Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1970: Strong gathering

Then I saw the shadows of the sticks falling down and overlapping, each stick is a world of thousands.

Thousands of sticks fell, and Yana, who was hit directly, trembled, and quickly retracted it. At this time, everyone also saw a man wearing gold armor in the void.

The man is holding a golden stick, proud of the sky, and prestigious.


I don't know who exclaimed, everyone was horrified.

Turned out to be the stick saint of the universe arena.

In the arena of the universe, strong men who have won a million consecutive victories can be sanctified, and almost all of them are invincible and very powerful.

The entire universe arena, and now there are only three Fengsheng strong.

Stick Saint is one of them, and the most powerful of the three.

The blood witch looked at the stick saint, but he was also a little embarrassed. This one was not easy to mess with. The stick didn't know how many Supreme Gods had been killed, and it should have been one or two.

"Haha, it's so lively."

After the appearance of the Stick Saint, there were six strong players in the universe. Fortunately, the other two Saints were not among them.

It was one of the men who carried the broadsword that someone recognized.

Sword God!

It is also a very strong existence, although it has not been sanctified in the universe arena, but it is close to that level of existence.

Sword God Stick!

These two men almost represent the apex of the Supreme God of the Cosmic Arena.

It's just that these two people, such as Wujin Temple, Dragon Demon Sect, and Sword Gate, can't provoke them, because except the Lord of the Witch God, Dragon Demon and Sword Master, no one can calm them down.

"Staff, what do you mean by Cosmic Arena?"

Yana signaled that the other people should come back first. At this time, don't shoot Qin Yan for the time being, because the Cosmic Arena insists on blocking them. They don't have to double the number of the Cosmic Arena, but the chance of winning is not large.

Stick Saint is exactly an ice cube face, he snorted: "Qin Yu, a teacher of Xianxian College, is a friend of the old man. If you want to deal with Qin Yan, the old man must take care of it."

In these years, Qin Yu and Jiang Lan walked the universe and made many people.

Stick Saint is one of them.

In particular, Qin Yu exchanged thirty-six sticks with the stick saint with Hou Fei's shocking sky, which benefited the stick saint quite a bit.

Yana was silent, and the Qin Yu of Xianxian Academy had a friendship with Stick Saint, which was beyond his expectation.

Stick Saint insisted to help Xianxian Academy, this matter can only be left to rest.

"St. Stick, then I'll give you a face, but if the people of Patriarchism or the League of Nations come over, then Qin Yan that you may not be able to protect at that time." Yana said, taking people aside.

The holy holy man doesn't matter, he really wants to fight, and he is not afraid of anyone.

Qin Yan did not expect such a turnaround, and thanked the staff and others: "Thank you for your help, Qin Yan is grateful."

Stick Saint waved his hand, but was a bit surprised to see Qin Yan. He felt a little danger in Qin Yan.


Although he did not know what the reason was, this Qin Yan may not be that simple.

Qin Yan was also a bit stunned. Did his hole card be seen through by the Stick Saint, and he took a closer look at the Stick Saint, the other party should also be fused with real blood. Now the whole person is like a burning sun, away from the realm of the universe. It is estimated that it is a step away.

Soon, someone came again.

This time the machine association came, and the strength of the machine association was only nine.

They also chose to watch a show at this time.

As for the person with the real blood in the Machinery Association, it is called Jiujiu, and it seems to be very famous. Yana and others are watching this Jiujii with some vigilance.

Then again, aliens arrived.

There are seventeen people in total, and it is not others led by Asa who fought with Qin Yu.

Seeing the aliens, the forces of the League of God are full of hostility, and there is a plan to surround these aliens and kill them.

But they haven't joined up yet, and the Dark God's organization has arrived again.

A total of nineteen people came from the Dark God Organization. The man headed by him had a dark mask and didn't know what his identity was, but even the moment he appeared, his face changed slightly.

"Blood God!"

Stick Saint's face was gloomy, and he recognized the identity of the mask man: "You are still alive!"

Hearing the name of the blood god, everyone was surprised.

Blood God?

Even Yana was a little horrified. Is this blood **** the one who has won 970,000 consecutive victories in the Cosmic Arena, and was almost to be sanctified in the end.

However, it is said that the blood **** colluded with the aliens and was killed, but now the information is clearly wrong.

The blood **** is alive and joined the dark **** organization.

"St. Stick, I haven't seen you for a long time. If I stayed in the Cosmic Arena that year, maybe the Three Saints wouldn't have you." The student's voice was hoarse, but he didn't seem to hold his mouth, but used a soul language.

"Huh, isn't it? Why don't we have a fight now." Stick Saint sneered, the stick in his hand emitted a golden light, tearing the sky.

Stick Saint, militant!

The others in the universe are the same, like fighting.

The blood **** froze for a moment, but shook his head: "It's not the time now, wait later."

Stick Saint seemed unhappy.

But at this moment, the blood **** waved his hand: "Kill this Qin Yan and seize the true blood."

As soon as his voice fell, the people organized by the Dark God immediately acted, but the aliens led by Asa quickly stopped Stick Saint and others.

When encountering the forces of the League of Gods, the alien and the Dark God Organization are one, which is almost the default for everyone.

"court death!"

Seeing that Asa dared to intercept himself, Stick Saint angered and shot, and a stick blasted towards Asa.

Asa waved the sword to resist, but a stick was supported by Hunfei hundreds of millions of miles, and the tiger's mouth cracked.

"So strong!"

Asa is the supreme god, with obvious physical advantages, but she is completely suppressed by the holy sage.

I have to say that the top powers of the League of Gods are not weaker than the powers of these giant gods.

At this time, the sword **** also shot, but only saw the blood **** shot, a sea of ​​blood appeared, the sword **** was trapped, and the thousands of swords kept chopping, but he could not tear the blood sea for a moment.

To suffer!

Qin Yu's face was ugly, so he had to secretly spur the power of real blood, and was ready to kill.

However, things turned around again, only to see a sharp bird sound in the void, and then only saw the endless flames flying towards the sea of ​​blood.

The flames filled the sky, and the sea of ​​blood of the blood **** was burned quickly.

"Taikoo Phoenix!"

The blood **** said, only to see a phantom of the ancient true phoenix appearing in the void, it was not someone else, it turned out to be the moon of the orc alliance.

To a certain extent, Yanyue's ability is somewhat restrained against the blood god.

Of course, the blood **** is not afraid of Yan Yue, and even he wants to kill Yan Yue is not difficult, the key is the supreme of the twenty-four orc alliance behind Yan Yue.

Especially the two of them led him a little shocked.

Shi Yan!


These two have the colorful blood cloud veins, and one has the blood veins of giant spirits.

With colorful clouds, the Starry Monsters ranked seventh.

Giant Spirit Beast, Starry Sky refused to help rank eighth.

These two people are also old-fashioned supreme gods, especially Shi Yan is completely from a period of time with the Lord of the Dragon Demon and the Lord of the Witch God.

It was just that the two of them were lucky enough to become cosmic gods, but Shi Yan did not break through.

"Yanyue, this is the fairy college student who chased you?" Shi Yan's mouth was huge, and his mouth was exposed with a row of sharp teeth. When he heard him, Yanyue could not laugh or cry.

He was pursued by a student of the Immortal College, and now almost the entire Orc Alliance knows it.

It's so silent.

Now many old seniors make fun of himself with this, but he has nothing to say.

I don't know, how is Zhang Zhou now.

"Huh, it's not this person." Someone said that it was Jin Wu who had hated Zhang Zhou a lot, but as Yan Yue refused Zhang Zhou, he almost forgot about Zhang Zhou. .

"There are aliens in the Dark God Organization?"

The giant puppet slowly opened his mouth, and there was a hint of killing in his eyes. He was extremely hostile to aliens and dark **** organizations. This is a well-known thing.

Because his master died in the hands of aliens.

Seeing the arrival of the Orc Alliance, the Blood God waved his hands helplessly, signalling that the others should stop first.

Shi Yan and Ju Yan, he can deal with one of them, he can't deal with the two, and coupled with the side of the stick and the sword god, even more suspended.


Qin Yanchang gave a sigh of relief, which made him go up and down, really was not killed, but also scared to death.

Yan Yue looked at Qin Yan, she still knew Qin Yan.

The importance of Qin Yan at Xian Academy is self-evident, and this time when Qin Yan was rescued, their orc alliance received a favor from Xian Academy, which is definitely not a loss.

Yan Yue also explained these and Shi Yan and Ju Yan, and they nodded secretly.

Their orc alliance knows the strength of Xian Academy the best, but it is willing to sell it to Xian College.

On the court, it seemed to have reached a delicate balance again.

Along with this, other messy people also came one after another. There were some supreme gods of small forces, and some aliens or supreme gods of various forces.

These people are not fused with real blood and sensed Qin Yan's position, but they are attracted to it because of the strong breath here.

"Here in the desert temple!"

"The people of the Space Bank Association have arrived, too."

"The people of the League of God have arrived."


The forces came one by one, and there were more than two hundred Supreme Gods present. So many Supreme Gods could join forces to slaughter the universe gods.

"People of Immortal College ..."

A cold voice came, only to see the people of the League of Nations and the spirit tribe arrived, and it was not the other person who spoke, but the bone-winged nation.

For the Immortal Academy, the Lord of the Bonewings is the hatred.

If it wasn't for Qin Yu's intervention, he would have got a drop of real blood.

"Everyone, this drop of real blood is very important to me. Please give me a face. After I get the real blood, I will be grateful." Qin Yan started.

"Haha, you are very brave, Bonewing Lord." Someone laughed. "But this matter, we will not intervene in this matter. If you can capture the real blood, that is your ability."

"The temple of the desert will not intervene."

"Wu Jinggong, Dragon Demon, Jianmen do not intervene."

"God League doesn't step in."


People from all forces are very tacit, and said one after another.

"Bone wing, you have the courage," Hu Sheng hummed.

"This ..." Bingyi looked at Stick Saint with a dread, this guy is not easy to mess with.

"Bone Wing Lord, if you want to capture real blood, I can help. As long as the cosmic arena dares to shoot, our dark **** organization will help you to block them." The blood **** smiled. He has no chance, but if Someone wants to kill real blood to get real blood, but he doesn't mind to help.

The dark **** organization is to create chaos.

"If the people of the Orc Alliance take action, we aliens will block you." Asa also followed at this time.

The bone-winged country master froze and then was overjoyed.

In this case, it is not impossible for him to seize real blood.

"Bone Wing, you are crazy. Now you dare to shoot at Xian Academy. You have forgotten the previous thing." Ling Huang frowned. She did not expect that the Bone Wing Master was so crazy that she dared to shoot at Xian Academy. .

"Linghuang, I must get a drop of real blood."

"Do n’t you see that these people just let you be the first bird, really waiting for you to kill Qin Yan, when other people will really let you collect real blood?" Linghuang thinks the bone wings are too simple ~ www ~ At this moment it seems that everything is out of the blue.

Bonewing was silent, and he could not control so much.

He has a reason to have to shoot.

Bonewing was about to shoot, but just then, a faint sneer came.

"I really remember eating and not fighting, Bingyi Guozhu, last time we let you go, it seems that you are well, and the scar has forgotten the pain." A voice indifferent came from Qin Yu.

Qin Yu actually arrived long after the people in the deserted temple.

It was only temporarily hidden.

"Qin Yu!"

Bonewing's face was ugly, no wonder he had just been stared at.

Damn, it's intentionally waiting here.

Stick Saint saw Qin Yu and nodded slightly.

Qin Yu, Che Houyi, Pan Gu, and Xiaobao came out.

At this time Qin Yu looked at the people of the Ling clan again: "Linghuang, you also saw it. This is the bone-winged kingdom's own death. What is your attitude now?"

If the spirit tribe still insists on helping the League of Nations, then he would be rude.

The Emperor Ling sighed, and said helplessly, "The Ling clan will not intervene."

What else do you want to continue to intervene in, that is to really offend Xian Xueyuan.

Many people from other forces have never seen Qin Yu and others. At this moment, looking at Qin Yu, they are slightly shocked.

This momentum is so strong.

"Bonewing Lord, I will kill you today."

Qin Yu groaned, and the spear in his hand appeared, locking the bone-winged kingdom.

"Xian College is really as strong as ever."

Another indifferent voice came: "Bonewing Kingdom, you killed Qin Yan and seized the real blood. These three people, our ancestral gods, have stopped you."


Qin Yu's face changed slightly, this is really the enemy of Xian Academy.

Qin Yan, Yana, Stick Saint, Jiujia, Blood God, Asa, Qin Yu, Ling Huang, Yan Yue

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