Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1780: Battle report, black robes come!

Chapter 1781 The battle report, the black robe comes!

Hearing this, Feng Yun let go of his heart.

In extraterritorial battlefields, individuals can gain merits by killing aliens, and an army has made outstanding contributions, and it will also reward the army with meritorious points. However, most of these rewards are awarded to the generals of each army, and then the generals of each army distribute merit points to the people below according to their contributions. In fact, it is precisely for this reason that Xianxian Academy insisted on being an army.

Self-contained army is not to say that only self-contained army is eligible for this part of merit points.

However, like the Fire Ape, the battle is basically defeated every time. The million Red Flame Army dies almost every time. There is definitely no merit reward, and this time the Immortal Academy brought the Iron Blood Army, the Boulder Army, and Fire Prison. The Army, the Shiyan Army, the Zhenshan Army, and the Red Flame Army of the Fire Ape killed more than 1.3 billion aliens, but the casualties were small and negligible, and the rewards they received were absolutely considerable.

Three days later, a detailed battle report was sent to the military headquarters and also to the generals of each army.

Feng Yun looked at the data without fear, and several teachers were speechless for a long time.

11.16 billion the League of Gods soldiers, killing as much as 61 billion, of which one is the commander-in-chief, 37 are the legionnaires, and 4,196 are the generals. These people are all in the realm of the Lord. In particular, the commander of the legion is a half step **** king. The other Great Gods who died in battle were ninety-four thousand people, and eighty-six thousand people were the perfect gods. As for the higher gods, they reached 190 million.

On the alien side, 7 billion alien warriors killed 3.7 billion.

Among them, two were the commander-in-chief of the battle, thirty were the commander of the legion, two hundred and seventy were the general, three thousand three thousand were the perfect gods, and four hundred thousand were the perfect gods. Million.

Both sides can be said to have suffered heavy casualties. In the short term, neither side can fight again.

The Master of Tongtian groaned slowly and said slowly: "The high-ranking immortal soldiers died a lot, but more of them were the lower-ranking king emperors, lower gods, middle gods, and higher gods. Such a war is really It's too cruel, and this is just a battle in a flood field. There are long-term extraterritorial battlefields like Abyss Battlefield, Blood Mountain Battlefield, Bone Sea Battlefield, and Jiuxing Battlefield. There are many extraterrestrial battlefields that do not know how many years, and how many people will die each year. "

Feng Yun nodded fearlessly: "Although the world after my ascension has long been commonplace for war, I still feel shocked when I see this number. But this is a battle for survival and cannot be avoided. What we can do is Try to kill as few people as possible, then protect our college students, let them grow up as soon as possible, and hope that they will have the strength to change all this in the future. "

At this time, Liu Xin suddenly pointed to one of the reports of the war: "Look here, the black robe took the initiative to assume all the responsibilities of the war and applied for resignation. But he also made a point. He guessed that the aliens could crack the Jiuqu Yellow River. The formation was because of a traitor among our League of Gods. This traitor passed the formation and layout of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation to the aliens, so that the aliens can crack the formations in such a short time. "

Fengyun Wuji and others pondered for a moment: "Some truth, if there is no map, the aliens know nothing about the formation of our college, how can we crack the formation so quickly. But if there is a traitor, then the traitor is nothing more than the League of God. Several commanders, heads of generals and generals of the various legions, after all, they are the only ones who have access to the formation from beginning to end. "

Just knowing these is useless, too many people can be suspected.

Several teachers are not thinking much, waiting for the follow-up news from the military, especially regarding the rewards of Xian Academy.

After ten days, the rewards finally came out.

Fairy College killed more than 1.3 billion aliens in the direction of Yingzui Cliff, almost guarding Yingzui Cliff with its own strength. In addition, the four teachers of Xian Academy played a decisive role in the direction of Qiu Minggu and Luoxinghe. The function, through the calculation of the meritorious system, gave a total of 120 trillion merit points to Xianxian Academy.

"so much?"

Feng Yun was frightened the first time he saw it.

Killing an alien **** is usually worth 10 billion meritorious points, and 120 trillion merit points is equivalent to killing 12,000 alien gods.

A piece of immortal crystal needs ten meritorious points, and one hundred and twenty trillion merit points is enough to exchange for twelve trillion immortal crystals.

It is also important to know that this is the merit point that the Ministry of Military Affairs has awarded to Xian Academy separately, and the merit point for killing 1.3 billion aliens is not included. Those who have been killed will be counted on whose merit to kill. Although there are four teachers at Xianxian College who manipulate the formation, but because there are only a thousand people, the alien warriors who were actually killed by the teachers and students of Xianxian College To 300 million, the others were killed by the Iron Blood Army, Boulder Army, Fire Prison Army, Shi Gang Army, Zhenshan Army, and Red Fire Army of the Fire Ape.

Therefore, this time the Iron Blood Army, the Boulder Army, the Fire Prison Army, the Shi Yan Army, the Zhenshan Army, and the Fire Monkey's Red Flame Army are all full of money.

Even the commander of the army, Tyro, made a fortune.

At this time, a laugh came, and Taylor and all six generals arrived.

The situation looked at Tyro with a bright face, and he couldn't help laughing: "The military's achievements have been settled, have you made a lot of money this time? There are six of you, surely you have not made less?"

Tai Luo smiled awkwardly: "How many rewards we army chiefs can get, in fact, it depends on you. You killed more enemies and won the battle. Naturally, we have some rewards, otherwise we can only earn some rewards. Point. In fact, I do n’t tell you, since the Seventh Army has basically won the battle since coming to the Honghuang battlefield, I have no credit for it. However, this time I have earned all the previous money. I'm rewarded with 11 trillion merits. "

The killing of an alien commander is also tens of trillions of merits.

Eleven trillion feats are really a lot.

Fengyun nodded fearlessly and looked at the other six generals: "How many military awards have you received for you?"

Iron Chain God will be the first to speak, with some emotions: "The Ministry of Military Affairs has rewarded me with 130 billion meritorious points. To be honest, I have never seen so many meritorious points in the old iron. Speaking of which, I really want to thank you College. I know my ability. If it were n’t for your college to choose me to control the ten eyes, I would never have received so many merit awards from the military. Previously, I was not convinced by your immortal college and thought you But it ’s just good luck, and even some look down on you. But from today, my old iron has completely served your college. Your immortal college is really powerful, well-thought-out, and ready for the rain, killing 1.3 billion aliens without any effort. Crude people are far behind. "

Hearing this, Fengyun smiled wistfully.

After this battle, I don't know how many people will be full of admiration for Xian Academy, and Xian Academy is not far from becoming a legend in the flood field.

Subsequently, the other four generals also said how many merit points they received. Among them, Buckman, the Stonehenge, will receive 120 billion merit points, and God of Fire, Raymen, will receive 11,500. Hundreds of millions of meritorious rewards, God of the Shiyan army Wade will receive one trillion rewards of merit points, God of the Zhenshan Army Atman will receive 105 billion merit points rewards, and finally the Red Flame Arms Ape 600 billion merit points reward.

Of course, they won't be rewarded with so many meritorious points. How can they give some rewards to the soldiers below? To put it plainly, it is to entangle the soldiers below, otherwise who would like to join their army in the future. It is precisely because of this that the Fire Ape's Red Flame soldiers are the fewest, with less than 100,000 people, and he does not need to distribute a lot of merit points, so the military ministry rewards his merit points directly, only six. 100 billion.

A few people chatted for a while, and Tello thought deeply: "Teacher Wuji, you Xianyuan has obtained so many meritorious points, and what needs to be exchanged as soon as possible. Generally, after the military department distributes meritorious points, some are sought But the resources are in short supply. If you go a little late, you may not be able to spend anything. "

Feng Yun smiled wistfully: "Our college has long thought about it. This time we need to exchange a lot of things, including one trillion pieces of immortal crystals, 300 million jins of liquid, and 1,000 pieces of fourth-order original artifacts. One thousand pieces of fourth-order original artifacts, and one thousand other kinds of treasures and magic weapons. "

Hearing what the wind and the wind say, many of Taylor's mouths were wide open, all dumbfounded, can't believe their ears

How many merits did you get at Xianxian Academy? The armor and weapons of the fourth-order original artifact are exchanged for one thousand pieces. This is not Chinese cabbage.

These things add up to one trillion trillion merits.

Tyro swallowed hard: "Your academy is really a tyrant. It seems that this time the military awarded you a merit point of more than one trillion yuan."

Feng Yun laughed without saying a word, but this almost acknowledged the fact.

But the situation is not over yet, he continued: "In addition to these things, our college has to buy a part of the corpses, about 100 million. Among them, the bodies of the two alien **** kings, we want one We need a thousand corpses of other alien gods, we need 10,000 corpses of great consummation gods, and 100,000 of corpses of consummation gods. In addition, we will give you as many alien corpses as possible ~ www ~ Tyro naturally knows what Fengyun wants to do with so many corpses, alchemy.

But this number is too much.

He groaned and sighed: "You have purchased corpses in such a large quantity, and they are all high-level corpses. This is no longer my decision. If you really want to buy them, it is best to look for Long Ling, He is the commander-in-chief of the military and should be in charge. "

Feng Yun nodded fearlessly, and now the friendship between Xianxian College and Long Yan is pretty good, and it is nothing to ask him for help.

Only the next day, Fengyun hadn't looked for Long Ye, but he came to the door himself.

Seeing the situation being fearless, Long Yan breathed a deep breath: "Teacher Fengyun, the commander of the black robe was dismissed. The battlefield. Now the Black Robe commander is outside and he wants to talk to you. "

Fengyun frowned, and hesitated for a moment or nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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