Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1938: Master, run away!

Within the shining universe, several **** kings frowned slightly.

So many powerful breaths poured into the shining universe, what happened?

Xuri didn't know this yet. He was immersed in his own world, and was studying the three thousand Taos left by Wang Xing.

For the Yuanhe family, Demu, as a steward, is training the new recruits for the Yuanhe family over the past 10,000 years. After all, for a family, the guard is a necessary force.

The former Yuanhe family had 300,000 people but 100,000 guards.

But now the Yuanhe clan only has a single seedling, Xu Ri, and there are less than 3,000 guards, and this has just been recruited.

"Remember what your mission is. The master provides you with cultivation resources, not for you to hang around here." Demu said coldly, these guards are immortal, and the highest cultivation has reached the level of perfection. This ambition is not small.

But Demu is confident to tame them, because he has this strength.

In recent years, the virtual sun has been cultivated to the highest **** realm, and he has been immersed in the light of the virtual sun, and has also cultivated to the realm of the **** king.

A **** king, even in the shining universe, is extremely powerful. After all, there are no more than ten **** kings in the shining universe.

"A small place is a small place, which is simply incomparable with the supreme great religion of the ancestral religion." Demu secretly said that in the ancestral religion, there are many supreme gods, and the **** king is everywhere, unless some talent is very strong The **** kings, those **** kings who pile up by time, sometimes do not even have the qualifications to see the empty sun. But in this glorious universe, there are very few **** kings, and he wants to recruit some powerful guards, and no such person will recruit him.

The three thousand Yuanhe family guards all bowed their heads, a little ashamed.

In fact, they can enter the cultivation of the Yuanhe family, they have made a lot of money, and here they have learned a lot of powerful exercises and mysteries.

It's just that they are so talented. Where can they be like the geniuses of the ancestral gods, entering the country a thousand miles away.

"Forget it, come here today." Demu let go of these guards, and he knew the problem. If these guards had such a high level of cultivation talent, where would they be nested in this small place, they would have entered The universe is breaking.

The Lion King was also pardoned, and it was finally over, otherwise he would have to be trained next.


"The flaring universe has arrived, and Yuanhe City is in that direction."

"Come on!"

"Just in case, this universe is banned first, and from now on, the shining universe can only enter and cannot go out."

"It's beautiful, this time the virtual sun is impossible even if you want to escape."

"Don't act lightly, wait until Ursula is high before you start."

"That's right, Ursula probably wants to kill Xu Ri with his own hands. He has been crushed by the Xu Ri in these years."

"Ursula has arrived."

I don't know who said a word at this time, everyone looked in the same direction.

Seeing only in the distance, a cosmic ship tore the crystal wall system of the flaring universe and broke in.

"It's a very backward place. This was the hometown of Xuri before. We should have thought that Xuri hid here and made Xuri live for so many years." Ursula said coldly.

"Usula, waiting for you." A woman said with a smile, this woman is also a supreme.

"Shuanglin, when Xu Ri refused to let you lose your face and become a laughingstock, what does it feel like now?" Ursula looked at the woman in front of her, and she was still a little jealous.

At first Shuangliu liked the empty day, but she was rejected in public, and then she began to do everything possible to calculate the empty day and retaliate against the empty day.

The woman's heart was vicious.

"I just want to kill him, so that the shame he gives me can be washed away." Shan Lin said indifferently.

"The flash scale is the highest, or I will do it for a while." Another person said, holding a sword in his hand, and licking it with his half-meter-long tongue, it seemed that the knife was stained with blood. .

"Blood, don't you be so disgusting, okay, didn't Xu Ri cut off your tongue in the first place, it depends on your revenge now." Ursula was a bit disgusting, this guy has always been so disgusting, No wonder Xu Ri cut off his tongue.

Shinescale is also disgusted a little far from the blood.

"Just cut off my tongue? The most important thing for our beast-eating beast is this tongue, because of him, I broke through at least one era of the supreme **** realm at least." The blood-eating cold said, his deity is the universe One of these strange beasts is called the celestial beast, and the most important thing of this strange beast is the tongue. At the beginning, he compared with Xu Ri, and Xu Ri pulled his tongue, making him fall into a realm. At that time, he stubbornly hated him.


In addition to these three supreme, the other eleven **** kings also have various contradictions with Xu Ri, and they all want to kill Xu Ri and then quickly.

"If it wasn't for the false sun talking, I would have been able to worship under the main gate of the sky, saying that my talent is not good, that I have insufficient potential, it is really damn." Cang snake clenched his fist, the **** virtual day, this time he must Killed Xuri.

"Xi Ri, Xi Ri, this time you are dead." Someone was thinking secretly, and even felt very happy.


Ursula whispered, and the three Supremes took eleven **** kings towards Yuanhe City.

Glowing universe, the hidden gods are trembling.

"What is going on? The fourteen breaths are so powerful, especially three of them. Is it the Supreme God?"

"Damn, there's something in the Glory Universe that deserves so many strong people to come together. It must be a big deal."

"Looking at the murderousness of those people just now, there will definitely be a war next. Let's go quickly and don't be affected."

"Go, leave here, the Glowing Universe is not safe, and the three Supreme Gods can shatter the Glowing Universe."


Brushing, several figures fled from the shining universe.

Xuri didn't know these at the moment, his cultivation was abolished, and his perception of these had already fallen below the realm of the Lord God.

However, one person still felt it, and that was Demu. He quickly flew into the void and wanted to check the situation.

He already had a bad hunch.

"Someone is the old ghost in front of Xu Ri." Cang snake pointed and laughed, "This old ghost is here, Xu Ri must be here, catch him first."

"What kind of talent does this old devil have? He has been mixed into the realm of the **** king with Xu Ri." Ursula was disdainful. He wanted to kill Demu for a long time. At the time of the ancestral religion, if Demu dared to go He started, he absolutely did.

Demu saw something wrong, and the familiar atmosphere made him panic.

They found it and found the world of light.

After so many years, Demu feels that those enemies of the Xingri should have forgotten the Xingri and will not find the trouble of the Xingri.

But apparently he was wrong, these people didn't forget.

"Master, run away!"

Demu roared, and rushed towards Xianyuan Bookstore first.

But his voice couldn't be heard at all, and people had been cut off from everything around him in order to prevent him from reporting to the virtual day.

"Run, where can you run."

Blood Eater smiled indifferently, and suddenly put out his tongue toward Demu, and that tongue actually shuttled through the space and rolled Demu in front of him.

Then, the blood on Demu's body disappeared at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and his entire body seemed to become a blank piece of paper.

"It's always getting older, but after all, it is the blood of the King of God, and the taste is still good."

Blood Eater then tossed Demu aside, and lost Demu of the whole body's blood, the **** body was instantly paralyzed, and the rigid stiffness could not move.

The green snake stepped on Demu's head at this time: "Old ghost, for so many years you have absorbed this tumor on our ancestral gods, and you have also raised yourself to the realm of the **** king, now it is time for you to pay the price . "

Speaking, the green snake rubbed his feet on Demu's chest, directly shattering the bones of Demu's whole body.

Without bones and blood, Demu's body is a pile of meat.

Then the snake grabbed Demu and turned him into a meat ball, playing around in his hands.

"Let's go, the sun is our goal."

Ursula waved his hand to deal with Demu, the virtual sun's servant ~ ~ Where is it worth his shot.

The flash scale is the same, it is simply disdain.

It is also the extremely disgusting supreme **** who eats blood, and then he will fight against Demu.

"Yuanhecheng is here, right there."

"I heard that this is Xu Ri's hometown. I have an idea. Let's just let the whole Yuanhe City funeral with Xu Ri."

"It might as well break the world of light, so that the traces of the sun can be wiped clean."

"They died because of the sun, and they definitely hate it."

A dozen people said that an extremely powerful coercion shrouded Yuanhe City, and all the life in this Yuanhe City shuddered.

Some of the weaker creatures broke down and died directly.

"What happened, who is it?"

"A lot of people died, and some people exerted the highest level of coercion on Yuanhe City."



In Yuanhe City, many people tried to escape, but were stopped by a wall of laws.

It was said that if these people were to be buried with Xu Ri, how could they be allowed to leave.

Xuri also felt wrong at this time. He walked to the door of the bookstore, and at this time saw the Lion King rushing out of the mansion.

"Master, it's not good, they ... they caught Demu Housekeeper."

The Lion King pointed to the sky, and Xuri finally saw Ursula and others at this time. Suddenly Xuli trembled.

Still find it.

Ursula and others also saw Xu Ri, and waved fourteen people and fell to the gate of the Yuanhe clan.

"Xi Ri, see who this is?"

The green snake squeezed the meat ball in his hand. The meat ball had long been unable to see the appearance of Demu, but the virtual sun felt the breath of Demu.

For a moment, Xuri's face turned pale, his body was shaking, and his intention of killing went straight to the sky.

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