Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1958: Divine Fruit

Qin Yu smiled at this moment: "Look, how can you not know, we are looking for you even if you are here."

Speaking, Qin Yu rubbed his head toward Xiaobao's head, his heart was already agitated.

This time it is really going to be sent.

"How do I feel that you are thinking of something bad." Xiaobao murmured looking at Qin Yu.

"How come, it must be that you think too much." Qin Yu smiled.

Several people continued to search, and with Xiaobao, it was almost divine.

In just one month, the three people found more than two thousand treasures of various kinds, and the value of them exceeded 100 million eternal coins.

The three of them didn't tell the truth, and they knew they were making a lot of money this time.

"Brother Yu, you told me last time that you need a specific pot for cooking. You have a wok for cooking, a soup pot for stew, and a steam pot for steaming noodles. Do you know who can make these pots?"

Xiaobao asked.

As a good chef, he must have his own pot, and he is convinced of this.

"Far in the horizon and in front of you, the first foundry master of Xianxian College is here." Che Houyi coughed at this moment, and then stood out incomparably.

Yes, the foundry master is himself.

How about, do you want to find me a pot? Yes, just give the materials.

Needless to say next, Xiaobao helped the three to find various treasures for a while, and finally got Che Houyi to promise to build three pots for him.

"With the pot, the next step is to cook, especially the knife method. For example, if you come across a good ingredient, a corpse of a beast of the realm of God King, you have to cut the bone of this beast, This is not something you can do with brute force. At this time, I recommend you to learn his axe with Panguo, as long as you learn, it will not take any trouble to chop any bones. "Qin Yu continued to flicker.

"Yes, the knife is very important." Xiaobao nodded and agreed.

Pan Gu stood up embarrassed at this time, he didn't know what axe he had.

What else can Xiaobao do, this must be learned.

Needless to say, it is a three-person mad search of various treasures.


Three months later, Qin Yu felt that they should be the ones who came to gain the most this time, none of them.

"Little treasure, I really love you."

Qin Yu looked at Xiao Bao who was cooking and rubbed each other's head again.

At the moment, Xiaobao turned a deaf ear to Qin Yu. He just learned a new dish, called braised pork, and is now in a frantic connection.

As for the animal meat of this braised pork, it was actually the meat of an animal they did not know, as if this animal was born naturally in the spiritual realm.

"Well, yes, it tastes good."

After Qin Yu and other small treasures were done, they said very unintentionally.

Che Hou Yi can't stand it anymore, what's the smell of that dark mass.

Xiaobao didn't know this, and her excitement broke: "Really, it seems that my red roulade has succeeded, but the quality of this red roulade is not good, if only the Supreme God's meat would be fine."

The flesh of the Most High God?

Qin Yu is stunned, you are just a **** king, but your heart is really big.

The four continued to move, and at this time they unknowingly reached a higher position.

Behind them, many people are in distress.

"What happened, since entering this area, there is no treasure."

"Damn it alive, it's almost like it has been dug three feet."

"Not like, that is. I just dug down a spirit plant whose fruit grows in the ground, but who knows that the spiritual plant above grows well and is leafy, who knows that the fruit below has been long ago Dug it out. "

"I'll go, who's so pitted."


The four of Qin Yu didn't know this, at this time they came to a huge ruin.

This waste was formed after the collapse of a large galaxy.

Xiaobao sniffed his nose, and a little excited, "There are many treasures in front!"

Qin Yu's eyes suddenly lighted up, many treasures!

What are you waiting for!


Four figures rushed in, for fear that the treasure in front would be boarded by others.

A day later, they found a dozen treasures.

"Wait, it's about one and a half light years away from us, and there are violent energy fluctuations, like someone is fighting."


Qin Yu's eyes were bright, and there must be treasures in battle.

Maybe even the discovery of Xingyuan Fruit is not necessarily.

"Go and see."

Qin Yu said almost without thinking.

Che Houyi and Pan Gu nodded one after another. The last time the war between the aliens and the Shenhe Slave Trading Company ended up making them cheaper. This time they may not be able to reap some benefits.

Xiaobao wanted to cry aside, shouldn't she hide away from this situation.

"Let's not go. I feel dangerous over there."

"Xiao Bao, you are already an adult. How can you avoid danger when you are in danger?"

"But didn't you say that you wouldn't die if you didn't die."


Qin Yu is speechless, but you will learn to use it.

Seeing that the three were still going, Xiaobao had to follow him. There was no way he could wait for the three to take him to the cafeteria of Xianxian College.

The dining hall of the Immortal College, where he now dreams.

The three of Qin Yu did not worry about Xiaobao's danger, but relying on Xiaobao's means of granulating the body of God, no one among the Supreme Gods could kill him.

The four of them are fast, and a distance of one and a half light years is just a matter of breathing for them.

"Here it is, there."

The four lay on top of a broken planet, revealing four heads.

They looked forward and were stunned.

Seeing only a distant place like a valley, a dozen Supreme Gods were trapped at this moment, and even a few Supreme Gods had a weak breath at this moment and were already in danger of life.

"That's the spirit emperor."

Qin Yu's eyes brightened and he recognized the people in the valley.

People of the Spirit and the League of Nations.

They were besieged here, and they were surrounded by a snake, a flying snake similar to a viper.

This snake is extremely fierce, and has sharp claws, a full row, can easily break the crystal wall system of space.

The point is that there are a lot of these snakes, and many of them have the attacking power of the Supreme God.


Che Houyi smiled at this moment. At first, the people of the League of Nations forced the Emperor Ling to cancel the agreement with them. Now they did not expect them to fall into this situation.

Be refreshed!

"A lot of snakes, these snakes are terrible."

Xiaobao had some serious eyes, but instead he said: "The snake meat of the supreme **** realm, if used for cooking, it must be delicious."

Qin Yu immediately rolled her eyes. What you thought of at this time was cooking.

But the meat of these snakes does look good.

"Qin Yu, have you noticed that these snakes seem to be chasing them?" Che Hou groaned. "They want to leave, but even if these snakes are seriously injured, they still chase them."

"That's right, I don't know what they did, and angered these terrifying flying snakes." Qin Yu frowned.

It stands to reason that these snakes are somewhat wise.

With such heavy casualties, these snakes should have retreated long ago, but these snakes are not, and they are not afraid of death.

At this time, the spirit emperor over there drank, "Bonewing Country Lord, return things to these beasts, or they will not give up."

The supreme gods of other spirit races are also angry.

Why can't these flying snakes chase them?

Because they robbed these flying snakes, how could they let them go if they didn't recapture them?

The bone-winged lord was also the one who persecuted Qin Yu before. At this moment, the bone-wing flickered, and a flying snake was split open with a knife.

He hummed: "Spirit Emperor, as long as they are afraid of these beasts, they will definitely retreat. Besides, that is the **** fruit of Nine-step Ling Zhi. With this **** fruit, God King can break to the highest The realm of God, the highest realm of God, can even try to impact the realm of the universe. Such a precious spiritual fruit is now extinct outside, and we are fortunate to find this one, and we must not give up. "

The Emperor really wants to vomit blood, and you don't want to give up, then you fight these beasts yourself, don't bother us.

Originally, the spirit tribe invited you to be helpers. Now it is better, because you have severely injured the most high spirits of the spiritual tribe.

The Bonewing Lord also saw the dissatisfaction of the Spirit Emperor and said, "In this way, as long as your spirit tribe has helped us to capture this **** fruit, we can do nothing this time and help the spirit tribe to capture the spiritual lesson."

Linghuang clenched his fists and waved a whip in her hand, and the flying snakes were pumped by her.

However, the number of flying snakes is still increasing sharply, and the situation is getting worse.

"I cover you, you retreat first."

Linghuang gritted her teeth. At this moment, she chose to believe in the Bonewing Kingdom.

The bone-winged kingdom was overjoyed, and at this moment did not talk nonsense, immediately flying towards the distance, and the supreme gods of the spirit race stepped forward to stop the flying snakes.


A spirit tribe's supreme **** accidentally was bitten by a flying snake in the abdomen, and then the flying snake directly swallowed the supreme **** into his stomach.

When the other Supreme God of the spirit clan rescued, the Supreme God had only half his head swallowed.

"Sin Beast!"

The Emperor Ling gave a loud shout, and the whip flew out and drew in the belly of this flying snake.


The skin of the flying snake was flesh and flesh, but this flying snake was also a ruthless character. He bitten off the body of the Supreme God of the Ling tribe, and a round head flew out at this time.

The Supreme God, the Lingzu, left only one head.

That's horrible!

Qin Yu and others watched, but did not intend to make a shot. At this time, to help the spiritual clan, they may not be able to retreat from the whole body.


When the Emperor saw this scene, he looked at the other injured spirit tribe, and was very anxious at this moment.

Her hair fluttered, her whip wrapped around her hand, and she caught it directly towards a flying snake.

When the flying snake saw that the Emperor had dared to punch with bare hands, he did not hesitate to bite up, but under this bite, the flying snake's eyes changed.

It was like biting on a high-end eternal weapon, and the teeth were broken a few.

"You step back and I'll deal with them."

The Linghuang said, and signaled the Ling ethnic university official to take a step back.

At this time Qin Yu frowned, and was a little horrified: "The fifth-order **** body, the spirit emperor's body has reached the fifth order."

Che Houzhen is the same, a little shocked.

What is a fifth-order **** body? It is a super body that cannot be destroyed. It transcends time. After destruction, it will automatically converge again.

Under the blessing of divine power, the hardness of the fifth-order **** body is comparable to that of eternal weapons.

Except for the snake king, other flying snakes could not break the defense of the spirit emperor.

"The Spirit Emperor has this kind of strength, and it doesn't matter that they are entangled in these flying snakes. Moreover, when the bone-winged kingdom and other people are far away, these flying snakes will definitely give up even if they are not reconciled." Qin Yu analyzed. "Let's go and go after the winged kingdom."

"Chasing Wings?" Che Hou frowned.

"Yes, did you just notice that the red fruit held in the hands of the Bonewing Lord? It should be the **** fruit planted by the level nine spirits. Let's catch up and maybe we can get this one. The fruit was taken away. "Qin Yu chuckled coldly, before the bone-winged kingdom persecutors persecuted them. If there is a chance now, Qin Yu will never mind robbing this **** fruit.

"It makes sense, the dangers here are so serious, the Bonewing Lord may not have time to digest this **** fruit." Che Hou nodded.

The figure flashed, and they chased towards the Bonewing Kingdom.

But before chasing a hundred light years ~ ~ Qin Yu and others stopped.

"Sure enough, the bone-winged lords are in trouble." Qin Yu didn't know what to say at the moment. He sympathized with the bone-winged lords. He had just escaped the siege of the flying snake and now fell into the alien race. Hands.

"Perhaps these aliens have been following them for a long time. Their great fighting movements must have been discovered not only by our side." Che Houyi said.

Most likely, it was just that the other party wanted to wait for them to lose and get hurt. It was just that the alien did not expect that the Emperor of the Spirits would stay behind and let the Bonewing Lord take the people of the League of Nations before leaving.

"Those people are so good." Xiao Bao shrank his head. He is just a **** king. He hasn't fought much. Now he just wants to hide.

too terrifying.

"It is very strong. The key is that there is a supreme **** of the giant deities." Che Houzhen is a little dignified. The supreme **** of the giant deities, he feels like another Pangu, and it must be amazingly powerful. As for other aliens, there are as many as sixteen.

Although there are twenty-one Supreme Gods in the League of Nations, at this moment there are still six to receive the spirit tribe. Only fifteen of them are here, and seventeen of them are injured.

The situation is bad for the League of Nations.

"Kill them."

The supreme **** man of the giant deity sneered and sneered, and punched in the direction of the bone-winged kingdom master.

The bone-winged kingdom gritted his teeth. At this moment, he had no choice but to do it.


The bone of his hand was broken, and the **** fruit in his hand flew away.

"Fruit, delicious!"

Seeing that the fruit fell to the ground, Xiaobao did not know when it had disappeared, and when it appeared, he had already grasped the fruit.

Qin Yu's three are dumbfounded, this Nima guy will not be a pig or a tiger.

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