Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1972: truce

At this moment, everyone didn't respond and didn't know what happened.

Bone wing was a little proud, but at this moment, the spirit was trembling, his face was pale, and the whole man desperately urged the divine power to avoid the gun.

However, I couldn't avoid it at all.

"no no……"

Bonewing growled, but it was useless.


The spear pierced the bone wing's chest, followed by the kingdom of God directly piercing the bone wing, and faintly saw a vast world collapsed.


Bone wing spurted blood, and the whole person kept retreating.

"The kingdom of God is broken."

He murmured, and his body was cracking a little at the moment, and many body cells were detaching from his body.

He shook at this moment, watching Qin Yan, who was near him, silent.

He never thought that he would eventually die in the hand of a **** king.

The crowd was silent, all the fighting stopped, and no one could think that the first fallen Supreme God would be Bonewing.

In fact, the strength of Bonewing is not weak, although it is not as good as the stick saint, the sword god, the stone god, the giant god, the blood god, etc., but it is not easy for these people to kill him.

It was only that he did not guard against Qin Yan at all, and was completely stunned by the interests, which was why Qin Yan was hit with a hit.

Of course, Bone Wing had been seriously injured before, and now his strength has been damaged a lot, and Qin Yan also underestimated the blow he gathered with real blood power.

For all these reasons, Qin Yan unexpectedly killed Bonewing.

"You care."

Qin Yan groaned and said slowly.

If you guard him a little bit, Bonewing still has a chance to dodge the blow.

"Yes, I also want to live too much." Bonewing's deities dissipate faster. "Everyone thinks I'm fighting for the fruit of God. The fight for the true blood is to break through to the universe of God. Actually it's not, I'm early. In the past few years, I have practiced a taboo method, which has squandered my life. If I don't break through, I will die. "

He didn't do it to break, but to live.

This was the biggest secret he had hidden in his heart, and he still spoke it out at this moment.

Everyone else was horrified. Was this the case? At this time, someone had noticed that the spirits of the bone wings were old and inferior, and that was completely dying.

To live?

Qin Yan didn't say anything. No one is not afraid of death, even those of the universe gods.

"What nonsense, just die."

Quark snorted, and at this time Bonewing shook his head slightly, followed by the loss of divine power, and the whole divine body became particles.

Bone Wings Fall!

As for his final confession, everyone was inexplicable.

"Bone wings are dead, Jie God, aren't you planning to stop?" Xu Ri said lightly.

Just now, he had left his hand, otherwise the half-life of the gods would be gone.

The world **** is silent, and the power of the Xu Ri makes him a little dazed.

He felt that even during his heyday, he was probably not an opponent of Xu Ri.

On the side of the Universal Nations, after the death of Bonewing, the others came together to discuss what to do next.

A moment later, a man from the League of Nations stood up: "We, the League of Nations, are calling for a truce."

The man naturally said to Qin Yu.

The strength of the Immortal Academy shocked them. They had fallen to the four Supreme Gods and could not die anymore.


Many people shook their heads, and they also knew that this was the fear that the League of Nations was beaten by the Immortal College.

Especially the bone wings are dead, and the rest of them are not even rivals of a few of Xianxian College.

"Mr. Qin Yu, this is the innocent landlord of the League of Nations. He said that the truce will definitely make the League of Nations no longer hostile to the Immortal Academy." Ling Huang stood up at this time, and then she quietly transmitted a message to Qin Yu "" The Lord of the Undead is pretty good. The leaders of the League of Nations were the Bonewing Lords. Most of them were just forced to be enemies against your college. And the Lord of the Demon said that after the truce, this At this time, our spiritual people promised to give them 21 worlds from the League of Nations, and we can give out seven to the Immortal College as compensation. "

The people of the League of Nations also obviously know that truce is not so easy. You have offended Xian Academy, and you want to end the truce just like that.

Therefore, at this time, we must promise to give some benefits to Xian Academy.

Qin Yu groaned, and said this to Che Hou Yi, who then nodded incomprehensible.

Now the enemies of the Immortal Academy still need the ancestral religion. If there is no truce, it is likely that the ancestral religion and the League of Nations will really besiege and siege several of them. After all, the other side is close to thirty people. By then, a few of them will also be in crisis.

That being the case, a truce is best.

In this way, the Immortal College can then focus on dealing with the ancestral gods, after all, the ancestral gods are really the enemy of the Immortal College.

"OK, truce."

Qin Yu nodded, and looked at the innocent landlord: "If you dare to strike again at our academy, I will kill you first."

The Lord of No-Magic Country nodded, and his heart was relieved.

Next, the people of the League of Nations stepped aside and became spectators.

"Qin Yu is very good at talking." Sword God smiled, just let go of the people of the League of Nations, if he did not necessarily have this kind of character.

"Good to talk? Just you are so simple, I don't know what deal they secretly reached." Shi Yan said faintly, but just now he felt a slight soul swing, and someone was clearly speaking secretly.

Sword God, do you think I don't know, just say a few words casually, highlight my sense of existence.

The League of Nations didn't take the shot, Qin Yu looked at the gods of the ancestral religion and others.

"Qin Yu ..." Quark felt the killing intention on Qin Yu's body. For those of the ancestors, Qin Yu definitely wanted to get rid of it.

"None of the ancestral gods can go today." Qin Yu muttered, pointing his spear at the god, "Xi Ri, I know you can't bear to start, and you are still thinking about the old relationship with the ancestral gods, and I won't let you down , Go aside, leave the rest for you. "

"Why is this." Xu Ri smiled bitterly, he did not expect Qin Yu's killing heart so much.

Others looked at each other.

They all saw that the world **** wanted to be soft, and then truce, but the people of Xianxian were unwilling.

This is to fight the Patriarch to death.

"Looking for death, I really think our ancestral gods teach bullying." The world **** screamed angrily. As soon as he came out, did the universe become like this? Everyone regards their ancestral gods as soft persimmons, and can step on them.

The other twelve supreme gods of the ancestral religion also glared.

Fairy College is just three people, too arrogant.

"It's up to you."

The vacant day was in a dilemma, and he simply stepped aside and watched.

Quark froze, you can watch, I ca n’t watch, he walked over to Qin Yu and said: "Xu Ri is a man of average strength and unreliable, so let me help you and break these ancestral religions. All killed. "

Xiaobao also stood up at this time: "I can help you too."

Qin Yu is speechless, are you okay?

Quark whispered again at this time: "Mr. Qin Yu, although I was sentenced to Xian College, it is excusable. For my two shots, please give me a good word in front of the dean. a bit."

Qin Yu glanced at the quark, knowing that this guy was not at ease, it was for this.

But for quark, I don't know if Wang Xing has forgotten him, what beautiful words are not beautiful words, and no one takes quarks seriously.

Seeing Qin Yu nodding, Quark was thrilled.

"What's the origin of that guy?"

Finally, someone couldn't help asking, from the beginning to the present, Quark has been very eye-catching. His strength and incredible means are really strange.

"I heard that it was half of the disciples of the Dean of the Xian Academy. After studying for a while with the Dean of the Xian Academy, I didn't know how to judge the Xian Academy. Realm, even now they can fight against each other. "

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

For three million years, from God King to Supreme God Peak, how could this be possible.


Qin Yu gave a cold drink and shot decisively.

Che Houyi and Pan Gu followed, and immediately shot. Quark did not give up, and immediately swept the Patriarch's six people.

"court death!"

The spirit of the world was drinking, his eyes turned, and the power of the world entangled Qin Yu and bound Qin Yu.

He used a trick to deal with the virtual day, and the direct use of time and space shuttle made the world **** suffer a big loss, but Qin Yu is not a virtual day after all, or there are definitely not many people who can crack him in this universe.

"What is the power of the world, then you also feel the power of my new universe!"

Qin Yu said that a force from another universe appeared from him. This force broke through the realm of the realm of the realm, and then directly formed a realm, which in turn controlled the realm of the realm.

The world **** is terrified. He feels that all the power of his laws is imprisoned before this power.


When Qin Yu saw the opportunity, he yelled and pierced the god's chest.

The world **** was terrified, but he had no time to escape, and he could only watch the gun stab.


What blocked the spear, exposed a magic weapon similar to a goggle.

Qin Yu frowned. Was luck so good, I knew that this blow directly stabbed the head of the world god.

Seeing that this blow couldn't break the defense of Kaishen, Qin Yu sighed angrily, the spear shot, and the gods flew out.


There were also cracks in the magic weapon on his chest, and it broke into half.

"What kind of power is this, so strong!"

The world **** once again spit out blood, and was hit hard by Xu Ri and Qin Yu, and his strength was not as good as before.

Everyone else was horrified.

The power of the realm of the realm of the realm of the gods was solved by the virtual sun, but in the face of Qin Yu, it was useless.

Whatever it looks, the gods of the world seem to be hanging.

"The reputation of this **** before was really not touted by others?" The giant owl groaned, while others felt a little bit the same, how could all feel that the **** of the world is too weak.

"It's not that the gods are weak, but Xu Ri and Qin Yu are both too strong." Shi Yan understood it clearly. "That Xu Ri, you are bound to be defeated when you meet it. If I meet him, he will travel three times in time and space. I ca n’t hide it, but if he ca n’t kill me after three times, I have a great chance of killing him. As for Qin Yu, his strongest attack may not be as good as the virtual sun, but the battle seems to have endless power, and Every blow is flawless, and I feel he may be more difficult than the sun. "

"Really fake?" The giant **** was a little surprised. Is Qin Yu better than the sun, which doesn't look like it.

"Take a closer look, Qin Yu has suffered any injuries from the battle to the present, and how has his breath diminished? Even if Xu Ri has just performed a space-time shuttle, his breath has dropped a lot." Shi Yan said lightly. It is obvious that such a person is more and more brave, and the longer and more powerful the battle, the more difficult it is to deal with such a person, because unless you can kill such a person in seconds, otherwise you will continue to fight and the winner will be the opponent. Is the most terrible.

The giant puppet was thoughtful, and many others saw the strength of Qin Yu.

Long-term battle, Qin Yu is very strong.

They old veteran gods are not necessarily opponents.


A loud noise came, and only saw an axe of Pan Gu smashed on the Supreme God of the Patriarchalism.

When the other party screamed, the **** body was broken, fell straight out of the void, and died whispering ~ ~ Faced with Pangu, the three or five high-level gods of the same order are not at all His opponent.


Qin Yu said, rushing to the world **** again, it is bound to kill the world god.

Jieshen clenched his fists and felt very aggrieved. He appeared again after so many years, not to give others experience.


Che Houyi also found an opportunity at this time. Ding Yuanzhu smashed directly, smashing the head of an ancestor to the Supreme God.

The Patriarch taught the Supreme God to fall again.


Jieshen was also struck by Qin Yu, and at this time Jieshen also saw it. Don't look at them, there are eleven others. These people are only killed by the four of them. Servings.

If you continue to stay, you will die.


Jieshen was very decisive and yelled, "Run in the direction of the alien and dark **** organizations!"

Then, he rushed to the blood **** of the dark **** organization first.

The blood **** was stunned and gave way directly. When Qin Yu was going to chase, the blood **** smiled coldly, it was just saying that the road was different.

Qin Yu sighed, and there was nothing he could do.

In a blink of an eye, all the ancestors fled, and they were quiet again.

Looking at the Qin Yu people, all of them dare not have any contempt, these people are really strong, at least the level of the sword and blood god.

Don't look at the number of people, but the strength is not weak at all.

"Ahem, do you still think peace is expensive?" The Lingzu University official stepped forward at this time and became a peacemaker. "After all, I haven't even seen the Tomb of the Star, so it's too hard for you to die. It's worth it. "

How can everyone fail to understand that this is naturally the meaning of the Emperor?

Now those who are fused with real blood are here, summoning the Star Tomb is the top priority.

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