Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1908: Be famous early

Che Houyi did not understand Pangu, and finally thought about being too lazy to care about this simple-headed guy.

He is willing to go to drive it!

Ten thousand years after Pan Gu left, the college's son-in-law teacher found Wang Xing.

"Dean, you still control Pangu. Since he left the college for 10,000 years, he has been developing the world. Now he has opened more than one million small universes around the galaxy." Son-in-law was a little bit frustrated, and she too This time when I went to Pangu for advice, I discovered what Pangu was doing.

Opening up the world constantly, opening up one after another, this is exactly what you think.

After Wang Xing heard it, he was still a little bit crying.

If more than one million small universes were opened in ten thousand years, wouldn't it be necessary to open more than one year? This is too fast.

"Well, I know, I'll go and talk to Pangu."

Wang Xing said, the figure left the college as soon as the figure flashed, and the son-in-law thought and followed him.

I saw that in a world, Pangu held a giant axe and chopped down into the empty space. The yin and yang separated, the water and the sky separated, the cosmic crystal wall system began to form, and the stars began to form ... a small universe visible to the naked eye slowly Evolved.

Wang Xing was surprised. Pan Gu's method of opening up the world contained too many universe roads.

Now Wang Xing feels that some great **** Pangu is buried.

"Pan ancient division, take a break."

Wang Xing interrupted Pan Gu's move, and Pan Gu saw that it was Wang Xing coming over, knowing that he could control him, and stopped immediately.

He stood aside and put away the axe.

Wang Xing looked at that axe. What a magic weapon, but now it is not the same.

"This axe is rolled."

Wang Xing sighed. If Che Houzhen saw a mid-level eternal magic weapon that he had worked hard to build, it would have been used like this, and he might vomit blood.

The son-in-law followed and looked a little distressed at the axe.

Pan Gu scratched his head, but was a little dissatisfied: "This axe is not working, I use it unsuccessfully. If the dean can give me my apocalyptic axe, I can open it twice as fast."

Wang Xing suddenly didn't know what to say, and you thought it was bad to abandon the axe.

It's good to have it.

However, when it comes to opening the axe, it is indeed a very good magic weapon, and it should be regarded as the standard of Pangu.

It only takes time for the system to create magic weapons. Wang Xing is now seizing the time to allow the system to create some magic weapons for students to use, so there is no time for Pangu to create a **** of axe.

After creating the Star Tower and Pangu, the system is now creating two magic weapons.

One is a thirty-three heavenly treasure from the immortal world. This treasure is made by the immortal king of immortality in the immortal world, and can communicate the power of creation.

The book describes that the thirty-three Heavenly Treasures are actually the town's ring, the cover of the sky wheel, the extermination of the sword, the sky sword, the sky stick, the sky spear, the sky bridge, the glorious bracelet, the heavenly crown, the battle sky axe, Sky furnace, Skyclaw, Skylock, Skyscraper, Skyscraper, Residual map, Huatianjia, Shocking bell, Optimus Prime, Zhitianmen, No sky umbrella, Devouring sky, Hidden sky clothing, Thirty-three inestimable treasures, including the Tibetan Tiandou, the virtual sky hook, the sky gun, the deadly bow, the sky arrow, the celestial hammer, Zhou Tianyi, Dongtian eye, and so on. At the time of launching, Baoguang turned into thirty-three caves, layer by layer, and each layer was denser than the other. It can be described as powerful, and once killed Huang Quan emperor with one hit.

Its order is almost the same as that of the Star Tower, and it also reaches the high-end eternal magic level.

It takes 90,000 years to create the system.

Wang Xing created this magic weapon to reward Yao Jie, and Yao Jie practiced the law of immortals. This magic weapon really matched him well.

In addition, a magic weapon still being created by the system is the ancient snake charm from the King of the World Swallowing Heavenly King. It has a total of 3,000 ways, relying on this treasure to devour refining all things, there is no such thing as unrefinable existence.

In addition, relying on this treasure to turn into a chaotic ancient snake, even the vast immortal realm can also be swallowed into the belly of the snake.

Wang Xing intends to create this magic weapon, naturally it is intended to Liu Fan.

Liu Fan practiced the law of engulfing, and then there was the magic weapon of the ancient snake charm, which would definitely complement each other at that time.

To create the ancient snake rune, the system also needs 85,000 years, and the two magical pieces add up to nearly 200,000 years.

At that time, Wang Xing will recruit Yao Jie and Liu Fan into the graduate department just as Su Yu specially entered the graduate department. At that time, these two magic weapons will also be rewarded.

"After waiting for more time, I will create the axe for you." Wang Xing thought about it, and it will definitely take tens of thousands of years to create the axe for the sky. "But then again, Pan ancient division, why are you so Obsessed with creating the world? "

The son-in-law is the same. What is the use of you to create so many small universes. When the law of the universe's origin collapses for the third time, all these small universes will be destroyed.

Pan Gu looked at the world he created, and he became a little obsessed with it: "No why, I just like it. I feel like I have to do this."

Wang Xing was speechless for a moment. The genes of this open sky are estimated to have been imprinted in Pangu's genes.

How can you persuade such a teacher?

Of course, he is not advised, and he must be encouraged. Wang Xing already has an idea.

"That ... Pan Gu Shi, although Kaitian makes you very happy, but you can't forget your teaching task. So, I will arrange some students for you when I go back, and let them follow you to learn Kaitian, when will you Having taught them, I will let them open the sky with you. If you want to have a hundred students open the sky with you, you could only create one hundred small universes a year, and now you can create one Ten thousand small universes, one hundred million can be created in ten thousand years. "Wang Xing said, like a hobby that supports Pangu very much.

Pan Gu calculated it carefully, it really is.

There are so many people who open the sky with themselves, and they are not alone anymore.

After returning to the college, Wang Xing immediately notified the college that Pangu was going to open a course to create the world. Students from both the high school and university departments could register. In a flash, more than 3,000 students signed up.

Then, Wang Xing gave the students to the son-in-law and asked the son-in-law to lead the students to see Pangu Kaitian.

The son-in-law can see clearly, where did these students learn to open the sky, but to learn the various avenues displayed in the process of opening the sky in Pangu.


Seventy thousand years later, the flood battlefield.

The two sides were deadlocked. At this time there was no major war, but some local fighting continued.

Extraterrestrial battlefield, somewhere.

"Have you heard that the crystal family's Leiner has won again. Hera, the genius **** from the Machinery Association, was killed without supporting a hundred moves in the crystal family's hand. "The captain of the Great Alliance God of Perfection sighed." It's too strong, then a huge sword in Rainer's hand fell, even the first-level **** king did not dare to fix it. "

Hearing the words, the others sighed secretly.

Although the aliens are powerful, they did not expect to be so powerful that even the geniuses of the eight major forces of the League of Gods could kill them within a hundred strokes.

"Tomorrow Nai Laina intends to continue to invite battles. I heard that as long as he is also in the realm of the Lord God, he does not refuse to come."

"Invincible in the same realm!"

Everyone looked at each other. Then, is there anyone in the League of God to fight?

Divine Alliance Army, somewhere.

Abraham, as the head coach, also had some headaches at the moment: "Now the two sides are deadlocked again. It would be nice if you did n’t commit me, and I do n’t commit you, but who knows that the crystal family has made such a weird thing in the name of challenge. There are some great potential gods on our side. From Narina, we have already died nineteen master gods who are likely to become **** kings. But looking at the meaning of the alien, there is no intention to stop, this If it continues, the shame is small, and there will be more God Union universe geniuses killed, this loss is really too great. "

Is this a trick?

It's not a challenge at all. The aliens rely on their talents to justify the genius of the League of Gods in this way.

Bud hummed at this time: "What a challenge, this is a war, and I will kill that Rainer tomorrow."

Today Hera, the genius of the Machinery Association, was killed, but he was suffocated.

Originally, he thought that Hera could win and give him a boost, but who knew that even without a hundred moves, Hera was killed.

"The alien gods are also watching. As soon as you shoot, they will shoot, and it is impossible to give you a chance to kill Rainer." Abraham shook his head. In fact, he shot a little to kill Rainer. Non-exclusion, if there is a suitable opportunity, he will take the shot, and there is no need to care about bullying, because this is war.

The enemy's genius is to be killed, and it is to be killed in the bud.

But now, there is no such opportunity.

"Tomorrow, the genius of our orc alliance, Wessie, will take the shot, and we will surely kill this Bahrain at that time." Yan Yue slowly said at this time, and hearing the name of Wsie, the other supreme gods were also surprised.

Weixi is a saint of the ancestral beast palace of the orc alliance.

Among all the main gods in the Ancestral Palace, the Virgin and Child are ranked 17th.

Such a genius is considered a top genius in the League of Gods Universe, and Hera, who was killed today by the Machinery Association, is simply incomparable to Wei Xi.

"The Son of the Orc Alliance fired, and the battle was stable." Abraham breathed a sigh of relief.

He had known Rainer, and he was not at the forefront of the crystal genius. Weixi's victory over Rainer should still be great.


Among the immortal college positions.

Jiang Lan, Qin Yu, and Piao Yu Tianzun are all there.

"Yao Jie, where have you been recently?" Jiang Lan looked at the person in front of him. Since Yao Jie came to the extraterritorial battlefield, he has met Yao Jie twice, and the dean instructed him to pay special attention to Yao Jie. , Don't let him accidentally be slaughtered by the alien supreme god.

As for why it was not killed by the alien **** king, to be honest, it is not so easy for the **** king to kill Yao Jie.

Yao Jie shouted, "I didn't go there, I just went to the aliens and hit the autumn wind, killing thirteen alien gods."

Talking, Yao Jie showed his record, and after watching it, all three of Jiang Lan were speechless.

What went to the other side to hit the autumn wind is actually to change the breath, and then use Sun Dasheng's change technique to mix into the other side.

To be honest, this is really too dangerous. If it is found, it will almost certainly die.

Looking at Jiang Lan's anger, Yao Jie hurriedly said: "Don't worry about my teachers. I have been affirmed by the Dean, and the Dean has said that even if it is the Supreme God, I did an autopsy, otherwise it would be difficult to find out that I was fake. "

Hearing this, Jiang Lan also sighed.

In Xianxian Academy, Su Yu's rules of conduct are most like immortals, so Wang Xing said that Su Yu best represents Xianxian.

But in the academy, the magical powers of the rules of cultivation are most like immortals. This is Yao Jie. Otherwise, he would not call the law of cultivation himself the law of immortals.

Seventy-two changes, eight or nine Xuan Gong, Tengyun driving the fog, practicing Qiankun, spreading beans into soldiers ... all of these, Yao Jie learned a mastery.

"Forget it, you go back first, don't take that risk in the future."

Jiang Lan was a little helpless, and he didn't know how to discipline the students who had good grades like Yao Jie and did not listen to bad ones.


Kings Canyon.

This is the place where Leiner's Vietnam battle is on the extraterritorial battlefield, and today he is about to usher in his eighteen consecutive victories.

Inside the canyon, people on the one side of the League of Gods watching the universe and people on the other side of the race, and now the battle has not started, and hundreds of millions of people have gathered on both sides.

"Kings Canyon?"

Yao Jie has also come here, and now he wants to know who gave the name to this canyon and paid the earth copyright fees.

As soon as he came here, he was shocked by the scene.

"I'm going crazy."

Yao Jie looked at both sides and wondered if he thought he had arrived at the Cosmic Arena.

However, in the Cosmic Arena, you can still survive if you lose, and it is almost certain to die here.

"Interesting, really interesting."

Yao Jie found the previous battle video from the interstellar network at this time, and the more interested I was, "Is the alien Wright so arrogant, I have been in the Honghuang battlefield for so long ~ ~ Should I also announce it? My arrival. "

Last time Su Yu got a limelight, but he had long been envious.

Now the whole universe, who doesn't know Su Yu.

Be famous early.

He now understands this truth deeply and sees that Su Yu is one step ahead, one step ahead.

It's almost time to see a purple light spot in the void flying into the King's Canyon from a distance.


The gorge trembled. At this time, everyone saw the comer. It was the alien Wright.

Seeing Wright playing on the other side, he immediately cheered.

Yao Jie looked at Wright, and smiled and greeted the alien soldiers. There was no one who was going to experience life and death. He felt that this guy was too pretentious.

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