Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1781: Secret, college crisis!

Chapter 1782 Hidden, College Crisis!

Out of the door, came to the Eagle's Mouth Cliff outside the Seventh Army.

The black robe stood in the position of the hawk, in front of the abyss, and his figure seemed a little lonely.

Feeling behind him, the black robe turned back and smiled, "Teacher Wuji, I'm sorry to disturb you until now, but I think it is necessary to talk to you, otherwise I will not be relieved even if I am dismissed. Dragon Alas, please go out and watch us around to prevent someone from overhearing. "

"it is good."

Long Yu nodded, and left a million miles in a flash.

Feng Yun walked in front of the black robe two or three steps and slowly said, "Actually, you can't count all the reasons for the defeat in this war, but someone will always have to take responsibility, so the military department will withdraw your post. . Of course, I believe you understand this, and I wo n’t say much. Let ’s just say, if you have something to tell me or ask me, I know I will never hide it, and I wo n’t treat you and me. Tell anyone through the conversation. To be honest, I still admire you very much. When you fight against the commander in chief, you have not thought of your life and death at all.

The black robe smiled, and it felt good to be recognized.

He pondered for a moment, his eyes suddenly a little dignified: "In the direction of the Eagle's Mouth, change the law with one's own strength, and trap the one billion aliens for a quarter of an hour. If I guess correctly, he is from your college. Anyone? "

Feng Yun was frightened, and he did not expect that the black robe was going to ask him this.

He hesitated for a while, when he was hesitant to say something, he even received a voice from Wang Xing, let him tell the black robe truthfully

Feng Yun was clear and nodded, and nodded, "Yes, the strong man is indeed a member of our academy, but also the dean of our academy himself. The dean deduced the future, and had long anticipated all this. It was at the League of Gods that the creatures were coated with charcoal, so I chose to take the shot. Even in the direction of the Eagle's Mouth Cliff, the reason why we arranged ten outstanding arrays in advance was also the early warning of the Dean, otherwise the direction of the Eagle's Mouth Cliff could not be maintained.

When he heard this, the commander of the black robe smiled: "That's okay, it seems I guessed it well. Where is your dean now, can I see him? I can change hundreds of rules by myself. Easily trapped a billion aliens, and I believe he has the power to change the situation on the floodfield. "

At this time, Fengyun received a voice from Wang Xing, and said lightly, "The dean is listening to what we are talking about. But the dean does not intend to show up. What do you have to say directly to me? As for you When it comes to changing the situation of the flood field, you should know the significance of the flood field. This is just a platform for aliens to fight with us. Even if our director breaks the flood field, there will be a second flood field. Besides, Our universe needs to keep dying, especially the immortal. This is the meaning of the law of the universe, do you understand? "

The black robe froze, and looked at the situation in shock, "What on earth do you know?"

Feng Yun smiled wistfully and stopped saying anything.

Some things are actually just guessing at their college, so it's not easy to continue.

Heipao took a deep breath and no longer asked: "The aliens began to send more troops. The Dashan Empire, one of the three major empires of the Horns, originally dominated the flood field, but this time the Dashan Empire failed to invade, and the Yuan Empire The Daxing Empire found a reason, and began to send legions into the flood field. It is expected that in the next hundred years, the alien forces in the flood field will exceed 10 billion. At the same time, we are increasing the number of soldiers. It is expected that the total number of soldiers will reach 100 20 billion to 30 billion. "

Feng Yun nodded fearlessly, which was also expected.

Heipao continued: "The scale of the Honghuang battlefield has gradually moved closer to the Abyss Battlefield, the Blood Mountain Battlefield, the Bone Sea Battlefield, and the Jiuxing Battlefield, and even the scale in the future may exceed those four extraterrestrial battlefields. By the way, there is a saying that when the universe After the fundamental law has completely collapsed, the Shenhe River no longer exists, and then a full-scale war will begin. "

Feng Yun smiled wistfully: "There is no way for a total war. Aliens invade our universe. We must sacrifice all the creatures of our universe. We must resist."

Heipao heard this, but looked cold: "Feng Yunwuji also thought that the aliens invaded our universe first? I have seen some words on a torn ancient historical material, and one of them said ' The world is broken, the sky is falling, the gods enter, and the ancestors have fallen! '. I have thought about tens of millions of years and think that God may be referring to the immortality of our universe, and the ancestors are not our universe ’s name for a strong man, but instead There is a saying circulating in the alien universe that aliens think that all creatures in their universe are inherited from the great ancestors, and the ancestors are their common ancestor. "

Hearing this, Fengyun could not help but frowned.

What kind of situation is it? Is it that the alien universe that the universe invaded first, as a result, they have not been attacked by others, but have been invaded by aliens.

real or fake?

Feng Yun looked at the Heipao with a skeptical look. You don't think so, and you were careful to be killed.

The black robe coughed dryly: "Of course, this is just my guess. I definitely can't say that to the outside world, otherwise I won't be able to be the commander in chief of the military. Let's continue to talk about something else. You should have seen me. The war report, I wrote above that there may be internal traitors in the military, this is not an alarmist, but an established fact. The aliens did get the map and layout of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array from our side, and I carefully screened After investigating a change, 194 people were locked. This is the list. "

With that said, the black robe threw a copy of the information to Fengyun Wuji.

Fengyun was frightened: "Mr. Heipao, what are you trying to do? Do you want our college to help you out of this traitor? This is a bit unrealistic! Our college is just an ordinary army in the Seventh Army, basically Without this ability, there is no reason to doubt the 194 Lord Gods ... No, there are two commanders in your list. You are crazy. Our college doesn't want to make too many enemies, so please find someone else. "

The black robe smiled, but said indifferently: "I have a reason to find you. Your college killed more than 1.3 billion aliens with ten strikes this time. The military will definitely ask you to buy ten strikes. The layout and layout method of the group, do you say that the internal plot will be passed on to the aliens again? "

Feng Yun pondered for a moment, this is not whether or not, but definitely.

The black robe continued: "Not only that, your college has so easily come up with another ten perfect team, will the aliens feel that your college has a very good set of playing methods, and there are many such powerful forming methods, or that they can still Developed a lot of such powerful formations. So this time they got ten terrific formations and layout methods, they still know the bottom of the heart, afraid that like this time, you will come up with a new formation at a critical time. , Then you say what should aliens do at this time? "

The situation was almost without hesitation and thought: "It must have once and for all killed our academy directly, so that even if we have more powerful formations, it is useless. But the aliens cannot enter the hinterland of our universe and want to destroy our academy by themselves Impossible, what will the aliens do at this time? Yes, they should contact this traitor, but it is a bit unrealistic for a traitor to destroy our college? "

The black robe shook his head: "It's not like this. If I didn't guess it well, this traitor should come from the Dark God Organization. If the aliens are willing to pay enough, the Dark God Organization will definitely sell to your college. Recognize the importance of your college on the floodfield. "

Hearing the dark **** organization, Fengyun could not help but his face changed slightly.

In the universe, in addition to the eight forces that formed the League of Gods, there are two forces.

One is the marginal forces, which are led by the Zerg and Spirit races. They do not participate in wars with other races much, as if they were neutral. The reason is very simple. The Zerg engulfed the planet and used all kinds of energetic things as food. They were hostile to all the Alliance forces. In the early days, some people even thought that the Zerg would multiply and destroy the universe. As for the spiritual clan, the opposite is true. The League of Gods is not hostile to them, but they are very hostile to the forces of the League of Gods, mainly because most of the Lings are cultivated by various plants and are natural elixir. People specialize in hunting spirits and refining them to promote cultivation. Therefore, when the League of Gods was established, the spirit clan rejected the invitation of the League of Gods and lived alone for a long time.

The second power is the Dark God Organization. This power appeared almost at the same time as the League of Gods. However, the League of Gods is to protect the universe and advocates fighting with alien races to the end. The Dark God Organization is just the opposite. They think that the League of Gods universe can live in peace with aliens. After so many years, the Dark God Organization still exists, but they have now completely hidden ~ ~ and now they have become particularly aggressive, which is very different from the original.

Fengyun took a deep breath and solemnly said, "If the truth is the organization of the dark gods, it is definitely a big trouble."

The black robe nodded: "That's why I hope your college can find out this traitor. He is hidden in the military department. The harm is too great. To this end, I ask the military department to choose a combat force comparable to yours The **** king ’s teacher served as commander, and the military department just responded, and they agreed to my request. This was the only thing I could do for you before I was dismissed, and I hope it will help you in the next crisis. "

When Fengyun heard this, he could not believe it except to be moved.

The commander of the extraterritorial battlefield, that is, the supreme commander of the League of Gods, decides how to fight. To put it bluntly, the lives of the League of Gods soldiers are in their hands.

The black robes were crazy, and they dared to recommend their college teacher as the commander-in-chief, but the military department even gave his mother permission.

Feng Yun felt that he must calm down.

(End of this chapter)

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