Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1925: Small reduction

Wang Xing's gaze penetrated the space and saw a pair of Jinwu about to explode.

Jin Wu's power was surging and his intention to kill was amazing.

Who do you want to kill?

Wang Xing's face is not very good. At the site of our college, you still want to go to heaven. .

With his mind moving, the void above the ancient and immortal sea burst, and infinite energy gathered together, condensing out one of his incarnations.

Jinwu only felt that the water of the Shenhe River, which was in the middle of the ancient and ancient sea, was frozen in ice, and the surrounding space was frozen. The time flow rate was slowly slowing down until everything was still.

"At the site of our college, you have to obey the rules of others, hasn't your teacher told you?" Wang Xing's incarnation said coldly.

His incarnation was a hundred feet tall, and at this moment he leaned down and was about to bear Jin Wu's forehead.

Jin Wu was sweating coldly at this moment, only feeling that his **** body was out of control.

He looked stern and pale, but couldn't even speak.

Wang Xing snorted: "The next time, it will not be your armor, but ... your **** body."

With Wang Xing's words, Jinwu only felt that his body was cracking a little bit.

His elder-eyed stare was cracking, but he couldn't make a little effort.

Then, the incarnation of Wang Xing exploded, and the endless energy did not disappear, but fell into a little bit of light and fell into the ancient sea of ​​immortality.

It's raining in Fangguxianhai, it's still energy rain.

The rain fell on Jin Wu's body. Jin Wu only felt cold, and he was awake at this time.

He found that there was no difference in his **** body, it was just his hallucination.

"Let's go."

Yan Yue sighed, what about the Orc Alliance, but here is the Immortal Academy.

The Cosmic God cannot descend beyond the Shenhe River, and Jinwu is so arrogant, even if you die, the Orc Alliance can still avenge you.

Offensive to Sendai Academy, forcing the way to Sendai is really strength to death.

The geniuses of a group of orc alliances were all frightened, and everyone was shocked.

The dean of Xianxian Academy appeared, struggling to overwhelm Jinwu, who couldn't even speak.

The cosmic power of the universe is simply terrifying.

Jin Wu gritted his teeth and chose to follow up. Even if he hated the sky, he could only bear it.

Daoxiantai is a barren continent.

Yan Yue got it. It seems that the place where they live needs to be built by themselves, and she chose a place near the deserted ancient fairy sea to the east. Manipulating divine power quickly created a small courtyard.

Learning from her, the genius of the Orc Alliance also began to build their own residences.

But soon someone found something strange.


An orc woman looked in front of her. The house that she had originally created was restored a little bit after her divine power was recovered.

Others were also curious, and this Sendai had a memory function.

"Why didn't we recover?" Someone wondered.

"It should be that the dwellings we created have our divine power condensed, and as soon as we take back our own divine power, this Sendai believes that the dwellings we have built are ownerless, so we begin to follow the same characteristics as memory metals, Restoration. But I don't think this is a memory metal. It should be a restoration rule. "The Orc Alliance woman thought about it, and her building was taken back with her divine power, and it was gradually restored.

She felt the process, and suddenly a purple gas flew out of Taoxiantai and got into her body.

She gave a slight glance, showing an incredible look.

"That purple gas?"

Yanyue is dumbfounded, and Jin Wu at the back is also bright.


Casimir also got a magical power!

In addition to Yanyue and Jinwu, others also noticed the vision that happened to Casimir at this time.

Blackley had already got the magical power, and at a glance he understood what was going on, and immediately lost his voice: "Casimir, have you got anything?"

The geniuses of other orc alliances are also bright.

Casimir slowly opened his eyes and nodded: "Well, when I first felt something, it seemed to induce a kind of power in the underworld, and then I got a magical power."

Everyone took a sip of air-conditioning at this moment, which turned out to be true.

They just got two magical powers just after they arrived. The number of magical powers contained in this wild ancient Xianhai and Taoxiantai is absolutely considerable.

In fact, before they came, they did n’t value the magical power very much, but now two people have got the magical power, but the others have not got it. Instead, it has inspired those who have n’t got it, and they are eager to get a magical power and see how the magical power returns. thing.

This is the reason for not having widows and getting uneven.

They are all geniuses, but are they the most geniuses?

Yan Yue saw that the atmosphere was wrong, and she almost understood the intention of Xianxian College, and secretly said that Xianxian College had a good plan.

In this way, these geniuses have not participated in the exchange yet, and they began to think about obtaining the magical power hidden in the Xiangu Xianhai and Daoxiantai by the Xian Academy. This is not a direct denial of mystery.

But that magical power is really very attractive ~ ~ They are not easy to block directly, this is the impermanence of life.

With Blackley's affairs, although Jin Wu was also curious about Casimir's magical powers, he was afraid to ask.

However, Casimir was actually a disciple of Yanyue's father. He immediately transmitted a message to Yanyue and said, "Sister, this magical power I acquired is called a mini-reduction technique, which can restore everything that has been modified. Among them, It involves the laws of time, space, and matter. When you practice to a high depth, you can even restore a black hole to its original cosmic space. "

Yanyue is a bit shocked, what level of magical power is this.

Casimir continued at this time: "The world, this should be a magical power comparable to the mysterious king-level mystery, and I just looked at it briefly and found that this magical power is really very different from mysticism. If It used to be that I did n’t practice the law of time and space. This kind of mini-reduction mystery is definitely impossible to practice successfully. But now, I feel that as long as I give me time, within a million years, I do n’t say that I can practice to Dacheng, but small Success is definitely possible. "

Yan Yue didn't speak. The words of a god-level secret skill Xiaocheng meant to the main **** that the combat power might be more than doubled.

Even if it is a **** king, it is not an easy task to cultivate a **** king-level secret skill into the small realm.

"This supernatural power should be the one that suits you best. If others practice, this speed may not be yours. According to the description just now, this supernatural power is indeed very powerful. Then you practice well, and you can hit the top ten at that time."

"Sister, am I not good at practicing the magical powers of Xian Academy?"

"If the magic power of Xianxian Academy is really so powerful, if you don't cultivate, others will also cultivate."

Yan Yue said, her heart was already dignified.

Perhaps after this exchange, the age of mystery will end.

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