Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1960: Desperately

Asa got an affirmative answer from Bonewing, and slightly gestured to the Supreme God of aliens.

The aliens thought highly, and each began to gather its divine power.

Qin Yu and Che Houzhen both realized that they were wrong, and at this time they only saw Asa's figure rushing towards Pangu.

He is like a cosmic warship breaking through the sea of ​​stars, tearing the space apart, breaking up the space on the sixth floor, and the dark energy inside is blooming, like a blossoming black lotus.

"court death!"

Pangu roared, and the sound turned into a substance, shattering the space.

At the same time, he raised the huge axe in his hand. The axe lifted from behind and waved toward him. It seemed like a huge moon appeared in the void.


Asa propped a silver shield all over his body. This axe split on the shield and made a sharp sound. Many nearby **** kings felt the soul tremble when they heard this sound.

It's stabbing!

The shield could not withstand the bombardment of the axe, and a crack appeared.

Asa is extremely horrified, and even this level of attack is among the best in their Titan.

The Titans are known for their great strength, and their powerful power can even ignore the rules, but Pangu is more like a Titans than them at this moment.

Many people have forgotten their shot at this moment, and they are shocked by this scene.

This is the battle between the peak and the highest god. That random blow can break through the space on the sixth floor, and even faintly penetrate the space on the seventh floor.

And breaking through the seven layers of space, it means that there is already a cosmic-level power.

"If it's a single attack, I'm not as good as Panguo." Qin Yu groaned. "If one-on-one, these supreme gods don't estimate that anyone is the opponent of Panguo. If you want to besiege Panguo, I think it would be ten or five. Only the supreme gods with hundreds of thousands of worlds are possible. "

The Supreme God can have up to six hundred and thousands of world energy masses, and those who can have five hundred and thousands of world masses are already considered high-order supreme gods.

"This big attack is really powerful, but it's all brute force. If you encounter more magic weapons like me or you have such a powerful energy, even if you can't beat him, but consume it with him, in the end he May not win. "Che Hou said.

Qin Yu smiled. They each have their own advantages. It really is hard to say who can win in the end.


The silver shield was broken. From the perspective of Che Houyi, it can be seen that this is an early-level eternal magic weapon.

However, this magic weapon did not resist an axe from Pangu.

However, the strength of this axe also consumed 80%, and Pangu immediately returned to the axe, and wanted to split another axe towards Asa.

If this axe is split, Asa will definitely be split into two, and his fourth-order **** body cannot resist it at all.

But at this moment, a sneer appeared in the corner of Asa's mouth.

His shielded hand flew a purple ball, which emitted a dazzling red light, and then saw a black swirl on the ball.

"not good!"

Qin Yu and Che Houxi both changed slightly.

They could see that the sphere turned out to be a medium-sized universe.

Pangu was illuminated by the red light, his eyes could not be opened, and suddenly he was a little lost, and then he was swallowed by the black vortex before he responded.

Asa finished all of this, shouting towards the bone-winged kingdom leader, "What are you still doing, kill!"

The Bonewing Lord also responded. He did not expect that Asa still has such a magic weapon made from a medium-sized universe. This magic weapon level has reached a high-end eternal magic weapon level.

Taking the medium universe as a prison, the Supreme God was imprisoned inside, and it was not easy to escape.

Now there is one less Pangu. When the thirty supreme gods besieged Qin Yu and Che Houyi, they won't have to pay much price if they take turns.


The bone-winged kingdom leader drank, and the group of the nations of the League of Nations still hesitated a bit. After all, the death of the Nanzhao kingdom leader still left them with a lingering fear.

The Bonewing Lord saw this situation and sneered: "You have offended Xian Academy, and now you will not kill them. When they find an opportunity, they will surely kill you. It is now time, not that they died. It's us perishing. "

The supreme silence of the League of Nations.


"I don't care so much about keeping them alive."

"Yes, these three are too strong. If we are one-on-one, who is their opponent."


Thirty supreme gods shot, and this time they had a very thorough plan.

Thirty people were divided into six groups to implement wheel warfare. Once someone encountered danger, the next group immediately filled.

Qin Yu and Che Houzhen are getting worse.

Che Houyi's magic weapon was blown off two pieces. At the moment, his face was pale, so even if he wanted to dying and pull a back, he could not pull a few people.


One accidentally, Che Houzheng was boxed by the supreme **** of a Horn tribe.


His blood spurted out, and the body of the **** was black, and the flesh and blood of that piece had become rotten flesh.

"Let's kill him now!"

When someone saw the opportunity, they shouted, and three groups of fifteen people shot at the same time.

Che Hou was so furious that he was bullied by dogs.

He yelled, five middle-level eternal magic weapons guarded the whole body, and at the same time, the orb magic weapon flew out and smashed towards an alien god.


The alien Supreme God was smashed and a hole was smashed out of his chest.

"Do not!"

The alien supreme **** shouted, he felt that there was a force of destruction on the ball, and was destroying his **** body.


His body broke apart, and the flesh flew open.

Without the support of the divine body, the kingdom of God was instantly broken.

Followed, his spirit was broken.

The second highest god, die!

It was also at this time that the attack of the three Supreme Gods fell on Che Houyi.


Che Houyi's arm was cut with a knife, which directly tore his **** body, and the blade cut directly on his bone, making a sound of metal collision.

Che Houyi's bones came out, which turned out to be a golden bone.

It's stabbing!

The knife was caught in Che Hou's bones, and only cut an inch.

At the same time, a spear pierced Che Houyi's chest, but was firmly grasped by Che Houyi, but this spear also broke Che Houyi's heart.

In addition, a Supreme League of Nations grabbed Che Hou's calf, and all five fingers caught blood.

"Mr. Che Houyi!"

Qin Yu was furious when she saw this.

He wanted to go to the rescue, but was entangled by others, and had no chance at all.

"Want to kill me, these are not enough!"

Che Houxi growled, the ball flew out, and smashed at the man with the spear.

The spear man had already seen the power of the ball long ago, and even the spear was gone, and he turned and ran.

Watching the man run away, Che Hou swayed his hand, and the ball smashed at the man holding the knife. The man with the knife was also frightened and pulled out.

Che Houzhen urged the ball again, and the others retreated.


Che Houyi looked at the fleeing people, as if the injured tiger saw a group of evil dogs: "I thought I could at least replace five lives with my life, but now it seems that I can only change three."

He has killed two Supreme Gods, a Nanzhao Kingdom Lord, and an alien Supreme God.

In other words, he could kill one more Supreme.

The group of beasts who besieged Che Houxuan had solemn faces, and for a time no one dared to move forward.

The bone-winged kingdom is also moving. In the face of so many people besieging, he even killed two supreme gods in the same realm. This is how fierce.

He has condensed 599 worlds and reached the limit of the energy and mass of the supreme god, but really wants him to face Che Hou Yi, and he has no confidence to defeat Che Hou Yi.

"He's already at the end of his crossbow, but now it's just a bluff, go together. Just be careful, he can't kill any of us."

The bone-winged country leader Shen Chan said that as long as he killed Che Houyi, the remaining Qin Yu was even more fearless.

Others groaned a bit. After all, even if they really want to die, they don't necessarily die themselves. If there is a chance, they will still shoot ~ ~ I will come first! "

The bone-winged country leader Shen Chan also knew that he must play a leading role.

With that said, the skeletal leader rushed to Che Houyi.

"If you want to die, then you are."

The ball in Che Houyi's hands burst into a bright light, and his divine power was condensing.

Everyone's face changed slightly, which was obviously the last shot.

"kill him!"

The bone-winged country leader yelled, and at this time, he did not start first, waiting for the car Hou to be fully condensed, the probability of killing a person is very high.

When others saw this, they didn't dare to wait any longer and shot one after another.

Several figures rushed to Che Hou Yi, and each of them took out their strongest attack. This blow must kill Che Hou Yi.


Qin Yu's face was so grim that she could no longer care about it. The spear pierced the chest of a supreme **** of the League of Nations and suddenly shattered the opponent's body.

Before the other party responded, he died.

However, at this time, Asa's punch was also banged on Qin Yu's chest, directly flying Qin Yu out.

But Qin Yu couldn't bear it anymore, and when he got up, he rushed to Che Houyi, trying to stop him.

"That being the case, let's die together."

Asa sneered, chasing Qin Yu and killing Qin Yu.




Many people growled in their hearts.

But at this moment, a knife light cut through the void and swept away towards the bone-winged kingdom and others.

"It's really lively enough. The League of Nations and the aliens teamed up to kill the teachers of Xianxian, it's shameless!"


The bone-winged kingdom trembled, only to feel that everything was cut off by this sword.

Others are the same, no longer care about others, and fled away.

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