Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1969: force

Xie Feng and Yin Haojun and others also felt something, their faces were grim.

Qin Yan groaned slowly and said slowly: "The death of Muye, I have passed, but this is not the time to investigate this. Because I am fused with real blood, other strong people who fused with real blood sense my position, at this moment. I dare to come. Immediately there will be a gathering of Supreme Gods. You are too dangerous here. Leave now. "

"Isn't it dangerous to stay here?"

Xie Feng was anxious. It was not easy for these **** kings to **** Qin Yan who was fused with real blood, but the Supreme Gods did not have any problems.

Qin Yan is really dangerous now.

Yin Haojun was also panic: "What are you waiting for, run away!"


Qin Yan shook his head, where he could run, and after merging the true blood, he was equivalent to positioning others, unless he returned to Xianxian College, or he would be caught up sooner or later.

Of course, he suspected that he couldn't leave the astral world.

After merging real blood himself, the rules here limit him to leave.

After all, this is related to a certain layout of the Star God. If you leave, and the Star Tomb cannot be opened, then all the layout of the Star God is not enough.

Star God can't let him go.

"Hurry up, the sense of the strong has begun to search this area." Qin Yan urged, urging a little, "You can rest assured, I'm not so easy to die. I just received the news before, the college's Qin Yu The teacher has also incorporated real blood, and it is very likely that Teacher Qin Yu is also coming over. "

"Yes, Teacher Qin Yu is very powerful and they should be able to protect the president." Xie Feng was pleased at once, as were other members.

"Yes, Teacher Qin Yu had killed five Supreme Gods before, and praised our reputation." A member followed.

Everyone was relieved and left.

Cassillo and others hesitated for a while, but also left quickly, and this place will soon become the real place of choice.

It is too dangerous for them to stay here.

Qin Yan looked at Yin Haojun and Xie Feng as they walked away, but his face became even harder to look at.

He is not so optimistic.

Not to mention Teacher Qin Yu, can they dare to come, even if they come, they can really protect themselves in the face of so many powerful men?

I am just a **** king, I don't know how many people want to refine themselves.

In many people's eyes, he is a big medicine.

"Even if I really want to die, I can't be killed so casually, and Qin Yan is not so easy to mess with me." Qin Yan murmured in his heart, and began to condense the power of true blood, these powers were constantly Ground compression, and finally entered the heaven and earth oven storage.

He is accumulating power, so that he can release a critical strike at a critical time.

Because this is the power of real blood, extremely powerful, even allowing him to kill a supreme god.

However, there was only one blow, which completely consumed these powers, and by then he would have no means to threaten the High God.

The power of real blood is not converging. A red star appears in the oven of heaven and earth. The energy of these stars is ten times more pure than that of Divine Liquid, and because it is stained with the breath of the God of the universe, it naturally carries a Terrible will.

Qin Yan felt that someone had come. At this time, he kept rising and emerged above the water.

The sky of the astral world is like a furnace, everything inside is constantly burning, and even some places faintly burst out fire-like lightning.


Someone shouted that Qin Yan's position had been locked.

Others followed, all of them were powerful, like ferocious beasts.

"Are you here?"

Qin Yan felt it. There were eleven figures arriving first. Each of these figures was strong, needless to say that it was the supreme state of God.

There are still more people who dare to come.

"I feel it. The last drop of real blood is ... God King, a God King!" A man was so surprised that the last drop of real blood was obtained by a God King. This is really incredible.

Obviously, this man also fused a drop of real blood.

The other ten people were horrified at this moment. The true blood of the God-King fusion, then did they have a chance to **** this drop of real blood.

"This drop of real blood, I want it."

An uncle Han yelled immediately, but where others would like him, he rushed towards Qin Yan directly.

At this time, it is natural who grabs it.

Qin Yan saw ten fierce gods, the most supreme gods, returning to themselves, and with a bitter smile, he was very calm.

He didn't run away either. He looked at the ten people who came and arched his hands: "In Xia Qinyan, the fourth-year student of Xianxue University has met you seniors."

"Xian Academy?"

"What fairy college, sixth, have you heard of it?"

"Is that the immortal college that killed the five Supreme Gods of the alien and the League of Nations, wait, don't do it first."



The ten figures were all settled. Although ten people were drooling when they looked at Qin Yan, the reputation of Xianxian College still shocked them.

"Are you a student of Xian College?"

The man fused with real blood groaned slowly, slowly.

The others were behind the man and looked at each other.

Qin Yan nodded, and his student ID appeared, and the ID appeared in the void, showing two lines of text.


When you are in danger overseas, don't give up, please remember that there is a strong college behind you.

Fairy College here requires all relevant forces in the universe to facilitate the passage of Fairy College students and provide help and protection when needed.


Seeing this, the eleven people are not good-looking.

They are all supreme gods. Naturally, they can sense the three powerful breaths contained in the student card. Most of them are three cosmic gods.

How to do?

Eleven people were stagnant.

The head-blended man fused with real blood groaned slowly and said slowly: "In the Xia Wu Shen Shan Temple, the main blood witch, as for the eleven of us are the people of Wu Shen Shan, Dragon Demon, and Sword Gate, this time into the spirit world, Be considered allies. "

Qin Yan nodded.

He can feel that after his identity broke, the eleven's killing heart has greatly diminished, and he is afraid to shoot himself.

After all, their trilateral forces had no injustice with Xian Academy before. If they offend Xian Academy at this moment, they must also consider the consequences.

Without saying anything else, the three teachers of Qin Yu may be able to dare to come right away. At the time, so many Supreme Gods of the League of Nations and aliens were killed by Qin Yu. They killed five Supreme Gods. If these eleven people met Qin Yu, , Definitely can't please.

A drop of real blood made them hot, but reason still made them laugh.

As for whether they will fight next, it depends on the situation. If Qin Yan is killed by others, they naturally don't mind coming up to find out.

Kill yourself, they must not dare.

"Our teachers at Xian Academy are also daring to come, please wait for a while." Qin Yan said lightly, but warned the three.

Do n’t do it, or you will regret it.

The blood witch was so embarrassed that he took someone to the side. He felt that there would be a good show for a while. Although they didn't dare to do it, many people did.

"Witch God Mountain, Dragon Demon, and Sword Gate?"

Qin Yan murmured in his heart, and searched the three parties carefully.

Wushen Mountain, the founder of which is called the Lord of the Witch God, is a universe god, but it was cultivated to the universe and **** realm after the establishment of the League of Gods, and its strength should not be too strong.

Of course, this is all the information previously collected. After the establishment of the League of God, the Lord of the Witch God has not been shot, and the true strength of the other party is unknown.

The dragon demon religion, the founder of which is called the Lord of the Dragon Demon, is also a cosmic god. He and the Lord of the Witch God practiced to the realm of the universe **** at about the same time.

The reason why the Lord of the Dragon Demon is called, has been seen in fact, he also incorporates the powerful blood of the Taixu Tianlong, but the Lord of the Dragon Demon is unwilling to belong to the orc alliance, it is considered to be a mountain.

As for strength, the strength of the Dragon Lord should not be too strong, and it is estimated that it is comparable to the tenth and eleventh beast ancestors.

The last sword gate, the creator is called the sword master.

This is a very interesting side. Although the sword master also brought a main character, he is not a true cosmic **** strongman, he is still a supreme god.

The reason for bringing a main character is because his strength has been recognized by everyone.

He has the power of the Cosmic God.

The Supreme God possesses the strength of the Cosmic God, which is extremely rare in the entire universe. Such people are more difficult to break through, and even break through hopelessness forever, but their strength is daunting.

Qin Yan and the eleven main gods naturally have nothing to say, they just waited together.

Qin Yan was still anxious at the moment. If it was the Xian Academy or the forces that had a good relationship with the Xian Academy, there would be no problem. If he came to hate the Xian Academy, then he would be really dangerous.

"Someone is here again."

Blood Mountain looked at one direction, then looked at Qin Yan a little strangely: "The people who come are from the Alliance of Adventurers."

Adventurer League?

Qin Yan took a deep breath, which was not too good or too bad.

Although there is a little friction between the adventurer alliance and the fairy college, it is unlikely that it will kill itself for a drop of real blood.

A total of thirteen supreme gods arrived in an instant.

They wore adventurer's union clothes, headed by a woman. The woman had long hair, and each hair fluttered like a flying needle.

"Yana Supreme!"

The blood witch smiled and said hello.

But the adventurer alliance girl snorted and ignored the blood witch at all.

She looked at Qin Yan: "A master god, luck is so good, the last drop of real blood is fused."

"Just luck."

Qin Yan said indifferently that he didn't know the other's mind at the moment, and he was not good enough to show too close or hostile.

The other adventurer alliances are also secretly communicating.

"Are you from Xianxian College?"

Yana continued, apparently she learned Qin Yan's identity.

"Xian Academy, Qin Yan."

"It turned out to be Xianxian ..." Yana narrowed her eyes, she must be thinking, and suddenly her face changed.

Qin Yan knew that things must be suffered.

This Yana must be robbing her own blood.

Sure enough, at this time I only listened to Yana coldly: "You hand over the real blood, I believe in the power of real blood, you have no time to digest it."

Qin Yan felt a strong coercion lock himself, and at the same time the space around him was blocked.

Things are not good.

He smiled strongly: "Senior, this real blood has been integrated with me, even if I want to hand it over, I can't."

Yana snorted and threw a scroll directly to Qin Yan.

Qin Yan was puzzled, and took a look at it. The scroll even recorded a method of depriving real blood.

According to the method, the possibility of depriving real blood is extremely great.

However, this also has a very serious consequence, because the true blood has been integrated with the people who use it. In this process of deprivation, the merged people will be repaired and abolished.

This method is basically to distill the flesh and blood of people who are fused with true blood, and the kingdom of God can be refined, but it does not hurt the soul.

Qin Yan's face was so ugly that he managed to break through to the seventh level of Jinxian. At this moment, if he was so deprived of true blood, he could not even protect Jinxian's cultivation.

He will be completely useless at that time ~ ~ What if I do n’t agree? "

Qin Yan said in a loud voice that the big deal would be death. If it was abolished in this way, it would be worse than killing him.

He stared at Yana, and if he died, he didn't know if he could kill the woman.

Yana also incorporates real blood. If he wants to kill Yana, it will be several times more difficult than others, and the probability is less than 10%.

It seemed that this strike could not be applied to Yana. After all, he could only play this strike, and then he looked at the Supreme God of other adventurer alliances and has locked several targets.

Yana felt her majesty provoked, especially Qin Yan's look, as if to kill her.

"Well, if you don't agree, then I can only do it myself."

Yana said, immediately began to gather divine power.

She did not dare to kill Qin Yan, but she did not dare to kill Qin Yan.

In her opinion, it is a big deal to give some compensation to Xian Academy, not to mention that Qin Yan can be restored to the current practice, and it is still possible to return to the realm of the god.

"There was a good show."

The blood witch and others laughed secretly.

"Do it!"

Yana waved her hand, but she was unwilling to shoot, and immediately the supreme **** of the two adventurer alliance rushed to Qin Yan.

Qin Yan had a decisive face at the moment, when I was bullying, right?

He secretly urged the heavens and earth ovens, and was about to make a hit.

"Come here."

When the supreme **** of an adventurer alliance grabbed Qin Yan, he had to catch Qin Yan in front of him.

But at this moment, there was a harsh noise in the distance, and then I saw a golden stick falling towards the arm of this adventurer's union.


Yana shouted angrily, punching and laughing in one direction, and a sneer came from the void.

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