Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1936: Tao Te Ching

"Master, let's go in."

Demu said, leading the way.

Xuri nodded and walked along with Demu. Although it had passed one billion years, Xuri found that the entire mansion had hardly changed at all, and still kept the original appearance.

"Demu, you have a heart."

Xu Ri is somewhat ashamed. Compared to Demu, his family heir is really incompetent.

Over the years, he has been busy cultivating and fighting with various people. He has forgotten what he is and what his roots are.

"At the time of the death of the old master, I hoped that the young master could rebuild the Yuanhe clan, but later the young master entered the ancestral religion. The small Yuanhe clan could not reach the young master's eyes before, so this matter will not be left. The young master returned this time, but the Yuanhe family can be re-established. I think maybe this is a doomed thing. Young master, what do you say? "Demu thought about it, he still wanted to fulfill the old master's wish.

"Is everything really freely arranged?" Xu Ri was silent. If he replaced him, he would only be one step into the universe and the realm of God. How could he build a small family? At that time, he wanted to become a small family. Heir to the Patriarch. But now that he was retired, he went back to his former hometown, and everything seemed to be doomed.

"Maybe I should have hit it." Xu Ri couldn't help thinking about it.

"Master, you are back!" At this time, a man with golden hair on his face and a face like a lion rushed over in excitement, and then fell in front of Xuri, "Master, do you remember me, I am a lion King! "

"Lion King?" Xu Ri stunned for a moment, some were unbelievable. "You were the lion and beast that played around with me all day?"

Demu nodded: "It's the little lion. His name is still from the young master. When the family is destroyed, the lion king has not changed shape, but it is a little lion. Others only treat him as a pet. Instead, he keeps one. Life. Later, when the young master killed his enemies, the Lion King returned, and in the years when the young master was away, the entire family mansion was managed by the Lion King. "

Xuri held up the lion king, and a rare smile appeared: "I didn't expect the little lion who was playing around with me all the time, and now I also have the practice of great fulfillment."

One billion years of cultivation to the Great Realm of God, is naturally incomparable with the Xuri, but it is faster than the average practitioner.

The Lion King was embarrassed: "In fact, thanks to the help of Lord Demu, he has secretly sent me a lot of cultivation resources over the years."

Xu Ri waved his hand: "You care for the old house, you deserve it."

Next, the Lion King led the way, and watching everything in the old house along the way, many things that had been forgotten, once again floated into the sun.

This is his home. This is his home. It will always be his home here.

A month later.

Xu Ri and Demu settled everything, and no one knew that the Yuanhe family, who had left a mansion a billion years ago, welcomed his master again.

Demu became the steward of the Yuanhe clan, the Lion King became the leader of the guard, and Xu Ri changed from a young master to a master.

Later, on the day of Xu Ri, he represented the Yuanhe family.

"Master, where do you want to go today, I will show you the way." Said the Lion King, opening the gate of the Yuanhe clan to Xuri.

"Walk around, I plan to recruit some family guards, and then buy something to transform the family." Xu Ri thought about it, mainly because he also wanted to see what the big city where he lived as a child looked like now. .

The Lion King nodded, but then whispered: "I think the young master should buy some women so that the Yuanhe family can bloom."

Hearing this, Xu Ri rolled his eyes.

The Lion King again said, "The butler of Demu has arranged a blind date for the master. If the daughters of many families in Yuanhe City know that they can marry a young master, they will probably go crazy.

Xu Ri didn't speak. He had less than a century's life span, and he was revoked. Several people could look after himself.

"You take it for granted. Tell the butler of Demu, even if the blind date, even if I am dead, there is a way to leave the inheritance of the Yuanhe clan, otherwise the Yuanhe clan will be extinct." Xu Ri thought for a while, he Have your own way, after all, even if you leave a child, you don't necessarily need a woman to do it, and sometimes you can do it alone.

The Lion King stunned, scratching his head and wondering what it meant.

When they left the mansion, Xu Ri glanced at the bookstore opposite the family mansion, and was curious: "Xianyuan Bookstore, when is this shop opened?"

Xu Ri was too sensitive to the word Xian, and his cultivation was abolished, which was done by Xian Xian College.

The Lion King thought for a long time and said, "I don't remember clearly, it should be a while, maybe it was a million years ago."

Million years ago?

Xu Ri shook his head. For so long, at that time, he didn't know that there was a college at Xianxian College.

After the two left, Xianyuan Bookstore came out with a man and a woman, exactly Wang Xing and Leng Shuangning.

"Wife, I heard that a fish called tombfish in Yuanhe City is very delicious. It's not a trip, let's try it."

"A tomb fish, it is said that this is a deadly fish, really strange."

They said, heading towards the city center.


After a month.

"Master, where are we going today?" The Lion King looked at Xuri and went out again, but also led the way.

"If I don't go today, I plan to take a look around our mansion. This was also where I used to play." Xu Ri said, heading for Xianyuan Bookstore, and last time he wanted to check it out. But something didn't happen that day. Later, he bought some guards and servants, and was busy with these things. Today, I feel a little free.

"Oh, then I am with the young master," said the Lion King, following Xuri.

The two came to Xianyuan Bookstore and looked at this quaint little shop. Xuri was a little curious.

He stood at the door, but no one came in or out. After thinking about it, he went in by himself.

At this time he saw a young man sitting next to the book case and holding a book in his hand. The young man watched him come in without looking up, but just casually said, "Books are not sold ~ ~ An immortal coin for an hour. "

"Boy, my master, come here, what is your attitude, what good things can you do in this broken bookstore, and what is pretentious?" The Lion King was a little hesitant, humming.

The young man is Wang Xing. At this time, he looked up at the Lion King: "Love can't see, don't look at it."

Speaking, Wang Xing waved a restraint, and the Lion King was stopped outside.

The Lion King was anxious and blasted towards the restraint, but at this moment the restraint was nothing, but he sat down on the ground with his butt, and his entire arm was split.

Wang Xing ignored him and looked at Xuri ~ ~ and read a book, not loud. "

Xu Ri's face was dignified, and he nodded, and looked at the Lion King outside, and said, "Go back first, I'll take a look."

The Lion King froze a bit, and knew that when he encountered a powerful character, he could arrange a restraint to stop himself. The young man might be a **** king.

Xuri didn't say anything, but secretly wondered when Yuanhecheng came to such a powerful figure.

But this bookstore seems really not simple.

From the outside it looks like an ordinary bookstore, but from the inside it looks like there are no holes in it. It seems like a world has been stuffed into this bookstore.

I don't know who Wang Xing is, and Xuri didn't feel any danger, so she looked at the book in the same way that she had been.

He first picked up a forward book whose name made him dumbfounded.

"The Book of Morality?"

What a ghost it is.

But when he opened the first page and saw the content above, he was a little dumbfounded.

"The word is good, the word is very good; the name is good, the very good. Unknown, the beginning of heaven and earth, famous, the mother of all things ..."

He didn't know the meaning of it, but he felt that it was mysterious and unpredictable, and he read a few sentences throughout the Tao Te Ching. He was actually a bit tired.

As he was about to continue watching, Xu Ri heard a voice: "It's time, our shop snoozes ~ ~" and said, before Xu Ri spoke, he was called out from the bookstore.

The Lion King saw Xu Ri coming out, and was surprised: "Master, what's wrong with you, I just saw you look like a magic wand in it, motionless ..."

Xu Ri was silent for a while, and said a long time later, "I'm fine, let's come back tomorrow."


The empty day arrived early the next day, and after he went in, he found yesterday's Tao Te Ching and continued reading.

On the third day, it was still the same.

On the fourth day, it was still the same.

On the fifth day, it was still the same.


Ten years later, Xu Ri is still looking at Daodejing, and Xianyuan Bookstore is already a place he will go every day.

A hundred years later, this is still the case.

Five hundred years later, this is still the case.

One thousand years later, Xu Ri finally picked up a second book.

At this time, a faint voice came: "A book of morality, you have looked at the whole thousand years, and you really are not ordinary people."

To be honest, according to Wang Xing's current perspective, the Tao Te Ching is no longer complicated.

However, it is not the same for the virtual day that has just come into contact with the culture of immortals.

It was almost like opening a new door for the virtual day.

"Boss, a thousand years ago, this is the third sentence you and I said." Xu Ri smiled. "Your shop is very interesting, and the books in it are also very interesting."

"Really." Wang Xing smiled. "In fact, there are more interesting, like you must be curious about who I am."

His face changed slightly as the sun went down.

He looked at Wang Xing and solemnly said, "No, I don't want to know who you are."

With that said, Xu Ri turned away without hesitation.

Wang Xing poked his lips and got proud of her. Is the genius all this bear-like, or are his students more cute?

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