Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1926: What do you know, Jinwu!

Casimir nodded. Although she was the maiden of the ancestral palace, she was in the top rank.

But now, she has also learned two kinds of mysterious king-level mysteries. As for the supreme-level mystery, she could not even think of it.

Here at Xianxian College, the level of this mini-reduction skill she got was even higher than the two mythical king-level secret techniques she had learned, which made her resist and could not believe it.

"The difference between supernatural powers and mysteries does not make any sense to us. What is strong is what we cultivate."

Casimir seems to understand that these practitioners are more realistic than anyone.

Why do people argue about magical powers and mystics? It is not because mystics are the foundation of this universe. They shake the mystics, and they are not immortal.

The basic reason is that Shentong is very powerful, but has been monopolized by Xian Xueyuan. They are naturally full of vigilance against Xian Xueyuan.

Therefore, some of them even hesitate to slander magical powers.


The people of the Orc Alliance first lived in Daoxiantai, which also caused a great sensation in the Earth Federation.

virtual reality.

A majestic mountain peak, unknown how many tens of thousands of light years, went straight into the depths of the universe.

Standing above the mountain was a burly man wearing black short sleeves and bare arms.

With the back of the man's hands behind his back, looking at the white and distant space with distant eyes, it seemed a little solemn to apply, but when he felt someone behind him, the man turned around.


Immediately, a person bowed his salute, respectfully, and took a closer look that turned out to be Jinwu.

The man looked at Jin Wu and nodded slightly: "I transferred you back from the abyss battlefield and went to the Fairy College to participate in this exchange meeting. I just want you to explore the strength of the Fairy College. Our orc alliance is the first of the League of Gods. The great forces bear the responsibility of guarding the universe. This immortal college does not know where it came from, and it is powerful. If it is the crucial moment when we finally fight against the aliens, they suddenly jump back, and may even change the whole battle situation, so they must not Not defense. "

Jin Wu was a little shocked: "Master, we are going to fight the alien race?"

They have fought against aliens for so many years, and have killed countless fighters. However, it seems that the decisive battle is still early.

For a long time, the cosmic gods of the two universes have never shot. This is something that both sides acquiesce to.

The end of the Cosmic God represents the arrival of the day of final battle.

The man took a deep breath, a flash of cold killing flashed on his body: "As the origin laws of our universe completely collapse, the alien universe will also completely collapse. If aliens want to survive, they will definitely start a full-scale war. This is theirs. The battle for survival. But for us, this is our universe, how can we allow aliens to dye their fingers, so this last battle is inevitable, and according to the current speed of the universe's original law collapse, at most one epoch will happen. thing."

Jin Wu was speechless, he was really shocked by the news.

When the original law of the universe collapsed completely, that is, when the outbreak of the total war, there was no pure land in the entire universe.

The man was a bit lonely and said, "He is known as the master of the Golden Horn, but the tenth beast ancestor, but his strength is far less powerful than the first, second and third beast ancestors, and it is likely to fall by then."

Immediately, Jin Wu shivered, and even the Master was in danger of falling. Isn't he more dangerous?

Unconsciously, he was sweating coldly.

The lord of the golden horns patted Jin Wu's shoulder: "I told you this, but I hope you can be stronger, and it is best to break through to the realm of the universe **** before the fundamental laws of the universe completely collapse. In my disciples, You are the closest to this realm, and you are the most promising to inherit my mantle. "

Why doesn't Jin Wu know, otherwise the Master won't call him Jin Wu.

"Let's talk about your situation at Xianxian College."

The Lord of the Golden Horns did not want to go deeper on this issue and returned to the topic.

The existence of the Immortal Academy made him very disturbed, and also made many other cosmic gods full of anxiety.

"I deliberately impacted the Dao Sendai barrier set by the dean of the Xian Academy today, which triggered the incarnation of the Dean of the Xian Academy. According to my observations, the incarnation of the Dean of the Xian Academy already has the strength of the highest and highest god, reaching the universe The strongest force outside the Shenhe that the law of origin can tolerate. "Jin Wu explained what happened today.

The Lord of the Golden Horns meditated.

"An incarnation possesses the strength of the top and supreme god. The dean of the Immortal Academy should indeed have the practice of the **** of the universe. The last time the **** of the universe fought against the master of slavery, he also overwhelmed the master of slavery. It's not an exaggeration. In that case, the dean of the Xian Academy should be better than me. "

"If there is only one cosmic **** in Xian Xue Academy, it would be okay, I'm afraid there are other cosmic gods in Xian Xue College." The Lord of the Golden Horns was a little worried.

"The Cosmic God is not Chinese cabbage. Where can there be so many Cosmic Gods, Master, don't think too much about it." Jin Wudao, if the Cosmic Gods are so good at cultivation, the Cosmic Gods will not rot the streets long ago.

How lucky it is to have a cosmic **** at the Immortal College.

The Lord of the Golden Horns nodded: "You continue to investigate the situation of Xianxue College. There is another thing. I have been matching you and Yanyue. You also know who Yanyue's father is. Although she is now following the ninth beast ancestor. Cultivation does not show the second blood ancestor's blood talent, but there must be some blood in her blood. If you combine with her and have a child in the future, the blood strength will definitely exceed you. So this time arrange the moon Being with you is also creating opportunities for you. "

Jin Wu nodded. If he and Yan Yue could be combined, not only their offspring would be very strong, but even he would benefit a lot.

Yan Yue's father is the second beast ancestor, the second strongest of the ancestral beast palace.

Only ten years before, Yanyue's father never showed up again, and Yanyue was handed over to the ninth beast ancestor by the second beast ancestor.

Of course, Yan Yue also showed the mother's bloodline, which coincided with the cultivation method of the Ninth Beast Ancestor.

Leaving the virtual space, Jinwu felt that he had something to do.

He wants to pursue Yanyue, and naturally cannot wait.


Jin Wu came over to Yan Yue's residence.

Yanyue was chatting with someone at the moment. He heard someone knocking on the door and immediately cut off the call.


Jin Wu shouted, this shouting even made him a bit numb.

Forget it, put up!

If you chase a woman, you have to be bitter, and women do n’t like it. This is the same in the entire universe.

Yan Yue gave Jinwu a white look. What did this guy say: "Come in and sit down."

Jin Wum gave a whistle, walked in immediately, and looked for a long time, as if there were no chairs at all.

He looked at a bed next to Yanyue, and was a little skeptical. Did Yanyue want him to sit there.

Is this a hint?

Jinwu was a little excited and seemed to understand something.

Yan Yue also likes herself. Then, as a man, what else is there about to twiddle.

Jin Wu came to the bed and sat down next to Jin Wu. At this time, Yan Yue was dumbfounded and looked like she had blown hair.

"what are you doing?"

Yan Yue snarled: "Jinwu, do you understand a few rules? This is my bed. Do you want to sit on it?"

Jin Wu is also dumbfounded, which is a little different from what he imagined.

Jin Wu was still very excited at this moment, and now it was like a pot of cold water was poured from head to toe: "I didn't see the chair ..."

But before he finished speaking, Yan Yue sneered: "Without a chair, wouldn't you gather one with your own divine power? Don't you know this is Taoxiantai, do you need to create everything with your own divine power?"

Jin Wu sounded as if it were really.

He was a little embarrassed immediately, but seeing Yan Yue like this, he still gathered a chair honestly.

For Yan Yue, he is really not strong.

Yan Yue is the daughter of the Second Orc, a disciple of the ninth beast ancestor, and may even be the candidate for the palace of the ancestral beast palace in the future, and his truthful identity and status are far from Yan Yue.

Even in the aspect of cultivation, although Yanyue has just advanced to the Supreme God, he is already the top Supreme God, but Yan Yue still has far more potential than him.

"Say, what are you doing here?"

Yanyue was a little impatient. I was chatting and chatting well. It's really disappointing that you came here.

Jinwu naturally didn't know this. He pondered for a moment, and slowly said, "Xiaoyue, you know, I really like you ..."


Yan Yue frowned, and was a little impatient: "I said that, I don't feel you, how much more do you want me to say."

"Xiaoyue, I have the blood of the golden beast giant beast with pure blood. If the two of us are combined, the blood of the child will be extremely powerful. I think it is likely that a new beast ancestor will be born. If we are together, then It is in the best interests of the beasts. "

Jinwu said in a true scripture that it was tall enough to conceive an animal ancestor for the orc.

Yan Yue was angry and furious at this moment, and then thought of Jin Wu's stubbornness, but she cried and laughed: "Jin Wu, it's not that the blood is closer, the two people should be together. If so, the ancestors can do it Find a mechanical family to build a blood-matching machine. In the future, we will match the marriage of the orcs with the machine. In short, according to the Earth people, you are not my dish, and it is not best not to force me, you know My identity, my father is the second beast ancestor. "

Jin Wu suddenly trembled, Yan Yue mentioned his father, which was already threatening him secretly.

Yan Yue felt that she had frightened Jinwu, and did not want to make him ugly anymore. She shifted the topic and said, "Xiao Meng just returned to the college and she brought me the latest news. Not the dean of Xianxian, but another university teacher of Xianxue. This teacher's name is Hongmeng, but he also has a title called the Lord of Hongmeng. "

When it comes to here, Yan Yue is a little dignified.

Lord of Hongmeng!

Lord, that is the title of the title unique to the God of the universe.

Jinwu was also shocked: "Master of Hongmeng, is this a universe god?"


Yanyue must be very much, because Zhang Xiaomeng told her that.

The second universe god!

There is indeed more than one universe **** in Xian Academy!

Jin Wu swallowed his saliva. Before he came, he also told his master Jin Jiao the master that the universe **** is not Chinese cabbage, and the immortal college was also the dean of the universe god. There is a universe god.

This made him go back and explain to his master, wasn't this hitting his face?

After being rejected by Yan Yue, I was informed of the news. This is really a double blow.

Yan Yue didn't know Jinwu's thoughts. She looked at Jinwu and exhaled deeply: "Jinwu, I know that you are here to explore the strength of Xianxue first, but I have to remind you, Xian Academy is far more powerful than we imagined. Just like your prohibition of breaking into Sendai during the day, do you think the dean of Xian Academy really missed you and killed you, how can your master avenge you? Or, you I think there are only two universe gods in Xianxian Academy. I don't think so. Maybe there are third, fourth or even more universe gods than our orc alliance. "

Jin Wu stunned, and then laughed and said, "The Immortal Academy is the two universe gods at most. If there is a third one, my name will be reversed."

Yan Yue smiled slightly: "What do you know ~ ~ My Jinwu Brother!"

Jin Wu looked at Yan Yue's contemptuous look, making Jin Wu a little confused, why Yan Yue looked at herself like an idiot.

In fact, Yan Yue didn't say that, because Xianxian Academy really has the third universe god, this is not Zhang Xiaomeng telling him, but Zhang Zhou.

In order to pursue Yanyue, Zhang Zhou naturally talked with Yanyue a lot. From the content that Zhang Zhou had inadvertently talked about, Yanyue knew the terribleness of Xianxian Academy long ago.

So when I heard Jinwu said that Xianxian Academy had only these two universe gods, Yan Yue only thought it was funny.

Jin Wu left, still a little confused, why now Yanyue sister is more indifferent to him, hell.

After Yanyue left Jinwu, he chatted with another person immediately.

"What's going on, Xiaoyueyue, what did you just do?"

There was a voice over there, it was Zhang Zhou.

That's right, the man Zhang Zhou is boring.

"Um, it's okay. I just didn't know where it came from ... a puppy, I went out to my uncle."

"Are there any dogs on Dao Sendai?"

Zhang Zhou was puzzled, but it was wrong to question the goddess. He immediately said, "Did you hurt? Now, many evil dogs on the earth have evolved, and some can travel around the sky and tear the planet. I tell you Don't be afraid of these evil dogs, you must take a closer look, then you will know that the silly ones among them are Er Ha, the yellow furry ones are Teddy ... "

Suddenly, Yanyue laughed.

They chatted again.

"Xiaoyueyue, I think you are a little weird today."

"How strange?"


Yan Yue laughed again.

"Xiaoyueyue, why did you hurt me?"

"What hurt you?"

"Hurt me so much about you."


Yan Yue thought Zhang Zhou was getting more and more interesting.

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