Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1953: Enter, treasure hunt

In the astral realm, Qin Yu found a place to hide after the three of them came in.

"Is this the astral world? It is really a vast world, and there should be a star field." Che Hou groaned for a moment, and he can only estimate it, because the rules here are disordered, leading to the release of their consciousness. The distance has also been greatly shortened, and now they can't see anything beyond a light year.

"It's so depressing here, I feel a lot of resentment entangled in one piece. Yes, it's resentment." Pan Gu, who had never spoken, suddenly said.

"Resentment, it seems that the person who died here is very unwilling." Qin Yu murmured, the star **** he knew was very strange to die. This resentment did not know whether he was formed.

"Regardless of this, I think everyone came in randomly, and without the guidance of the spirit family, we don't know the position of Xing Yuanguo, and we don't know which direction to go." Che Hou frowned, in this strange In the world, direction matters.

Why didn't Qin Yu know this, but just now, how could it continue to stay.

"Let ’s take a step for a while, and the Emperor only knows the approximate position of Xing Yuanguo, not the exact position. At that time, Xing Yuanguo was really captured, how can it be a bit different. Now we have an agreement with the Lingzu As a result, the twelve thousand world fruits have also drifted, so you must find a way to fill the vacancies of the twelve thousand world fruits from this world. "Qin Yu thought about it, not only he wanted to win the star source fruits, This time we have to get some treasures from Xian Academy.

"Yes." Che Hou nodded, then he looked at Pangu and groaned. "Big guy, wouldn't you say something?"

"I have no opinion." Pan Gu scratched his head.

"No opinion, now you choose a direction, we can never stand here." Che Hou said.

"Why do I choose ... then go here." Pan Gu pointed in one direction, and Qin Yu and Che Hou Xun did not know where to go at this time, so they simply went in the direction of Pan Gu.

The three of them disappeared.

The sky of the astral world should be said to have no sky.

There was only a vast blood-red void, and in the void were broken planets, broken buildings.


At the same time, Quark came in.

"Astral world, the stars are broken." Quark muttered, but he didn't even look at it, and headed in one direction, he felt several breaths of energy.

Along the way, he flew for about three light years, and he stopped.

He saw three alien gods who were desperately bombarding a broken planet, and at this time Quark noticed that a strange little child was born in this broken planet. grass.

The grass is not too small, but it contains extremely powerful vitality, and the vitality of the Supreme God may not be as strong as this grass.

This kind of grass must have the effect of increasing longevity.

Shou Yuan, is now extremely important to the universe god, no wonder the three of them want to take this little grass.

There seems to be a force surrounding the grass, but under the constant bombardment of the three supreme gods of different races, a little will be broken.


The power was broken, and the three alien gods all looked excited.

"Three, wait a minute."

The quark came out slowly at this time. He looked at the three aliens, a horned, a ox and a snake.

It's complete.

These three people came together, obviously also want to take care, and this is exactly the performance of the weak.

"The supreme **** of the League of God?"

The three saw the quark immediately alert, and at the same time showed a strong intention to kill.

For the supreme **** of the League of God, they naturally want to kill.

"This grass is mine."

Quark ignored the three and walked towards the little grass treasure.

He completely ignored the three.

"Dare to ignore us?"

All three are so angry that everyone is supreme, you are too envious.

kill him!

The three shot almost at the same time and went straight to the quark.

Quark stopped, frowning slightly: "Isn't it good to live, but to die!"

He said, three people who didn't see it, and at this time in his mind, the laws of the universe's origins worked.

"The system of the laws of the universe's origins is launched, and the laws of space are modified!"

The bodies of the three men who rushed over were suddenly restrained by a force of space.

All three were terrified.

"He practiced the laws of space?"

"Damn, and none of us could break free."


The three were horrified. They were just ordinary supreme gods. At this moment, they tested the strength of quark.

Very strong.

Quark sneered, and the laws of the universe's origins continued to operate.

"Modify the Law of Blood!"

Boom, the whole body's blood suddenly coagulated.

The three became even more shocked. The people in front of them not only practiced the laws of space, but also the laws of blood.

"Modify the law of gravity, the law of fire, and the law of wood."

In the surrounding space, the power of three laws is changed.

The three felt only a force of gravity trapping them, and then a raging fire was set around them.

"So many rules, this person is too strong, run away!"

The horned supreme **** roared, and the entire arm had already burned, and he followed suit desperately, burning the **** body, breaking away from this bondage, and quickly escaping.

The other Serpent Demon knows that he can't wait any longer. He played a magic weapon and got rid of the shackles.

But the rest of the ox demons was terrible. After the two fled, all the power was exerted on one of him, and his demon body cracked in an instant.


His god's body exploded.

At this time, Quark caught the grass, and was somewhat satisfied.

He looked back and saw that there was only one head left. The trapped Bull Demon was supreme, and in the horrified eyes of the other side, he killed the other side.

"As soon as I came in, I got a high-level spiritual plant, which is good."

Quark said, and handed over the space ring left by the Demon Supreme.


After tens of thousands of light years fled from the Horns and Snakes, they were still scared.

"It's so strong, the Supreme God of the Divine Alliance doesn't know what rules to cultivate, even within the same realm can completely crush us."

"It's terrible. Our Supreme God is not on a level with him at all."

"Yeah, it didn't take long for us to break through."


The two were talking, but they did not dare to delay, and now they wanted to leave the quark.

Quark doesn't know this. He knows his own situation. Within the same realm and with similar strength, he can rely on his own system of the laws of the universe to achieve absolute crushing of the enemy.

Even more, it's entirely possible to use one enemy to ten.

This is the strength of the system of the laws of the origin of the universe. Either you are stronger than me, and if you are weaker than me, you will only be passively beaten.


The three of Qin Yu also found good things at this moment.

"What kind of spirit flower this plant, just smelling it has a feeling of being enlightened, it is definitely a treasure." Qin Yu was looking at a spirit flower that was one meter high, and there were three flowers on it. Very colorful.

It wasn't anyone else who discovered this, it was Pangu.

"Big guy, how did you find this?" Che Houyun was a little surprised.

"I don't know, it just feels." Pan Gu thought about it.

"Collect it first, go back and give it to Laojun for refining elixir, maybe you can refining the elixir of eight or nine grades." An elementary eternal magic weapon.

Qin Yu carefully collected Linghua, and the three were in a good mood.

This kind of harvest just came in. The luck of the three seems to be quite good.

"This world is a world that is completely unexplored. I feel there are many treasures in it. This is what I just picked from the ruins. Look at it." Che Houxi took out a cutting knife and gave it to him. Qin Yu.

Qin Yu is also a master of refining, he was slightly surprised: "This knife was definitely a high-end eternal weapon before, and this material seems to be very rare."

Che Hou nodded, which is why he picked up the broken knife.

Put it in the hands of the people who worked on it. After returning, the broken knife can be recast. It will be enough to create a low-level eternal magic weapon.

"There is a secret in this world." Pan Gu groaned. "I vaguely heard someone talking about something ~ ~ but I couldn't hear it."

"Is that the resentment you said?" Qin Yu was curious.

"Maybe." Pan Gu didn't know, but such a strong grievance would not dissipate until now, and the person who shed such grievances was definitely not an ordinary person.

"Can you follow the direction where the voice of grievances came?" Qin Yu thought of a possibility, and if they followed, they could find the place where grievances circulated, and if it was the grievances of Xingshen, maybe they could follow the trend Find Xingyuan Fruit.

"Yes." Pan Gu nodded, pointing in one direction.

The three did not dare to delay and went in this direction.

Just after going out for more than a hundred light years, the three people noticed a strong breath of energy.

"what happened?"

Che Hou frowned: "Someone is there, and there seems to be fighting."

Qin Yu looked at Pangu, but Pangu didn't know anything and didn't want to express his opinion.

Still Qin Yu said: "Go, go and see."

Che Hou nodded and the three went straight to the energy breath.

Getting closer.

The breath was getting stronger and more messy, and it was obvious that more than one person.

Finally, they saw it.

In a broken small galaxy, there were actually seven or eight people at war.

One of them is alien, and one of them is actually a crystal in the alien race, and the other seems to be a person from Shenhe Slave Trading Company.

Qin Yu smiled unconsciously: "The aliens are our enemies, and the Shenhe Slave Trading Company is not a good thing. Let them fight well and let them all go together."

Che Houyi also smiled, but at this time he noticed something.

"That is?"

Che Houyi pointed to a place where there was a drop of unknown things, exuding an extremely powerful breath of energy,

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