a sample of the law of origin. When I have no research value, you will definitely kill me. I To leave the earth, leave the Immortal College. "

He said that he was struggling to run the magical power, but found that he couldn't move at all.

"Don't struggle, it's useless, you are too weak in front of me. I can crush you with just a little finger movement."

Wang Xing looked at the quark as if looking at an ant.

Wang Xing's cultivation may be nothing but the supreme state of God, but his understanding of the universe and his mastery of supernatural powers are already comparable to those of the universe gods.

If his opponent is inferior to him, he can only be suppressed by him without any resistance.

"I don't believe you are just an avatar. Can you really kill me?" Quark shouted.

He felt that he was already very strong, and he was no longer the one 10,000 years ago.

Wang Xing heard this and laughed: "Did you forget how I pulled out a hair to kill the King of God. You are too simple, don't resist again, follow me back."

Listen, why don't you look so good?

Quark felt he was insulted. He yelled at Wang Xing: "You think you know me well and know my full strength, no, I tell you, you are wrong, I still have a trick that can beat your one. Trick. No one can stop me and you can't. "

Speaking, only seeing Quark, who was originally restricted by Rong, dazzled the whole body.

The origin of his mass shook violently, and as his origin shook, the law of the origin of the universe hidden deep in space also shook.

Super Fairy College

Super Fairy College

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