Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1934: Immortal College is crazy

When the Lord of the Sky heard this, he gritted his teeth and said, "Too deceiving people is too deceiving!"

The surrounding space shuddered and black cracks appeared.

Xu Ri's face was pale: "Will I be obsolete in the future?"

He couldn't believe that he would end up in this ending, but he tried to feel it, and found that he could not mobilize even the power of the **** king level.

The scepter of the dean restrained him by ninety-nine percent.

The lord of Daqian sighed: "Next, your strength will fall to the realm of the Lord God, and then with the projection of the scepter, you will continue to absorb your strength, and your strength will continue to fall until it falls to the point where you cannot exert any Up to your strength. Then, you can only slowly wait for Shou Yuan to run out and the soul to die. "

Talking, the Master of the Thousand is also full of murderous intentions.

The Immortal College was really ruthless this time. As soon as it was shot, the null sun was abolished, so that the greatest genius of the tenth century before the ancestors of the gods became a dead man.

Xu Ri was paralyzed sitting in a chair, silent, and his life was over?

Ridiculous, really ridiculous.

He grinned horribly, grasping the chair with his hands, all scratching bloodstains, his eyes opened and his eyes were about to pop out.

Seeing the appearance of Xuri, the Lord of the sky finally couldn't help but growled, "I want to destroy Xian Academy, destroy Xian Academy ..."

With that said, his tearing space was about to rush to the Immortal College.

The master of Daqian grabbed the master of the sky once he grabbed it: "The sky, what are you doing? You also saw the strength of the master of Hongmeng. It is definitely better than you, plus the dean of Xianxian College has not yet appeared. Body, you want to destroy the immortal college, you can only die. "

The master of the sky clutched the cracked space, silent.

Why didn't he know that? The strength of the Lord of Hongmeng was definitely above him.

"For the time being, don't act lightly, wait until the Lord of Origins comes out," said the Master of the Thousand, and looked at Xuri again. "What do you want to do next, unseen wish, go ahead and complete it."

"I see." Xu Ri hooked her head, her face pale.

This is almost telling him that you are dying, eat and drink well, and leave no regrets.


Road to Sendai.

The exchange conference continued. The students of Xianxian College used various magical powers to show the power of magical powers.

Supernatural power, really strong.

"I saw it, I won, I won." Weixi was a little proud of herself. "So many contestants with Xian College students, I was the first to win."

"Don't blow it, you, a half-step **** king, against a student in the master **** realm of Xian Academy, and finally won the victory with the use of the magical basaltic ban of Xian Academy, but you are embarrassed to say it." Many other onlookers also secretly despised.

Wei Xi can ignore this, humming: "Anyway, I won, and the Lord of Hongmen said, there are prizes won. To Yao Jie, what are the prizes?"

Yao Jie looked at Wei Xi, and said lightly: "The prize is actually a lottery. At the end of a while, let the people you win go to the lottery. There are elixir, exercises, cheats, magic weapons, anyway, you draw Whatever arrives is what. "


Weixi rubbed her hands, and seemed to be trying her luck.

The competition is still going on, and the students of Xianxian College made a name for themselves at this exchange meeting.

Within the same realm, compared to the geniuses of other forces, the students of Xianxian College did not fall behind, and faintly suppressed the geniuses of several major forces.

The potential of Xianxian Academy is frightening.


At the end of the conference, it really seemed like Yao Jie said that all the winners were given a chance to draw.

However, you can't draw only if you win. You can also lose if you lose.

Yao Jie got a fifth-order supernatural power, Guy got a skill of condensing divine power, and Wei Xi was very lucky. He even got a chance to ask the Lord of Hongmeng for advice.

"Sure enough, wash your hands before the lottery," Weixi said proudly.

"Mr. Hongmeng is very knowledgeable and cultivates profound knowledge. If you ask him for advice, it's best to ask your questions about cultivation." Yao Jie whispered to Wei Xidao, and he could ask a cosmic **** to make Weixi go away Many detours.

Weixi nodded, after all, in the ancestral beast palace, he did not have so many opportunities to ask the ancestor.

At this time, a voice sounded through Sendai.

"In order for all the life in this universe to cultivate magical powers, our college has compiled a book about the cultivation of magical powers, and in this book also contains the 100,000 kinds of magical powers studied by our fairy college." Hongmeng's voice sounded, and everyone who thought he was going to leave was trembling.

Magical books?

Hundreds of thousands of magical powers!

What kind of concept is that, even if it is a small magical power, how can it be equivalent to a small magical skill.

"This, is this true?" Tai Wu whispered, "Xian Academy is so generous, willing to bring out 100,000 kinds of magical powers for our cultivation and research?"

"Crazy, it's really crazy. Other forces have good things. Who isn't hiding the truth? This fairy college is good, for fear that others don't know that they have good things, and they wantonly spread." Someone muttered that they felt that their three views had been refreshed by Xianxian College.

"The measurement of Xianxian is really not something I can guess!" Yan Yue thought for a long time and didn't know what to say. She thought that she had already figured out the context of Xianxian, but now she found that she thought more. This college repeatedly broke everyone's perception of him.

Fairy College, is there really no portal's opinion?

"In addition, our college intends to hold a magical power exchange conference every 10,000 years. By then, everyone will have a new magical power or need a perfect magical power to exchange it. And every time the communication conference, our college will bring out a new Magical power for everyone to learn. "Hongmeng continued, what is courage, this is courage.

"Once a thousand years, still come up with new magical powers?" Someone brightened his eyes, looking forward to this.

Immortal Academy is iron-hearted, and it is necessary to push the magical practice to the whole universe and replace the existing mystical practice.

In the future, when talking about magical power, everyone will think of Xianxian College.

Immortal College is the place where the magical powers originated.

At the end of the conference, many powerful people gathered together, and everyone laughed bitterly.

It would have been a good idea to attack Xianxian Academy and let Xianxian Academy hand over the magical cultivation techniques, but before they acted, Xianxian Academy revealed all the magical cultivation methods.

Now, there are even 100,000 small magical powers.

what is this?

Why doesn't this college play cards according to common sense, so that they all have a feeling of beating.

"How to say, is it possible to build a home?" Taiwu laughed. Among the eight forces, their relationship between the Cosmic Arena and Xian Academy is pretty good, so at this moment it is a little bit proud, you people want to make trouble for Xian Academy, Ask you now whether your face hurts.

You want supernatural power, and Xianxian Academy gives you supernatural power, now?

What else do you want, and where is the end of the sun, who can stay here forever if he doesn't open his eyes.

"Our senior leaders of the League of Nations have given orders to let us go back, so we will not participate in the rest. Of course, there is nothing left. After all, we have obtained the magical cultivation method, haven't we? "The supreme **** of the League of Nations smiled. Whoever wants to participate in it, this immortal college is so powerful. We, the League of Nations, will not accompany you crazy.

"We are not going to go back for the time being. There are still many magical powers in the ancient and immortal sea. I plan to let people understand for a while. After all, each magical power is seven-level, and if you realize one, you will earn a lot. "The supreme **** of the adventurer alliance is indifferent. It is a pity to miss such a good cultivation opportunity.

Supernatural power in the ancient sea of ​​immortality?

Many people's eyes are bright, although now they have got 100,000 kinds of small magical powers announced by Xian Academy, but they are all low-level magical powers, the highest being less than the third-level magical powers.

In the ancient and immortal sea, cocoa are all seventh-order magical powers.

A seventh-order supernatural power is very helpful to them.

"Ahem, I remember, we have something to do with the League of Nations, and we will not go back for the time being." The Supreme God of the League of Nations hurriedly changed his tongue.

Everyone else looked at him, and all looked scornful.

Seeing is good, so don't leave.


Ten years later, Patriarchism.

"Xi Ri, you have become a wasteful man. Where can I still live in a palace where the Supreme God can live, the acquaintances will move out earlier, and here will be mine." A man with a stern face sneered, "Before you were The genius of our ancestral gods, I will give you the best, including this palace ~ ~ Now, what are you? "

Talking, the man laughed proudly.

"Xi Ri, Xi Ri, you also have today, I really thought you could break through to the universe and the realm of God, and forever overwhelm us. But who knows if you go out and come back, you will be a waste. Everyone can step on the rubbish. "The man sarcastically said, after many years of resentment, now finally can be out.

Xu Ri looked at the man in front of him, his face indifferent.

The man is called Ursula, although it is also the highest realm of God, but far worse than he was before.

The two entered the ancestral religion in the same period. Ursula was always suppressed by herself, her reputation was not obvious, and she did not expect to become the final winner.

"Usula, you dare to ridicule Master!"

An old man yelled angrily, rushed towards Ursula, and patted Ursula with one palm.

Ursula froze and laughed at him: "Old man, you want to teach me, too!"

As he said, he punched out with a single palm, and a domineering force tore up the space and blasted the old man out fiercely.

The old man spurted blood and his bones broke into powder.

Xu Ri frowned and yelled, "Usula, don't bully people too much."

Ursula sneered: "It was this old ghost who first took action against me. Even if he killed him, it was justified. But you reminded me that if you don't move out from here, then I might really kill With this old ghost, you know I have this ability. "


Xuri pointed at Ursula, clenched her fists, and finally held back.

If he takes a shot, that's a real insult.


Demu on the ground roared, when his young master had suffered such humiliation.

Xu Ri walked over to support Demu and slowly said, "Pack up and let's go."

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