Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1959: crazy

Xiaobao can be transformed into particles and then aggregate again, which is already a powerful ability beyond the fifth-order **** body.

After all, even if it is a fifth-order **** body, although it can be automatically aggregated when it is broken into particles, this aggregation is extremely slow, and it is easily affected by the outside world.

Now, with her special ability, Xiaobao didn't even guard against the presence of the supreme god, so he snatched the **** fruit of the ninth order.

"court death!"

The Bonewing Lord roared, and the whole man was going crazy.

The alien supreme **** is also stunned, stunned by this sudden scene.

Where is this ball coming out of?

"Give me the fruit!"

A powerful momentum emanated from the Bonewing Kingdom.

The supremacy of the giant gods is also staring at Xiaobao: "Give me, or kill you."

Xiaobao stepped back unconsciously, and trembled a little.

Suddenly surrounded by so many Supreme Gods, where he had seen this battle, he was already terrified at the moment.


Xiaobao said: "With this **** fruit, I can certainly enter the cafeteria of Xianxian College."

He insisted, thinking that this **** fruit must be able to impress the dean of the Immortal Academy. After all, this is the fruit of the Nine-step Spirit Plant.

Didn't see that so many Supreme Gods are fighting for this **** fruit.

"The canteen of Xianxian College? What the hell?" Bingyiguo was crazy. He knew Xianxian naturally, but what is the relationship between this kingdom and Xianxian.

This abominable academy has their affairs everywhere.

The Titans are also curious.

"He is to dedicate this **** fruit to the dean?" Qin Yu also understood at this time, and was suddenly silent.

He remembered what he said, and told Xiaobao that the higher the level of Lingzhi he found, the more he could enter the cafeteria of Xianxian College.

Xiaobao takes it seriously.

So just after he saw the fruit of this nine-level spiritual plant, he would rob.

"Qin Yu, we are really a bit too much, Xiaobao is so simple, we lie to him so much, it's a bit too much." Che Houyi was a little ashamed at this time, they just wanted to use Xiaobao to find some treasures, those deception Xiaobao's words didn't matter at all, but Xiaobao took it seriously and could even work hard for it.

Pan Gu snorted. It was a bit offensive to see Qin Yu and Che Houzhen so early.

"court death!"

The Bonewing Lord didn't want to wait any longer at this moment, he burst into a strong momentum on his body and went straight to Xiaobao.

He wants to recapture the **** fruit. After all, it is related to whether he can break through the universe and the realm of God. Although there may be only a 10% chance, this is enough for him to pay everything.

The supremacy of the giant **** family also shot at the same time, he also saw that the **** fruit is very precious, and it is the key to capture the **** fruit at this moment.

Space shocks, two top-most supreme shots at the same time, the general **** king is shocked by this momentum, and has already collapsed.


Where Xiaobao was, a gap was directly hit, and the crystal wall system of the astral plane was exposed.

Everyone took a breath.

With such a degree of attack, any **** king is dead.

When the dust dissipated, everything was calm again, and everyone was holding back.

Only the place where Xiaobao was originally seen, three people appeared, namely Qin Yu, Che Houzhen and Pan Gu.

At the critical moment, the three shot.

In front of the three, Che Houyi's seven magic weapons were flying and they were firmly protected.

"Xiao Bao, you are doing well. This time, the dean will definitely agree to the cafeteria of the college." Qin Yu turned back and smiled at Xiao Bao.

Little Bao was suddenly agitated.

The canteen of Xianxian Academy, the highest cooking place in the universe, is so fascinating to him.

"People of Immortal College!"

The Bonewing Lord roared, and his killing was amazing: "It's you, hand over the **** fruit!"

More than a dozen **** kings in other Leagues of Nations also quickly gathered together, as did the supreme gods of other races.

The presence of three Qin Yu complicates the situation.

Che Houyi looked at the lord of the bone wing, and laughed: "What roar, how can you keep this **** fruit?"

The bone-winged countryman's face was iron-blue, and I couldn't keep it until I tried it.

Qin Yu smiled: "Tell him what to do with this. Now that he has come in, who is the owner of the treasure inside?"

"Originally, the League of Nations didn't want to be hostile to your fairy college, but if you seek death by yourself, I can do it for you," said the bone-winged country leader coldly.

"Interesting, even the aliens don't care." Qin Yu looked at the aliens 'supreme gods aside, and these aliens' supreme gods all stepped aside.

Now that you are willing to fight, then you fight well, they are naturally the people who wished the Academy and the League of Nations to lose both.

"For a **** fruit, even aliens can let it go, or even cooperate with aliens. Is this the strong man in this universe now?" Qin Yu sighed, "Xiao Bao, it looks like there will be a game We are fighting fiercely, and we may not be able to protect you. "

Xiaobao was a little worried, and yelled at the moment: "Will I return the kingdom of God to them?"

He was also afraid, knowing that he was really in trouble at the moment.

Go back?

Qin Yu laughed. Is it still useful to go back now, not at all.

After they show up, first of all, the aliens will not let them go. These aliens definitely want to wipe them out.

"What else? I said who grabbed it, and it was just this one. They didn't want to deal with us so easily. But before that ..." Qin Yu said, and suddenly came to Xiaobao's Around him, grabbed the kingdom of God in Xiaobao's hand and stuffed it into Xiaobao's mouth.

Little Bao didn't feel it, just felt that something in his throat slipped and his eyes widened.

That seems to be a **** fruit.

He even ate the kingdom of God.

"It's over, it's over, there is no **** fruit, why did the dean let me go to the college cafeteria, whee!" Xiao Bao was crying anxiously. ,

Qin Yu rubbed his head against Xiaobao's head, making Xiaobao's hair like a bird's nest: "Xiaobao, you are really cute. Don't worry about this now, give the **** fruit quickly Digested, don't waste such a good chance. "

Che Houyi said nothing.

He didn't know what to say. In fact, with this **** fruit, Qin Yu could break through the level of Jinxian Nine, and the chance would not be less than 30%.

But Qin Yu gave up, and he completed Xiaobao.

He felt that Xiaobao's cultivation had reached the peak of the realm of God King. With this **** fruit, Xiaobao should be able to break through.

"It's okay. It ’s okay for Xiaobao to eat this little fruit. If I took it, I wouldn't have time to digest it, because someone would surely chase us." Qin Yu smiled, "But now, Our troubles are not small. The eyes of these people seem to be killing us. "

"It's not like, it's just," Che Hou said lightly.

Qin Yu suddenly put the **** fruit into Xiaobao's belly, but Rao Shi and Che Houzhen did not respond.

Now that everyone is reacting, how can they give up.

"Damn, damn, **** it!" Bonewing Lord shouted, he broke through the opportunity to bring the universe to the realm of God, and was just ruined by a **** king, "Kill them, the people of the League of Nations first kill the Xian Academy People, I want them to die. "

"Kill us, come on!" Qin Yu pointed a spear at the bone-winged lord, his voice extremely cold.


The bone-winged kingdom leader rushed to Qin Yu, while the other supreme gods of the League of Nations also took action.

"Stop them, don't let them delay Xiaobao's breakthrough."

Qin Yu yelled and swept a shot, which forced the bone-winged kingdom leader back.


The three of them fought with the Supreme God of the League of Nations in an instant, and the three were not weak. Although they were besieged at this moment, they did not fall behind.

"Open the sky!"

Pangu gave a loud scream, and an axe slashed at the three Supreme Gods of the League of Nations. The huge axe tore the time and space, and the three Supreme Gods of the League of Nations shook their bodies. ,

The Titans, the Supreme Gods, were horrified, and this power was not weaker than him at all.

"So strong!"

A supreme **** of the other race groaned, with some dignity: "So many people in the League of Nations want to kill three people, it may take ten to change one. Asa, these three people cannot stay."

Asa was the supreme one of the giant deities, and he also saw it.

The danger brought by the three members of the Immortal College is even stronger than a dozen of the League of Nations.

"Kill these three first!"

Asa groaned and gave an order immediately.

Suddenly, the sixteen aliens went straight to the three of Qin Yu.

The faces of Qin Yu's three changed drastically, and the aliens shot, but they still came at them, so that 31 would besiege the three.

"An alien is helping us?"

The supreme supremacy of a League of Nations, and then there was a look of joy, they had a feeling of being suppressed by the three members of the Immortal Academy, but it was a lot easier now.

The skeletal lord did not know what was going on, but he shouted: "Join with the aliens and kill the people of Xianxian College first."

Asa was naturally in desperate need to wait for the most threatening person of Xianxian College to die before killing these UGC.

Fighting against Qin Yu, they are increasingly unfavorable.

The three of them were gradually unable to catch and could no longer protect Xiaobao.

"Damn, these people in the League of Nations are really nothing. They killed us. They can only die faster." Che Hou yelled. "They really want to find death. Even if I die, I will be buried with a few people." Can do it. "

Then, he even let go of his defense and grabbed at a supreme **** of the League of Nations.

At the same time, several attacks fell on Che Houyi.

Che Hou spit out blood, but at this time, he ignored it at all, and a ball in his hand was like a slab, and he smashed into the head of this UGC.

"Do not!"

The Supreme God of the League of Nations only felt that the soul was held up by the ball, and at this moment the ball fell down, as if a universe had hit him.


With a loud noise, his body was smashed by a ball, the kingdom of God was smashed and the spirit was shattered.

First Supreme God, die!

The others were supreme, and at this moment were startled and backed up.

Injury for life!

Although Che Houzhen was injured, he killed a supreme god.

The bone-winged nation's face was ugly, and the Nanzhao nation died. This is a very powerful nation of the League of Nations.

Now he also has to admit that the three of Xianxian are strong.

"Come here, come again!"

Che Hou wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and then he couldn't help but cough: "I'd like to see, you killed me, and several people will bury me."

No one knows how many times Che Houyi can endure such attacks. If Che Houyi hasn't died ten times, they may have several people to bury him.


Someone mumbled, completely let go of the defense, and directly traded their injuries for their lives.

Perhaps so many of them could indeed kill the three of Qin Yu, but in the end, they will also die more than ten people, and none of them want to die.

At this moment, they all persuaded.

Qin Yu laughed, knowing this, they have been desperate for a long time, where can they wait till now.

"Suggest goods."

Qin Yu said, looking at the white and red little treasure on his face, calm at the moment.

The bone-winged kingdom gritted his teeth and did not know what to do for a while.

He felt that ~ ~ The Supreme God of the League of Nations showed resignation, and no one was willing to go to death.

On the alien side, although the aliens have been fighting fiercely, the situation is similar.

But at this time, a voice came.

"I have a way to trap two of them. At that time, we will kill the other person together and then repeat the trick again. We will definitely kill them all. What do you think?"

"you are?"

The bone-winged kingdom's master froze, and he found that the voice was the supreme **** of the giant deities.

"Don't you want to kill them, and cooperate with me so you have a chance."

"Kill them, will you fight us backhand."

"No, because it's too late, your companions should almost be back."


The skeletal lord understands that Asa is supposed to be a person of the spirit tribe. Now the spirit emperor is about to get rid of those flying snakes.

If the people of the spirit race come again, the number of their Supreme Gods will be twice that of the alien race, and it will be the alien race that will escape.

"Okay, I promise you."

The bone-winged national gritted his teeth and said ruthlessly in his heart.

He passed these messages to the other heads of state of the League of Nations, and all the masters were a bit shocked.

"Bone Wing, you are crazy. We did n’t have much resentment against Xian Academy, but now the lord of Nanzhao is dead. If you join forces with foreigners to deal with Xian Academy, even if it is successful, Xian Academy will not Will let us go, then we will really be the enemy of life and death. "

"Nanxun can't die in vain, and we have already angered Xian Academy, and there is no way back."

The bone-winged kingdom's eyes were cold, his chance was taken away, and he had lost the opportunity to impact the realm of the universe, and he was crazy at that time.

An opportunity can drive him desperately and drive him crazy.

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