Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1922: Star Destroyer!

Yao Jie looked at Zhao Changsheng and was really ashamed to be with him.

This guy, where there is a bit of fairy, is just like Mu Liuli, a scum of the college.

"So things are very clear. Zhao Changsheng has become my appearance and deceived the fairy king. Now how do you want to solve it, this is definitely impossible. Although we are classmates, this fairy king is very valuable, If you do n’t have a statement, do n’t blame me. I ’m Yao Jie, it ’s not easy to mess with me. ”Yao Jie said lightly, and everyone who knew him knew that he was really angry.

Fairy King, worth ten million eternal coins.

In the universe, ordinary **** kings cannot have so many assets.

Yao Liu took this risk to earn a huge risk, Mu Liuli just demolished it for him.

If it was someone else, he would have done it.

Naturally, Zhao Changsheng didn't dare to shoulder this responsibility, and hurried back behind Mu Liuli, as if it had nothing to do with me.

Mu Liuli: "Yao Jie, why are you so stingy. You need to know that you are contributing to the college now. After I have thoroughly studied the structure of the Celestial King, we will be able to create a **** king of the Celestial King level. Ship. By then, don't mention a fairy king, I will give you ten, a hundred are not a problem. "


Yao Jie laughed. Is this a stingy thing?

"Mu Liuli, I admit that your scientific research strength is very strong, but you are too underestimated. The mechanical family can stand in the universe. If their technology is so easy for you to study, they are not worthy of One of the eight major races in the universe. "Yao Jie hummed." So, don't fool me with this. Now you either return me a God King ship or lose money. "

Yao Jie said lightly, but he was not polite at all.

Mainly, Mu Liuli really annoyed him. If he discussed this matter with him, he might find a way to get Mu Liuli a scrapped king ship.

Ke Mu Liuli was in a good position, so that Zhao Changsheng became his appearance, and deceived the Immortal King directly.

This is a little too daring. Mu Liuli can now make Zhao Changsheng pretend to deceive the Immortal King. Will he leave in the future? Mu Liuli can also make Zhao Changsheng impersonate him and hollow out Xianxian.

Mu Liuli, this time is too much.

She plays big.

Mu Liuli was a little scared to see Yao Jie like this.

She is also a bit better at scientific research. If she really starts, Yao Jie can hit her like ten.

Zhao Changsheng even wanted to leave. This look of warfare made him frightened.

"Where can I get you a **** king ship, I have no money. Even if you sell all the assets of our science and military society, you will not be enough to buy a **** king ship." Mu Liuli looked pitiful and pitiful. .

What is this, Bo sympathy?

This woman also has this day.

Zhao Changsheng was also stunned. President you are so terrible that you even know how poor it is.

Yao Jie couldn't say anything, you just don't plan to compensate.

Mu Liuli saw how Yao Jie was about to strike her, and tears were almost bursting out: "Otherwise, or else I'll pay for the flesh ..."

Meat compensation?

How do you pay for meat?

The members of other science and technology clubs feel that they have heard it wrong. Is this the president?

When is the president so sturdy and so powerful?

Yao Jie was so annoyed that he yelled, "Mu Liuli, the beauty you want!"

Wanted beauty?

Everyone wondered if they heard it wrong. What is the beauty of thinking?

Yao Jie thinks Mu Liuli is taking advantage of him, or what?

Yao Jie is getting mad. You pay for it. Do you still want to be our president's wife?

Well, by that time everything of mine has become yours. When you dismantle my fairy king, you just dismantle your own things.

What do you think, can I be such a stupid person Yao Jie, you think I can't understand your thoughts.

You still want to trick me, really dreaming!

Mu Liuli was also stunned, and said angrily, "Yao Jie, don't you look down on your mother, if you can find your wife, it's your mother's loss. Isn't it compensation?

Yao Jie, can't heal you?

Then, it seemed that he really had no place to admire Liuli.

This woman is barefoot and no one is afraid.

Seeing Yao Jie unable to speak for a long time, everyone chuckled secretly.

Yao Jie was also a little embarrassed. After thinking for a long time, he said, "My fairy king, can you still assemble it?"

If it can be assembled, it's okay. At that time, Mu Liuli will be slightly compensated. This matter will be ignored, and he will have a step down.

"It can't be assembled. Many of the devices in it are equipped with self-destruction procedures. When we demolished these devices, they were already destroyed by themselves." Mu Liuli said a little awkwardly.

The mechanical family has a high degree of confidentiality for these technologies, which is to prevent people like Mu Liuli who want to steal the mechanical family technology.

Yao Jie was helpless: "Then my fairy king ship is completely scrapped, right?"

Mu Liuli thought for a long time, as if it really were.

Yao Jie clenched his fists and really wanted to give Mu Liuli such a look, but he hesitated for a long time, but didn't move on.

Taking a deep breath, Yao Jie tried to calm himself as much as possible: "This is the end of the matter, let me say a solution. First, take down the main gun of the fairy king separately for me ~ ~ I am useful . Second, this fairy kingship is deemed to have a stake in your science and technology society. Does your science and technology society own a 30% stake in the Xianjiang Manufacturing Company under the Xianhe Group? Ten, not too much? "

Mu Liuli groaned carefully and nodded.

A fairy king ship is worth 10 million eternity coins, and it is almost the same for a 10% stake in the fairy ship manufacturing company.

However, in the future, if the Xianjian manufacturing company can manufacture a godship of the **** king class, then this ten percent stake will be more than one **** king.

Yao Jie thought about it, and was a bit tired.

My own car, a loaded artifact, turned out to be a pile of scrap iron.

Mu Liuli watched Yao Jie want to leave, and suddenly said, "You want the main gun of Xianwang to use it alone, but the recoil of this main gun is very large. Even if you have the strength of the **** king, you may not be able to bear it Stay. I can modify it for you and make the main gun into a large star extinguisher. The power will not be reduced much, but it will reduce the recoil by at least one-third. "

Yao Jie was shocked, but did not expect to transform the main gun.

Star Destroyer!

Well, that's great.

Yao Jie came fast and walked fast.

After Zhao Changsheng watched Yao Jie go away, he was a little confused: "President, did you deliberately tear down his fairy king?"

Mu Liuli waved Zhao Changsheng's brain, and the old woman was about to be forced to sell herself. Do you still think the old woman is seducing people?


Three hundred years later, the debate over mysteries and magical powers intensified.

The immortal college has a tendency to become a target of public criticism, and even if things are so big, even Wang Xing can't sit idly by.

Eventually, Wang Xing made a decision that the Immortal Academy would hold an exchange meeting of supernatural powers and mysteries.

Yes, it is an exchange meeting, and major forces are widely invited to participate.

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