Super Farm System

Chapter 198: Bubble Wine

Although Chen Jiajiu's eyesight has become poor, there is no problem with Chen Jiajiu's ears. Chen Jiajiu was well aware of any disturbances in the surrounding area.

When the first shuffling sound came out, Chen Jiajiu noticed it immediately. What puzzled Chen Jiajiu was that these chattering voices came from the trees. And not on the ground!

Since Chen Jiajiu's eyesight is limited, it is impossible to see clearly what is making such a shocking strange sound with the naked eye, but from the perspective of the sound, this terrifying strange sound seems to be some kind of animal crawling on the trees issued from time to time.

What kind of animal was making the sound? As time passed, the strange sound became denser, and the sound became louder and louder, so loud that it could be heard from far away.

When Chen Jiajiu entered Dulong Village, it was these Suo sounds that he heard. I thought to myself, could these voices be Li Fulai's saying that Yin soldiers are not successful, but if they are really Yin soldiers, they should be on the ground, not on trees.

At this moment, I didn't know that guy yelled, everyone run, there is a snake! After hearing this voice, Chen Jiajiu felt a little nervous. Thinking, my eyesight is better than theirs, and nothing happened to make such a sound, and they were the first to discover it.

Chen Jiajiu put aside this thought, and walked towards the source of the Shusuo's voice. To be honest, Chen Jiajiu was really curious whether it was really the strange sound made by the snake.

Not only Chen Jiajiu was curious, but also Li Guangfeng. Li Guangfeng didn't know what he was relying on, but he was able to tell where Chen Jiajiu was standing, so he slid to Chen Jiajiu's side. He said to Chen Jiajiu: "Jiajiu, don't go there, if I didn't miscalculate. These sounds are made by Qiuqiu. And the number is quite astonishing."

To be honest, Chen Jiajiu really couldn't hear what Li Guangfeng was saying. Li Guangfeng seemed to be able to see at night in the dark. When he saw Chen Jiajiu's expression that he didn't understand what he was saying, he immediately explained to Chen Jiajiu: "It is said that in the gathering The snake cultivated in Yinchi. The whole body is white, the body of the snake is thinner, the snake is black and much longer than ordinary snakes, this snake is highly poisonous."

Chen Jiajiu heard Li Guangfeng's explanation. I have a rough idea of ​​this kind of snake in my heart. It's just that as soon as this concept was born, it was shattered immediately. Because Chen Jiajiu saw the appearance of these snakes.

Just as the guy said with a loud cry just now, this is indeed a kind of snake. It's just not the white color that Li Guangfeng told himself just now, although the snake's body is very long, but the snake's body is covered with blue scales, which looks even more terrifying in the pitch darkness.

On the head of the triangular snake, there is a crown. At this time, it was constantly shaking, and these suo sounds came from this meat crown. If it was just a snake, it would be difficult to distinguish the sound. But if dozens of snakes or hundreds of snakes gather together. Suo's voice reached a terrifying decibel.

Chen Jiajiu asked suspiciously: "Guangfeng, didn't you say that the bodies of these snakes are white? So the bodies of these snakes are covered with green scales." Li Guangfeng's face couldn't help but change when he heard Chen Jiajiu's words Yichang said: "Jiajiu. What are you talking about, there are green scales on the snake's body."

Chen Jiajiu nodded with an 'um' and said: "Yes, yes! What's the matter." Hearing Li Guangfeng's face change drastically, he said: "If this is really the case, Jiajiu and our trip can be regarded as meeting each other. The real trouble is, if it’s just qiu 褫, we’re pretty sure we’ll drive it away. If it’s true as you said, these qiu 褫 have actually evolved into a half-dragon body, what a trouble! big."

"The body of a half-dragon, what Guangfeng are you referring to?" Chen Jiajiu asked in surprise. Li Guangfeng was stunned when he heard Chen Jiajiu's words, and then explained to Chen Jiajiu: "Teleporting qiu is a dragon in the sky, it was brought down to the mortal world. It is also the only snake in this world that can know how to cultivate. The ultimate goal of training is to re-evolve into a dragon. Anyone who has read the Legend of the White Snake will be familiar with it, and Bai Susu is exactly what Qiu Xue said."

When Chen Jiajiu heard Chen Jiajiu's metaphor of passing the white snake, he couldn't help but feel strange, and wondered: "The legend of the white snake should be fictional, right? Why did it have something to do with it?" Li Guangfeng looked at Chen Jiajiu with a suspicious expression. He said to himself, "It doesn't matter why. If the author who wrote the Legend of the White Snake hadn't met Qiu Xue and heard related legends about Qiu Xue, how could he have written the Legend of the White Snake."

When Chen Jiajiu heard Li Guangfeng's explanation, although he didn't agree with it in his heart, he couldn't deny that what Li Guangfeng said was unreasonable, maybe there was some secret in it that he didn't know.

At this time, Qiu Xi should have climbed forward, and Li Guangfeng also saw Qiu Xi's appearance. When Li Guangfeng saw these ugly appearances with his own eyes, his expression changed even more, and he immediately sent a message to his companions in the dark.

Chen Jiajiu discovered that even in such a dark place, Li Guangfeng could keep in touch with his companions by calling. They really are professionals, much better than their amateurs.

Chen Jiajiu and Li Guangfeng kept stepping back, but these veils kept surrounding them. Chen Jiajiu suddenly had an idea in his mind, and immediately asked about it.

After all, Li Guangfeng at least knew the name of this kind of snake, and he probably didn't ask anyone who asked him. Presumably, he should have done some research on this kind of snake born from condensed yin energy beforehand.

When Li Guangfeng read it, he was anxiously thinking about all kinds of possibilities that might happen next like lightning. At the same time, when he was thinking about how the group of them escaped in this valley, he heard Chen Jiajiu ask him a dumbfounding question. Unexpectedly, this guy is still acting so relaxed at this time, and still has time to talk to himself joke.

I just heard Chen Jiajiu ask: "Guang Feng, you made the qiu qi so scary, and it's so poisonous, I don't know how to use it to make wine, I don't know what to do. Will people die if they drink it?"

To be honest, this was the first time he heard such a question today, and he had never thought about such a question before. Grabbing the most poisonous qiu in the world to make wine, you must be joking with yourself, this idea is too crazy. But thinking about it a little deeper, Li Guangfeng didn't know how to answer this question.

After thinking about it in my heart, Li Guangfeng said: "Your idea is very novel, but I think it should be no problem. You also know that poisonous snakes can be used to make wine, and there are some people who, in addition to using poisonous snakes to brew Alcohol, dare to use poisonous snake's venom to make wine and drink. After drinking the poisonous snake's venom, people should see blood and seal their throats, and die of poisoning immediately. Supplement. Although Qiuxie is full of poison, we will die if we touch it, but if it is used to make wine, it should be a good idea. The question is, how can we catch Qiuqiu."

Chen Jiajiu didn't believe that snakes were born from gathering yin, and from Li Guangfeng's tone, he didn't know whether this kind of poisonous snake would be harmful to the human body if it was used to make wine. But after hearing Li Guangfeng's words, Chen Jiajiu had an idea in his heart. After all, no matter what, if you don't try it, you will never know the answer.

Since I chose to give up the giant python, I will try to catch a few of the most venomous and poisonous snakes in the world to make wine with. Chen Jiajiu said to Li Guangfeng: "Guangfeng, I know you are worried about the safety of your subordinates, so I will take care of it here, you can go there!" Li Guangfeng was very grateful when he heard what Chen Jiajiu said, yes Said in one voice: "Well, you have to be careful, you must not touch the qiu qi, no matter where the qiu qi is, it has a huge poison."

Chen Jiajiu hummed and said, "Don't worry, I'll be careful. You go there!" Li Guangfeng heard what Chen Jiajiu said, and immediately called out to the people he brought. Chen Jiajiu watched Li Guangfeng disappear into his sight. There were constant calls from around.

At this time, Chen Jiajiu was the only one left around Chen Jiajiu. If Li Guangfeng was still standing beside Chen Jiajiu at this time, he must have secretly scolded Chen Jiajiu for being stupid and not wanting to live anymore.

After Li Guangfeng left, Chen Jiajiu actually stood there, motionless. Let the poisonous snake qiu pounce on Chen Jiajiu, not just one, but one after another.

It's just weird that when these qiu 褫 rushed in front of Chen Jiajiu, they disappeared inexplicably. Where did these qiu 褫 go? Needless to say, they all ran into the farm continent.

Chen Jiajiu had already planned it in his heart, and fortunately Li Guangfeng kept saying that these venomous snakes were poisonous snakes born from condensed yin, so Chen Jiajiu thought of a way. After capturing these cockroaches into the farm continent, cockroaches immediately found that the sun was very sudden here. And here is still a narrow space surrounded by large crowds. Qiu Qi couldn't find a place to hide at all. In this way, after entering the farm continent, these qiu qi were immediately tanned by the sudden sun and black smoke was emitted. The black smoke seemed to be the venom nutrient of the qiu qi.

Looking at the qiu qi that had become a snake stem, Chen Jiajiu still didn't dare to touch it with his hands, so he used the system's built-in life-stealing function to put ten qiu qi into a clay pot, and then brewed it out, exceeding six Ten-degree rice wine was poured in. Then seal the clay pot with sealing mud and place it in a hundred times accelerated time.

In this way, in this world, drinking the wine that is said to be able to cure tumors and has miraculous effects in treating AIDS was born. (To be continued..)

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