Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1909: Advertise

Yao Jie also heard whispers from many people around him at this time.

"It won't be long before this alien Wright is arrogant. I heard that the prince Weixi, the main **** of the ancestral palace, will shoot today."


"Yes, the lord of the ancestral beast is the twenty-seventh son of the realm, and has the blood of the nineteenth dragon and tortoise in the starry beast list."

"It's great. I won this time. I can finally raise my eyebrows and exhale once."


Yao Jie listened to these people and muttered, "Dragon Turtle? What the **** is it? If he shoots, what else is there for me? Such a good opportunity to be in the limelight, should we watch and slip away from me? "

He looked at it, and that Westy hadn't come yet, the shelf was quite big.

Is Weixi the Son of the Ancestral Palace?

Yao Jie thought of someone, Zhang Xiaomeng of the college.

He turned his eyes and immediately contacted Zhang Xiaomeng: "Xiao Meng, Xiao Meng, are you there, please answer if you are."

After one time, there was no response.

Yao Jie didn't give up, he did it again, and then a third time.

Finally, Zhang Xiaomeng seemed a little impatient over there, and responded: "Yao Jie, what are you doing?"

Yao Jie heard Zhang Xiaomeng's voice, and he smiled: "Xiaomeng, don't you be so irritable? I heard you have also arrived in the flood field, and you said that the two of us are also classmates. May I greeting you, shouldn't you? "

When Zhang Xiaomeng heard this, ten thousand did not believe it.

You guys Yao Jie can mingle with Yin Haojun, it's not profitable and can't afford to be too early, and will give me a free greeting.

"Say, what the **** is it. It's all right, I can hang up."

Zhang Xiaomeng seemed a little impatient. She had already guessed that Yao Jie would be fine with her.

Zhang Xiaomeng was about to hang, and Yao Jie was anxious.

He hurriedly said, "Xiao Meng, don't you, I'm not here to find something for you. I heard that you have a son named Weixi in your ancestral palace. Today he is going to fight against the alien Wright. What do you say? Can you? I saw that Wright, it was really great, this Westy is definitely not an opponent. So for his safety considerations, I suggest you don't let him fight. "

Zhang Xiaomeng froze, you haven't seen Wei Xi, you know he is not an opponent?

You're treating me like a child.

"Yao Jie, Wei Xi's strength is still not weak. If he shoots, even if he can't say that he can definitely win, Liu Cheng's certainty is still there." Zhang Xiaomeng still knows about Wei Xi's strength, "Thank you Your kindness, if you have nothing else, that's it. "

Yao Jie was speechless when he heard this.

"Xiao Meng, don't you understand what I mean?"

"What do you mean?"

How did Zhang Xiaomeng feel that there was something in Yao Jie's words, that Weixi couldn't. Is it necessary to change the ancestral palace to another person? Yao Jie was too worried about it.

When it comes to race wars, what do you mix in with?

Yao Jie felt that Zhang Xiaomeng's IQ must be problematic, and he simply said: "Xiao Meng, the alien Wright is so arrogant, bullies our Divine Universe and nobody kills the genius of the 19 main divine realms of our Divine Universe, These geniuses are all hopeful to become **** kings. It is a pity that they die. It is a pity, hateful. You say who is capable of turning the tide at this time, and you say who this person is, that is the League of Gods. The hero of the universe. "

Zhang Xiaomeng was speechless, and finally understood what Yao Jie meant.

Dare, you want to be a hero, right?

It's crazy!

"And it also means supreme honor. If you think about the current situation of our college in the flood field, the name of this flood field is taken up by our dean. Even if our teacher Jiang Lan was still the general manager of the League of Gods, Yes, but now our fairy college is still in the flood field, some people will soon forget our existence. Therefore, if our college students can stand up and defeat this Wright, our college will return to the peak in the flood field, It can also greatly promote our college. Besides ... "

Yao Jie talked endlessly. After speaking thousands of words, Zhang Xiaomeng was speechless.

Don't you just come up with the limelight and say what you are doing so tall.

"Say, what do you want me to do?"

Zhang Xiaomeng sighed. Why did she have no resistance when she talked about the college?

Zhang Xiaomeng, you are still the maiden of the ancestral beast palace.

"Hey, that Westy shouldn't come yet, you can knock him on the sap to make him unable to come, and then I can play coquettishly." Yao Jie stated his purpose, no matter how insignificant it was .

Zhang Xiaomeng was stunned, really shameless.

Yao Jie, you are the president of Xianmeng League. No wonder the style of Xianmeng has always been a problem.

"how about it?"

Yao Jie was looking forward to it, and it was time for him to show his might.

"I can't do such a trivial thing with a sap, but I have a way to stop Weisi from passing."

"It would be great."

Yao Jie was so excited that he didn't bother to ask Zhang Xiaomeng how to keep Weixi from coming.

On the field.

"Who are the waste of the League of Gods universe, who dares to fight me!"

At this time, Wright looked at the League of Gods Universe and sneered at it: "What genius of the League of Gods is just a bunch of waste. You garbage races have no right to survive at all. I urge you to give this universe directly We are aliens so that we aliens can leave a way for you to live and make a place for you, so that you won't be completely exterminated. "

Hearing this, everyone was filled with indignation.

What is the purpose of arranging a piece of land? This is because we want to raise us as livestock.

It's really vicious.

In the position of the Orc Alliance, Westy also heard this, but his face was not angry, but he was a little excited: "Keep on, the more vicious you say, the more I can beat you when I defeat you Remember my name. Haha, this is a great opportunity for Weixi to become famous in World War I, but I have been waiting for this day for a long time. "

Weixi, the more excited he becomes.

He is about to become famous, and it's really exciting to think about the fame of the universe ever since.

"Brother Weixi?"

But at this time, a voice came and saw only Zhang Xiaomeng's money coming.

Wei Xi looked at Zhang Xiaomeng and said at this time: "Sister Xiaomeng, that Wright is too arrogant. You wait for me to kill him and correct the name of our God Union universe genius."

He said, more proud.

Zhang Xiaomeng shook his head at this time: "Brother, how can this kind of thing let you go, I go, I must go!"

When Weixi heard it, he said it was worse.

Although this little Meng is still a few points behind him, the actual strength may be better than himself.

Zhang Xiaomeng was going, maybe there would be nothing for him.

Wei Xi looked at Zhang Xiaomeng, and his face was not good for a moment. Fortunately, Zhang Xiaomeng was so bad that he wanted to grab my chance to become famous.

It's too bad, it's really too bad.

"Sister, this kind of dirty work must be me!"

"No, I must come!"

"You just want to grab my limelight!"

"I'm thinking about the safety of my brother. Brother, if the door is dead, you will avenge your sister again."

"Don't block the way!"

"I'll stop the road. If you don't let me go, you won't go."


Talking, the two even got into a fight.

Yao Jie saw that Wei Xi had not appeared at this time, and everyone's mood was almost the same. It was time to play on his own.

He was a little excited and was about to rise.

But at this time, a person was one step ahead of him and rushed directly into the canyon.

Yao Jie, who was about to fly away, was dumbfounded and couldn't help but say, "Well, where did you come from?"

But the people on the League of God ignored these, and when they saw someone fighting, they cheered.

Yao Jie is a little speechless, can this still be the first to get on board?

It's over, it's over.

He planned so well for nothing, and invited Zhang Xiaomeng to hold Weixi.

What the **** is that, Dad, I owe Zhang Xiaomeng for nothing.

On the field, Wright was also stunned. He also received news that a son of the ancestral palace would fight him today. To be honest, for this battle, he learned a lot about Weixi. Weixi has the blood of the dragon and tortoise, and has a strong defense. What are the disadvantages of the several immortal-level secrets practiced ...

But now, Wei Xi hasn't come at all, and this suddenly appeared person, he didn't even know it.

He looked at the man and frowned. "Who are you?"

He felt the other person's breath was strong and obviously not weak.

At this moment, his body flickered, and he was wearing a Star Bank clothes: "In Lower Brabant, he is the deputy director of the advertising department of the League of Legends Star Bank, responsible for the promotion of Star Bank's business. , The bank with the highest security and the largest audience. All transactions are guaranteed at Star Bank. Star Bank escorts your funds safely. When you choose Star Bank, you choose the future. Star Bank, you can trust. "

Wright is dumbfounded, I just ask who you are, so much for your introduction?

Not only Wright, but the people in the League of Gods are also a little dumbfounded.

What is this doing? Promote your business and advertise Star Bank here. This is too 666.

"Brabant, are you going to fight me?"

Wright took a deep breath at this time, very angry, he felt that he had been humiliated and humiliated, and the guy on the other side did not take him seriously.

Brabban nodded characteristically: "Okay, let's fight, I will let you know the power of the deputy director of Star Bank's advertising department."

Wright was about to growl, can we stop talking about Star Bank?

Damn, the atmosphere of a good war was completely changed now.

On the God Alliance universe, many people are secretly applauding, yes, just do it, don't take this Wright seriously.

Wright was trying to say something, but suddenly his face changed: "Brabant, although your breath is well hidden, but if my news is OK, you should be a **** king."

Brabant stunned, then nodded.

He is not the King of God. It is too easy to check his words, and many people see here and immediately show contempt.

At this time, Wright suppressed the urge to kill in his heart. He felt that this Brabant had come to play with him: "I only fight with the Lord God in the same realm, don't you know my rules?"

Brabant scratched his head. "Is that so?"

He looked around, and many people showed contempt.

How could you be a **** king to stand up and fight against a master god? If the **** king can make a shot, where can I get you.

At this time, there was already someone outraged over the alien race.

"Go down, get down."

"Shameless, really shameless."

"These wastes of the League of Gods are really shameless. I want to kill them all."


Brabant also looked ashamed when he had just learned about it: "I'm so sorry, I haven't figured out the rules. However, the soldiers of the League of Gods, all the wealth you have obtained in the extraterritorial battlefield must be Choose to have Star Bank, because Star Bank ... "

"Go down, go down ..."

"What the **** is this shameless god, Star Bank is also famous."

"Yeah, it's really shameless. I still don't forget to advertise Star Bank."


Brabant retired, but when he left, everyone could see that he was very proud.

This guy is here to advertise, he is intentional.

Wright's face was gloomy, and so were many alien **** kings. This Brabant's consumption of Wright was really hateful. He had the opportunity to kill this shameless guy.

"If no one in the League of Gods ..."

Wright looked coldly at this moment, and the immortals of the League of Gods universe avoided him.

It's really shameful. There isn't even a man who dares to fight in the Universe universe.

Yao Jie learned to be smart at this time, and dare not wait any longer, otherwise no one knows whether there will be any neurosis to fight Wright: "Who said that the League of God is no longer, I will meet you."

With that said, Yao Jie's figure flickered as if teleporting to the opposite of Wright.

Looking at Yao Jie, Wright sensed Yao Jie's breath. This time it was confirmed that the realm of the Lord God is undoubted. It is not like Brabant just now ~ ~ It is obviously for fear of being discovered that he is the Lord God and let himself The advertisement was not successful, so the atmosphere was hidden.

"who are you?"

Wright looked at him. This person is not Wei Xi either. Doesn't it mean that Wei Xi of that ancestral palace will fight?

What kind of cow, ghost, and snake gods are these? Is it so unreliable for you to speak in the League of Gods?

"Oh, oh, I am a third-year student at Xianhua University. I am ashamed that I have n’t graduated yet." Yao Jie said, arching his hands around him. Those who are not higher than Zhou Guangjing can go to Xianxian College for entrance examination. Once they pass the assessment, they will become Xianxue students, and they will be outstanding in the future. Of course, every immortal would like to be a teacher of Xianxue College ... "


Wright is going crazy, can't help but growl, you're here to advertise, right?

Have you taken me seriously? This is a decisive battle between the League of Gods and the pinnacle of the alien race.

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