Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1973: Summon Star Tomb

Then, Ling Huang looked at Qin Yu.

Qin Yuzheng put away the spear, and now that the ancestors have fled, there is no need for them to fire on others.

Che Houyi and Pan Gu also stole their weapons one after another, and Quark groaned a bit, but chose to retreat to Xuri, meaning that the two of us are the same.

"This old scholar is pretty good. We haven't even seen anything. It's not worth fighting for your life. If you want to fight, you must wait until you see something." Dao Shen smiled.

The others were silent, and they didn't want to fight anymore, it didn't make sense.

"Then summon the Star Tomb."

Shi Yan didn't care, and others nodded.

But whoever has the real blood, is it true that all the people who have the real blood are here? This is very important.

The blood **** slowly said at this time: "Who has fused the true blood, and everyone who believes that the true blood is fused must have received a message that the true blood gathers and summons the tomb of stars."

Everyone looked at each other, and some obviously did not want to stand up.

The blood **** sneered: "Whoever incorporates real blood can only be detected by examining them one by one. Now, if you want to summon the star tomb, if you still want to conceal it, then you are the enemy, don't blame everyone for killing him Take out the real blood. "

In fact, those who are fused with real blood can vaguely feel the breath of other people with fused blood.

However, if some people conceal it intentionally, they need to investigate one by one.

"Me, fused with real blood."

Qin Yan smiled, but came out first.

Everyone is speechless. You have incorporated real blood, and everyone who doesn't know, you don't need to make a statement at this time.

However, Qin Yan stood out and was really useful. The second person spoke. It was Yana of the Adventurer Alliance, and she came out.

"Plus me, two, I don't know how many drops of real blood there are."

Yana said, looking around, she stared at Yanyue.

In Yan Yue, he felt the breath of real blood, which made her feel incredible.

"Don't watch, yes, I also merged a drop of real blood." Yan Yue stepped out, and everyone was a little surprised. Shi Yan and Juyu were so strong that they did not merge a drop of real blood, but let it just break through soon. Yanyan fused a drop of real blood, what is this operation?

Qin Yu also has some gazes. This Yanyue blended with true blood and iron must not impact the universe's realm of God. After all, his time to break through to the highest realm of God is too short.

However, the energy of real blood should allow Yan Yue to have a mass of more than 500 in the world.

Almost all of a sudden, Yan Yue's cultivation can be promoted to a high order to a high god.

It was Qin Yu who squandered the power of real blood by more than 90%, but it is still only the first-level **** king, which is a pity.

After Yanyue, Jiu Ji of the Machinery Association also stood up, and he also fused a drop of real blood, but he was relatively low-key, and until now no one noticed him.

Followed by Stick Saint, he also fused a drop of real blood, and the whole body's breath was not hidden in the slightest.

Qin Yu also stood up in a timely manner. At this time, someone found out that Qin Yu had also fused a drop of real blood. Only a few drops of real blood, the Immortal College took up two drops.

Blood God and Asa followed.

Especially Asa, after the last escape, he was also lucky to find a drop of real blood.

Blood Witch, Qin Yan, Yana, Stick Saint, Jiujia, Blood God, Asa, Qin Yu, Yanyue, this is a total of nine drops of true blood. At this moment, the true blood of the nine of them appeared, except Qin Other than inflammation, others are more intense.

However, it is also the real blood that has been hurriedly merged, even if it is the Stick Saint, etc., it only absorbs a small part of the real blood.

"Nine people, almost the same."

The Emperor Ling groaned a bit. After all, even if it is a universe god, there may be so many blood blood limits.

Next, the crowd began to move towards the place where the true blood guides.

Summoning the Star Tomb must also be at the position where it is sensed.

A large group of people broke through the sky, and many of the main gods and kings shivered.

"Here it is, here it is."

The Emperor Ling said lightly, and she immediately stood toward the induction position, and saw that a star tree appeared in that position.

But it was a withered star tree, and it was just a sapling.

At this time, everyone noticed that, in addition to the main pole, this tree of stars had exactly nine branches.

"Everyone drops blood on a branch."

The Emperor seemed to know all this, and commanded directly.

Of course, even if Linghuang didn't say it, everyone could guess that was probably the case.

This little tree should be the lock that summons the star tomb, and those who are fused with real blood are the key to unlock the lock.

With almost no hesitation, Qin Yan stood up first, dropping a drop of his own blood onto a branch, and this drop of blood fell on the tree of stars, and was immediately absorbed by the withered tree of stars, The whole branch turned red in a blink of an eye.

That's right.

Others followed suit, and all of the nine people's blood was drained.

The tree of stars has become fiery red, like a burning flame, as if it were alive again.

"Why is there no movement?"

Some people wonder, isn't the Star Tomb coming?

Everyone frowned, and then looked at the Emperor Ling. The Ling family obviously knew something about the arrangement of the star god.

"Everyone be calm."

The Emperor Ling said, took out a dagger and cut himself, then dripped a drop of blood towards the main pole of the Star Tree.

It was also at this time that the star tree glowed dazzlingly.

Everyone was horrified that the blood of the Emperor was still lacking, but the Emperor did not fuse the true blood in the astral world at all.

"The spirit emperor has a fifth-order **** body, because he has fused the true blood of the star **** long ago, and the star **** should start to lay out at that time." The blood **** murmured in his heart.

Others also understood this and started to pay attention to the spirit people.

Qin Yu also figured it out at this time. No wonder the spirit clan said that they could find the falling place of the star god. It turned out that the spirit emperor had already incorporated real blood and could sense the position.

The star tree's light is getting brighter and brighter, and it slowly flies up.

The crowd looked at it, and suddenly they heard only a thunderous thunder from the air, only to see the Void Stele tearing, a huge portal slowly opened, and a huge battleship floating in the portal.

Star God's Boat!

Everyone was horrified, and the ship of the star **** appeared, and there must be no doubt the place where the star **** fell.

Everyone was eager to try, and finally someone couldn't help but rushed into the portal with a roar.

"Go in!"

Someone shouted in the Space Bank Association, and a dozen people rushed in quickly.

Followed by, the adventurer alliance, the people of the Temple of Desolation, and the people of the Machinery Association all rushed in, but in an instant they entered more than fifty Supreme Gods.

However, some people did not go in. These people were relatively smart because they saw that the people of the spiritual race had not yet entered.

"Linghuang, don't you go in?"

Yan Yue smiled and said everyone's thoughts.

There must be treasures in the place where the star **** falls, and apart from that, the boat of the star **** is valuable, but how can such a place be without danger?

The Emperor Ling groaned a bit: "Do n’t stare at my spirit clan, I do n’t know much about everything in the astral world. As for the true blood that I fused, it was also left before the star **** fell. I do n’t know if there is any other use for the true blood that I fused at this time. ”

Some frown, some sniff.

Regardless of whether everyone believes or not, Linghuang is hard to explain anything.

She waved her hand and led the spirits into it. She also knew that she would not go in, and it was estimated that the rest would not go in either.

After the Emperor Ling entered, others entered the portal one after another.

Several people from Qin Yu reached the end. Looking at Qin Yan, Qin Yu thought for a while: "There must be danger inside, you better not go in. There is also Xiaobao, don't go in."

Although Xiaobao had the ability to search for treasure, Qin Yu didn't want to take him this time.

Going in this time may be a fierce dogfight, especially if you fight against a strong man of the level of Stick Saint, let alone protect Xiaobao and Qin Yan, they may not be able to protect themselves.

"Mr. Qin Yu, I still want to go in and have a look. It's all here. If there is danger, I can quit." Qin Yu was a little reconciled, so I had to go in and see.

"I feel there are so many treasures in it." Xiaobao drooled and naturally wanted to go in.

Qin Yu was helpless, but still warned: "It's okay to go in, but it's dangerous, so you must evacuate immediately."

After hearing this, Qin Yan and Xiaobao nodded quickly.

Just go in.

Then, they also entered the portal.

A minute after they entered, a team of Zerg fighters also reached the portal.

As soon as the Star God fell, Qin Yu and others changed their faces as soon as they came in. They felt violent energy and then extreme crisis.

Just looking at many fierce monsters with open teeth and claws, **** eyes, as if to eat them.

No, it should be said that one has already been eaten.

The Supreme God who came in the earliest time was thrown to the ground by a group of such beasts. The whole person only ate a pile of bone dregs, which was really terrible.


Yana was also caught a bloodstain by such a beast, and she looked at it, there were tens of thousands of such beasts.

The strength of this fierce beast is only equivalent to the realm of the **** king or the first-level supreme god, but they can't hold up a large number of them, even the stone urns and the sticks are extremely difficult to cope with.

"This is the Star Beast, a kind of ferocious beast that Star God has cultivated. They should have obeyed the Star God's order, but the Star God fell, and they became a beast without a master, and they were trapped here and did n’t know much It ’s been years, and the fierce outbreak at this moment is even more difficult to deal with. ”Ling Huang explained, but at the moment she saw that she was not shooting at all.

The fierce beasts also voluntarily avoided her and did not dare to touch her.

"Real blood is the power of real blood."

Some people understand that the true blood is the true blood of the star god. These star beasts have low wisdom. They feel the real blood of the spirit emperor and think it is the star god. .

Others who fuse real blood also release their own true blood.

Suddenly, the beasts approaching them retreated.

Qin Yan is also the same. At the moment, he is unhindered among the beasts of the stars.

But other people are different. A Supreme God of the Cosmic Bank Association was accidentally thrown by the beasts, and half of his arms and half of his body ate nothing.

At this moment, it was basically a waste.

Some people want to be close to people who are fused with real blood, but it is useless at all.

Star Beasts do not attack people who are fused with real blood, but these people who fused with real blood cannot protect others.

"good chance."

What did the Blood God think of, while everyone was trapped now, it would be better for him to **** Xing Yuanguo.

Obviously, this star source fruit may be on the Star God's boat.

The Star God's Boat is the tomb of the Star God.

The blood **** rushed towards the ship of the star god, and other people who fused with real blood also reacted and rushed forward.

For a time, nine people, including the Emperor Ling and Qin Yu, fused with real blood, rushed to the boat of stars and gods, and the only one who did not go was Qin Yan.

He really didn't dare to go to ~ It would be too dangerous if he did.

He was doing nothing at the moment and wanted to help, but his strength was not useful at all.

But soon, he thought of what these Supreme Gods and Star Gods had killed, and the bodies of the killed beasts had not been taken away. Could he pick up a wave of corpses at this moment?

Thinking of this, Qin Yan immediately did it.

The Supreme God here is close to two hundred people. Even if everyone kills a star beast, the underground star beast body has at least two hundred heads.

The corpses of fierce beasts of the highest **** level, even if they are used to stew soup and eat meat, are all tonic.

Pick it up!

Qin Yan looked at the corpse and constantly shuttled among the star beasts. In a blink of an eye, more than thirty corpses of the star beasts were harvested.

Those Supreme Gods who are fighting the Star Beast are dumbfounded.

"I killed it."

Some people even shouted, but Qin Yan ignored it at all. How did you kill? Are you free to pick it up?

Now, who picked it up.

He continued to pick up the corpse of the star beast, but he was wrong. The corpse of the beast was less than expected, because the beast ate even the same kind of beasts, and many of the killed beasts were eaten by other beasts. Now, there are some that have been directly beaten into cosmic particles.

So Qin Yan finished the picking, and there were less than a hundred corpses of star beasts.

At this point, even if it is a million eternity coins, this will also have a wealth of nearly 100 million eternity coins. This is really a big fortune.

Che Houxuan was also impressed by Qin Yan. At this time, he could still think of collecting corpses, and these students of Xianxian College.

After Qin Yan finished picking up, he waited for others to kill the star beast, and many were speechless.

"You kill him, one more stroke will surely kill him."

Qin Yan faced Sword Shinji seriously. At this moment, Sword God wanted to vomit blood. I killed to pick up the dead body for you.

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