Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1957: Treasure god

The round creature was also stinging. Did you bid too little?

"Will I add more?"

He whispered.

Qin Yu coughed a bit, and returned to normal: "It is indeed a little less, after all, my recipe is the only one in the entire universe. Yes, it is the only one."

Anyway, except on the earth, it is basically impossible to find the recipe of the Buddha jumping off the wall.

The round creature nodded and could make such a good food. This recipe must be a recipe handed down from ancient times, and maybe even created by a certain universe god.

"I add another hundred thousand eternal coins!"

The round creatures became more excited and started to smash money.

Qin Yu did not speak.

"Not enough? I add 200,000."

"With this recipe, you will definitely become an excellent cook in the future."

Qin Yu said, not to mention the transaction.

"1.5 Million Eternity Coins!"

The round creature was really moved by Qin Yu's heart and continued to increase the price.

Qin Yu was a little embarrassed, and he reluctantly said, "Look at you as a fellow in the same community, and sold it to you."

Then, Qin Yu secretly made a recipe.

Buddha Jumps Over the Wall!

Well, that's the name. The auxiliary system, Xiaoxian, was useless for a minute, so it was created.

But at this time, Che Houyin said to Qin Yu: "Wait a minute, just a hundred kinds of Lingzhi were used to cook this ball, of which there are several of the seventh-order Lingzhi, and the three of us I haven't found that much for six months together. I guess this ball must have a special way to find Lingzhi. Eternal coins are just money. After going out, 1.5 million eternal coins may not buy ten seventh-order spirits. Plant, so he wants to plant spiritually. "

After Qin Yu heard it, he nodded secretly.

He looked at the eager eyes of the round creature, and originally wanted to hand over the recipes, and received it again: "That Taoist, you took out so many eternal coins at once, I think the burden on you is still quite large. You just made it A hundred kinds of spirit plants are used in the dishes, and there must be a lot of spirit plants, otherwise you should check out with spirit plants. Eighth-order Lingzhi, I count you one million eternal coins, seventh-order Lingzhi, I am one Count your 100,000 eternal coins, and the sixth order count your 10,000 eternal coins. "

As for Nine-step Lingzhi, it was too rare, and Qin Yu didn't say anything.

At this time, the round creature scratched his head: "burden? I don't have any burden! I bought one hundred and twenty thousand eternal coins for this Lark Tonic Soup."

Qin Yu was suddenly speechless.

1.2 Million Eternity Coins to Buy Braun Soup? It seems that he was not the first round creature to flicker.

"You are so rich?"

Qin Yu was a little jealous.

To know that the net worth of an ordinary **** king may also be millions of eternal coins, and it is not cash, this is to sell all his magic weapons and weapons.

"What is money?"

He groaned for a while, then understood: "Do you mean eternal currency? I don't know how much money I have. I have a Star Bank card. I've swiped it anyway, never wiped it out."

After hearing this, Qin Yu looked at the round creature and really wanted to rob him.

Che Houyi couldn't stand it at this moment: "I ventured to ask, is Star Bank your home?"

The round creature is stunned: "Star Bank is from the Space Bank Association, how could it be my home."

As he said, he looked at Che Houyi, a man who looked dumb.

Che Hou Yi stopped talking and was injured.

"Give me your account number and transfer it now." The round creature was already impatient.

"Turn a fart, don't you understand people, right? I don't need eternal coins. What I need is Ling Zhi, does Ling Zhi know?" Qin Yu hummed.

The orb creature was frightened when Qin Yu was angry.

After half a day, he pouted, "You want Lingzhi, you just say, the murderer is fierce. But the Lingzhi on my body is used for cooking, you wait, I'll find it for you now."

Then, the figure of the round creature disappeared.

The three looked at each other, but did not see how he left.

"Not the law of space."

Qin Yu groaned and affirmed: "I can't feel any breath of his life, this guy is like turning into a cosmic particle."

Che Hou smiled at this moment: "That guy has no fear in front of our three Supreme Gods. It seems that there is no fear at all."

With this method of escape, the three of them thought that this round creature would be impossible.

However, Qin Yu always felt that this round creature had not considered so much at all, and he did not think that the three would shoot him at all.

The Buddha jumped off the wall and stewed. Qin Yu's plan was to stew for a day.

Time passed slowly like this, it was a day in a blink of an eye, and the three were so uncomfortable.

"All right?"

Che Houzhen looked at the thick soup in that big tripod, and at this moment he was a little moved.

In their realm, the appetite for appetite should have been cut off long ago, but because of the influence of the earth's culture, they are enjoying it now.


Qin Yu nodded, but at the moment when he had just started cooking, a round figure appeared among the three.

The round creature came back, and at this moment looking at the ingredients in that tripod, Harako was almost out.

"Ready to eat?"

Seeing his appearance, he almost put his head into the pot.

Qin Yu reluctantly: "It's timely for you to come back, but if you don't find enough of this Lingzhi, I will definitely not give you the recipe of the Buddha jumping the wall."

The round creature shook his head at the moment: "Well, these are for you first, but you are short of them. I will find them for you later."

Then, from the innermost part of the round creature, more than thirty kinds of spirit plants were spit out.

Seven-step Lingzhi, nine species.

Sixth-order Lingzhi, twenty-five species.

The three of Qin Yu were stunned at this moment, but in one day, the round creature found thirty-four kinds of spirit plants?

What speed is this?

Che Houyi was also extremely surprised. Unless it was positioned, how could it be possible to find so many spiritual plants a day.

"Insanely asked, did all the 100 kinds of spirit plants you used for cooking come in to look for, and how long did it take?" Qin Yu looked at this round creature at this moment, and it was really bright eyes, this The guy is a baby.

"Oh, they were all found in the spirit world, but it took more than four days to find them. The places where they came in were mostly searched by others, and there was no one here to find them." The round creature said.

Sure enough.

Qin Yu really wanted to kidnap the round creature at this moment, but think of the way the other party just left, let's forget it.

"What's your name?" Che Hou smiled at this moment, except that the smile on his face was a bit wry.

"Name?" The round creature was silent for a moment. "I don't know what my name is, but anyone who knows me calls me Xiaobao."

"Little Treasure?" Qin Yu nodded, the name really matched, this guy is indeed a baby.

"Can you eat?" Xiaobao was already impatient.

Qin Yu did not talk nonsense, took out the bowl, a few people divided, and quickly got up.

When a passing **** king saw this scene in the distance, he felt dazzled at this moment. The three supreme gods and one **** king actually did this in the spirit world.

The four people who ate at a meal were all in a good mood, especially Xiaobao's whole face was enjoyed.

"Chef Yu, where did you get this recipe?" Xiaobao asked casually.

"The cafeteria of Xianxian College." Qin Yu said casually.

"Where is that?" Xiaobao asked.

"It is said that the highest cooking skill in the universe is the cafeteria of Xianxian College, and my recipe comes from there." Qin Yu said lightly.

Xiaobao, who was still a little lazy, sat up quickly at this moment.

The highest cooking place in the universe, the cafeteria of Xianxian College?

He muttered: "Really?"

Qin Yu nodded affirmatively: "Of course it is true, in fact, I was once fortunate to learn art here for a while, and in addition to this Buddha jumping wall recipe, I also know" 2888 cases of home cooking "," Hot Pot Daquan " , "Lu Cai Secrets", "Hui Cai Daquan", "Noodles from entry to high depth", "Sichuan cuisine" and other surprises, from ancient times cooking secrets. It is said that I fully mastered these, You can make the most delicious food in the entire universe. "

Che Houzhen and Pan Gu are embarrassed on the side, and you're blind.

But Xiaobao didn't know this. At the moment, he was only excited: "Is that Xian Academy, I am going to Xian Academy, I am going to the cafeteria of Xian Academy."

Qin Yu sighed: "Well, it's so easy to go there. I won't hide you at this time. In fact, the three of us are teachers of Xian College, but even so, if we want to go to the college cafeteria It's difficult and difficult. As for you, you are even more impossible. "

Xiaobao suddenly, what kind of college are you teachers of?

Can't you even get in?

Looking at Qin Yu's sigh, Xiaobao seemed to feel the same: "After all, it is a place where you can learn so many dishes, and you can't go in to study, it is really a sad thing."

Che Hou Yi wanted to hit someone, and he was sad.

A few of the college teachers are willing to go to the cafeteria to cook. Is it bad to eat ready-made food every day?

"I really can't go in and study for a while. I can produce eternal coins, a lot of eternal coins!" Xiaobao obviously did not give up, but instead he was more interested in the cafeteria of Xianxian College.

"It's hard!" Qin Yu sighed.

Che Houxi couldn't help it, and sent a message to Qin Yu: "It's almost done, don't you just want to fool this little ghost to help us find Ling Zhi, you're not afraid to know the truth in the future, he and you are desperate."

Qin Yuha, a **** king came to me desperately, you will be afraid of me.

Xiaobao was a little sad at the moment and could n’t go to this place to learn cooking. What would happen to her with so many valuable ingredients, but she wants to become a gourmet.

When Qin Yu saw Xiaobao like this, he finally found his conscience at this time, and he really couldn't lie to him.

"Actually, it's not a chance."

"what chance?"

Xiaobao almost blurted out his words, and once again his eyes filled with hope.

"Do you know why we are looking for these Ling Zhi, that was requested by the dean of the college, but this Ling Zhi is not so easy to find, we must not find much, and I think you have a set of ways to find Ling Zhi, If you can help us with a sufficient number of Lingzhi, then the dean will be happy and maybe you will be able to go to the college cafeteria to learn cooking. "

After turning around for so long, Qin Yu finally spoke these words.

Find Ling Zhi and enter the canteen of Xian Xue.

Yes, that's fine, that's it.

"If enough spiritual plants are found, the Dean will let me go to the college cafeteria as soon as he is happy?"


Che Houyi was also a Taoist at this time, and although Pan Gu was kind, he nodded ignorantly.

Yes, that's it.

Hurry up and help us find Ling Zhi, the more the better.

"And the more Lingzhi you help us find, the greater the probability." Qin Yu added.

"What are you waiting for? I'll take you to Lingzhi now." Xiaobao seemed quite excited at the moment.

When Qin Yu's eyes brightened, where would he refuse?

"Here, here is a sixth-order Lingzhi, a flower."


"Here, here is a seventh-order spiritual plant, a tree root hidden under the ground."

"You can find out how this nose is?"


"Here, I feel a cold metal breath. It should be a weapon. Do you guys?"

"Weapons can be found, isn't this Lingzhi?"

"Oh, I can find others, but others cannot cook."

Talking ~ ~ The three found the so-called weapon, which turned out to be a broken magic weapon.

The three looked at Xiaobao, their eyes changed.

"You can find these too?" Qin Yu became more and more curious about the identity of this little treasure, this guy will not be a treasure hunter.

"Well, you can find it." Xiaobao said lightly.

"Qin Yu, if I guessed well, this little treasure should be the fourth one on the universe's list of insects." Che Houyun groaned at this time, and said, "It is the legendary treasure god, It is also called fetish worm, which is a very strange kind of worm. It is said that the treasure worm can feel the different breath of matter and distinguish the properties of objects. "

"Bao Shen Worm?" Qin Yu gave a stun.

But it is not the treasure **** insect, otherwise it can have such a powerful treasure hunting ability.

Cosmic worm!

The space **** bug that the Immortal Academy now has, that powerful space ability, has benefited him as a teacher in the supreme **** realm.

"Little Treasure, Treasure God?"

Qin Yu couldn't help crying or laughing. It turned out that everyone knew their identity so clearly, and the three of them have only reacted to it now.

But having said that, what luck did the three of them have encountered Bao Shenworm.

It is estimated that there are no more than three treasure gods in the entire universe, and there may even be only one of them.

If you can have a treasure **** worm, it basically has endless cultivation resources.

Looking at Xiaobao, Qin Yu was more firm at this moment, and he must fool this guy to Xianxian College.

This guy is a supreme in itself.

Top treasure.

"Are you looking for it?" Xiaobao didn't know that Qin Yu's three had already seen their identities. At this moment, they were drumming. Why did these three look at him as if they were about to eat him.

very scary.

He's not going to meet the bad guys, so scared!

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