Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1905: Stars are coming out, lore!

To be honest, he didn't know what happened, didn't he destroy an organization called iris.

Why is he in such a big trouble now that he almost killed himself for this, and he is very innocent.

Malina looked at Cisse, knowing that it was no wonder Cisse "You destroyed the Iris Organization, the president of Agatha is a student of Xian College. We underestimated the strength of Xian College, and we also underestimated the situation of Xian College. Gaza attaches importance. We thought that Xian Academy would open one eye and close one eye, and would not be evil with us. But obviously we were wrong. Xian Academy will kill you at all costs, take revenge for Agatha, and even All of their deans have personally shot. "

"It turned out that the dean of the Immortal Academy was the one who shot it later." Cissy said, "What is the strength of the dean of the Immortal Academy that can make the group so frightened, or is the universe **** impossible?"

Speaking, Cisse couldn't go on.

When he saw Malina's solemn look, he was obviously frightened of the dean of the fairy college.

"Yes, you're right. A single hair splits the golden eternal magic wheel of Betheng, the supreme god, and after the group evaluates it, 90% of them have been identified as the fairy college. He has the power of the Cosmic God. "Malina also had a headache at the moment. It was obviously not with the cosmic slave trading group that she wanted to be evil with a Cosmic God.

But this can't blame them, they just do the slave trade.

The students of the Immortal College want to liberate the slaves of the entire universe, which has affected their interests. They can't just watch it.

They want to kill Agatha, and warn Xian Academy, after all, there are too many students in Xian Academy, just like the core layer of their Shenhe Slave Trading Company. It doesn't matter if they die one or two.

Who knows, Immortal College does not play cards according to common sense at all.

There is a kind that you killed me a student, and I will destroy you, which is too unreasonable.

"So, what do I do now, can't you ignore me?" Cisse was so frightened that there was a cosmic **** to deal with himself. If the group doesn't care about him, he still has a way to live, and it will definitely be dead by then No doubt.

He now regrets it too much.

He now understood that he was just a **** in the group's tentative Xian Academy.

However, after the group's temptation, it was found that the strength of Xian Academy was too strong. The tiger's buttocks could not be touched. It was obvious that they did not dare to have a direct conflict with Xian Academy.

If not, he will be the victim.

No. At that time, I was just for a little benefit, and I couldn't just die like that.

At this time, Malina also saw the idea of ​​Cisse, and a light glowing fruit appeared in her hand. "This is a world fruit that is extremely precious. After you use it, you can directly break into the realm of God King. . "

Seeing Daqian World Fruit, Cissy swallowed unconsciously.

There aren't many such treasures in the entire universe. I didn't expect the group to have them, and now I want to reward myself.

He immediately felt that everything he did was worth it.

Malina sneered. "But things aren't so easy to take. Isn't that Su Yu from the Immortal Academy chasing you and killing you in the universe, waiting for you to break through to the realm of God King with Daqian World Fruit, then go out and kill him. Now. "

"What, still to kill?"

He was frightened, and killing an Agatha caused so much trouble. If he kills Su Yu again, there is still a way to live.

Is this a plan to let yourself go on the road to death?

"Xian College seriously violated our interests. Although the group was afraid of the Xian University, it did not say that the group was afraid of them. Letting you kill Su Yu this time is to give the Xian University a warning again and let them know that we Shenhe The slave trade group is not a soft persimmon, "Malina hummed.

In fact, the Shenhe Slave Trading Group was also resentful of such persecution at Xianxian College.

Your immortal college has damaged our interests, and now also destroyed a slave trading company under our group, isn't it taking us too seriously?

When Malina let Cisse break through and kill Su Yu, she wanted to tell Xian Xue Academy not to mess with us, or Su Yu would be the end of your college.

"How are you, dare?"

If Malian smiled, she would take back the world fruit.

At this time, Cisse was reluctant, and hurriedly said, "Dare, why not? I took the task."

In order to break through to the realm of God and King, he didn't care about that much anymore. At that time, he really killed Su Yu. He had to hide and never come out.

Malina was satisfied. "Rest assured, after you kill Su Yu, the group will transfer you to the headquarters. Even if the dean of the Immortal Academy is a universe god, he would not dare to take people at the headquarters of our group."

Hearing this, Cissy was relieved.

However, he thought about it, Cisse still couldn't put all his hopes on the group.


Malina went away, hurried to come, hurried to go.

However, Cissé knew that Malina represented the group, because her identity was the disciple of the group's master.

Cissé continued to hide, and began to break into the realm of God and King, and there was not much time left for him.

Su Yu was still alive. The slave-trap group under the Iron Slave Trading Company was pulled out one by one after he got the location map given by Kellogg.

"Sir, our iris organization has been re-integrated. Next, we will continue to struggle for the slave cause of liberating the entire universe." The deer girl woman rescued by Su Yu said, this is her lofty ideal, and also The significance of their existence as an organization.

Su Yu looked at the members of the iris organization, and to be honest, they were too low.

At present, the highest one is just the perfect state of God.

This strength talks about the slaves that liberate the entire universe, but it is just a stone hitting the stone.

"Isabella, after I killed Cisse, your iris organization will begin a strategic contraction, and no longer have a direct conflict with the Shenhe Slave Trade Group. You can go back to Shenhe and return to us Near the Wuxing Mountain Star Park where the college is located, and then starting from our college, we began to liberate slaves. This will gradually spread to the surrounding library, so that our college can rely on it as a backing, and it should be much safer. " It was his next arrangement for the iris organization.

This Shenhe, where is such a small organization can play.

This time it was just a second-level company under the Shenhe Slave Trading Group, which caused the iris organization to almost disappear from the universe. When did the first-level company under the Shenhe Slave Trading Group go out, or directly from their headquarters? People shot, and even if the iris organization has a supreme **** sitting, it will inevitably be eradicated.

"I see." Isabella thought about it, and she thought it was too radical before the organization.

"Well, there is one more thing. Now our president is dead, I ... we want to ask you to be the chairman of our iris organization, will you?" Isabella suddenly looked at Su Yu with a pleading look, " You are a classmate of the president, and you will not look at the organization founded by the president ... "

Just before her words were finished, Su Yu nodded. "Yes, I will be the new chairman of the Iris Organization until the slaves of the universe are liberated."

Su Yu has made a big wish to inherit the legacy of Agatha. It is also his mission to serve as the chairman of the iris organization and continue the iris organization.

Hearing here, Isabella was overjoyed.

She also saw the strength of Su Yu, and with Su Yu as the chairman of the iris organization, their organization will be more secure in the future.


"Su Yu, I found it."

Three months later, Su Yu received a message from Xia Yumo, "You can make me tired this time. Just giving me such a little information will let me find someone out of the vast universe. Fortunately, I have inherited the inheritance of the Three-Eyed God Monarch. Now it can be regarded as a means, otherwise it will not really succeed. I will send you the position immediately, but I feel that the Cisse seems a little different, so you better be careful.

Xia Yumo's cultivation is not in the level of Jinxian level five, and the Xisai she is looking for is the master **** of Jinxian level six. In fact, it is hard for her.

However, she still found Cisse's position, showing her strengths.

Su Yu received Xia Yumo's teleportation position and was about to leave.

"Su Yu, you must kill that Cissé and take revenge for Agatha." Xia Yumo thought about it, and said something again.

It wasn't that she was not strong enough, she wanted to kill the Cissé herself.

Su Yu didn't respond. He naturally killed Cisse, and this time when he found the other party again, it was the other party's death. "Rest assured, I won't let him run again this time."


Ten days later, Cissy was hiding.

"God King Realm, I also broke through to God King Realm." Cisse felt a bit of excitement in his body.

The Lord God to the God King, I don't know how many people in the universe are stuck here.

There are only 10,000 master gods, and only one person can break through to the realm of the **** king, but now he has broken through, and before that he dare not think about it.

Sure enough, wealth and wealth are in demand.

"Here it is, here." Su Yu also found it here, according to Xia Yumo's position.

He looked at the dark star field before him, his senses shrouded in the past.

But at this time, Cissy felt something, and sneered, "It's a coincidence. I just broke through the realm of the God King, and you came here. But this time, it's you who is going to die."

Speaking, Cisse rose into the sky.

He is already the King of God, what else is he afraid of?

No matter how strong Su Yu is, he is just a master god. A middle-order master **** wants to defeat the **** king. It is almost impossible to practice first-class rules.

This is not possible unless Su Yu cultivates to the half-step **** king realm.

"He broke through?"

Su Yu felt this breath, and she was dignified. "The last time I played against him, I felt that he wanted to break through to the realm of the **** king. It is impossible to have no tens of millions of years. Now it takes only a few months. Breakthrough. If he can break through to the realm of God King, why wait until now? It seems that during this period, someone gave him the treasure to break through. Inferring that, only the Shenhe Slave Trading Group. "

I have to say that Su Yu is too smart.

He inferred a little, and he got the truth of the matter.

"The Shenhe Slave Trading Group did not dare to shoot at me directly, but let Cisse break through to the realm of God King. He wanted Ciss to kill me. It seems that they still want me and Ciss to solve this matter .At that time, even if Cisse really kills me, once things are not under their control, they can also say that everything is Cisse ’s own behavior, leaving himself clean, really a good abacus. . "Su Yu laughed sneer, very despise these intrigues.

To put it bluntly, the Shenhe Slave Trading Group was still a little scared and impressed.

Otherwise, there will never be a room for relapse in this matter.

"Su Yu, today is your death." Cisai's voice came, terrifying.

He checked the information of Xian Academy during this time and already knew that Su Yu was an extremely outstanding student of Xian Academy.

Killing Su Yu is definitely a dangerous time for him.

However, he has no retreat.

He can feel that there is a strong sense of God locked himself, not the dean of Xianxian College, but the group.

He dared to run, absolutely dead.

Of course, the group may also protect him to prevent the dean of the Immortal College from shooting at him suddenly, but he thinks this may be too low.

In many places, many people are paying attention to this matter.

Now Su Yu and Cisse are fighting again, which makes them look forward to it.

After all, this time, Cisse broke through.


Su Yu barely made any nonsense, waving a sword in his hand, and headed for Cisse.

The horrible sword move was shown by him, and there were cracks in the void, and the whole space was full of scars.


Cisse was the same. The sword cut through the void and collided with Su Yu.


Su Yu flew out, and the school uniform was shredded by the divine power from Cisse.

He felt for a moment that the power of Cisse was at least doubled from the last time. Is this the power of the God King Realm?

"The Lord God wants to be the God of War, what a dream!"

Cisse had the upper hand, and he was a little proud at the moment. "Last time you hit me so badly, this time I want to return with interest."

Then, he took the initiative to crush Su Yu.

Many people watching the game are a little speechless, how can you be proud of a **** king against a master god.

Some even began to speculate whether the dean of the Immortal Academy would take another shot. After all, this was an extremely unfair battle.

"Star Gate!"

Su Yu exerted her defensive powers and diverted Cisse's attack.

Following this, he began to counterattack Cisse.

The two kept fighting, although Cisse had the upper hand, but thousands of tricks passed, Su Yu had nothing at all.

"I am a **** king, how can he even break his defense."

Cisse was anxious. So many people watched. One **** king and one master god, but the other party had dealings with himself, which was too shameful.

Su Yu is not in a hurry, he is more patient than anyone.

"This Su Yu is really strong. Last time he could beat Cisse, it really wasn't for no reason." Someone sighed secretly.

Others were the same, shocked.

People like Su Yu are one of the best geniuses in the entire universe.

Everyone admired the Xian Academy a little bit, and they were able to cultivate top talents like Su Yu.

Cisse was pondering, and there was no good way for a while. "In this case, then exhaust your divine power, and you can kill you by then."

Cisse wanted to exhaust his divine power, and Su Yu naturally saw it.

However, Su Yu was not in a hurry at this time. He had a rare opportunity to fight with the King of God. This was definitely a good opportunity to exercise himself.

If you want to use up my magic power, use it up.

The power of the main **** is not as good as that of the **** king, but Su Yu knows her advantage, which is to recover quickly.

Time passed slowly, and Cissy gradually found out that Su Yu was more powerful than him, and Su Yu was a **** king.

"What kind of pervert is this, I am a **** king, how can I not kill you as a master god." Cisse was angry, as if he could not take Su Yu completely, he stopped suddenly, "Su Yu, let's no one else Why can't anyone, I just killed a student in your college, and you also killed my iron slave trade company, how about we reconcile. "

Hearing this, Su Yu smiled.

This is probably the worst person I have ever met, but I just want to reconcile.

The onlookers were also aggressive. This was all right. Before Xisai was aggressive, now that he could not kill Su Yu, he immediately wanted to reconcile.

Su Yu was silent. He guessed that this is also the meaning of the Shenhe Slave Trading Group.

Speaking, Su Yu's eyes were a bit cold.

Star Tower, it's your turn.

Su Yu knew his strength, at best, was equal to that of Xi Sai, but it was impossible to kill Xi Sai.

At this time, you must rely on the Star Tower to be able to slay Cisse yourself.

Cissé presses "What do you say, what else can you do?"

He immediately became a little dignified. I, a **** king, and you, a master god, fought for a long time, but you told me that you still have no hidden means to use, who are the two **** gods.

The onlookers were also a bit surprised. Su Yu also had a hole card, which was too scary.

"Today will kill you."

Su Yu looked at Cisse, already looking at a dead man "Star Tower, come out!"

Just listening to Su Yu shouting, a nine-story pagoda flew from the top of his head and went straight into the void, which was billions of feet high, and instantly blocked the surrounding space for a light year.

Within a light year here, the space became sticky.

Cissé felt the breath passing from the Star Tower, and was astonished. "What level of magic is this ...?"

Other onlookers also exclaimed, magic weapon, they saw an extremely magic weapon.

The star tower is constantly rotating in the void. The nine-spiral nebula above has torn five layers of space directly, and to be able to tear the five layers of space requires at least the cultivation of the realm of the King of God.

Cisse felt a crisis and he kept backing.

Su Yu actually has hidden means, and it is such a terrible magic weapon.


Su Yu shouted, making countless seals in his hands, dazzling to see, and then only saw the star tower in the void flew down, and stabbed towards Cisse, like a sword.

This is the magical power of the first floor of the Star Tower.

Just like a sword, you can directly break through the empty space, pierce the enemy ’s kingdom of God, and kill the enemy.

Cisse kept backing, and he could no longer see the trajectory of the Star Tower.

But in the world of his kingdom, he saw a small tower rushing out of nothingness, and rushed to his kingdom of God severely.


His kingdom of God split; cracks appeared on it.

He hastily urged the power of the kingdom of God, desperately blasted towards the Star Tower, and beat the Star Tower to fly.


A spurt of blood spurted out, and the momentum of the whole person instantly fell to the half-step **** king realm.

Just one move, his kingdom of God was almost destroyed.

All the onlookers were frightened at the moment, which was too scary.

What kind of magic weapon is this? It almost shocked the life of a **** king in one blow.

No wonder there is nothing to worry about at Xianxian Academy. It turned out that Su Yu still had such a hole card. If he took it out early, the cemetery would now grow out.

Everyone looked at Su Yu with some admiration, and the hiding was deep enough.

"You, you ..." Cisse was frightened and was about to run away.

How is this fun? Su Yu has such a powerful magic weapon, he is not an opponent at all.

Unless the Shenhe Slave Trading Group also gave him such a magic weapon, but obviously this is impossible, because this kind of magic weapon has more value than a **** king, even supreme god.

"Stop it!"

Su Yu continued to urge the Star Tower, and this time he felt that he should be able to kill Xi Sai.

Countless seals were knocked out by him again, this time the magic power was smashed, and the star tower was smashed like a big seal. Under this blow, the power of a universe was concentrated on the star tower. Even if it was a **** king, it would be crushed by the smashed **** body and the kingdom of God would collapse.

There is no escape.

The Star Tower was falling rapidly, and Cisse felt that the Star Tower still directly locked his kingdom of God, making him unable to escape.

"Help, help!"

Cissa shouted, and could only ask for help at this moment, or he would really die.

Does anyone dare to save Cisse?


A big hand suddenly appeared, and somebody actually shot it.

Cissé was overjoyed, "Save me, save me."

Countless onlookers are also dumbfounded, really saved?

But who knows that the big hand said he was coming towards Cisse, but he wiped him directly past him, completely ignored him, and then grabbed him toward the star tower.

Cissy was instantly messed up. It didn't seem to be for me at all, but for the treasure.

Everyone else also looked at each other ~ ~ Do you still bring this?

Su Yu felt that there was a kind of star tower to be out of his control. At this moment, it was also anxious, and she wanted to take back the star tower.

But it was too late.

The big hand had banned the star tower, and a force directly controlled the star tower.

It was also at this time that the same little black sword broke through the void, breaking through the void, and the sword Qi was vertical and horizontal for several light years, and towards the big hand was cut off.

"Dare to take the treasure, really looking for death!"

Wang Xing's voice came. He had been staring here for a long time, seeing that the people behind the Shenhe Slave Trading Group had shot.

The little black sword was cut down, only to see what the big hand covering the sky realized, and it retracted quickly, but it was too late, and only a click was heard, and the hand was cut down.

Then the little black sword was Yu Wei's unabated, and even caught up directly.

An infinite voice from the headquarter of the Shenhe Slave Trading Company came an angry voice "No!"

Immediately after that, they saw only a small black sword cut directly on top of their headquarters building, and this headquarters building immediately raised a defense to resist the sword.

However, when the power of this sword was exhausted, the gate of the Shenhe Slave Trading Company was cut in half.

I don't know if it was intentional, or it was so coincidental.


A follower's consciousness couldn't help but laugh. "It's a real laugh at me. You still want to win a treasure. Almost all the old nests were killed."

"The seventh beast ancestor!"

In the headquarters, a person rose up to the sky, but looking at the gradually healing space, hesitated again and again did not dare to go out.

The sword just made him feel terrible, he may not be the opponent.

ps is the third more today, for support!

Super Fairy College

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