Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1939: Can't look back

Everyone smiled when they saw Xuri.

Cool, really cool.

"Xu Ri, you also have today." Ursula smiled most proudly, "Want to save this old ghost, come, let me see how much strength you have."

"Usula, you are too bullying." Xu Ri gritted her teeth, but was not stunned by anger.

"Isn't this what I learned from you?" Ursulahaha laughed. "Is that imaginary sun that has been so immortal has now become like this. So as long as you kneel down to me now, sincere apology , I can consider letting this old ghost go. "

Others were looking forward to the virtual sun at this time. Are you kneeling or not?

With this kneeling, all dignity is completely gone.

"Master, you can't kneel. You are a virtual sun, you are the pride of heaven, you are the genius of this universe, and the heir of the Yuanhe clan. How can you kneel these mean villains." An angry voice sounded, and it turned out to be Demu. With the sound of the soul.

Listening to that voice, Xu Ri looked pale.

He and Demu depended on each other for ten epochs. Although Demu claimed to be his servant, the relationship between the two had already surpassed the master and servant.

The lion king was on the side and he was extremely angry, but he knew he was a little man and could not do anything at all.

"It's disgusting to pretend to be high now." Cang snake snorted, and gave his hand a fierce blow on Demu's meat ball. Demu screamed suddenly, this kind of pain on the soul , Even the Supreme God can't stand it.

The snake is good at soul attack.


Xu Ri no longer looks at it, and yells, "Don't you want me to kneel, do you want me to ask for forgiveness? Okay, as long as you can release Demu, I kneel!"

Many people laughed at this time.

Really kneeling?

If this is kneeling, is the empty day still the same?

"Master, don't!"

"Master, let's fight with them."

Xu Ri stopped the Lion King who was about to rush up, and then slowly knelt down towards Ursula.


Xu Ri landed on both knees, and the entire ground sank.

"Xi Ri even kneeled at me, haha!" Ursula laughed, unbelievable. He could even make Xi Ri kneel one day.

"It's disgusting." Shan Lin turned her head. How did such a man look at her at first.

"It's interesting, it's really interesting, this time it doesn't come in vain." Blood Food licked his tongue toward Xu Ri, but felt that this food was getting more and more delicious.

The other **** kings also felt a bad breath.

This feeling is really cool.

"Let it go!"

Xu Ri's voice was low, so what if he gave up his dignity, as long as he could save Demu.

Demu's soul was crying and trembling at this moment. For him, the master even kneeled at these people.

"Let it go!" Ursula waved his hand.

"Okay, I let go."

The snake said, but holding the ball of Demu flew into the sky like jelly beans, and then swallowed one of his mouth.

How can it be released.

Today the entire Yuanhe City is going to die.

"Do not!"

When Xu Ri saw this, the whole person was going crazy.

have eaten!

The green snake ate Demu, and they didn't talk.

Ursula also showed a satisfied smile.

"Xi Ri, the billion-year-old old ghost who accompany you is dead, you must hate us. Yes, that's it. When you rejected me, you caused me more pain than this." Said, and everyone else was smiling with satisfaction.

"I will kill you, kill you."

Xingri gradually did not feel the breath of Demu, Demu's soul was eaten by the snake, and Demu's body fell into the world of the gods of the snake, and became the nutrient of the snake.

But he wanted to condense the divine power, but the projection of the scepter in his body was like a chain that locked his kingdom of God, and imprisoned all his power.

He was incapable and powerless, he was too weak to avenge Demu at all.

Blood-sucking looked a little disgusting: "You soul snake is more disgusting than I am."

The snake is so scared that it dare not speak.

At this time, Blood Eater looked at Xuri and licked his tongue: "We have eaten many of the treasures of heaven and earth taught by our ancestors. Although your cultivation is abolished, the blood in this body must be delicious."

With that said, Blood Food grabbed the past toward the empty day, and a terrifying divine power shrouded the empty day, and it was necessary to catch the empty day.

Blood eating is said to be revenge, but it is also the blood of Xu Ri, because it can promote him to cultivate.


The Lion King shouted sternly. Although he was one billion years away from Xuri, he felt that he had always been a member of the Yuanhe clan, and the young master was his loyalty.

Now facing the crisis, Xuri, as the guardian of Xuri, rushed up again like a billion years ago.

Blood Eater was about to catch Xu Ri to **** blood, but looking at the sudden appearance of a fly, he was disgusted, and hit his back with one palm.


The palm of the Supreme God, even the palm of the hand, is not something the Lion King can resist.

Suddenly, the lion king's body was torn apart, and the **** body was completely abolished.

At the same time, the entire street was under this palm, and many shops and dwellings were all turned into powder. Countless people inside did not even react and died instantly.

Less than half of Yuanhe City was in ruins.

Looking at this scene blankly, the whole person looked extremely terrible.

Why, why exactly?

Just kill me, why do you want to kill other people? Is this what the ancestors really are?

He studied the three thousand volumes of Taoist Codes left by Wang Xing. At this moment, it is not the same day as before, and he has a kind of pity for the gods.

So when he sees so many innocent people dying for him, he will be angry and want to kill.

"This bookstore ..."

Suddenly, an extremely dignified voice sounded, which also made Xu Ri stunned.

The entire street and half of Yuanhe City were destroyed, but Xianyuan Bookstore still exists.

Xu Ri looked back, and was a little stunned.

The bookstore is still there.

Not only is it still dazzling with golden light at this moment, the countless Tao Codes in it seem to be blown by the wind, and each word flies out of it, and then continuously circulates around the bookstore, wrapping the entire Xianyuan Bookstore stand up.

"What's going on?" Shan-Lin was also surprised. She noticed the immortal character. This bookstore is called Xianyuan Bookstore. Whose name is it, Xuri?

Ursula was also gloomy and weird.

This bookstore gave him a sense of holiness, magnificent shore, vastness.

"Xi Ri, aren't you a ghost?" Cang snake exasperated.

Xuri did not speak, but at this time, she only saw a scroll flying out of the book case in the bookstore, fell in front of Xuri, and slowly opened it.

At the same time, a golden light was projected from the bookstore, covering the virtual sun.

"What the hell, I killed you." The Cang snake really couldn't stand it, it was weird, it was really weird, but no matter what weird, as long as the sun was killed, everything was a hundred.

He punched in the direction of Xu Ri, but Xu Ri didn't seem to see it.

Xu Ri's eyes were all on the scroll.

Should I sign this letter of appointment?

He was asking himself, and after signing it, he would be able to find his own power, but he also completely betrayed the ancestral religion, completely denied his former self, and could never turn back in the future.

If he does not sign, he will still be a waste, Demu's sorrow will not be reported, the Lion King's sorrow will not be reported, and many more will die for him.

Xuri is facing a dilemma.

Ancestorism has cultivated him for one billion years, and Wang Xing only gave him a bookstore.


The fist snake hit the golden light in front of Xuri, but at this time a mighty power was projected from the bookstore, instantly crushing the attack of the fool snake.


The green snake flew out, her arms shattered.

He looked at the bookstore in horror, as did everyone else.

The cultivation of the green snake is close to the Supreme God, but it was crushed by the shock force of this bookstore.

"What's in front of Xuri?" Ursula was more concerned about this. He felt that Xuri might have got another chance, and Xuri had a hole card he didn't know.

"It doesn't look real, but I feel that thing is a bit scary, and it seems hesitant to look at Xuri. I don't know what he is hesitating?" Shan Lin frowned. Click to kill Xuri. "

"Okay." Ursula nodded and couldn't wait any longer. It was so weird that he already had a bad feeling.

The three shot at the same time, and the other eleven **** kings were a bit shocked.

Although the three of Ursula are not the strongest supreme gods, if they meet the first-level cosmic gods, the three can work together for one or two, but now the three of them can deal with virtual sunrise at the same time ~ ~ It can be seen that the three also felt wrong.


The three men's attack fell on the top of Xianyuan Bookstore. The golden light on the bookstore blocked the three men's attack.

All three were dumbfounded, and even their attacks were blocked.

It's the same for everyone else, it's shocking.

We must know that under the joint attack of the three people, dragged by the strength of the three people, there are cracks in the entire radiant universe.

What the **** is this bookstore?

Xu Ri reacted, he looked at the scroll, and slowly said, "The dean of the Immortal Academy should be your identity. If it was you, what would you do?"

Ursula and others don't even know what to say about the sun, but they also know the big deal.

"carry on!"

Ursula said angrily, how could there be a good day for them if they were turned over by the empty sun.

The three attacked again, and this time they even took eleven **** kings.

Xuri also felt that the defense of Xianyuan Bookstore was approaching the limit, and at this time he smiled bitterly, asking what is the use of these?

But at this time, a line slowly appeared on the scroll.

"Just follow your heart."

This is the line that makes Xu Ri's body tremble instantly.

Follow your heart?

What's his heart, yeah, he's been struggling, what's he struggling with?

"Intent?" Xu Ri looked up coldly at the fourteen people attacking him. "If this is the case, my intent is to take revenge, kill you to revenge on Demu, and to those who have been killed The dead revenge. "

Then he smiled: "If this is the price I need to pay for my revenge, then I confess."

No longer hesitating, he bit his finger and resolutely wrote his name toward the appointment letter.

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