Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1923: Dosendai

Rather than arguing with everyone, let's make a conclusion on this matter all at once.

Wang Xing also intends to take the opportunity to promote the division of magical powers in Xian Academy, and now the time is ripe.

In fact, many people have discovered that with the collapse of the universe's original laws, everyone can practice more and more rules. Although some people are not deep in each rule and their level is not high, they have practiced dozens Species. If these dozens of species are fused together, you can develop the mystery of the great **** level, or even the **** king level. But in the past, the secret technique was very pure. To cultivate a secret technique, you must first practice the corresponding rules.

There are rules first, then there are mysteries. This is the former Tao.

Now that the mystery has been created, it may be necessary to consider which rules are contained in it.

The magical power of the Immortal Academy is actually the latter.

Supernatural powers do not pay attention to rules. As long as a supernatural power can be made more powerful, the required rules can be contained in it.

With Wang Xing's invitation, many forces in the universe received invitations.

Immortal Academy is not a small force now. Faintly has become the ninth power of the League of Divine. What is missing is an opportunity to become famous in World War I.

No one dares to take the invitation seriously.


Barren ancient domain.

Wang Xing came here. Previously, this was a natural barrier for the earth, hiding the solar system perfectly.

But now there is no need to exist here.

The barren ancient realm is still very dangerous, of course, this danger is for some practitioners below the cosmic light realm.

As far as the immortals are concerned, it is already free to go in and out without any danger.

Wang Xing came here this time with a simple purpose.

Since there is no longer any need for the existence of the wasteland, then the wasteland is removed from the stars.

It is precisely that he intends to refining a magic weapon as the dojo for this exchange meeting, and Huangguyu is the material for refining this magic weapon.

The refining of the ancient and ancient domains will also make the path of the Earth Federation into and out of the universe smoother, saving a lot of time for spacecraft.

Wang Xing grabbed it, and a vortex appeared in his hand, and the entire barren ancient domain shrank toward him.

Huangguyu kept approaching him, and the whole galaxy seemed to be spinning.

From the earth's perspective, there seem to be meteors across the starry sky, bright and beautiful.

Three years later, the entire ancient ancient domain has shrunk by only a million miles.

After millions of miles of compression, the galaxy has become extremely hard. Even if it is chopped with a second-order original artifact, it can only leave an inch of imprint.

However, this is just the beginning. Wang Xing continues to make countless imprints throughout the deserted ancient realm. One by one the fairy charms penetrate into the deserted ancient realm, and the formation methods are carved into the deserted ancient realm.

The ancient wasteland became harder and harder, and the purple gas lingered on it, like a fairyland.

This continued for seven years, and the ancient wasteland had completely turned into a round-table magic weapon.

With a move from Wang Xing, this magic weapon slowly shrank to the size of a slap.

"This treasure is made of the ancient wasteland, and after 10 years of refining, it has reached the level of the fourth-order magic weapon. In the future, it will take on our college's Xiushan Avenue, which is a platform for our college to preach to the outside world. Call it Taoxiantai." Wang Xing said, set a name.

Later, Wang Xing looked at the original wasteland.

Because the original barren ancient domain disappeared, there are no stars in this film, and it is dark at the moment.

Dark, not good.

Wang Xing grabbed his hand and saw that the void was broken by him, and a lot of water from the Shen River poured out.

These waters of the Shenhe River are water of energy, clear as blue, and poured into the starry sky where the barren ancient land is located, which is also mixed with many glowing Shenhe fishes.

Ten years later, the ancient wasteland has become a sea of ​​starry sky.

Wang Xing contemplates for a long time, and named this sea the Barren Ancient Fairy Sea.

So perfect.

As soon as he reached out, Tao Sendai appeared in his hand: "Go!"

I saw that Sendai seemed to understand Wang Xing's words, and he flew to the ancient fairy sea with purple light.

Taoxiantai has also become larger and larger, with a radius of ten miles, hundreds of miles, thousands of miles, and thousands of miles, up to the size of a light year.


Daoxiantai fell on the ancient sea of ​​immortality, but did not bring up a little wave.

Wang Xing looked at Taoxiantai, and his voice sounded slowly: "In the future, the ancient town of Xianxian will be deserted in ancient Xianhai, and Taoxiantai will be in one day, and the ancient ancient Xianhai will have no waves.

With his words, a powerful force radiated from that Sendai shrouded the hundreds of light-years of the ancient Xianhai.

In the ancient and immortal sea, some fish in the realm of the gods are shivering at this moment.

Some unbelieving fish came out of the sea, but they found that the entire ancient ancient fairy sea seemed to be frozen, and the calmness was like a mirror.

Even when they jumped out of the water, they could not bring a ripple.

Wang Xing finished all this and returned to the college.

The Earth Federation has long noticed everything that happened here, and many people have come to check the situation.

"Abandoned ancient domain is gone?"

"Don't you hear that voice, the barren ancient realm disappeared, now it's called barren ancient fairy sea."

"The water in the ancient ancient fairy sea is the water of the Shenhe River, which is extremely abundant in energy. Cultivating around this ancient ancient fairy sea is more effective.

"Dao Sendai in the middle of the sea?"


Many people want to visit Daoxiantai, but the whole Daoxiantai has been set up with a barrier and they cannot enter at all.

The disappearance of the ancient wasteland has a great impact.

Later, the event of the Earth Federation also recorded this event: "In 3236666, the dean of the Immortal Academy used the ancient wasteland as a material to refine the magical method of Sendai, and then inspired the water of the Shenhe River with the immortal power Filling the ancient wasteland, the ancient wasteland is born. The ancient wasteland disappears, and the earth ’s humans move freely, and there is no barrier to entering other galaxies. "


Wang Xing has done all this, and the next step is to wait for all parties to come to this exchange meeting.

Immortal Academy, the starry sky world where Hong Meng is located.

"Mr. Hongmeng, at this exchange meeting, I want you to be the representative of our college." Wang Xing said.

"The dean doesn't plan to come out and preach one or two? Besides, I can't go out too, but the original law of the universe is staring."

The law of the origin of the universe has not completely collapsed, and now the universe **** cannot directly appear.

Wang Xing naturally knows this: "Nature is not the real person coming, just an incarnation is enough. Because it is very close, although it is an incarnation, it is more than enough to cope with some supreme gods based on your cultivation."

The deities of the cosmic gods cannot leave the Shenhe River, but if their incarnation is only the cultivation of the Supreme God, they can reach beyond the Shenhe River.

And the avatar generally borrows the energy of the deity. The closer it is, the more energy the incarnation can get, and the stronger it will be.

This is not the same as the avatar of Wang Xing's hair. In fact, the avatar of Wang Xing's hair can only be regarded as a avatar.

He infused his own magical power and consciousness into the hair, this is a separate individual that he split out, possessing some of his simple consciousness.

When the fairy power is exhausted, this avatar will show itself and become a hair again.

Wang Xing wanted to let Hong Meng's avatar infuse energy, but his avatar and his deity always had a space channel for energy transmission. As long as he did not actively cut off this channel, the avatar would always exist.

Of course, the avatar is limited by distance. The longer the distance, the more difficult this energy transmission is, and the weaker the avatar is.

This is also one of the research results of Xianxian College over the years. The technique of avatar and incarnation also has corresponding magical powers.

As for Wang Xing who doesn't want to show up, the reason is actually very simple.

This is an opportunity to show the strength of their immortal college. Others already know that he may be a **** of the universe, and his reappearance is of little significance.

On the contrary, his dean became more deterrent.

Hongmeng also saw Wang Xing's intention, and he did not refuse. He also wanted to fight with the major forces in these universes.

As for the students, they will definitely participate.

After all, it's communication, and there will be a place to try and compare.


In such a blink of an eye, a thousand years have passed, and less than ten years have passed since the exchange meeting began. At this time, a powerful person arrived first.

Not others, but the representatives of the Orc Alliance, led by Yan Yue and a very young supreme god.

The arrival of Yanyue once again made Zhang Zhou excited.

Together with Yanyue, Zhang Xiaomeng also returned.

"Mr. Jiang Lan!"

Yan Yue saw the person who greeted them, and it was Jiang Lan.

Yan Yue did not expect to return from the flood field, and Jiang Lan was also transferred by Xianxian College.

But yes, there are three supreme gods in the Xianhuang battlefield, and only two of the eight forces have the most power. It is normal for one to return.

"Welcome Yanyue Supreme!"

Jiang Lan smiled: "I don't know who this is?"

Jiang Lan looked at a supreme **** wearing gold armor next to Yanyue ~ ~ This one looked handsome and extraordinary, and it was not easy.

The key is this person, murderous.

Yan Yue smiled and introduced: "This is Jin Wu Supreme of our Orc Alliance. He has just returned from the abyss battlefield. Several ancestors also intentionally let him rest, so let him accompany me to the Earth Federation Take a trip and participate in the exchange meeting of your college. "

Jiang Lan looked at Jinwu, this guy turned out to be on vacation.

However, Jiang Lan expressed welcome.

Jin Min glanced at Jiang Lan and gave a slight gesture, it seemed that Jiang Lan was not in his eyes at all.

Jiang Lan was also not angry: "Xiao Meng, you are back? You have come down a lot of courses recently, and you just make up the lessons after you return."

Zhang Xiaomeng was in a good mood, and now his face was dark.

I didn't come back to make up for it.

Yao Lan who followed Jiang Lan was Yao Jie. At the moment, Yao Jie is still the main god, but it seems even more extraordinary.

Now, after thirty-three days of refining the precious treasure, the idle **** king, he has long been out of sight.

"Wessi, are you really?"

"Yao Jie, long time no see!"

At this time a person came out from behind the Orc Alliance, and it was Weixi.

At this moment, Wei Xi's face was smiling into a chrysanthemum. If not a few Supreme Gods were talking in front, he would have jumped out.

"long time no see!"

Yao Jie said he gave Weixi a big hug. At this time, Weixi whispered: "I received news from Guy. He will come this time."

Yao Jie was a little speechless. When thinking about leaving, the three felt that they would not see when they would see each other again.

It's better now, less than three thousand years, we will meet again.

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