Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1981: 2 do not owe

Ling Huang was also anxious at this time, and looked around and locked Qin Yu.

"Teacher Qin Yu, please help me with the spirit tribe. My spirit tribe will thank you later."

Said the Emperor Ling, and the official of the Ling ethnic university followed suit.

Qin Yu groaned and nodded: "Okay!"

Qin Yu, Pan Gu, and Che Houyi immediately joined the battlefield at this moment, especially they and Asa are old opponents, and now they are even more jealous.

With the joining of Qin Yu's trio, Linghuang was much easier.

She chased Ling Jian, at this time everyone could clearly see Ling Jian, it turned out to be a simple bronze mirror.

The white light just came out of this mirror.


The Emperor Ling seized the Jianjian in one hand, and that familiar feeling poured into his mind.

Lingjian is a magic weapon of the spirit tribe, which itself fits in with the people of the spirit tribe.

But at this moment, someone shot again, and the Emperor Ling did not respond, and the whole person was blown out, and the Lingjian in his hand also flew out.

He looked up, and it turned out to be Yana of the Alliance of Adventurers.

At the moment of Yana's shot, at the same time, the supreme **** of more than a dozen adventurer alliances shot at the same time, blocking other people.

This sudden scene made everyone stunned, and no one thought that the adventurer alliance would also **** the Ling Jian.

"Yana, you look for death!"

The Emperor Ling screamed angrily, agitating powerful divine power all over his body.

Her hands, her head, her arms, her waist, and her legs all grew out of green branches. These branches were like willow branches, and there were small sharp willow leaves.

The branches kept growing and went straight into Qingming.

Between the waves of the branches, there were cracks in the entire astral space, and all the closest Supreme Gods receded, full of fear.

This is the true strength of the Emperor.

Countless willow branches drew towards Yana, and each hit was like a rattan whip, beating the space.

Each of these hits has the full blow of Supreme God.

Yana was so horrified that she never thought that the Emperor would be so powerful.

She didn't dare to delay, she urged a first-level eternal shield to resist, but as the willow branches beat on the shield continuously, cracks appeared on the shield.


Yana spit out blood: "It's so strong, I can't stop it."

She feels that the Emperor Ling's strength at this moment is even more than that of Shi Yan and others.

Click, the shield is broken.

Yana quickly backed away, but those willow branches kept chasing after her, trying to take back the spiritual reference in her hand.

"Linghuang, I admit that you are really strong, but if you want to regain the Lingjian, these are not enough."

Yana said, her hair suddenly flew up and turned into a silver needle.

These silver needles passed through the willow branches and headed straight for Linghuang.


Countless silver needles were shot out of the willow branches, and the dense willow branches formed a green defense net.

"Man of the Alliance of Adventurers, stop the spirit."

Yana gave a loud sigh, grabbed Ling Jian and rushed out along the space that Ling Jian had just emptied.

Qin Yu saw here, but was unwilling to leave Yana like this.

"go with!"

The spear flew away, like a black dragon chasing after Yana.

Yana felt a terrible crisis, and when she looked back, she saw Qin Yu's spear.

She hurriedly dodged, incomparable.

It's stabbing!

The spear swept across Yana's back, shattering Yana's armor, and at the same time wiped all her descendants a bloodstain.

so close!

Yana took a cold breath, and a fine layer of cold sweat appeared on her forehead.

If it hadn't been for the danger she had foreseen, Qin Yu might have been killed at this moment.

"Qin Yu!"

Yana looked at Qin Yu, her face was extremely gloomy, this person had almost killed herself.

Qin Yu sneered: "You persecuted our college student Qin Yan before, and you want to abolish his practice. Even if I kill you with this shot, you will not be wronged."

Qin Yu has long wanted to find Yana to settle accounts, but has never found a suitable opportunity, at this moment Yana took the shot to **** Ling Jian, Qin Yu just had a reason to take the shot.

Yana gritted her teeth, she could see that Qin Yu was definitely a ruthless person.

"I'll find you later!"

She said, and continued to escape outside.

Watching her go, each willow branch caught up. The speed of these willow branches was extremely fast. They shuttled space and caught up with Yana.

Immediately, Yana's feet were entangled in willow branches, and the exit was in front of her eyes.

Yana took out a dagger and chopped it at the willow branch, but the willow branch swung up and stabbed Yana down.

Yana didn't respond at all, and she hit the ground fiercely, and Ling Jian flew away.

Each willow branch chased towards Ling Jian, and several others followed closely.

However, the Emperor Ling was too horrible. Several people were driven away by Willow Branch and could not approach Ling Jian.

"Haha, Linghuang, what secrets does this Lingjian have hidden, I want to see it too."

A voice came, it turned out to be the blood god.

He actually shot at this moment, and the sea of ​​blood came over, and those willow branches were drowned in the sea of ​​blood.

Ling Huang immediately lost her sense of Ling Jian, and these blood seas blocked her perception.

Qin Yu also frowned secretly, and then began to bombard the blood sea. Other people did the same, and wanted to break up the blood sea.

"Hurry up, I can't stand it."

The blood god's voice came. At this time, only a sea of ​​blood was seen, and a figure flew to the sky.

It was Asa, and he stole the Jianjian.

Asa succeeded as soon as he succeeded, but at this time Shi Yun shot.

"The aliens dare to step in and kill!"

As he bit down, Asa was unprepared, and one leg was bitten by Shi Yan.

Asa screamed, and now really wanted to curse.

Why is this stone shark like a dog that will bite people, but it has to be said that Shi Yan's teeth are very strong, the defense is strong, the speed is fast, and most people really can't escape his bite.

"Give me down."

Shi Yan said, dragging Asa down.

Asa was also anxious at this moment, looked at the exit, but growled, "I can't get it, neither of you should think about it."

Then, he grabbed Ling Jian and threw it towards the exit. Ling Jian turned into a streamer and flew out.

Everyone was dumbfounded at this moment, and several figures quickly caught up.

Shi Jie froze for a while, but no matter how much she bite, she severed Asa's thigh and swallowed it without hesitation.

The supreme leg of the giant deities is also a great supplement to him.

Asa lost a leg, the **** body was wounded, and turned and ran. He knew he couldn't stay here.

"You leave me!"

At this moment, the giant yelled loudly and banged at Asa.

Asamoto was wounded and had to deal with it rashly at the moment.


Asa was blown out.

Asa fell in the direction of the blood witch and others.

The Blood Witch was a little hesitant. Asa was the supreme god. Even if he was injured, he was probably not his opponent.


But Asa is a stranger. When he comes to him, if he doesn't even take a shot, he may be criticized.

He just hit it at random, and didn't think he could really get on to Asa.

At this time, Qin Yan took a deep breath and said, "Finally, I have obtained several permissions of the Star God's Boat, and it is time to shoot."

He communicated and controlled the core, and directly understood everything in the entire Star God Boat.

"Interracial, or the supremacy of the giant deities!"

Qin Yan groaned and drank, "Starship, the gravity of the universe!"

The body of the Star God Boat is a large universe, and as a universe, condensed to such a size, it itself contains horrible gravity.

It's just that Xingshen blocked this, but now Qin Yan has released it, and it is against Asa who releases this gravity alone.

Asa watched the blood witch come across with a slash, completely pretending to be a block.

But he just came into contact with the Blood Witch's sword, and suddenly his body sank, only to feel a tremendous force falling down, dragging him down.

What others don't know, it looks like the blood witch blasted Asa into the void.

At the moment Asa did not respond at all, and his defense was broken.

Qin Yan saw this, and once again blessed the gravity of the ship of the Star God with the sword of the Blood Witch, and some of the swords that had fallen slowly continued to fall.

Blood witches are dumbfounded, this is not their own power at all.

The sword was dragging him towards Asa, not he urged the sword to kill Asa.


The sword fell like this, Asa didn't respond at all, and his body was severely split.

"I ... I didn't mean it ..."

The blood witch was stunned, and he even split the supreme **** body of a giant deity into two halves.

Others are also aggressive, the blood witch is so strong.

At the moment Asa is not dead, he is the first one after another. At this moment, his strength is only less than 30% of the previous one, and he even wants to escape.

As soon as the figure flashed, he rushed towards the exit.

"do not!"

The blood witch grabbed Asa, trying to stop him.

But this grab didn't use any strength at all, but following an amazing scene, Asa was directly caught and fell to the ground fiercely.

"Good job!"

Che Houxuan was somewhat admired, the others nodded secretly.

This blood witch is very powerful.

"I fight with you!"

Asa yelled, only to feel deceived.

He turned and rushed towards the Blood Witch. How could the Blood Witch tolerate it at this time?

One blade after another, the sky is full of blade shadows.

Asa's tragic cry came, and when all the shadows of the sword dispersed, Asa fell to the ground and lost his breath.

Asa is dead!

"Blood Witch, you killed a Titan."

Some people can't help but lose track, this is a miracle. Who knows that the supremacy of the giant deities is very powerful and difficult to kill, but the blood witch did it today.

The blood witch did not have any joy, but wanted to cry.

Asa is indeed the supremacy of the giant deities, but he was seriously injured, and there is an inexplicable force to completely suppress Asa, which made him so easy to kill Asa.

It can certainly be done by anyone.

The other alien gods stopped at this moment. They looked at the blood witches, all with vicious eyes.

That is absolutely killing!

The blood witch wanted to explain, but no one could believe it at this time.


At this time, many people rushed out.

"Ling Jian!"

The Emperor Ling's face was gloomy. After being discarded by Asa, the Ling Jian disappeared.

Someone seems to have been waiting outside for the Ling Jian.

Others looked at each other. This was how it happened. After the Jianjian was thrown out, it couldn't be found.

There was only one possibility, the Jianjian was picked up.

"Interracial, all of you!"

The Emperor Ling looked at the remaining alien Supreme God, and at this moment killed him.

She rushed into the alien race and was still in a state of no one. Instantly, an alien race was penetrated by her willow branches, and then the whole body was absorbed by the willow branches.


Among the aliens, someone roared.

The Lingjian was gone, Asa was also killed, and they would likely be besieged if they continued to stay.

The blood **** saw that the alien was about to leave, and then quickly led away.

In an instant, many people left.

Ling Huang did not go after her, she was too scary at the moment, and no one dared to mess with her.


At this time, Qin Yu suddenly hesitated, he even received a voice from Qin Yan.

"Mr. Qin Yu, find a chance to kill the world **** ~ ~ to kill the world god?"

Qin Yu froze for a moment, then a little surprised: "Qin Yan, how did you send me a message?"

He found that this was not a voice at all, it seemed that a voice came from the Star God's Boat under his feet.

"I found the control core of the Star God's Boat, and now I can control it." , The defense is extremely low and it is easy to be killed. "

When Qin Yu was shocked, she immediately woke up.

Kill the gods, this is likely to succeed.

"it is good!"

Qin Yu responded and began secretly accumulating divine power.


2! !! !!

Qin Yan said, suddenly a gravitational force shrouded the star god, and the star **** only felt that he was carrying a universe, and he immediately urged the whole body's divine power to resist this terrible gravity!

who is it!

Frightened in his mind, he thought that just as Asa was killed, it seemed that he had hit this power.


It was at this time that Qin Yu shot, and took a shot straight to the eyebrows of the gods.

Jieshen couldn't resist, he felt his soul would be crushed by this blow.

He was so arrogant that there was nothing he could do.

"Teacher Qin Yu, give me a face, Rao Jiesheng's life."

A faint sound came, and then I just felt that the time flow around it suddenly slowed down.

Qin Yu froze and found that it was an empty day.

In an instant, Xu Ri rescued the world god, and this scene made others look sideways.

Xuri actually saved the world god, didn't he judge the ancestral god?

The world **** himself was stunned.

Xu Ri groaned slowly, and said slowly: "Since then, I and the Ancestral have no difference."

With that said, he punched out and sent Jieshen out.

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