Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1940: Will die

I only saw that after the name was written on Xu Ri on the contract book, a bright purple light was emitted, and the blood of Xu Ri was slowly absorbed.

Ursula and others also changed their faces slightly, and they felt a crisis.

But at this moment they did not dare to stop and killed Xu Ri, they must kill Xu Ri, otherwise they felt like they were all done.


The three's attack fell on the golden light condensed by Xianyuan Bookstore. At this time, Jinguang could no longer hold it, shaking like a blister, and it broke when touched.

But also at this time, Xu Ri felt that some kind of ban was broken.

In his divine kingdom, the projection of the dean's scepter was shaking, and the chains that blocked his divine power were shrinking like vines, and at this time Xu Ri felt that his power was returning quickly.

His breath is strengthening, the realm of the Lord God, the realm of the God King, heading straight for the highest realm of God.

After the dean's scepter was completely contracted, it turned into a white light and flew out of the kingdom of the **** of the sun.

Ursula and others were shocked to see this scene.

The repair of Xu Ri was restored.

"Quick, kill him."

Ursula yelled, **** it, how could this be, how could the repair of the Xuri be restored.

However, Xu Ri had no time to pay attention to the three. He was looking at the projection of the dean's scepter in front of him, and following the projection of the dean's scepter, he turned up the appointment letter, and it turned into a light spot and disappeared.

Xu Ri came to her senses, and the appointment letter should have gone to Xianxian College.


Jin Guang was completely broken at this time, and then Jin Guang kept shrinking, not covering the sun.

Xu Ri felt the strength of the lost and recovered, not only did not weaken it, but became more refined, he did not know that this was not the compensation of Xianxian to himself.

But for now, it doesn't matter.

He looked at the trivial Ursula, and punched out.

The three felt the space tremble only, and a huge force swept through them, and blasted them out.

"You are all going to die today."

Xu Ri said coldly, how could these people live if they killed De Mu?

To die, these people must die.

He took the lead towards the snake.

The snake trembled, terrified: "How did your cultivation recover? Lord Ursula, save me, save me quickly."

He knew that he was not an opponent of Xu Ri, and immediately called for help, while heading towards Ursula.

Ursula ignored the snake at all, and his face was gloomy: "Eating blood and flashing scales, we have completely offended Xuanri, and today either he died or we died. Even if he restored Xiuwei, the three of us Nor is it without the power of a battle. "

How can blood eater and flash scale not know these, but the empty sun is close to the existence of the universe god, and even if the three of them want to kill the empty sun, they must pay an extremely heavy price.

It is impossible to change one at a time. It is possible for at least two of them to die.

Not even more.

For a moment, all three were serious, and no one wanted to die at this time.

The snake was anxious. Ursula's three hadn't shot yet. Isn't it clear that she was going to die.

"Time is still!"

Xu Ri looked at the snakes that were still running away and whispered.

Only seeing him as the center, a force of time radiates, making the surrounding space and time slowly seem to stop.

The snake looked like it was going to be near Ursula, as if it had been fixed there.


Xu Ri reached out and grabbed the snake at this time.

Then the time rested.

The snake came to her senses and realized that she had fallen into the hands of Xu Ri. She was astonished: "Xu Ri, I was wrong, let me go, let me go, I never dare again, I apologize to you, I give You kneel ... "

Xuri only felt ridiculous, and it was too late to beg for mercy.


Xu Ri did not hesitate to crush the snake's body, and the snake's soul was instantly annihilated.

From the body of the green snake, Xu Ri grabbed the kingdom of the green snake, and from that kingdom he found the remains of Demu. At this moment, the body has been eroded by the kingdom of the green snake.

Seeing here, Xu Ri's heart is even more killing.

Demu, even if he died, he couldn't leave a whole body, these people deserve to die.

He shot again, a divine power shrouded half of the shining universe, and the entire shining universe was blocked by him.

No one can leave here today.

"He really wanted to kill us!"

"Xuri, you are so vicious, you dare to kill us. The three ancestors will not let you go."

"Xi Ri, that old ghost is just one of your servants. Don't be impulsive. You are now recovering. As long as you return to the Patriarch, you are still the most respected Xi Ri."


Those **** kings were really afraid and threatened one after another.

"Ancestral God, do you think I can go back?" Xu Ri smiled and couldn't look back anymore. He had signed the letter of appointment for Xian Xue Academy, how could he go back.

He and the ancestral religion broke down completely after this time.


He didn't hesitate to take the shot, and the **** kings were just ants in his hands, and were killed by him one after another.

Throughout the shining universe, blood rain drifted down.

It was the blood of the God King, and every drop was as heavy as a pound.

Within the radiant universe, countless souls are shaking.

They saw rounds of **** days, which were the sky signs of the **** kings falling.

The crystal wall system of the Yaoguang universe is full of cracks, and the void is full of space cracks. The entire Yaoguang universe seems to be broken.

"kill him!"

Ursula shouted angrily, this time really a battle of life and death.

He played out a magic weapon. This magic weapon was a roulette, which quickly enveloped the empty sun. Like a formation, he wanted to block the empty sun.

"God pole!"

Suddenly on the empty day, this magic weapon is the power of manipulating space, reaching the level of the first-level eternal magic weapon.

But in Ursula's hands, this magic weapon was completely wasted.

He felt the power of his own space trapped around him, but thought of the "Utama" he saw. After many restorations of mysterious space theory, he even gave him a deeper understanding of the universe. Cognition.

At this time, blood food was also shot.

He vomited towards the virtual sun, and even spit out an awl. This awl instantly split into 100 billion, and each one was condensed with the power of a small world.

"World cone!"

Xu Ri's face was cold, and he had already heard about this elementary eternal magic weapon of blood-eating.

The power of the world can be manipulated, and the power of trillions of small worlds can be condensed at most, which can even be compared with the blow of the universe god.

But now, this power is only equivalent to the strength of the universe god.

These two shot, and Shan Lin is no exception.

Shuanglin grabbed a whip in his hand and flung him towards him. Under this fling, the void collapsed and a void river swept across the void.


The three screamed, and the three attacks rushed to Xuri almost at the same time.

But at this moment, Xuri smiled coldly, his fingers were moving towards the void, and the flow of time around him suddenly slowed down.

The three were horrified at what they saw.

"How is it possible, and how can his time force work on us?"

"Within the same realm, the influence of time should have a small impact on us. This is impossible."

"Damn, it must be that the cultivation of Xu Ri is stronger."


The power of time is a powerful force that is difficult to control.

Even if it is mastered, unless it is the absolute suppression of the above, it is like a virtual sun against a snake, otherwise it will be difficult to change the time flow of the other party.

All three are supreme gods, and the power of Xu Ri's manipulation of time can change their time velocity. There is only one possibility. Xu Ri's understanding of the laws of time is deeper.

Xu Ri looked at the panicked three, and at this time shot three palms in succession towards the three.

His attack was clearly launched later, but he first came to the three of them. The three spit blood and all flew out.

"Void sun!"

Ursula looked angrily: "Why, haven't you been so strong before?"

The blood-eating and flashing scales are also unbelievable. Although the divine power has not increased, his understanding of the law is not the same as before.

Xuri indeed became stronger!


Xu Ri said, looking back at the Xianyuan Bookstore behind him, and then he sneered: "You don't need to know these ~ ~ there are some things that you won't understand."

He shot again without mercy.

Blood Food was first spotted by Xu Ri, and suddenly Xu Yi grabbed his tongue.

"No, stop, don't cut my tongue."

The blood was terrified, and his tongue was the same as his life.

Xu Ri sneered, grabbing the blood-sucking tongue with a violent grasp, and then grabbing again at the blood-sucking, he caught a long river, and the blood-steaming flashed through the past. Under the grasp of the virtual sun, the long river collapsed and everything was shattered.


Blood spit out the blood, and the figure fell from the void.

"Long time ..."

Ursula muttered, terrified, he had long heard that the powerful cosmic **** who practiced the laws of time and space could seize the time trajectory of everyone's existence, which is the so-called long river of time, and then shattered the trajectory of this person. Because this person has no trace of existence, he will be killed directly.

In the past, it was absolutely impossible for a virtual sun to have this ability.

But now Xuri has done it.

The traces of blood-eating are wiped out directly from time, and the time of blood-eating is no longer.

Sure enough, they felt a little bit, the blood-seal of life disappeared a little bit, until it turned into nothingness.

"It's your turn."

Xu Ri sneered and continued towards Ursula, but Ursula had frightened away.

He feels that the empty sun is already the true cosmic god.

Perhaps only one divine power has changed.

Such a false day, let alone three people, it is that the three are not opponents.


Ursula yelled, but she said to Shan Lin, and now the two fled separately. Maybe Xu Ri chased Shan Lin, he could survive.

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