Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1971: Space-time shuttle

In the distance, thirteen figures appeared.

All of them were wearing ancestral costumes, and a man headed by them carried two knives with red blood on his skin and powerful kung wu.

The strangest thing is the man's eyes, like two burning stars.

Not a star, it should be a universe.

Everyone was a little stunned at this moment. The man's momentum was so strong that he was not weaker than the holy sword god.


Shi Yan muttered, unbelievable at the moment.

Everyone else heard the name and was horrified.

Realm God, the superpower that existed before the establishment of Divine Alliance, has more hope to break into the universe and **** realm than Lord of Witch God and Lord of Dragon Demon.

When fighting against aliens, the deities of the gods were broken into particles. At that time, everyone thought that the gods were dead, but the ancestral religion said that the gods were seriously injured and were being healed.

Thousands of epochs have passed, and everyone has long forgotten the realm of the world god, but today no one can think that the world **** has actually reappeared.

Jieshen is not dead!

The original statement of the Patriarchal religion did not seem to be false.

"Gods are all broken into particles. How can they survive?" Someone muttered, unbelievable.

The average human body is broken, and the spirit soul and the kingdom of God are no longer attached.

How did the world **** survive?

At this time, the Emperor Ling spoke, and she slowly said, "Because the world **** has forged a fifth-order **** body, although his **** body has been beaten into particles, these particles can locate each other, even if they are separated by hundreds of millions of light years, It can slowly gather together. At first, it was only a group of supreme gods who killed the gods. These gods could not completely destroy the particles of the incarnation after the death of the gods. They could only blow these particles to the entire universe. It can continue with time. The earth flows, these particles continually gather, and finally the gods are resurrected. "

This should be the most authoritative explanation, and everyone is silent.

After all, there are so many people present who have forged the fifth-order **** body, and they are most familiar with the ability of the fifth-order **** body.

"This universe is really getting more and more interesting." Qin Yu muttered, watching the strong men appearing one by one, but the war was furious.

Thirteen people were taught by the ancestral gods, and it should not be difficult for them to restrain Qin Yu.

"Bone wing, do it now." Jie Shen said lightly, "I didn't expect the old man to just sleep for a while, but now he came up with a college called Xianxian, and stepped on our ancestral gods. Huh, I It depends on whether this college is really as powerful as others say. "

Qin Yu's eyes were cold: "If the ancestral gods continue to die, sooner or later they will be eliminated by our college."

The two men pointed at Mai Mang and gave up.

Moreover, all of them are amazing.

"Okay, thanks to the gods." Bingyi is very excited at the moment, and everyone else is restrained at this moment. He has a chance to kill Qin Yan and capture the real blood.

Qin Yu looked in a direction when he was about to start looking at Bone Wing.

"Two, stop watching the show."

Qin Yu said, and at this time the two showed up, it was Xu Ri and Quark.

The quark doesn't matter. He looked at the gods of the world and was quite interested. Such a super strong man didn't know if he could deal with it, so he wanted to play.

As for Xu Ri, the person facing the ancestral religion was a little embarrassing, but soon he was indifferent. Some things the ancestor lost to him, and that can not blame him for betraying the ancestor.

"Void sun!"

Jieshen tightly locked Xuri at this moment, the killing intention was amazing.

In fact, Xu Ri is definitely a descendant of Jie Shen's descendants. The two have no intersection at all. Even before that, Xie Ri had never seen Jie God, but only heard that this one was alive.

However, because of the virtual sun, the ancestral gods lost all their faces and became the laughingstock of this universe. So when they saw the virtual sun, the realm of the gods moved their hearts.

Other ancestral gods were also cold-heartedly hostile to Xuri and wanted to kill it.

"Xi Ri, so many people want to kill you, haha." Quark laughed, "It's better, as long as you borrow the three thousand Dadian to read the following, I will help you kill these people, how about? ? "

After the two met the last time, Quark knew about Xuri, and knew that he now managed a bookstore at Xianxian College, which contained the three thousand Daoduns left by the dean.

Quark is not a fool. He knows the power of Wang Xing very much, and what can be left by Wang Xing is definitely valuable.

However, Xu Ri obviously didn't have a good opinion of quark, especially after knowing that quark had betrayed Xian University and stole the things from Xian University, he was even more worried that this guy would not want to steal his bookstore.

Xu Ri snorted: "Stop bragging, these ancestors all have 500 large worlds, especially the gods, even if he hasn't recovered long, but his strength is no longer yours. Next. You want to kill them, I think the death may be relatively large. "

Quark was unhappy. How much do you know about me, even though I thought I was going to die.

Xu Ri groaned and looked at Jie God and others: "Although I am no longer an ancestor of the gods, but if you let me do something to you, I can't bear it. Jie God, although you are famous, you really Fighting may not be my opponent. This time the Patriarchate sent you all in. It must be very important. If your strength is impaired here, it will definitely affect the future plan. Therefore, I advise you not to Intervene in this matter, it is not good for you. "

Many people were shocked when they heard the words of Xu Ri.

Xu Ri said that the **** of the world is not necessarily his opponent. Is it true that it is too arrogant?

The world **** is an old-fashioned supreme **** strong, and the strength is definitely not under the strong like Shi Yan and Ju Yan.

The **** of the world is also angry at the moment. He didn't feel the good intentions of Xu Ri, but only felt shame: "It's a big word. I heard before that you are the most powerful genius in our ten epochs , But you are far worse than me. "

Xu Ri is helpless, the realm **** does not appreciate, this is forcing him to take a shot.

The quark laughed aside, the others looked at each other, and Xu Ri and the gods played against each other.

"Bone Wing, do it!"

The world **** shouted loudly. After his recovery, he urgently needed a battle to announce his return.

It also proves his great strength.

Instantly, Bingyi rushed to Qin Yan.

At this time, Qin Yu's figure was blocked in front of Qin Yu, but there were six Supreme Leagues of the All Nations returning at the same time, and Qin Yu should be trapped so that the bone wings could start.

If coupled with bone wings, Qin Yu is equivalent to one enemy nine.

Over there, the other forces were alert to each other, but did not take any action.

The **** of the world also shot at this moment. He rushed directly to the empty sun. The two swords behind him were cut out, as if to cut the universe apart.

Xu Ri sighed: "Quark, go and help Qin Yu them, I stop the gods."

Speaking, Xu Ri looked at the realm **** that was coming towards him, but punched it out with one palm, which separated time and space, and everything was distorted.


The attack of Jieshen and Xuri collided, and both of them flew out.

However, the reaction speed of the **** of the world was faster, and after stabilizing his body, he immediately rushed to the empty sun again.

Xuri didn't say anything, his hands kept patted out, and each palm contained the power of time, which was slowing down the time of the realm.

However, for a powerful man at the level of the world god, the virtual sun can slow down his time, and there may not be a thousandth of a second.

However, this faint time difference is enough for Xu Ri to suppress the gods in speed.


Xu Ri punched out with a punch, Jie Shen took a beat, and was hit with a punch in the shoulder.


Jieshen flew out, and a blood spurted out.

He looked at his shoulder and his bones were broken.

Everyone was a little horrified at this moment. The virtual sun hurt the **** of the world, although it was only slightly injured.

"This virtual sun is so strong, that the rules of time used by him are simply fascinating." Stick Saint Dan Dan said, just at that moment the virtual sun slowed down the time of the realm, but accelerated his time, while using both This kind of time effect, generally strong person who practice the law of time, no one can do it except the universe god.

"The recovery time of Jieshen is too short, and it should not have been restored to its heyday period." Sword God thought for a while, because he felt that Jieshen's strength was on par with him, and it should be better than Stick Saint.

If it is replaced by him and the **** of the world, the probability of death of the two will be about 50%, but if it is replaced by the **** of the world and the club, the probability of death of the **** of the world may be 60% to 70%.

At their level, it is impossible to absolutely defeat the opponent.

The battle of life and death, maybe whoever plays well, the probability of winning is greater.

"It is terrible after birth."

The world **** condensed some divine power to repair his broken bones, and he watched Xuri incomparably dignified.

This virtual day is stronger than what he knew in Patriarchalism, at least 30% stronger.

That is to say, the previous Xuanri is not so strong, but after detached from the ancestral religion, the Xuanri becomes stronger.

These 30% strength makes Xuri's ability to overwhelm him.


Jie Shen's eyes were cold and he shot again.

At this time, the two worlds in his eyes circulated.

Xuri felt it, and the power of the two worlds entangled him and bound him.

"Realm God, Realm Power!"

Xu Ri murmured, he knew the predecessor of the ancestral religion, he knew his peerlessness.

The forces of the two realms are entangled, like two dragons, bound to the virtual sun, and taking advantage of the virtual entry to be bound, the realm of the gods straightens to get the virtual sun.

"Space shuttle!"

But at this moment, I only heard Mu Ri muttering.

Followed by just seeing his figure suddenly became extremely blurred, and followed him as if it had completely disappeared from this time and space.

"this is?"

At this moment, everyone including the stone urns, giant urns, spirit emperors, blood gods, stick saints, sword gods, and so on are all astounding.

Jieshen was stunned, and then felt a terrible crisis.

Then he saw it.

The virtual day appeared again, not directly from this time and space now, but directly from that time and space in the future.

"I'm sorry!"

Xu Ri said, a palm shot out and banged directly on the chest of the realm.


The world **** was blown out, and at this moment the body of the **** was cracked and he was seriously injured.

"The supreme application of the laws of space-time ... how is it possible, how is it possible ..." muttered the **** of the face, unbelievable.

Don't talk about the gods at this moment, so are others.

This time-space shuttle period allows you to enter a long river of time, which can follow the flow of long rivers of time and enter past and future times, thereby attacking the enemy beyond the current dimension.

Xuri actually did it.

"Is this virtual day to be ruled in the realm of the Supreme God?" Someone muttered. This owner, like the sword master, has the power of the universe **** in the realm of the Supreme God. It can be directly called the master, not the master .

Obviously, Xuri now has this potential.

"Almost, although Xu Ri has mastered this method, but you can feel that his soul strength is now greatly attenuated, and the scope of his consciousness has also been shortened by only one-tenth. The burden is great. Such an attack cannot be carried out at will, but may be carried out casually two or three times. "Someone answered, and it was not the other people who spoke the words, but the officials of the Lingzu University.

But Rao is so, and Xu Ri's strength is enough to shock the universe.

The virtual sun has the potential to lord it.

Not far behind.


Several supreme gods of the ancestral gods helped the gods of the world ~ ~ at this moment, their faces were pale, and this virtual day hit them again.

The quark was also extremely surprised, this imaginary day was simply terrible.

He tried to use the laws of the universe to systematically analyze the methods of the virtual sun just now, but it turned out to be impossible to analyze.

Doesn't this mean that if he encounters the empty sun, he can't stop the blow from the empty sun.

Seeing the ease of Xu Ri, Quark was also a little jealous: "Xu Ri, these three people are entrusted to you. You see that we are all playing eight or nine by yourself. You can hit one by yourself. Can you do it?"

Hearing this, the sky was speechless, and the others looked at each other.

The virtual sun deals with the world god, who are you dealing with, can you compare?

Before the three of them reacted, they felt led to a virtual day by a force, and the virtual day was helpless, and they stopped them.

He didn't want to kill the ancestral people, but he could still restrain them.

Over there, Qin Yu, Che Houyi, and Pan Gu also fought with the people of the League of Nations, but the number of opponents was too great, and the three were also a bit difficult to deal with.


A supreme **** of the League of Nations was stabbed in the chest by Qin Yu with a shot, and the other side was so angry that he felt his body was breaking.

Just then, he was angry.

He didn't even step back, but took a step forward and caught Qin Yu.

"Bone Wing, hurry up!"

He growled and dragged Qin Yu to death.

"not good!"

Qin Yu was shocked, and the bone wings over there had rushed to Qin Yan.

"Dead, die!"

Bingyi looked at Qin Yan and yelled angrily.

But at this time, Qin Yan, who had no response, suddenly flew out of his lance.

The spear emitted a dazzling blood-red light, and the bearer's will, which made everyone tremble, went straight to the bone-winged kingdom.

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