Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1950: Tail off

Wang Xing wrote these down and confirmed with other information he got, and gradually he could confirm some things.

Things at that time were definitely not simple.

The war between the two universes is definitely not a war of invasion and counterattack, which is mixed with other things.

Maybe someone wants to take advantage of it, but fails.

Otherwise it will not be the situation now.

Now that the law of the universe's origins continues to collapse, those former conspirators will certainly show up again to achieve their unfinished goals.

Wang Xing was also a bit worried. On that day, Xianxian College would definitely not be able to stay away.

I only hope that by then, the college will already have sufficient strength.

"In another three thousand years or so, the astral world of the star **** will fall and you will prepare." Wang Xing took a look at Qin Yu. Whether he can grasp this breakthrough and become a universe **** depends on Qin Yu himself.

Qin Yu stunned: "Three thousand years, astral?"

Wang Xing nodded, did he say something wrong.

Qin Yu gave a thumbs up: "The dean's Xiuwei is really terrible, even this has been calculated and admired."

He didn't figure out what he was anyway.

Wang Xing was suddenly speechless: "Mr. Qin Yu, don't you watch Cosmic News? What I said is something that everyone in the virtual world knows well. Many teachers in the school also know what to calculate, which is similar to the calculation what relationship."

Qin Yu is dumbfounded, is this something everyone knows?

Then he didn't seem to really pay attention to the major events in the universe, and in the virtual world, there is indeed an organization dedicated to collecting these news.

"You go back and take a look. The information on it is complete and it is also helpful for you to get the star fruit."

"Oh, yes."

Qin Yu was a little embarrassed, so she turned away quickly.

This time it was really a shame.

No wonder he was surprised when he heard the Ling Jian, the highest magic weapon of the Ling family, but the Linghuang looked at him strangely.

It turns out that the root cause is here. Who doesn't know Lingjian, he just foolishly removed the Ling tribe, and reached an agreement with the spiritual tribe.


at the same time.

Somewhere in the universe, the Lord of the Scorpions is furiously escaping.

Someone stopped Lingzu and she escaped, but who knew how far she hadn't escaped, and then there was another cosmic **** chasing her.

She didn't know what was going on.

"The cosmic **** behind us, we have no injustice and resentment, what do you want to do after chasing me all the way!"

The Lord of the Scorpions growled, this time really a big loss.

First, he was almost killed by the spirit ancestor, and now he is hunted down by an unknown cosmic god, terribly.

"kill you."

The cosmic God in the back said lightly, not stubbornly: "As for injustice and enmity, you are wrong, and the enmity between us is great."

"I don't know you anywhere."

The Lord of the Scorpions screamed angrily: "Did you recognize the wrong person? I broke into the realm of the universe and God, and this is my first shot today."

The cosmic **** behind that smiled: "Really, that's really unfortunate. You chose to kill our college teacher for the first time, and offended our college to death."

"Teacher in your college?"

The Lord of the Scorpions stunned, his face changed drastically.

College, what college.

Damn it, it ’s not the Immortal Academy, this is the Universe God of the Immortal Academy.

"Impossible, I have investigated the dean of the Immortal Academy, and the Lord of Hongmeng, they are not like you." But the Lord of the Scorpions is unbelieving, and thinks that men may come from other forces.

"What you know about our college is clear, but who said that our college has only two cosmic gods, introduce yourself, in Xia Linlei, professor of the postgraduate department of Xian College, research team leader of the Energy Research Lab of Xian College, university department of Xian College The most popular university teacher in the last 10,000 years, and the outstanding teacher of the 1949th Academy of Xian University. Of course, you can also call me Lord of Lin Meng. "Lin Meng said lightly.

Lord of Lin Meng?

Cosmic God!

The Lord of the Scorpion's face was gloomy, and another cosmic god, even the immortal college had hidden such a cosmic god.

Damn, I really kicked the iron plate this time.

Originally thought that God had killed Qin Yu and Jiang Li without knowing it, and made a fortune, but who knew it was the horse honeycomb.

The immortal college plus that dean, the three cosmic gods together are enough to compete with the ancestral gods.

"Tell me, who made you kill Mr. Qin Yu of our college?" Lin Meng said coldly.

"I said, can you let me go?" The Lord of the Scorpions thought about it. At this time, she only wanted to survive, and her Zerg fighters were all slaughtered by Lingzu. If she continued to run, she would have a hard time running away.

If she can survive, she doesn't mind betraying her employer's information.

Lin Meng was a little surprised. I did not expect that the Lord of the Scorpions was so unprofessional: "It is impossible to let you go, but you can not kill you, abandon your practice, and detain you for a few years in our college."

Hold me?

Abandoned repair?

The Lord of the Scorpion's face was gloomy. It might as well kill her.

"Don't promise, then die."

Lin Meng decisively shot, as long as he suppressed the Lord of the Scorpion, he could get anything he wanted to know.

He blasted out with a punch, and the earth, water, and wind gathered together, as if the ground was broken and the universe evolved.

The Lord of the Scorpions only felt the immense power of God covering himself, constantly squeezing himself, as if to squeeze her into pieces.


The space has been compressed, and the originally invisible space has condensed into a mass of liquid water.

"So strong!"

The Lord of the Scorpions felt like his whole body was collapsing: "If I go on like this, I will die."

No no no!

She didn't want to die here.

The three cores of energy in her body are moving rapidly at this moment, like three stars, which is the source of her energy.

At this point, she had no choice.

"You forced me!"

The Lord of the Scorpions growled, and even opened his mouth to spit, spit out an energy core.

Lin Meng's face changed, with a strong energy breath. He felt that the energy contained in the core of the energy was more than the energy of one hundred Supreme Gods.

"not good!"

Lin Meng stepped back quickly, and then heard a loud noise.

It only saw that the space within a few trillion kilometers collapsed instantly, and a black hole appeared at the core of the explosion, and began to devour everything around him.

The Lord of the Scorpions was also extremely embarrassed at the moment. He looked at Lin Meng, but gritted his teeth into the black hole.

"Stay for me."

Lin Meng was anxious, did he have to let the Lord of the Scorpions escape.

He rushed towards the black hole, grabbed the Lord of the Scorpion with one hand, and wanted to return the Lord of the Scorpion.

The Lord of the Scorpions was frightened, but it was faster, and half of his body entered the black hole.


The Lord of the Scorpions felt it, and a palm caught her tail that had not yet entered.

Her tail was pinched tightly, so she couldn't escape it at all.

This **** tail, at this time, broke something bad.

"Give me out!"

Lin Meng growled, muscles all over his body, and turned into an ancient **** who opened the world.

He grabbed the Lord of the Scorpions, and even a little bit of the Lord of the Scorpions was captured from it.


The Lord of the Scorpions is furious, and is also very anxious. If it is really caught, it will definitely die.

Her three energy cores have exploded one, and her strength is even worse than before.

She is even less likely to be shot by Lin Meng.


At this moment, the Lord of the Scorpions made a decision, and she chose to end her life.

Just watching a knife appear in her hand, she cut it towards her tail.


The sword flashed and the tail was cut off.

Lin Meng hasn't responded yet, the Lord of the Scorpions has penetrated into the black hole, and the black hole heals quickly.


Lin Meng muttered, looking at the broken tail in his hand, with some admiration.

The tail of the Lord of the Scorpions is equivalent to a high-end eternal magic weapon, even if he breaks it.


Immortal College, a copy of lei is back.

He entered the Shenhe River, currently limited by the law of the origin of the universe, and it is not so easy to come back.


He threw out a tail.

When this tail is on the Lord of the Scorpions, it can be large or small, but at its maximum it is 10,000 meters ~ ~, but at this moment fully reveals the body, and there are hundreds of millions of miles long.

It's scary!

"The Lord of the Scorpions?"

Wang Xing looked and recognized the source of the tail.

"The Lord of the Scorpion has exploded a core of energy, and I failed to kill her." Lin Meng is a bit sorry, his strength is far better than that of the Lord of the Scorpion. Lord of Scorpions, the main reason is that he is too careless.

If he is more cautious, the Lord of the Scorpions may not be able to escape.

"The Lord of the Universe is not so easy to kill. If you do n’t kill it, you do n’t kill it, but you still have to determine who directed the Scorpion Lord." Wang Xing thought about it.

"Okay, I'll investigate." Lin Meng is now in the Shenhe River, and there is no problem in investigating this.

Later, Wang Xing called Qin Yu, and told Qin Yu about it.

Qin Yu heard that the Lord of the Scorpions had fled, and Shen said, "It happened to be right, she gave it to me. When I broke through to the level nine of Jinxian, I killed him myself."


Qin Yu's residence, he is searching for the situation of the astral world.

Sure enough, the news about the astral world in the virtual world is no longer a secret.

The astral world, the world evolved after the fall of the star god, is said to have bred countless treasures, and there may also be other things left by the colossal gods who died in it.

After about three thousand years, the astral world will emerge from the depths of space. At that time, countless space channels will be opened to connect the alien universe and the League of Divine Universes, and powerful people from all over the universe can enter it and compete for treasures.

There are even some hidden High God Bosses who will show up.

Qin Yu took a deep breath, not as easy as before, trying to win Xing Yuanguo was not easy.

Time passed and three thousand years passed.

In these three thousand years, Yin Haojun also broke into the seventh level of Jinxian.

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