Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1955: Fusion True Blood

Three to six, that is, Qin Yu, Che Houyi and Qin Yu, each has to deal with two Supreme Gods in the same realm.

The three Qin Yu looked at each other and sneered.


Marina gave a loud sigh, and the four Supreme Gods of the Shenhe Slave Trading Company took the first shot.

She also knew that they did not take the lead, and the two supreme gods of the alien race would definitely not take the shot.

"Since you're looking for death, it's no wonder we are." Qin Yu said in a cold voice, a spear flew out, piercing Malina's brows.

"Haha, let's kill it. The old man wanted to slaughter a Supreme God." Che Hou shouted.

"Roar!" Pangu roared, the huge axe trembled, and the cracks appeared.

The three faced the six without fear.

I only saw Qin Yu's spear, sweeping continuously, each strike seemed to contain the power of a universe, and the defeated Malina fell back.

The supreme **** of another Shenhe slave trading company was even more embarrassing, and was sprayed directly by a spit of blood from Qin Yu.

With one enemy and two, Qin Yu didn't fall into the slightest.

"This man is so strong, every blow is like our full blow." The supreme **** shocked, "I remember, he is Qin Yu, the man who was intercepted by the Lord of Scorpions three thousand years ago. "

"Finally, I know who I am." Qin Yu snorted coldly and stabbed the Supreme God with a shot.

Over there, Che Hou Yi went the same way.

He is the master of refining treasures. At this moment, he directly sacrifices knives, guns, swords, halberds, axes, puppets, hooks, forks, eight medium-level eternal weapons, and attacks both.

Both were dumbfounded, where is this **** local tyrant.

The two of them still only have one elementary-level eternal-level weapon, and they can only passively defend against the bombardment of eight intermediate-level eternal-level weapons.

As for Pangu, it is extremely domineering.

He simply ignored the attack of another alien supreme god, and fiercely attacked the other.

His axe was powerful and terrible, and each hit was already close to the level of the universe god. At this moment, the three axe went down and cracked a **** body hit by an alien tribe.

It's so cruel.

Malina was dumbfounded at this moment. Three to six, they fell into the wind completely and were hanged at all.

"Fucked, these three are too fierce, withdraw!"

The alien that shattered the alien Supreme God shouted, and turned and ran.

They just want to take revenge on Ye Ge, but do n’t want to take their own lives in it, and the other alien **** has not broken the defense of Pangu for a long time, and he has already retreated. , Turn and run.

The two figures were so fast that they disappeared in a blink of an eye.


Malina was in a hurry at the moment, and sang loudly.

Both of the aliens have fled, and four of them are not even rivals.


The four fled quickly, and at this time Qin Yu knew that it was impossible to stop one person at the same time, but it should not be a problem to stop one.

"Leave Marianna."

Qin Yu shouted, and said to Pan Gu and Che Hou.

Almost at the same time, the three attacked Malina. Malina was terrified, and her whole body was shaking.

Want to stay with her?

If this is left behind, it will almost certainly die.

She was also anxious at this time. Looking at Baghshaw who was flying in front, she caught Baghshaw, then waited for Baghshaw to react, and threw him as a sandbag to Qin Yu.

Bagshaw turned around at this moment, and the whole man was going crazy.


He growled, his eyes full of anger.

Malina actually turned him into a meat shield. This wasn't an attempt to kill him.

"help me!"

But other people only care about their own escape, where can they care for him.

He was burning in anger at this time, but he was not willing to die like this. He sacrificed all his magic weapons and protected them all around.

His divine power is also working at full force, but with the fall of Qin Yu's three attacks, those magic weapons and other things were smashed.

You know, this is a joint strike of three top and supreme gods.


He only felt that his body was broken a little, and his body was about to explode.

"No, I finally practiced to the highest state of God, and I can't just die like that."

He was insanely crazy at this moment. At this time, he knew that it was really the most dangerous time.

Suddenly, in his kingdom of God, every one of the thousands of worlds began to shatter and turned into a huge energy.


The kingdom of the Supreme God can generally accommodate between 300 and 600 Daqian worlds, and his number of Daqian worlds is only 440. At this moment, 140 explodes.

The energy of his body is increasing, but his cultivation is decreasing rapidly.

He was supposed to be in the mid-level state of the Supreme God. At this moment, he fell into the state of the first-time Supreme God, and there was still a feeling of falling.

The number of thousands of worlds fell below three hundred, he will return to the realm of the **** king, and then want to return to the highest **** realm, that is not a matter of condensing a thousand worlds, it may cost more than condensing a hundred world Even bigger.


This energy was released, and all three of Qin Yu stepped back.

At this time, the man's god's body was also split open, and he didn't care about it, and flew towards the distance directly.

At this time, he had only left one head.

The three of Qin Yu saw it here, and they all admired it. This is the true strong man's broken wrist. In order to survive, the kingdom of God exploded, the body of the **** exploded, and the soul would explode.

"Can't chase?"

Che Hou groaned for a moment, if you go after it, the possibility of overtaking is not small.

Qin Yu shook her head: "This guy must hate Malina, he fled, and will only go to Malina's troubles in the future."

Che Houyi thought that it made sense. Malina advocated joining forces with other races, but in the end Malina ran fastest, and pulled a man as the back. It was strange that men did not hate Malina.

Subsequently, Qin Yu went to collect that drop of real blood.

Che Houyi knew Qin Yu's intentions and thought: "With this drop of real blood, can you break through?"

Pan Gu was also curious.

Now they can also see that the academy lacks teachers in the realm of the universe and God, and naturally hopes that Qin Yu can break through the realm.

Qin Yu groaned for a moment, but shook his head: "It is not very likely, although my new universe has already had the weight of 599 worlds, reaching the limit of the supreme **** realm, but I want to consolidate the last For a thousand worlds, a drop of the true blood of the universe **** is far from enough, because this breakthrough is a qualitative change of spirit and divine power, not just a single increase in the number of the worlds. But if the law of the universe's origin collapses for the third time, I It should be possible to take real blood. But I can't wait until then, and the dean said that the third collapse of the law of the origin of the universe may take millions or even millions of years. "

When the universe's original laws collapse, the universe's original laws have the weakest control over the universe.

It was indeed the easiest to break through at that time.

When the law of the universe's origins collapsed for the second time, the Supreme God of the Adventurer Alliance broke through.

But this takes too long, Qin Yu wants the fastest time to break through.

So Xingyuanguo is still his goal.

"Anyway, you still use the real blood first, so that you can forge a fifth-order **** body first, which will at least increase your strength by at least 10%." Che Houyi thought, "Don't underestimate This increase of 10% is equivalent to 60 more worlds in your kingdom of God. "

"I also planned this way, and now I have 10% more strength, and I will have greater control when competing for the star source fruit." Qin Yu nodded.

"Okay, then you took real blood first, and the two of us will check it for you," Che Hou said.

The three then found a place. Che Houyi was the master of the refining tool and the master of the formation. It was easy to arrange some formations and completely hide the three.

Qin Yu began to take real blood at this time. This drop of real blood entered the body, and his whole body boiled.

His **** body was torn ~ ~ but he was repaired again by the power of real blood, and then torn again, so continuously tearing and repairing, his **** body became a little stronger.

In the process, the huge pain also improved Qin Yu's spirit and will.

A month later.

Qin Yu was out of the game, and Pan Gu and Che Houzhen looked at Qin Yu with curiosity.

"How's it?" Che Houxi couldn't wait to ask.

"I have absorbed most of the power of real blood, and now the **** body has also been raised to the limit of the fourth-order **** body, but it takes some external stimulation and time to transform. The energy of these blood is not so digestible." Qin Yu Groaned.

If you want to have a fifth-order **** body in a short time, it is originally impossible.

Although it is said that the real blood of the Star God can transform the fourth-order **** body and the fifth-order **** body, it takes time.

This real blood must be fully absorbed and digested.

"I'm not in a hurry, either," Che Hou groaned.

"Although I did not raise the **** body to the fifth level, I did have some other gains. This drop of true blood is indeed the star god, and after absorbing this drop of blood, I can even feel the direction where the star **** falls . I have a feeling that this true blood is the guide, which was intentionally left by the **** of stars, and there must be more than this drop of the **** of blood in this space. "Qin Yu said in a deep voice.

Che Houyi and Pangu are both fascinated. Xingshen intentionally stayed?

"It makes sense, or even if a universe **** has fallen, he wants to hide his body, and most people can't find it." Che Hou said.

"True blood is the guide for Xingshen to leave to find his corpse? What is Xingsing to do?" Pan Gu scratched his head. "Let everyone dig his grave?"

All three were silent for a while, and there must be something hidden in them.

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