Super Farm System

Chapter 199: Broken to pieces

Qiu Xun Wine will not come out in a short while, although Chen Jiajiu has a time machine. But it takes time to get a drink. Especially for these poisonous snake cannon wine, it has to go through a long process to allow the alcohol to decompose the venom. Especially for venomous things like Qiuqi, the venom is not only in the mouth, but also spreads all over the body. It was like throwing a whole piece of poison into the wine vat, in order to better decompose the poison of the qiuqiu, Chen Jiajiu used the rice wine with the highest alcohol concentration that could be brewed. You must know that this is 70% rice wine. If a person drinks it, it only takes half a cup, which is enough to knock down an ordinary person who has never drunk alcohol. Even a person with excellent drinking power can feel dizzy after only drinking one or two cups of such high-concentration baijiu. And you can't drink the wine in one gulp! After all, the stamina is too great, and ordinary people simply cannot afford it.

Chen Jiajiu knew that the cockroaches that crawled out from here were really too big, and he was caught by himself, but there were only a hundred or so of them, and there were still many cockroaches crawling outside. Regardless of whether it is drinkable or not when used in Qiuqiu, Chen Jiajiu has now found the best way to deal with the poisonous Qiuqiu. When Chen Jiajiu came out of the farm continent, he found that his body was falling down. Chen Jiajiu was taken aback. Only then did he realize that he had been standing on the big tree just now, and he was on the big tree again. I just entered the farm continent, and when I came out, it may be because the position is a little bit shifted. Chen Jiajiu found that her feet were suddenly empty. The body fell down involuntarily. Chen Jiajiu became impatient, and moved her debater to the side. Chen Jiajiu found that all the things she touched with her hands were soft and slippery, and the feeling from her hands came back to her mind. Chen Jiajiu was shocked, and immediately let go of her hands, only to realize that her body was falling down ! At this moment, Chen Jiajiu quickly calmed down, and looked at the big tree trunk he touched just now. I couldn't help being very surprised, because Chen Jiajiu unexpectedly discovered that there was something similar to liquid escaping from the trunk of the tree. And in these liquids, there is something that is constantly moving like a chrysalis. It seems that something is about to come out of these liquids.

At this time, Chen Jiajiu was curious, but now his body didn't stop falling because of thinking in his mind. What's more terrible, at this moment, Chen Jiajiu suddenly heard a faint suo sound, followed by a two-meter-long The long qiu 褫 flew from a tree trunk and rushed towards Chen Jiajiu. Chen Jiajiu thought, if he was hit by this qiu 褫, he would be poisoned for sure. Thinking of this, here, at some point, Chen Jiajiu had an extra wooden stick in his hand, and swiped at the veil that was flying towards him. There was only a 'pa' sound, and the qiu that flew towards Chen Jiajiu immediately swept the wooden stick out. Because Chen Jiajiu used too much force, this cockroach would be a tragedy. The moment he was hit, because his body could not bear the blow, he was snapped in two. With this strength, the two broken snake bodies bounced towards two different discoveries. I believe that even if the two severed snake bodies were not turned into meat when they fell to the ground, they would still be crushed to pieces. . .

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