Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1937: Letter of appointment

Wang Xing thought that the virtual sun would be scared, and he might not come tomorrow.

However, he was wrong.

The next day was the same as usual, and nothing happened when Xu Ri did the same thing, and came again.

When he came, he didn't look at Wang Xing or speak, so he went to read a book by himself.

He would no longer read the Tao Te Ching, this time he picked up a second book, the title of which was "Yu Pian 479".

Obviously, this is just a branch of Yu articles.

In fact, he noticed before that there were twelve bookshelves in front of him, eight of which were arranged in the order of "Tianhuangxuanhuang, Universe Flood", and the Yu articles and the Zhou articles were the most, each of which had more than Four hundred books, followed by Heaven and Mystery, also reached more than 300. In addition to these eight, there are four remaining "Fairy Demon Monsters", and more than six hundred copies of the "Fairy Demon".

If no one was beside him, he looked up at himself.

Yu refers to space, and the content of "Yu Ping 479" is the same, but it is not about cultivation methods, not supernatural secretaries, but some mysterious space theories.

He is practicing time and space together, but at the moment, he is still a little bit obscure when he reads "Yu Pian 479".

He used to think he had a deep understanding of space and time, but now he seems to take it for granted.

Time and space are not as simple as he imagined. At this time, he thought of the Lord of Hongmeng. At the time, the Lord of Hongmeng defeated him so easily. Obviously, the Lord of Hongmeng had far more understanding of time and space than him. However, he also felt that he could be comparable to the cosmic **** who practiced the laws of time and space.

Before, he was too arrogant.

This time has continued for three thousand years. During these three thousand years, Xu Ri also watched "Yu Pian 479".

Five thousand years later, Xu Ri continued to read "Yupian 478" and "Yupian 413".

Ten thousand years later, Xu Ri continued to read ten articles.

For the time being, he does not plan to watch Yu Pian anymore, but picks up Xian Pian and looks up.

The fairy tales are further divided into human fairy tales, earth fairy tales, heaven fairy tales, Xuanxian chapters, Yuanxian articles, Shengxian articles, and Jinxian articles. There are a total of seven and 640.

Picking up a personal fairy tale, the beginning is about what is a human fairy, and Xu Ri combined with the contents of the Tao Te Ching, he actually understood seven or eight.

At the end of the day, the empty day is about to leave.

"Are you going? I want to inform you that our store may be closed." Wang Xing smiled and let go of the book he had been reading.

The sun is stunned and closed, who are you?

This bookstore can go out of business.

"No way, business is difficult to do. You have been a guest for so many years, and you really can't make money." Wang Xing looked at Xuri. "I plan to sell the store out. I think you like reading books. Is there any? Interest has taken over. "

The sun blurs: "Including taking over the books here?"

Wang Xing nodded: "Of course."

Xu Ri was silent and did not directly agree, he always felt there was something wrong.

"I'll think it over."

Said, Xu Ri stepped out of the door.

The Lion King outside the door didn't understand what was happening at the moment, but looking at Xu Ri's dignified look, he whispered, "Master, did the **** boss say something?"

Xuri remembered one thing at this time: "Lion King, do you say this store has been open for millions of years?"

The Lion King hesitated, and nodded his head. He felt that it was a long time ago. It should be at least a million years.

"Sure, I can't be wrong. I feel that the drug store next door hasn't had this bookstore for a long time, and that drug store has been open for almost a million years." The Lion King scratched his head, Master, what's wrong with this, how can you ask these uninteresting questions.

Xu Ri shook her head: "A million years, how can there be a million years, it is just that someone forcibly reversed the entire Yuanhe City's time concept of Xianyuan Bookstore."

The Lion King was aggressive, and he didn't know what to say about Xuri.

Xuri looked back at the bookstore, the name was strange enough.

So who is this person, the Lord of Hongmeng? Obviously not, because he has fought with the Lord of Hongmeng, if he is the Lord of Hongmeng, he cannot feel it at all.

Who else can it be except the Lord of Hongmeng?

"Leave, go back first."

Xu Xu faintly felt that he had guessed the identity of the bookstore owner, but this was too incredible.

After the two left, the door of the bookstore closed slowly.

Inside the bookstore.

"Husband, this Xuri guessed your identity." Leng Shuang smiled.

"Even if I didn't guess it, it wouldn't be out of the question. But it doesn't matter. I just came here to give him a choice. Even if he really didn't plan to accept my invitation, there was nothing. OK, I'm here It ’s been a long time, and after the bookstore goes out, we should go back to college. ”Wang Xing thought about it.

"Xu Ri is a relatively simple person. After experiencing this transformation, he should have realized his own heart. The realm of the universe and God is not far away from him. If he can be invited to join the college, then our college will One more universe god. "Leng Shuangning analyzed.

Why didn't Wang Xing know this? Otherwise, he wouldn't let Hongmeng die in the first place.

Not for today.

The ancestral **** gave up the virtual sun, but pushed the virtual sun to the side of Xianxian.

For the next month and a month, Xuri did not come again, and Xianyuan Bookstore was open as usual, as if nothing had happened.

One day after three months, the empty day came again.

"How? A decision is made, and I plan to take over the bookstore." Wang Xing looked at Xu Ri and smiled.

"If I take over the bookstore, what are the conditions?" Xu Ri said in a deep voice.

He didn't believe there was such a good thing. Wang Xing had worked hard to calculate him, how could there be no plot.

Just because he still has use value.

Wang Xing smiled and took out a scroll from under the book case. Opening it and looking at the contents made Xu Ri a little surprised.

We hereby invite Yuanhe's Xuri to be the next owner of Xianyuan Bookstore under the Xianyuan Library, which will be valid until the end of Yuanhe's Xuri's life.

Deposit: The Office of Immortal College.

Dean: Wang Xing.

Time: X calendar X month X day.

The most important thing is not this. He even saw a seal and a scepter seal on the paper.

This seal is really too familiar to him.

The scepter in his body was almost exactly the stamp of the scepter.

He even felt that the scepter of his own body was beating, as if to fly out of his body.

He suddenly understood that as long as he signed the letter of appointment, the projection of the scepter in his body would leave, and he could resume cultivation.

Wang Xing looked at him with a smile: "Well, after signing this letter of appointment, you can find what you have lost."

But at this moment, Xu Ri hesitated.

Immortal College has abolished his cultivation, and now he has left in front of him a resumed appointment letter. What a matter.

He looked at the letter of appointment and was not dazzled by the excitement that could be restored.

To be a human, there must be principles.

Although the ancestral religion gave up on him, the imprint that the ancestorism had left in his body was still there, and he did not want to betray the ancestorism so soon.

He pushed towards Wang Xing, showing an awkward smile: "Sorry, I refuse."

Wang Xing first froze, then laughed.

"If you did sign this way, I would rather not want to hire you." Wang Xing said, put away the letter of appointment, continued to read the book, and no longer care about the virtual day.

Xu Ri hesitated, and looked at the books: "Can I still read?"

Wang Xing waved his hand: "Look, keep watching."


"Husband, that's exactly how I left." Leng Shuangning looked at the bookstore behind him and whispered.

"Let ’s go. It does n’t make sense to stay on. People have already guessed your identity, and they are not willing to sign a letter of appointment. If you have to pretend to be pretentious, then let him pretend to be good." Rest assured, he will be part of our college, we just have to wait. "

Walking on the moonlight ~ ~ Wang Xing and Leng Shuangning left.

The next day, the empty day came again.

But the shop door was open, but no one was inside.

Xu Ri frowned, and just then he saw a note on the case.

"Yuanhe's Xuri, the bookstore is rented to you for the time being. When will you wait for your thoughts and come to Xianxian College to find me?"

Xu Ri touched the sticky note, followed by that sticky note turned into a little bit of ash.

Entering the bookstore, Xu Ri saw the scroll under the book case.

Although people left, the letter of appointment was left.

Xu Ri remained silent for a long time, and continued to read the book, officially becoming the temporary owner of this bookstore.

This time slowly passed, and in a blink of an eye, it was 14 thousand years.

In these years, Xuri has been watching the books in Xianyuan Bookstore, which he called Daoxian, with a total of 3,000 volumes.

He just read less than a hundred books now.

But even so, he felt that his gain was comparable to what he had learned in the Patriarchalism for so many years.


virtual reality.

"Master, when the sun is found, he is in the source river city of the radiant universe." A man covered with metal was half-kneeling and whispering, but it was Ursula who was not in front of him.

"Ha ha, thirty thousand years, finally found this guy, this time I want to bring the pain he had previously imposed on me, ten times back." Ursula said extremely excited.

"Boss, where you use your shot, I'll kill him enough."

"Yes, where is this waste worth Ursula's supreme shot."

"Xi Ri, Xi Ri, you also have today."

"Let's go together. I really want to see Xuri's guy kneeling for mercy."


All the figures quickly rushed out of the shining universe.

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