Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1949: The other side of Lingzu

The Zerg mother queen trembled and looked horribly in one direction.

At this time, only the depths of the endless space were seen. Numerous green branches like vines stretched out. These branches were beating out of the void like willow branches.

Under the beating of these branches, the void was fragile like tofu and shattered to the seventh floor.

The zerg warriors of each one are directly converted into powder, and the ones in the **** king's realm are also drawn into fragments of residual limbs.

There is no resistance at all.

"world Tree!"

Women are terrified, and the world tree with such strength can only be a person.


The vine-like branches are still beating, and the remaining Zerg warriors are still only the highest **** level.

But these Zerg warriors are also fleeing in haste.


These Zerg warriors are all her hard work, all Zerg warriors she has bred over the years, but were killed in a blink of an eye.

She was going crazy.

She didn't want to, the nail-like magic weapon hit the space where the world tree was.


The space was broken, and at this time the situation after the space finally appeared.

After seeing only that space, there is a huge tree with a body covered without knowing how many billion light years. The leaves and branches are sparse, and there is even a feeling of bareness. Some branches have only a leaf above them.

However, there are countless crystal-clear fruits hanging on this tree, densely covered the whole world tree, I don't know how many.


Qin Yu and Jiang Li also reacted at this moment, and they were saved.

The one who saved them turned out to be the spirit ancestor.

"That's ..." Qin Yu also noticed those fruits. "The world is a world, there are thousands of worlds, there are thousands of worlds, there are even small universes, medium universes."

"How is this possible, those are worlds one by one?" Jiang Li was shocked.

"Master of the scorpion, you are quite fat, dare to ambush my guests near our spiritual clan, it seems that you have enough life." A cold voice came from Lingzu, just this voice and this The momentum and the two had a more horrific killing intention when Lingzu heard it. The killing intention seemed to tear the sky and blast the source.

The Lord of the Scorpions is the title of the Zerg Mother Emperor.

Speaking, the figure of the spiritual clan appeared, and she grabbed the nail-like magic weapon that flew over, only to see that the power of countless worlds entangled the nail magic weapon.

The Lord of the Scorpions stunned for a moment, but also came to realize that this is the spirit ancestor. Although it is not the strongest in the universe, it is definitely the oldest universe god.

I am just a breakthrough of less than a hundred times into the realm of the universe and God. How can I be the opponent of Lingzu.

"Lingzu, they have left the realm of your spirit tribe, and I killed them and they are also entrusted by others. Forget it, since Lingzu you are willing to protect them, I ’m not good at it. You return the cone of the universe "I'll leave now." The Lord of the Scorpions said, looking at the magic weapon like a nail in Lingzu's hand. This is the cone of the universe, which is her only high-end eternal magic weapon.

"The cone of the universe, where is the cone of the universe, this is the arrow of my spirit ancestor." Lingzu said with a nail-like magic weapon in his hand.

When the Lord of the Scorpions heard these words, he was very angry.

What spirit ancestor's arrow is that?

Is this what Ming is grabbing at the same time, and Qin Yu and Jiang Li are both crying and laughing, really is the spirit ancestor.

"Besides, you still want to go." Lingzu sneered, "It hurt our guests of the Ling tribe, you can't go today."

"Lingzu, I'm just entrusted to people." The Lord of the Scorpions hurriedly said.

"Trusted by others, then I'll take a look. I killed you, and who will take the lead for you." Lingzu said, condensing a big hand, and grabbing at the Lord of the Scorpions.

Under this grasp, the space was shattered.

The Lord of the Scorpions only felt that all time, space, cause and effect were all cut off under this grasp.

She was horrified, and the energy source in her body was working to the limit.


The remaining Zerg warriors of the highest **** level are all reduced to powder under this grasp.


The Lord of the Scorpions flew out and looked at Lingzu in horror.

too strong!

Is this the power of those ancient universe **** realms, one of them is more than enough to hit ten.

"Hiding away?"

Lingzu was a little surprised, but once again gathered a palm toward the Lord of the Scorpions.


But at this time, the Lord of the Scorpions actively smashed the seven layers of cosmic space, and then endured the pain of being strangled by the force of space and fled away.

The layers of space were broken, and the figure of the Lord of the Scorpions fled quickly in the space.

Behind the Lord of the Scorpions, a big hand followed.

The Lord of the Scorpions is like a mouse, and now he is extremely embarrassed.

Qin Yu and Jiang Li were also horrified to see. Is this the strength of Lingzu, it is too scary.

This blow can break a star field.

The consciousness of the two followed the great hands that Lingzu united, but soon they could not keep up.

After half a minute, Lingzu's hand was retracted.

"Someone shot in secret and let the guy run away." Lingzu said, but in one direction, a vine drew over, only to see the unknown place, countless people mourned, and even faintly saw blood splashing. And countless buildings dumped.

At this time, there was a voice over there.

"Lingzu, what you did, I didn't do it. Grass, you don't make sense. Damn, how many people have died this time, you lunatic." A man's voice came, and some madness, he vaguely wanted to come over He Lingzu theory, but later held back.

"No matter what, I hit you and I hit you, don't you agree?" Lingzu looked at the man's figure and went straight to the sky. It seemed that if the man dared to say no, she would kill the man. Already.

The man froze and muttered, "I'm serving, isn't it OK? I can't mess with you, I admit it."

Talking, the figure of the man disappeared.

Lingzu frowned, who wasn't directed by this person, who would be: "It seems that there are a lot of people who offend you at Xianxian College."

Qin Yuzheng, Lingzu obviously also saw it, this is basically directed at the Immortal College.

After speaking, Lingzu's voice sounded slowly, and that voice spread to every space and time with the branches of the world tree.

"Qin Yu before they returned to Xian Academy, if they died, whoever killed them, I would kill anyone."

She said lightly, but there was an unquestionable confidence.

Throughout time and space, many powerful beings frowned.

"What's wrong with this crazy woman?"

"Crazy, since that one died, this one is even more unreasonable."

"Don't mess with her, or she'll be followed, and some will suffer later."


Many powerful beings murmured secretly, one by one, hiding themselves deeper, for fear of being stared at by Lingzu.

Then, the huge world tree slowly hidden in the depths of the space, Lingzu's graceful figure appeared, and then yawned, "It's so sleepy, I'm going back to sleep."

Then, she smiled at Jiang Li and Qin Yu and disappeared into the space.

Qin Yu and Jiang Li only reacted at this time.

"Is this the true spirit ancestor?"

Jiang Li didn't know what to say. When they were in the Ling family, they felt that Lingzu was like a naive little girl, but Lingzu, who had just shot, was just killing the gods and being domineering. The point is that there are so many cosmic gods in the universe, and no one dares to say a word. Especially the cosmic **** who was angry by the spirit ancestors, the doormen who did not know how many died, finally endured it stiffly.

"No wonder one spirit ancestor can bless the entire spirit clan. It is too simple for us." Qin Yu sighed. Lingzu was just one person, but the eight forces did not dare to capture the spirit clan. You can see here Lingzu is unusual.

"Let's go," Qin Yu said.

"Isn't anyone going to do anything to us again?" Jiang Li was still a little worried.

"Who dares to take a shot now, that is really looking for death." Qin Yu could not wait for someone to take a shot, so maybe today I can really see that the universe **** has fallen ~ ~ The two of them went back smoothly and incomparably. At the college, even Qin Yu deliberately delayed for two days.

However, there were several cosmic gods staring at them on the road, but no one dared to take any shots, and even they seemed to have a secret protection.

"came back."

Wang Xing saw Qin Yu and Jiang Li, and smiled: "Your journey is really thrilling. For you, Lingzu has shot."

Qin Yu was embarrassed: "Dean, we are so embarrassed this time, don't you say that?"

"Okay, don't say it." Wang Xing smiled, "tell us about your situation in the spirit race."

"Well, just as the Dean expected, the Lings did have something to ask for. They wanted our college to help them find the lost Supreme Master's Spiritual Reference, and in return, they would provide us with the location of the Xingyuan fruit, and at the same time After that, we can give us twelve thousand world fruits. "Qin Yudao.

"I see." Wang Xing nodded. "What about the truth about history?"

"The university official of the Ling family said something about this. He revealed that it was our universe that had a passage to the alien universe, and then there was a war between the two universes. But there were many things in it, and he also It ’s full of doubts. It ’s like how the cosmic channel appeared, why did we not find the real strength of the aliens when investigating the strength of the aliens, and why did the original laws of the universe collapse, or did the aliens do it? When the universe collided, it took advantage. "

Qin Yu said, the authenticity of these contents is still there.

After all, the official life of the Lingzu University is comparable to that of the Lingzu, and he is completely a witness to history, but his cultivation did not reach the level of the universe and God at that time, so he is actually only a marginal character, and there are not many truths he can know.

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