Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1983: arrange work

In the residence of Xiaobao and Qianxie Guozhu, Qianxie Guo cry with tears: "My admiration for the dean ..."


Qin Yu has some big heads. Is this thousand evil nationals really the nationals of a universe?

There is everyone in the universe, and Qin Yu is too lazy to say anything in the end.

However, he still warned the lord of the evil spirits, and please don't talk nonsense in front of Wang Xing.

Thousands of evil country leaders quickly said yes, he was not stupid.

The dean of the Immortal College, who is a strong man at the level of the universe, has no time to be in awe of himself.

Just to see that the Lord of Thousands of Evil promised readily, Qin Yu felt that this guy might not be able to really do it, and who made this guy this temperament.

Later, Qin Yu was too lazy to take them to see the dean, so he arranged for the college's teacher, Boya Hankook, to take the two with them.

"Mr. Hancock, trouble."

Qin Yu said, went back.

He still has a lot of things to do, although this time he failed to break through to the level nine of Jinxian's universe, but this time he merged a drop of real blood, and he should be able to advance his **** body to the fifth level.

However, in the Immortal Academy, the fifth-order **** body is called the fifth-order **** body.

Now the power of the real blood is blocked by him in the **** body, waiting for him to absorb, and when he has a fifth-order **** body, his strength is further. At that time, he should be able to hold the stone maggot, giant maggot, spirit emperor and others together.

Of course, after returning this time, Shi Yan will inevitably break through to the realm of the universe god, at that time Qin Yu is probably not an opponent.

Boyahan Cook led the way, and the Thousand Evil Lord quickly followed.

For the beauty of Boyahan Cook, the patriarchs are still a bit shocked, but this surpasses his group of lords and concubines.

"Mr. Hancock, this is the very famous Yan Zhiyu liquid of Qianxi Starfield. Please smile."

The Thousand Evil Lord said, secretly took out a bottle of solution less than two hundred milliliters, and at the sight of the solution, Han Cook smiled.

She has heard of Yanzhiyuye, which is a very precious skin care product in the universe. Just apply it on the face to make her face stay forever, and this skin care product can also nourish the skin and improve qi. There are thousands of eternal coins in a milliliter of blood.

This bottle is less than a million eternal coins.

For this gift, Boyahan Cook covered his face and smiled, and accepted it politely.

The Emperor of the Evil Kingdom was somewhat proud at this time, but he was still smart. At this time, he asked, "Mr. Hancock, do you know what the dean has?"

Han Cook looked at the Emperor of the Evil Kingdom and smiled: "The dean is male and loves women."

Qian Xie, the landlord said: "Love women?"

He groaned for a moment, do you think this is normal? Men don't all like beautiful women. Like him, there are more than ten national concubines.

In this case, it will be easy to handle.

The thousand evil nations thanked Hankook and looked very grateful. This is very useful news.

After all, to treat such a big man, you must do what you like.

Xiaobao didn't know what the main idea of ​​Qianxie Kingdom was. He went up and grabbed Hancock's sleeve: "Sister, will the dean let me study cooking in the kitchen of Xianxian College?"

Han Cook looked at the chubby little treasure and felt very cute.

So she smiled and said, "Surely, cooking is not the core of the college, and it is easy to learn."

Xiaobao laughed happily when he heard this.

director's office.

Wang Xing heard the knock on the door and raised his head: "Please come in!"

At this time, under the leadership of Han Cook, Qianxie and Xiaobao entered slowly.

Seeing Wang Xing sitting in front of the Dean's desk, Hankook immediately stepped aside, and when the Emperor of the Evil Kingdom looked at Wang Xing, he found that it was a very ordinary young man.

So young, is he the dean of Xianxian College?

No wonder he loves women. Isn't it good for young people? He is even more convinced of Hancock's words.

"Meet the Dean."

Xiaobao first reacted at this time. He remembered some of the earth's etiquette that Qin Yan had given him, and immediately bent down to salute Wang Xing.

A thousand evil country masters also followed the salute.

"You are Xiaobao?"

Wang Xing looked at the rolling creatures in front of him, different from Qin Yu. At this moment, in front of Wang Xing, he can see a deep hidden space in the universe, a long black antennae, a dozen legs on his body, Zerg armor.

Xiaobao was also stunned, feeling that everything was seen through by Wang Xing.

"Xiao Bao, this time in the astral world, you have greatly helped our academy, especially without you, Qin Yan could not find the core of the control of the ship of the star god. What do you need in return, I can satisfy, I must promise You. "Wang Xing is also relatively straightforward.

On the one hand, the thousands of evil kingdom masters are sour, looking at Wang Xing's tone, even if Xiao Bao wants a ninth-order magical power, it is estimated that Wang Xing will agree.

Xiaobao was very excited at the moment: "Really, I want to study cooking in the kitchen of Xian Xueyuan, can I?"


Hearing this, Wang Xing didn't respond. It turned out to be this request. No wonder Qin Yu had to sell a trick before.

This is really an interesting treasure worm.

The Emperor of the Evil Kingdom is also stunned and distressed. This time you helped the Xianxian Academy so much, so you made this request?

You prodigal.

Wang Xing didn't laugh at Xiaobao, but smiled and said, "Of course you can, but you have helped our college so much. It's a little owed you to mention this condition. You insist on going to the kitchen of our college to learn cooking It seems to be very passionate about this aspect. So, I will arrange the master of the academy to create a set of eternal magic pot cookers for you, including wok, steamer, soup pot, spatula, spoon, colander. Pieces. "

Xiaobao was dumbfounded and gave himself another set of cooking utensils.

He himself uses Da Ding to cook, and now he has learned how to cook at Xian Academy, and those who used to be must change.

Now Wang Xing gave him these and made him laugh and bloom.

Thousands of evil kingdom masters are stunned, this is like dreaming.

Who am I, where am I, and what am I doing?

Those are six eternal magic weapons, even if they are all elementary, they are very valuable, so they gave Xiaobao a cooker.

This immortal college is too rich.

Wang Xing then looked at the thousands of evil nations still in persecution: "You are the universe nation of the nations of the nations. What's wrong with me this time?"

The Qianxie Lord responded and hurriedly said, "I have always heard that the dean of the Immortal Academy has great wisdom and great power. He is beyond the existence of all time and space, in all dimensions, and in all causes and effects. I just have n’t had a chance. I came to Xianxuan College by the way, and I told myself that I must ask to see the dean, otherwise I would n’t be surprised if I died. "

Wang Xing stunned: "Am I so good?"

He didn't know what was beyond the great existence of all time and space, all dimensions, all cause and effect.

This flattering is too direct.

"Yes, you are such a great being." Affirmation of Qianxie Guozhu.

Wang Xing couldn't help laughing at this moment, and said a little seriously, "I didn't hide it so well, but I saw it through you at a glance."


The Lord of the Thousands of Evil Kingdoms didn't respond. I was making a flatterer, but you just admit it so generously.

Shouldn't you be humble?

Han Cook couldn't help but cover his mouth and laughed. I've never seen such a dean.

"Even if the Dean is best hidden, it is still like a firefly in the night, like a beacon on the boundless sea, and like a huge black hole in the center of the universe, it will be seen through at a glance." Qianxie Guozhu continued.

"Well, so it ’s useless for me to be low-key even if it ’s low-key. I do n’t blame you. It ’s my fault that I am too good. It's all my fault." .

Thousands of evil kingdoms are talking again, is this too shameless?

I don't have to boast about you, why are you bragging about yourself, which makes me slap you.

"The dean is right."

Thousands of evil country masters only had the word, and then followed.

"By the way, do you have anything else to see me?" Wang Xing asked.

"That ... Lord Dean, in fact, I have a merciless invitation. After I came to Xian College, I was completely impressed by the beauty of Xian College, this teaching environment, teaching mode. Those attentive teachers, hardworking The students and the intense learning atmosphere all deeply touched me. So after thinking again and again, I made a decision. I want to stay at Xian Academy, I want to be a teacher here, and I want to be a teacher. Great gardener. "Said the host of Qianxie with a sacred face, and it was almost written on his head, don't stop me, let me be a teacher.

Wang Xing naturally did not believe this word.

However, a supreme **** who wants to be a teacher of the college can think about it.

"I didn't expect the Qianxie Lord also had a dream of teaching and educating people, but our college's university teacher position ..."

"It's okay. The university department is full. I can go to the high school. The high school is full. I can go to the junior high school. The junior high school is full. I can go to the primary school. When the primary school is full, I can do a part-time job or even become a Any assistant teacher can do it. As long as I can be a teacher, it's the same everywhere. "

Wang Xing looked at the host of Qianxie in shock, this is a master.

Are you willing to go to the elementary school of Xianxian College?

"Ahem, our college will consider it carefully. For those who love teaching, such as the lord of a thousand evils, our college is also eager for ethics." Wang Xingdao.

The Emperor of the Evil Kingdom suddenly felt happy, as long as he became a college teacher, he could get the college's certificate.

The two sentences on the teacher's card are a life-saving sign.


When you are in danger outside, don't give up, please remember that there is a strong college behind you.

Fairy College here requires the forces of the relevant parties in the universe to facilitate the passage of teachers and provide help and protection when needed.


With this certificate, even if he returned to the League of Nations, the Lord of Divine Power did not dare to trouble him.

Even if the Lord of the Scorpion wants to kill him, he has to weigh one or two.

What makes a teacher of Xian Academy is nothing more than an identity document for Xian Academy.

"Master Dean, we have a few beautiful maidens in the Qianxian Universe. The dean is toiled day and night. Why not let them serve the dean?"

The Qianxie Lord did not forget Han Cook's words, so he intends to do what he wants this time.

As long as Wang Xing received his gift, he was not necessarily given himself the identity of a teacher at Xianxian College.

"What do you mean?"

Wang Xing was stunned, and her face was slightly changed at the moment.

The leader of the Qianxie country was stunned. Isn't it enough? The dean has a big appetite: "Master Dean, our princesses of the Qianxian universe are also very beautiful. If you can come to Xianxian College to listen to your teaching in person, I believe they must have asked for it. "

Wang Xing originally felt that he had heard it wrong, but at this moment it was a little certain. The fellow of the Evil Kingdom is trying to send some beautiful women to himself.

Does this guy have a brain pump?

At this time he noticed the Hankook next to him, and at this moment Hankook had already laughed back and forth.

Wang Xing understood at this time, it must be what Hankook said, and this kind of good-natured temperament of Qianxie Guozhen must have believed it.

Wang Xing took a deep breath and his face became embarrassed.

Thousands of evil kingdom masters are frightened, what's the situation?

But at this time, Wang Xing slowly said, "The Lord of the Thousand Evil Realms really has the heart ~ ~ Then send all your maidens and princesses of the Thousand Evil Realms. I will give you They arrange work. "

"arrange work?"

Thousands of evil country masters got excited and looked like I knew, and immediately promised to arrange for people to come back.

Wang Xing was really disappointed and waved Hankuk to leave.

At this time, Leng Shuangning came out from the side and laughed, "My dean husband, are you going to open the harem?"

When Wang Xing was embarrassed, he said silently: "After opening a harem, after a while, the Lord of the Evil Kingdom will arrange people to clean up in the college and cafeteria."

Then, Wang Xing left directly.

After listening to Leng Shuangning, he laughed loudly, and asked a maiden and princess of a universe to clean up. It was interesting to think about it.

Taishang Laojun's Alchemy Room.

At this moment, Tai Shang Laojun is refining elixir, and there are three types of elixir he is refining this time.

Ten turns of elixir is a kind of elixir that can be used to increase cultivation.

The so-called ten-turn elixir actually evolved from the previous nine-turn elixir. The ten-turn elixir can be said to be the ultimate. It belongs to the elixir beyond nine grades, and can be called ten-grade or exquisite.

According to the calculation of Tai Shang Laojun, a ten-turn elixir can allow a supreme **** to condense the energy mass of about thirty thousands of worlds, and also allow a **** king to easily break through to the highest **** realm.

Similar to other elixir, each person can take up to three ten turns of elixir, the second one will be halved, and the third one will be halved again.

But Rao is so. This ten-turn elixir is also invaluable. If you put it on the auction, you will start with ten million eternal coins.

However, this single alchemy is not difficult to make, and Taishang Laojun has no absolute confidence that it can be successfully made.

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