Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1933: Lord of the sky, Lord of the big 0!

One second may be the same as a million years have passed.

How can the power of time be used in this way?

Xu Ri tried to manipulate the power to release this life, but it was completely impossible.

This life goes by, and soon he will die old.

"Xi Ri planted, he chose the wrong object." Tai Wu sighed, where he couldn't see that Xi Ri was hanging from beginning to end.

You look for a knife called Whetstone, which is similar to your own strength. If you have a strength that is several times more than yours, you are looking for death.

Xuri is now looking for death.

"It's strong." Yan Yue is also a bit dignified, Hong Meng's strength exceeds his imagination, "This strength is at least comparable to the top five beast ancestors in our ancestral beast palace. "

Jin Wu snorted and said nothing.

However, he knew clearly that the strength of Xianxian Academy could already enter the ranks of the eight major forces.

Hongmeng had done all this, and he wanted to wait for the life of the empty sun.

Xuri was struggling internally, and he wanted to crack the flow of life.

He felt that if he had cracked it, he might be able to break through the cosmic realm of dreams.

But it's too difficult, this is not something that can be accomplished in a short time.

Death was approaching, a crisis he had never experienced since his birth.

"The Dean lent me the Dean's Scepter. It seemed to be thinking too much. Xu Ri wasn't worth the power of the Dean's Scepter." Hong Meng muttered in his heart, and at this moment, he was suddenly sweating Erected, looking a little alertly in one direction.


I only saw that from the depth of the seventh layer of space, a hand grabbed at him, the space grabbed directly collapsed, and he was to be crushed into pieces.

Hongmeng frowned and was able to launch an attack on him from the seventh space. This is the universe god!

Others were also terrified, and there was a cosmic god.

"Battle of the Universe God!"

Jin Wu lost his voice: "The Lord of Hongmeng is just an incarnation, and the universe **** who shot this may be the deity.

The others were silent, and the incarnation could not be an opponent of the cosmic deity.

Hongmeng is also extremely dignified. If his deity comes, he will not be afraid of this shot, but now he is just an incarnation.

"The Dean's Scepter was used here."

Hongmeng thought of something, he looked at the palm that came towards him, and the dean's scepter appeared in his hand.

At the moment when the Dean's Scepter appeared, the whole space-time seemed to be frozen.

Unlike the freezing of space, the law of time is freezing.

The universe **** who shot was also a bit surprised, and looked at the dean scepter in Hongmen's hands in shock.

"Top eternal magic?"

It seemed a little hesitant, and then he resolutely grasped at Hongmen's incarnation.

Hongmeng sneered, the dean's scepter was in his hand, and an extremely powerful force covered his whole body. The palm of his hand that came over was a stroke.

The dean's scepter cut through time and space at the same time, chopping open the river of time and heading for the palm.

The palm collided with the dean's scepter and made a harsh noise, only to see the space crumble a little bit, and the seventh layer of universe space was completely broken open, exposing the inside of the universe's original law itself.

The shot of the universe **** found something, a little scared, and quickly retracted his palm.

Hongmeng was not the one who provoked him, and even waved the dean's scepter to catch up.

But at this time, the law of the origin of the universe gave off a dazzling light, like the sun, passed through the seven-story space and shone on Taoxiantai.

Daoxiantai shivered fiercely under this light, and even the desolate ancient sea of ​​immortality set off a huge wave.

"The law of the origin of the universe is on the scepter of the dean!" Among the immortal colleges, what Wang Xing found, his face is a little dignified. "Is this system related to the law of the origin of the universe, or is the system the embodiment of the law of the origin of the universe? How do I feel that the laws of the origin of the universe are hostile to the Dean's Scepter. If the system is the incarnation of the laws of the origin of the universe, then the laws of the origin of the universe can never be hostile? The laws of the origin seem to want to swallow the Dean's Scepter! "

Hongmeng also realized this at this time and stopped chasing the universe **** who shot.

At this time, the cosmic **** also felt that he seemed to be locked by the law of the universe's origins, and naturally did not dare to take any more shots, but he was heading towards the empty sun and wanted to save the empty sun.

"Want to save someone?"

Hongmeng sneered, the dean's scepter waved towards the empty day, and then he saw a phantom of the dean's scepter rushing towards the empty day.

The sun was stunned, and I felt my body tremble. Something entered into the kingdom of God.

At this time, the universe **** grabbed the empty sun and dragged the empty sun to tear the space away.

Hongmeng looked at the space that healed gradually, his eyes were cold.

At the moment on Taoxiantai, many people looked at Hongmeng in horror, and there was some quiet and terrible around.

An incarnation of Hongmeng turned out to be a true deity of the universe.

Although in the deep space of the universe, because of the origin of the universe, the cosmic **** didn't dare to shoot at all strength, but the last two people definitely broke out of the cosmic god-level combat power.

"The one who just shot is ... the Lord of the sky!"

Yan Yue murmured, and he recognized the universe **** who shot.

"The Lord of the Heavens?" Jin Wu stunned, then nodded surely, "The ancestors taught the three ancestors. The most powerful is the Lord of Origins, followed by the Lord of Daqian, and then the Lord of the Heavens. Not to say that the strength of the Lord of the Sky is really weak, and the slave masters are not necessarily opponents of the Lord of the Sky. "

"The strength of the Lord of Hongmeng is really terrible." Tai Wu muttered.

"This is just the teacher of Xian Academy. Will the Dean of Xian Academy be stronger?" Some people thought of it more and paid more attention to Xian Academy.

Hongmeng returned to Daoxiantai, as if nothing had happened: "Okay, I have finished speaking about the cultivation of magical powers, and here is the time for communication. Some teachers and students at Xianxian College can use magical powers and Let ’s talk about it. But do n’t hurt yourself until you point it out. ”


Among the ancestral religions at this time, a man with black eyes and four eyes had a dull face.

"how about it?"

This man is the master of the sky, one of the three ancestors of the ancestral god.

He asked about a woman with white hair and a scar on her face, and this woman was the master of the thousand.

"In Xuri, there are two forces. One is the force of time. This force is accelerating the flow of his life, allowing him to pass a second, which is equivalent to a million years. There is another force in Among his kingdoms, he wanted to destroy them. "The Lord of the Thousand said slowly, his face was a little dignified.

With the collapse of the universe's laws of origin, a supreme **** today has less than one-tenth the life before it.

The former Supreme God could have a life span of one thousand epochs, but now it is only one hundred epochs, or 4.7 billion years.

The lord of the sky is gloomy. One million years, that hour is equivalent to 3.6 billion years, and the empty day has lived for 22 epochs. In this way, his life is almost exhausted. Already.

Xu Ri is his most proud disciple, so death is a joke.

"Is there any way?" Shen of the sky master said.

"No, the power of time is irreversible. I have used the power of a thousand to clear the power of time left by the Lord of Hongmeng, but just one hour has passed, which means that the empty day is equivalent to 3.6 billion years old. Years old, plus that he has lived twenty-two epochs, which is almost a billion years, then the time remaining is actually less than one epoch. "The master of the thousand thought for a while, with some sympathy. With the sun, there was still a lot of time to spend on the sun, but now death is very close to the sun.

"If I come earlier, the empty day will have a little more time left." The master of Daqian sighed ~ ~ and then turned around, "But if the empty day can break into the universe and the realm of life, life It can still be extended. "

"Yes, the coming of the virtual Japan is impacting the realm of the universe and God. For an epoch, he may not have a chance to break through." The Lord of the sky's eyes brightened.

"Breaking through the realm?" Xu Ri also shined with both eyes. "Now this crisis of death is forcing me, maybe I can really break through."

"Yes, the Lord of Hongmeng thinks he is right, maybe he will be all of you." The Lord of the Sky sneered, there was a crisis of death. This was a crisis, but it was also a driving force.

"Ahem, you are a little too taken for granted." At this time, the master of the thousand had to interrupt the two. The imagination was good, but the reality was cruel. "I have just said that there is another This power, now this power, you see ... "

Speaking, the Lord of the Thousands mapped out the state of the kingdom of the virtual sun.

I only saw that in the kingdom of the virtual sun, the shadow of a priest's scepter occupied the center of the kingdom of the virtual priest. From this priest's scepter, chains were derived, like roots and infiltration. Arrived at all parts of the kingdom of the sun.

Looking at it, the Dean's Scepter is like a tree of the world in the legend.

"What's going on?" The Lord of the Sky lost his voice. He had seen the Dean's scepter. Is it the last blow ...

"Yes, that is the magic weapon. The final blow penetrated the kingdom of the virtual sun and formed this projection in his kingdom. Now the projection of this magic weapon is connected with the kingdom of the virtual sun and wants to destroy it. Dropping this projection will also destroy the kingdom of the virtual sun. If it is not destroyed, the power of the virtual sun will be continuously swallowed by the projection, and finally the projection will continue to be consolidated, and it will also be anti-dominant, and finally devour the entire virtual sun. Drop. "The lord of the thousand sighed, this is really ruthless, it is not a way to live.

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