Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1932: Law of time and space

Xuri is awkward, but not stupid.

He murmured, "It's a big deal, I can't be in charge, but I'll tell my ancestors about it."

This is obviously a dodge.

The ancestral gods can only blame if the three ancestors agree. This matter will not be falsely accused to the three ancestors.

Hongmeng said for a moment, and then he said, "It's okay to see what you just said. I thought you were a master. So you are a small **** of ancestral gods. Then go back and discuss with your fathers. As long as your ancestral gods are willing to come up with a supreme level of mystery, our fairy college must come up with a supernatural power of the corresponding level. "


Many people laughed secretly, and this is a bit of a worry.

If the supreme **** is a small tadpole, what are their main gods and **** kings?

Xu Ri wants to refute anything, but he feels that he really said it, and it is likely to become a laughingstock.

Knowing that Hong Meng had mocked him deliberately, at the moment he could only bear it.

"What else do you have, just step back."

The Lord of Hongmeng waved his hands and let Xu Ri quickly get out of his way, a little impatient.

Xu Ri's eyes were cold. Since he stood up, he would not retreat. This battle must be fought.

He came to Leadway.

He looked at Hongmeng and said coldly, "This matter is over, but this time I came to Xian Academy, not only to participate in the exchange meeting of Xian Academy, but also to settle the grudges with Xian Academy. Xian Academy counted in the universe. Insulting our ancestors a second time, almost following the rise of our ancestors, should it be reasonable to apologize to our ancestors? "

Everyone looked at Xuri in horror. At this time, they were still looking for troubles at Xianxue Academy, and made them apologize. Do they really want to die?

Hongmeng frowned slightly: "Liquidation grudges, do you want to reason with me?"

Xu Ri nodded: "As long as the dean of the Immortal College publicly apologizes to our ancestors, we can never blame them."

Hongmeng laughed at this time, and the others looked at each other.

Letting the dean of the Xian Academy personally apologize is even more extreme.

Didn't you just want to hit the face of Xianxian Academy? Tell others that Xianxian Academy is not as good as your ancestral gods.

If this is an apology, how could Xianxian College gain a foothold in the universe.

At this time Hongmeng had an extremely powerful momentum covering the sun, and the surrounding void appeared countless black lightning bolts.

The layers of space are fragmented, and the dark energy inside is rolling.

Hongmeng's voice came, extremely gloomy and terrible: "You and I reasoned, let us apologize to the dean of the college, do you think there is anything more ridiculous than this? Only the weakest reason, and the strongest reason. I I feel that the enmity of our immortal college and the ancestral gods, we are the one who makes sense, so I also sent an acquaintance to your ancestral gods and apologize to us, otherwise one day ... "

Said, Hong Meng's killing intention was amazing: "A nest carrying your ancestors!"

Everyone was terrified, and the Lord of Hongmeng was too irritable and too powerful, just like the dean of the Immortal College.

Don't say apologies, but now we still have the ancestral religion.

"The weak are justified, the strong are justified."

The desolation of Xu Ri listened, and the whole person was angry: "Our ancestral religion is weak? Very good! Lord of Hongmeng, you should even humiliate our ancestral religion so much, your immortal college is destroying itself."

"Is it?"

Hongmeng smiled: "How to kill yourself, I want to see it."

"court death!"

Xu Ri drank, rushed directly to Hongmeng, and banged towards Hongmeng with one punch.

Hongmeng's eyes were cold and he did not dodge.

He stretched out his palm and grabbed Xuri Sun's fist.

The fists of the two men staggered and made a thunderous sound, and then they saw the layers of space behind the Lord of Hongmeng being broken.

"Come in here!"

As soon as Hongmeng grabbed the area, he grabbed the virtual sun deep into the space.

The universe, deep in the fifth layer.

The two came here, and everyone on Taoxiantai could still see them through the cracked space, which was intentional by Hongmeng.

The ancestral **** wanted Liwei, so did the Immortal College.

"A big deal has happened, and the ancestral gods and the Immortal College have started."

"Xi Ri is the top most high god, and its strength is close to the universe god, and the incarnation of the Lord of Hongmeng should also be this practice, this victory is difficult to say."

"This Nima is so crazy that he starts fighting if he doesn't agree."


"Xi Ri was intentional." Yan Yue narrowed her eyes, but she could see something, "I heard the master said that the cultivation of Xi Ri is close to the realm of the universe and God, but he was unable to break through, so he is very likely I want to use the Lord of Hongmeng as a sharpening stone and force myself to break through. "

"What?" Jin Wu took a sigh of air-conditioning, but this imaginary day dared to use the Cosmic God as the sharpening stone, how crazy it was, "The great genius before ten epochs really deserves its name. Even the Supreme God repaired the Cosmic God, although It's just an incarnation of the universe, but it's enough to be proud of the universe. "

The **** of the universe is invincible, and Xu Ri is to break this conclusion.

However, if you think about it, Hong Meng's incarnation, whether it's Xiuwei or Realm, is right for him.

If this battle breaks through, it will make a lot of money.

"That's right, this idea was actually made by Xu Ri. Three eras ago, he wanted to use the highest **** of crystal family, Rosell, as a whetstone, but unfortunately, Loser was not a universe **** after all, and the pressure on him was not enough. So he did not make a breakthrough in the end, and now Xuri is re-exercising his skills. "Tai Wu said faintly, and he already knew Xuri's plan.

As soon as the sun came over, Taiwu noticed it.

Xu Rixiu is already the supreme god, and he can't retreat all year round. There must be a reason for it to come out suddenly this time.

Liwei is the second one. Taking this opportunity to break through the realm of the universe is the primary purpose.

"Russell is the great genius of the crystal family, and one of the three geniuses before the ten eras of the crystal family, but he has not yet broken into the realm of the universe." Someone explained in a deep voice.

"Xi Ri thinks good, but wants to use Xian Xue as his own sharpening stone, be careful not to lift a stone and hit his own foot." Yan Yue said lightly, but felt that Xu Ri slightly underestimated Xian Xue, The Lord of Hongmeng's daring to let everyone watch this battle is obviously full of confidence.

Everyone, huh, didn't speak.

At this time, it is better not to express a position.

In the depths of the space, the virtual sunrise is on hand.

A sword in his hand cut through the cosmic energy, tearing the gap between the fifth and sixth layers at once.

The Supreme God can break six levels of space, and at this moment he has all his strength.

Above his knife, space is breaking up, time is accelerating, and all time and space seem to be moving tens of times.

"Law of Time and Space!"

The master of Hongmeng smiled: "It turns out that you are practicing these two rules, then you are lucky to meet me, but also your nightmare."

The stars change the world, majoring in the laws of time and space.

In this respect, Hongmeng is the expert and exists at the peak of the pyramid.

Hongmeng saw the blade of the virtual sun, and at this time pointed out, only to see that the flow of time suddenly became slower, and then the time seemed to be separated, one by one.

Everything becomes a fragment.

The same is true of Xuri's attack, as if it was divided into hundreds of millions, and each one has only one billionth of the power of Xuri's blow, and it is no longer a fear.

"Law of Time and Space!"

Xu Ri was astonished: "You also practice the law of time and space. This method of cutting time and space into sections ... how is that possible?"

He was horrified. He couldn't do it at all.

Time and space can even be divided like this.

"Cosmic God practicing the laws of time and space?"

Yan Yue and others are also shocked. The laws of time and space include the laws of time and space, which are two first-class laws.

Such cosmic gods are also extremely strong among the cosmic gods.

In spite of the horror of the sun, I quickly retreated hundreds of millions of miles, and then I was a little excited: "I didn't expect to encounter me and the universe of the universe god. From you, I must be more likely to find a way to break through the realm of the universe god."

Hongmeng sneered: "At this time, I was still thinking about breaking through, and thinking about how to leave."

Xu Ri is silent, and since this time, he has no plans to leave.

He wants to break into the realm of the universe god.

He shot again, the power of time and space flowing on his hands, the infinite divine power poured out, condensing a trillion-year-old space-time giant toward Hongmeng.

Around the space-time giant, all the power of space and time are all stagnant.

All the laws, UU reading were ignored by this time and space giant.

"Some means, but I have mastered some slightly esoteric applications of the laws of space and time, but that's it." Hongmeng said faintly, also turning into a trillion-year-old space-time giant.


The two collided together, and the infinite divine power surged, tearing the mouth of the seventh space faintly.

Time and space are collapsing.

The seventh layer of the universe is the realm that the universe **** can only touch.

Hongmeng felt the consumption of divine power. How much energy is not consumed by his own avatar: "So far, let you see the true power of the laws of space and time."

"Space freezes!"

Hong Meng sighed coldly, and with his voice, he saw only a little space as if frozen, everything in his realm of magical powers, including laws, energy, and life all seemed to have been fixed.

The giant, including the incarnation of the sun, was also completely settled.

Xu Ri's face was terrified, and he found that at this moment only thinking could work, and everything else seemed to have nothing to do with himself.

What level of spatial perception is this is simply appalling.

Hongmeng has slowly walked towards the empty day. At this moment, the empty day is completely unable to resist, and his heart is full of endless fear.

"So strong, how could an avatar be so strong?"

Xu Ri screamed in his heart, this was no longer a sharpening stone, but a guillotine.

He sent himself to the guillotine.

"If you want to break through the realm with my whetstone, then do a good job of consciously dying for this. I end the time of your existence in the name of time master." Hongmeng said, a force applied to Xuri.

"Time accelerates!"

As Xu Ri trembled, he felt that his life was passing at an extremely fast speed.

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