Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1906: Will kill you

Ancestral Beast Palace, the consciousness of the seventh beast ancestor returns.

It was him who just peeped, and he saw that the headquarters of the Shenhe Slave Trading Company was almost lifted, and he was indeed in a good mood.

To be honest, he also looked down on those of the Shenhe Slave Trading Company.

But now that he calmed down, he only felt a little scary. The sword was really scary.

He felt that under the fourth beast ancestor, no one should be able to catch that sword.

The Universe God of Xianxian Academy is very strong!

After a deep groan, he immediately went out. This matter must be discussed with other beast ancestors.

When Su Yu returned to God at this moment and looked at Cisse again, he found that this guy had already fled.

However, this time is no better than the previous one. In order to prevent Cisse from escaping, Su Yu has long left his mark on Cisse.

"If you can escape this time, I will write Su Yu's name upside down."

Su Yu said, chasing in the direction of the sensed mark.

He even revealed the Star Tower this time. If Cisse could not be killed again, it would be a shame.

In the void, Su Yu can sense a consciousness, which is very aggressive and seems to tear him in half.

However, the master of this consciousness finally held back and did not take any action.

"Malina, why don't you try it? The dean of Xianxian Academy may not do it again." A frivolous voice came from Yanyue, and she shouted at someone at a time. It was noticed that there was also a Supreme God hidden there.

Malina, the supreme **** of the Shenhe slave trading company, was also one of the disciples of the most powerful.

At this time, everyone else also looked at the joke. Your master was shot with palms by others, and he was almost overturned by the headquarters. Do you dare to shoot?

Do you dare?

Malina was gritting her teeth at this moment, she really didn't dare.

If such a sword were to come towards her, she would surely die, this is not the time to be impulsive.


Malina flashed and left.

She didn't dare to step in, and then Cisse was dead or alive, it depends on her own fortune.

She left like this, and everyone understood that Shenhe Slave Trading Co., Ltd. did not dare to intervene in this matter.

Su Yu chased Cisse straight away, he was still very confident.

Manipulating the star tower, tearing the space, is like a meteor breaking through the galaxy, his speed is much faster than Cisse.

"I finally practiced to the level of the God King, and I can't just die like that. Damn Fairy Academy, didn't I just kill one of your students, did you kill me like this? God of the universe, and what level do you not know Magic weapon, really deserves me too. "

Cisai was anxious and angry again.

"On the Shenhe universe, there is definitely no room for me, because no one will do anything to save me. The only place I can go is the alien. As long as I get to the alien's site, I may not be able to survive." Xisai calculated Now, he is heading straight for the battlefield of floods, where there are tens of billions of alien warriors. "Fortunately, I have already made some preparations and told the aliens that I should rely on them. I left myself a back road. If I really put all my hopes in the Shenhe Slave Trading Company, I would really wait to die now. "

Looking at the direction of Cisai, Su Yu also realized something.

This guy has to take refuge in an alien race!

The aliens trust in the life of the Shenhe universe, especially at the level of the **** king, it is certainly welcome.

The two ran one ahead and the other chased behind. The speed had already surpassed the speed of light, especially under the shift, and tens of thousands of light years passed in an instant.

The flood battlefield is getting closer.

Xi Sai was overjoyed, and looking towards the back, Su Yu was less than three breaths away.

Time was still very urgent. Without hesitation, he rushed directly into the flood field, and suddenly the entire flood field was alerted.

Seeing this, Su Yu knew that it would be too late. At this moment, he dared to hesitate. His heart flew, and the star tower in his hand flew out, smashing towards the space barrier of the flood field, and went straight through the space barrier of the flood field. .


The space barriers of the Honghuang Battlefield were blasted out, and suddenly all the soldiers in the Honghuang Battlefield saw it.

Only to see the void above their heads, the space barriers shattered, a nine-story pagoda with a height of 90 million feet tore the space, and swept across it severely towards one place.

Cisse looked up and saw the Star Tower coming towards him.

At this moment, he was astounded. What level of magic weapon was it, even the space barriers of the flood battlefield could be opened.

At this moment, Cisse was frightened, and punched out towards the Star Tower, but his bombardment fell on the Star Tower and disappeared immediately.


He was smashed by the Star Tower and flew out. He smashed directly and his blood spurted out.

There are cracks in his kingdom of God.

"what's the situation?"

"What magic weapon is that and how did you get here?"

"What's going on, go and tell the commander!"


Abraham, the current commander of the flood field, received all the news three minutes ago.

At this moment he looked at the magic star tower that tore the space, and it was full of dignity.

Behind the Star Tower, he saw Su Yu wearing the school uniform of Xian Academy. At this moment, Su Yu came from the broken space. Although only the cultivation of the realm of the Lord God, the momentum was no less than a supreme one.

"Chief commander?"

The Supreme Council of the Machinery Association spoke, and it seemed to be saying that we would not care about this situation.

The others were supreme, and looked strange.

Abraham gave a cough and said lightly: "This is the grudge of the Immortal College and the Shenhe Slave Trading Company. The Shenhe Slave Trading Company does not care what we care about."


Immediately someone was exclaimed. Was it the people of the Immortal College and the Shenhe Slave Trading Company who suddenly entered the flood?

What's more, the Shenhe Slave Trading Company doesn't care what it means?

"Yanyue, should you be very clear?" Abraham looked at Yanyue, who had just arrived. The aunt and grandmother could go to see the fun early in the morning, even hiding him.

"Clear, too clear. The scene that just happened on the luna continent is really shocking. The dean of the Xian Academy shot from the air and cut off the palm of the Shenhe Slave Trading Company with a sword. Even the gates of the Shenhe Slave Trading Company's headquarters were smashed. "She said, looking at the other Supreme League Cameron of the League of God, and the highest Highlander Philan and An of the Temple of the Father. Tell.

Kilfield and Antonton trembled, a little scared.

"The Shenhe Slave Trading Company, you mean?" Bemis of the Cosmic Arena pondered for a moment.

If it was that, it would be really scary.

But when she saw Yanyue, she seemed to be talking about that.

"You guessed it right, the one who was respected as the master of slavery." Yan Yue slowly said at this time.

Lord of Bondage!

Cosmic God!

Even if one of the universes is not the strongest, it can rank in the middle-level universe gods.

Everyone took a breath of air at this time, that the Immortal Academy actually tenderly cut off one hand of the master of slavery. Doesn't that mean that the ability of the Immortal Academy to do battle in a long-distance way is better than the master of slavery.

Kilfilan and Antler were a bit ugly at the moment. They and the Xianxian Academy had a strong hatred. Before that, they wanted to **** the Xiandao Army. But the stronger the dean of the Xianxian Academy is, the more disadvantageous they are.

No wonder Yan Yue just looked at them that way, it turned out that this was intentionally told to them.

"So, let's not interfere in this matter, just watch it quietly." Abraham said lightly, looking at him, really gave him a small bench, a bucket of popcorn, and he could really take this as one A movie.


Su Yu saw that Cissy was not killed by a blow, manipulated the Star Tower, and performed the third supernatural power of the Star Tower.

I only saw the dazzling light shining from the entire star tower, just like a knife, headed straight for Cisse, the huge sword gas broke through the void, but the escaped sword gas tore five layers of space .

Cisse was horrified, and the scenes he saw were completely different.

He only saw that the Star Tower turned into a sword and directly entered the world of his kingdom, and at this moment, he would cut off his kingdom.

"help me!"

He yelled in the direction of the alien.

Just after his voice fell, there really appeared a few breaths of the Supreme God.

Cissé felt it, and immediately rejoiced: "Quickly, save me, as long as you save me, I will join your alien race in the future, I can be a dog for you, as long as I can survive."

At this moment, Cisse was totally desperate.

What dignity, what face, what counts in front of his own life.


Yan Yue couldn't help but despise the Tao. It is no wonder that such a person could not become a **** king for so many years. The root cause is here.

The opposite strong man hesitated for a moment and shot decisively.

An alien tearing the space to the highest, grabbing the past toward Cisse and trying to rescue him.

"I want to save people and asked us."

Said Jiang Lan, flying up, a sword beheaded towards the alien.


The void exploded, and this man was blocked by Jiang Lan, but then two other aliens shot high.

"Dare to come!"

Qin Yu and Piao Yu Tianzun also shot at this time, especially Piao Yu Tianzun also stretched out a hand and grabbed an alien's supreme hand.

"Break me!"

I only heard Piao Yu Tianzun yell, the palm of the alien was broken, and someone screamed immediately from the alien.

At this time, the aliens were also fierce.

It turned out that four other aliens shot, and they all swore.

Seeing this scene, Su Yu knew that it was impossible for the Immortal College to have supreme gods in the flood and battlefield. If the aliens rescued Xisai, the immortal college ’s face would be lost.

He thought for a moment, and screamed angrily: "The alien Supreme God shot, if the Supreme God of the Alliance sits idly by, he will wait for the dean of our college to come, and if he can't kill Cisse, he will kill you."

Su Yu's voice was very loud, almost spreading throughout the flood field.

Can't kill Cisse, kill you! !! !!

Even Abraham was trembling at this moment. It was really fake. The dean of the Immortal College had such courage.

Seeing this, Su Yu continued: "You do n’t take action against aliens. According to the rules of the League of Gods, they are considered to be the same sin! Killing you, even the League of Gods has nothing to say. One who does not take the shot counts as one and will kill you ! "

As soon as this word came out, Abraham and others changed their looks.

If they watched the aliens rescue Cisse, they did violate the rules of the League of Gods.

Abraham gritted his teeth, and was also afraid at the moment. The dean of the Immortal College dared to shoot at the Shenhe Slave Trading Company in order to kill a Cissé. What did they think of it?

It is not impossible to kill them.

"Interracial arrogance, stop them!"

Abraham yelled and took the lead.

The others were supreme, including those of the Patriarch, hesitated and all shot.

Twelve supreme shots at the same time, the supreme side of the alien race immediately retreated, where can you dare to take action.

Su Yu smiled and looked at the Cisse below. The Star Tower beheaded and cut directly into his kingdom.

Cisse looked at the direction of the alien position. At the moment when the alien retreated, he was already full of despair ~ ~ At this moment, watching the star tower chopped down, a mouthful of blood sprayed out: "I He died here, not willing to ... I regret it, I regret it ... "

But before he finished speaking, the Star Tower fell from the sky and hit him directly, smashing his body into pieces.

Cisse, die!

Everyone who saw this scene was a little dignified.

Cisse is just a **** king, but because of angering the Xian Academy, he finally killed him at such a great cost.

After returning to God, everyone looked at Su Yu again, full of admiration.

Su Yu is just a master god, but at such a crucial time, he dared to threaten the Supreme Gods and force them to take action.

Abraham took a deep breath and looked at Su Yudao: "You're called Su Yu, I remember you."

Several other Supreme Gods also looked at Su Yu and left.

This time they were threatened by Su Yu and forced to take a shot. They also lost face.


Su Yu arched her hand towards Jiang Lan, expressing her gratitude: "Agatha's body is still with me, and I will take it back to bury her, and the dean is waiting for me to return to life, so I will go first. "

Jiang Lan waved his hands to make Su Yu be careful on the way.

"It is indeed some of the students in the college, even the highest **** dare to threaten, terrible." Piao Yu Tianzun smiled, if you change to someone else, how dare to say 'kill you' to the highest god, but Su Yu said I have said it more than once.

Su Yu is indeed Su Yu, without the face of Dixian Academy.

The immortal college already knew everything that happened. I saw that outside the galaxy, there were enough tens of thousands of college students to come and greet themselves.

They did not greet Su Yu, but greeted Agatha.

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