Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1954: Collusion


At this moment, even Pangu was stunned.

That drop didn't know anything, and the energy contained in it was even more than the energy contained in the three world fruits.

These people gathered here to grab it.

"Check what's that?" Che Houxi frowned, at this time Qin Yu had already transferred out Xiaoxian's auxiliary training system, Xiaoxian, and let Xiaoxian search it in the database.

Time passed every minute and a half minutes later, the result came from Xiaoxian.

"Suspected of true blood!"

Real blood?

Qin Yu froze, what is real blood, real blood is not the blood of the universe god.

In the realm of the universe god, do n’t condense blood. Once the blood is condensed, there must be a powerful energy in the blood.

Different cosmic gods, real blood also have different functions.

"Is it the true blood of the Star God?"

Qin Yu thought, if it is the true blood of the star god, the value will be even greater.

The star **** is the spirit plant, and the body is the tree of stars. According to the role of the star tree, his true blood must have a strong quenching effect.

It is said that it takes only one drop to induce the transfiguration of the cultivator's body, allowing the cultivator's body to change from fourth-order to fifth-order.

The fifth-order **** body, it is the legendary **** body.

Currently in the entire universe, most of the fifth-order gods are cosmic gods, and there are only a few people in history who can possess fifth-order gods.

So many people vying for this drop of real blood originally turned out to be the idea.

"If I get this drop of real blood, the divine body will transform, and the strength will increase again. Although it is still not comparable to the universe god, but if I encounter the Lord of the Scorpion like last time, at least I can safely escape." Qin Yu calculated With the fifth-order **** body, he can store more immortal power, faster, and more powerful.

Put it now, even if the Star God is still alive, let him gather a drop of real blood, no matter how much it costs, it is estimated that he will not agree.

This drop of real blood condenses, and it is definitely no small damage to Xingshen.

However, Xingshen was already dead. He did not expect that after his death, his blood was still condensed with real blood.


Qin Yu's eyes were cold: "Now on the field, there are three supreme gods of the alien race, and four slave trade companies of the Shenhe River. The four of the slave trading company were all lost. It was best to be seriously injured, so we attacked the supremacy of the aliens, especially the crystal tribe, and tried to kill them all at once. "

Che Hou nodded and he understood.

The two sides are playing fiercely now, and it is best to fight until they lose each other and then hit the shot.

Shoot now, it is likely to become a three-party melee.

Time passes by every minute.



A supreme man from the Shenhe Slave Trading Company was pierced through the abdomen by a crystal man, and a blood spurted out.

The man was so frightened that he turned and ran.

But it was a drop of real blood, and it was not necessarily his own that he grabbed it. He didn't need to desperately here.

"Bloodlock, what are you doing!"

The only woman on the side of the Shenhe slave trading company was so angry that she ran away.

Did n’t it just take a shot and did n’t kill you?

Regardless of the escaped blood puppet, he yelled: "Withdraw first, our goal is Xing Yuanguo. There is no need to fight with the aliens here and die."

The woman gritted her teeth and was very angry: "Asshole!"

With one less person, they are not even rivals.

Otherwise, if she grabs the real blood, and the **** body is tempered to the fifth level, the probability of breaking into the realm of the universe will definitely increase greatly.

The three wanted to run, but the three supreme aliens were unwilling to spare, especially the men of the crystal tribe.

Qin Yu took a deep breath and said, "It's almost time, now all the power is gathered, and they are defeated in one blow."

Che Houzhen and Pan Gu nodded, and each took out their own weapons.




Qin Yu shouted, and the three turned into three meteors and killed three aliens.

Qin Yu punched the crystal man's head with a punch, and then the power of his new universe shrouded the man, limiting the man's movement.

Che Houzhen hit a round magic weapon and smashed towards another alien.

However, at this time, there was a change. It was supposed to attack the third alien, the supreme Pangu. I didn't know if I hadn't figured out the situation, but he also hacked at the crystal man with an ax.

The axe cut through the void, leaving a huge axe shadow in the void.

The three supreme bodies of the alien race trembled and felt the crisis, especially the supreme one of the crystal race. At this moment, their hairs were standing upright and angry.

He was attacked unexpectedly, or by two Supreme Gods.

You three, we are three, why do you two come to me alone.


The trio's attack fell without mercy.

Even if the crystal man finally defended, at this moment, the armor he was wearing was first smashed by Qin Yu, and then hit directly by the axe by his axe.

Even if his head was as hard as the eternal magic weapon, it was smashed into pieces at the moment.

Then, I only saw that the body of the crystal man actually exploded and became crystal particles.

Qin Yu was now holding his feet, this axe even killed a crystal family supreme.

"I go!"

Che Houyi is also dumbfounded, does this axe have any effect attached, and how can it still have the ability of broken body.

But he remembered that when he was making this axe, he clearly did not have the ability.

The crystal god, the supreme god, probably didn't expect it. He also felt that this axe should not kill him, and at the very least abolished his **** body.


Qin Yu looked at Pangu with different eyes.

The Pangu god, who has been busy creating the world, may be stronger than him.

The other two alien gods, one is spurting blood, and the other is panic.

"They killed Ye Ge!"

Ye Ge is clearly the name of the crystal man.

Terrible, terrible.

The two were frightened at the moment, but quickly gathered together, watching the three of Qin Yu with vigilance.

The Shenhe Slave Trading Company saw that things had taken a turn for the better, including the one who had fled the earliest.

"People at Immortal College?"

The woman said coldly, but at this time Qin Yu finally remembered that this woman was not someone else, but was the disciple of the slave master, Malina.

When Su Yu killed Cisse, Yan Yue forced Malina to appear.

"This drop of real blood is needed by our college." Qin Yu said lightly, with an unquestionable tone.

Malian frowned. She was already desperate. She felt that the real blood was going to miss her.

But whoever thinks that the people at Xianxian University have crossed their hands, it is not without opportunities now.

There are four people on their own side, although they may not be Qin Yu's opponents, but there are two on the other side.

Immortal Academy just killed a supreme **** of the alien race. The two supreme aliens of the alien race most definitely want to kill the immortal college people.

So, this is not no room for operation.

"Not yet!"

Qin Yu looked at the two supreme aliens and said coldly.

His target is now real blood. If he is now entangled by the two supreme aliens, he may be cheaper for the people of Shenhe Slave Trading Company.

The two supreme gods of the alien race looked at each other. He felt that the supreme side had three more supreme gods. Only two of them were left, and they were definitely not opponents.

At this time, since the other party is willing to let go, it is really stupid not to leave.

But at this moment, Malina suddenly said: "Two people, you just go away, but they killed one of your supreme gods?"

Qin Yu frowned slightly: "Malina, what do you mean?"

Hearing Qin Yu's own name, Malina knew Qin Yu recognized her.

She ignored Qin Yu and continued: "I know them. All three are from Xianxian Academy. On the floodfield, your aliens are the wolves and horrors of their college. They are terribly wounded. Unfortunately, our **** The River Slave Trading Company is also a deadly enemy with them, so if you want to avenge your companions, we can join forces. "

She finally stated her purpose ~ ~ she wanted to join forces with the other races and besiege Qin Yu. In this case, six of them besieged the three of Xianxian College and had the advantage.

The remaining two supreme gods of the alien race were also shocked. The four people you said just now fighting with themselves had to join forces with themselves.

If you really join forces, maybe you can get revenge on Ye Ge.

Qin Yu's face was gloomy: "Malina, you want to collude with other races, do you know the consequences of doing so?"

Rao is what Qin Yu thinks, and never thought that Malian would dare to do so.

Working with aliens, if it is known by the League of God, it is estimated that Malina will be charged with a common enemy.

Malina Haha smiled: "The people at Xianxian College are still too simple. Did we collusion with the aliens first? At that time, some people started colluding with aliens before we knew how many epochs. Besides, as long as we do n’t recognize , Who can say that we have joined forces with foreigners after going out. "

The other three Supreme Gods of the Shenhe Slave Trading Company were also sneer at this moment.

What is collusion?

As long as they have common interests, they can cooperate with foreigners at any time.

"You guys gave me a lesson today. It seems that you know a lot. You even knew that someone had colluded with an alien race. In what year was that year when did you start to invade the alien universe?" Qin Yu was indifferent. Speaking, I think this information is too important.

Someone colluded with the aliens back then. Who was the aliens?

It seems that none of the current historical records says that any cosmic **** has colluded with other races.

"Don't talk nonsense, two supreme gods of different races, do you join hands?" Malina hummed, and the four had blocked the way of Wang Xing's three.

"Okay, join hands." The two aliens thought for a moment and nodded.

For a time, the three of Qin Yu fell into siege, and things seemed bad.

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