Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1982: Back to college

Qin Yu sighed helplessly, but smiled instead.

This is also good. Xuri finally cleared away from the ancestral religion. Xuri should go to Xianxian College next.

Although the life of the world **** was before, compared with Xu Ri, a teacher with the power of being a master, it is hardly worth mentioning.

Qin Yu smiled: "Mr. Xuri, the dean keeps thinking about you."

Xu Ri couldn't laugh or cry. No matter what, she just wanted to go to Xianxian College.

How could he not understand the meaning of these words.

However, he did go to the academy. He looked at the three thousand Daoduns left by Wang Xing. There were too many of them that he didn't understand. All of them needed to ask Wang Xing for advice.

Xu Ri groaned slowly and said slowly: "From today on, Xu Ri and Patriarchism have no further involvement. Today, Rao Jie's life is destined to be written off in the past, and he will meet in the future.

He said, the sound passed through the astral circle and spread throughout the universe.

Among the ancestral religions, a few people's hate was itching, and Xu Ri hit their faces again today.

"Haha, Xu Ri is our college teacher. Whoever dares to chase and kill Xu Ri again is invincible with our college." Qin Yu laughed, and many people knew that this was speaking to the ancestors.

But in fact, Qin Yu does not need to threaten Xuri's current strength. Unless the three gods of the ancestral gods shot, otherwise who can be Xuri's opponent.

Next, several forces also left.

Qin Yu came to the Emperor Ling, and Shen said, "This is the end of the matter, and I can only wait for the Lingjian to appear again and regain the Lingjian."

Ling Huang said nothing.

She suddenly looked at Qin Yu and said, "Just now I felt the power of the Star God's Boat, just when you attacked the God of the Realm. Did the people in your college control the Star God's Boat?"

Qin Yu froze, did not expect Ling Huang's feeling so sensitive.

But also, although the power is hidden, Asa and the world **** have suffered a great loss in front of this power, and it is not difficult to detect it.

"That's right."

Qin Yu sighed, and to be honest he was a little surprised.

Qin Yan actually got the control core of the Star God Boat, and Qin Yan was just a **** king.

"who is it?"

Ling Huang was a little curious and couldn't help asking.

"You've seen it, either it was someone else, or the student of our college, Qin Yan."

"Qin Yan?"

The Emperor Ling thought that it was not the only **** king when he summoned the Star Tomb before.

At the beginning, Qin Yan was very amazing, condensing the power of real blood, and unexpectedly killed the bone-winged nation leader of the League of Nations.

"How did he find the core of control?"

The Ling Emperor was still a little surprised. Until now, she hadn't thought where the core of the control of the ship of the star **** was.

Even her spiritual people did not know how Qin Yan learned.

"I asked, in fact, the core of the control is the tree of the little star that appeared when it came in." Qin Yu couldn't help crying or laughing. If he remembered it correctly, Linghuang took the little star tree in his hand. If the Emperor Ling then knew that the tree of stars was the core of control, maybe there would be no next thing.

The Spirit Emperor controls the boat of the Star God, let alone the spiritual reference, and other people of Xing Yuanguo have no chance to compete.

But in the end all this was cheap Qin Yan.

"No wonder, no wonder, that's what Xingshen said originally." The spirit emperor seemed to think something, and with a bitter expression, she didn't understand Xingshen's meaning at all.

Qin Yu did not know what the Emperor remembered, but reminded him: "Although the boat of the Star God is also a relic of the Star God, it is now obtained by our college students and must not be returned to you."

Said this, is also afraid of the spirit tribe Qin Yan.

The Emperor smiled: "The boat of the Star God is destined to be missed from our spiritual race, and I am not the heir of the Star God. Naturally, I will not embarrass Qin Yan."

Qin Yu was relieved.

At this time, Qin Yu heard Qin Yan's voice again.

"Mr. Qin Yu, I'm going to clear the market soon."

Qin Yan said, after all, the ship of the star **** already belonged to him, so naturally there can not be so many people left on it.

Qin Yu nodded and naturally cooperated with Qin Yan.

At this time, a voice sounded, naturally Qin Yan.

"Warning, warning! All people leave the Starship immediately, immediately!"

"Leave immediately, or you will do it at your own risk."

"Hurry up!"

Qin Yan's voice sounded everywhere in the Star God's Boat, and many people were stunned, and then panicked.

The ship of the star **** has a master.

This sound can only explain one point. The star **** boat has a new master. It was just this new master who controlled the voice of the star **** boat.

However, letting everyone leave, there are still many people who are unwilling to do so, but there are still many treasures on it, and some people still want to find them.

But at this time, the horrible gravity came.

All the supreme gods still on it, just feel like they are carrying a large universe.

Then, the ship of the star **** trembled, the space shattered, and the force of space around the ship of the star god, like a wind blade, strangling everything on it.

"It's so fucking, I'll go now."

A supreme **** yelled and fled quickly into the distance.

He didn't dare to stay in the finishing at all. Just a few moments later, a few bloodstains appeared on his body.

More people are also the same, leaving the Star God's boat one after another.

The Emperor Ling had a fifth-order **** body, which could not hurt her, but she chose to leave with the spirit tribe.

Qin Yu and others finally left.

After all the people above left, the Star God's Boat started, and Qin Yan, Xiao Bao, and the Lord of the Evil Evil entered into it.


Ling Jian appeared cracks.

Without the support of the Star God's Boat, the spirit world is not enough to sustain it.

Above the boat of the star god, Qin Yan looked at the spirit world that was constantly being destroyed, his eyes indifferent: "Let's go!"

With that said, the Star God's boat moved and went straight into the space.

The white light flickered, and the ship of the gods disappeared.

Everyone hadn't responded at this moment, and the ship of Star God left.

"Let's go, too."

Qin Yu was upset, and this trip came out with a lot of gains, but it was really a pity that he did not take the opportunity to break through to the universe and **** realm.

After the people of the Immortal Academy left, people from the Ling family and other forces also left.

The universe has returned to peace and no one has gone.


Shenhe slave trading company.

After Bagshaw returned, he contacted several senior executives of the Shenhe Slave Trading Company and sought the master of slavery.

He was in the astral world and was used by Malian as his back. He was seriously injured. He has not recovered now, making him hate Malian for a long time.

If it wasn't for his strength, he would definitely find a chance to kill Malian.

After learning of this matter, the enslaved lord apparently said that he was going to dispose of Malian and gave Bagshaw some training resources to make up for it.

The master of slavery did not punish Malian at all, which made Bagshaw even more frustrated and completely desperate for Shenhe Slave Trading Company.

Waiting for the right opportunity, he will definitely bite the Shenhe Slave Trading Company.


Among the spirit clan, when the Emperor Ling returned, he did not see Ling Zu.

Followed by a big news in the universe, Lingzu entered the core of the League of Gods and directly lifted the halls of the League of Gods.

It is said that two of the six founders of the League of Gods were forced to show up. In the end, they did not know what they promised to Lingzu, and finally Lingzu was satisfied.

After half a year, Lingjian was sent back.

It was only in the Lingjian that Lingzu did not see what he wanted to see.

"Lingzu, there is no picture of the star **** inside."

"Huh, it must have been deleted by those undead."

Lingzu was half-lying, resentfully saying: "This matter is not over, so many people want to rob Lingjian, only to show that they have ghosts in their hearts."

The Emperor Ling also feels reasonable. Those who are fighting for Ling Jian this time have definitely made plans.


In the Milky Way, the Star God Boat has appeared.

The full form of the Star God's Boat is one light year long and half a light year wide. The top of it is completely a real universe.

"Boat of the Star God!"

When the Star God Boat appeared in the Milky Way, the forces in all universes were stunned.

In the end, the boat of the gods of the stars turned out to be won by the Immortal College.

One of the most precious treasures this time is the star source fruit, the other is the Lingjian, and the other is the Star God's Boat.

Compared with the first two, the Star God's Boat is too easy to be ignored.

But as the vehicle and weapon of the Cosmic God, can the boat of the Star God be really that simple.

"Dean, you are disappointed. This time we didn't get Xingyuan Fruit." Qin Yu was a little ashamed. When he originally went in, he was still confident, but there were too many strong men, like Stick Saint, Shi Yan, Ju Yuan, and Blood God all have the strength to fight him.

"In fact, I still got half of them." Che Houyi thought for a while, but the half of the star source fruit was not enough to allow Qin Yu to break through the realm, so he finally made a deal with the Orc Alliance.

"Yes, this time, you have learned a lot. You have obtained treasures such as Lingzhi and refining materials. If you make good use of them, you can benefit a lot of students. Especially Nine-level Lingzhi. Making ten turns of Jindan in a furnace will make many **** kings break the mirror, even the Supreme God can repair it to a higher level. "Wang Xing thought about it.

After hearing this, Qin Yu and other talents thought it worthwhile to go in this time.

"Apart from you, Qin Yan also performed well, and Zhang Zhou performed well." Wang Xing thought again.

Qin Yan got the Star God Boat, which everyone knows, but what did Zhang Zhou do?

Qin Yu was very puzzled.

Wang Xing slowly said: "Zhang Zhou also broke through the realm in the astral realm, and when you were in the tomb, he dominated half astral realm and plundered many materials."

"how is this possible?"

Qin Yu couldn't believe it: "As far as I know, even if the Supreme God had gone to the Star Tomb, there were still many **** kings in the astral world. Zhang Zhou just broke through. How can he dominate the hegemony?"

Wang Xing slowly said at this time: "He tamed the three star beasts!"


At this moment, even the car Hou Xun was stunned, tame the star beast, Zhang Zhou did it?

At that time, they were trying to catch the star beast. Indeed, many star beasts escaped, but Zhang Zhou was just the **** king, how could he tame the star beast.

"Method of Royal Beast!"

Wang Xing smiled slightly, and several people in the college practiced this magical power, and Zhang Zhou was one of them.

But it is incredible to be able to tame the star beast with royal beast art.

After all, the three stars and beasts tamed by Zhang Zhou had the strength of the Supreme God.

"Unexpected, I really thought, Zhang Zhou is OK."

Che Hou smiled: "Yan Yue still can't look down on Zhang Zhou. There is a good show at this moment. Zhang Xiaozi manipulates the three-headed star beast and pushes Yan Yue by then."

Qin Yu did not have any hope for this: "Yan Yue's strength was not weak. This time, a drop of real blood was incorporated. At least he must reach the highest level of the middle god. The three-headed beast wanted to push Yan. Month, basically nothing. "

"Three heads are not enough, then ten heads. Anyway, there are hundreds of ferocious beasts on the boat of the star god, so Qin Yan gave them to Zhang Zhou."

"That's a good idea."


Wang Xing has a big head on the side: "Two teachers, let's skip this topic, let's just say something serious. Qin Yan told me this time that he saw it while refining the core of the Star God's Boat control. One scene, that was the scene seen before the death of the star god. At last, those who besieged the star **** were now the masters of slavery. "

"Master of slavery?"

The three of Qin Yu were stunned, how could they be the masters of slavery ~ ~ Wang Xing was surprised when he heard the news: "I don't plan to tell the spiritual people about this news for the time being, you just know.

The timing is wrong.

Once the spirit tribe knew the news, the spirit ancestor estimated that the first one would destroy the slave master.

However, the master of slavery apparently has someone behind him. Once the hands are up, it may not be a good thing for the spirit ancestors.

The strength of the spirit clan is still too weak, especially the entire spirit clan is relying on the spirit ancestor.

"Dean, Xiaobao, and the Lord of Thousands of Evil Kingdoms have asked to see you." Qin Yu thought of one thing at this time, as if two people were waiting for a month in Xian Academy, just to see Wang Xing.

Fortunately, Xiaobao said that he just wanted to learn the cooking of Xianxian Academy.

The Lord of the Thousand Evil Kingdoms was funny, and he was worried that the Lord of the Scorpions would assassinate him in the middle, and he would not let go, and had to stay in the Immortal Academy.

"Little treasure?"

A swollen figure flashed in Wang Xing's mind: "I heard that his body is a very rare treasure **** in the universe, and this time Qin Yan could find the core of the control of Xing Shen's boat, thanks to his help. ... but he wants to see me, is there something wrong? "

Qin Yu laughed and said nothing.

"The dean knew Xiaobao and knew it."

"Oh, I will be a little curious then. The other one, what is the situation of the thousand evil kingdoms?"

"This person is a wall grass, but also a smart person."

"Well, see you together."

Wang Xing thought about it and let people arrange it.

"Finally see the Dean."

In the residence of Xiaobao and Qianxie Guozhu, Qianxie Guo cry with tears: "My admiration for the dean ..."


Qin Yu has some big heads. Is this thousand evil nationals really the nationals of a universe?

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