If someone else encountered such a situation underwater, it would be too late to escape. There are people like Chen Jiajiu there. Not only was he not afraid, but he became very interested in this python.

Chen Jiajiu swam over in a hurry, and when the python was swimming away, he grabbed the python's tail. The python struggled instinctively, but since Chen Jiajiu had a breakthrough in strength, he grabbed the python. It's like catching a little snake. Pull it hard, then flick the arm, and immediately stretch this piece over ten meters long. A boa constrictor as thick as a waist was thrown out of the water!

Just after Chen Jiajiu threw the boa constrictor out of the water, Chen Jiajiu once again found two green-scaled corpses swimming towards him, although the speed was not as fast as lightning. But compared to the swimming champion Chen Jiajiu knew, he was much faster.

Originally, it was extremely unfavorable for Chen Jiajiu, a human being, to be under such water, but now Chen Jiajiu's strength is more than enough. ssssssss

Looking at You Jin's zongzi, Chen Jiajiu was not polite to these two zongzi. He directly greeted the past with a stick. If it was on land, Chen Jiajiu would consider catching him alive.

But here is underwater, it is better to solve it as soon as possible. So under the stick, the two zongzi were swept away, and when their strong bodies flew out of the air, they unexpectedly encountered the boa constrictor that was doing free falling movements.

All I saw was that the boa constrictor that was about to fall was blown away again by the force brought by the two zongzi. At the same time, the sound of two fractures was heard. Believe the boa constrictor when it fell into the water. There was no need for Chen Jiajiu to attack again, and the python was scrapped.

Chen Jiajiu was quite satisfied with his attack. After looking at the situation under the water, he found no python lurking again. Only then did Chen Jiajiu swim towards the surface of the water.

When Chen Jiajiu jumped out of the water, he found that the place he entered just now was like being in a water prison. At the same time, what surprised Chen Jiajiu was that. There are a lot of artificial buildings here. A strong interest arose.

At the same time, Chen Jiajiu also discovered some metals. What exactly is this place? It didn't feel like Chen Jiajiu was in a cemetery at all.

The stone man is moving. Chen Jiajiu suddenly found a dozen stone men standing on both sides of the water prison. The moment Chen Jiajiu jumped out of the water, these stone men moved.

I only saw that these stone men were holding things in their hands, and only saw a yellow ray shot out from the strange device in the stone man's hand.

Chen Jiajiu didn't know what the yellow light was. So I didn't dare to pick it up, but when the yellow light swept over the wooden stick in Chen Jiajiu's hand. Only a black pattern appeared instantly. The wooden stick was carbonized in an instant.

What the hell is this, a laser gun? Such a ridiculous thought suddenly popped up in Chen Jiajiu's mind. Even without looking at it with eyes, Chen Jiajiu sensed that there was indeed something moving under her feet, and it was not an ordinary thing. Just when Chen Jiajiu was thinking about whether to test it with a stick.

Suddenly felt the body suddenly sink. I only felt a vortex suddenly appearing from my body. It seems to be dragging myself down.

Frightened, Chen Jiajiu didn't even think about it. Hastily holed the stick under the vortex. I just felt like something had stabbed me.

Due to Chen Jiajiu's great force, the monster gave up on moving the vortex under the pain. However, just when the underwater monster gave up on the vortex, Chen Jiajiu discovered the monster's body.

This is indeed a giant python. Although this giant python is not as strong as the red-scaled pythons that Chen Jiajiu saw in the black mire, it is indeed a python.

No wonder there was a vortex, it turned out to be a boa constrictor. I saw this snake. It was impossible for Chen Jiajiu to just let this python slip away in front of him.

If it is someone else. When I encountered such a situation underwater, it was too late to escape. There were people like Chen Jiajiu there. Not only not afraid. Instead, he became very interested in this python.

Chen Jiajiu swam over in a hurry, and when the python was swimming away, he grabbed the python's tail. The python struggled instinctively, but since Chen Jiajiu had a breakthrough in strength, he grabbed the python. It's like catching a little snake. Pull it hard, then flick the arm, and immediately stretch this piece over ten meters long. A boa constrictor as thick as a waist was thrown out of the water!

Just after Chen Jiajiu threw the boa constrictor out of the water, Chen Jiajiu once again found two green-scaled corpses swimming towards him, at that speed. Although not as fast as lightning. But compared to the swimming champion Chen Jiajiu knew, he was much faster.

Originally, it was extremely unfavorable for Chen Jiajiu, a human being, to be under such water, but now Chen Jiajiu's strength is more than enough.

Looking at You Jin's zongzi, Chen Jiajiu was not polite to these two zongzi. He directly greeted the past with a stick. If it is on land. Chen Jiajiu would consider taking a job.

But here is underwater, it is better to solve it as soon as possible. So under the stick, the two zongzi were swept away, and when their strong bodies flew out of the air, they unexpectedly encountered the boa constrictor that was doing free falling movements.

All I saw was that the boa constrictor that was about to fall was blown away again by the force brought by the two zongzi. At the same time, the sound of two fractures was heard. Believe the boa constrictor when it fell into the water. There was no need for Chen Jiajiu to attack again, and the python was scrapped.

Chen Jiajiu was quite satisfied with his attack. After looking at the situation under the water, he found no python lurking again. Only then did Chen Jiajiu swim towards the surface of the water.

When Chen Jiajiu jumped out of the water, he found that the place he entered just now was like being in a water prison. At the same time, what surprised Chen Jiajiu was that. There are a lot of artificial buildings here.

At the same time, Chen Jiajiu also discovered some metals. What exactly is this place? It didn't feel like Chen Jiajiu was in a cemetery at all.

At this moment, Chen Jiajiu couldn't help but feel a little upset. Although he had thought of many possibilities in his heart, he never thought it would be like this. But then again, even something as heaven-defying as the Farm Continent exists, so it’s no surprise that there are aliens in this world. After avoiding several attacks, Chen Jiajiu finally figured out the attack pattern of these stone men.

These stone men themselves are not scary, what is terrible is the laser weapons carried by these stone men. It seems that this weapon locks on the target and attacks through thermal energy detection.

Although the stone men's attacks continued, Chen Jiajiu did not just sit and wait for these stone men to attack.

Chen Jiajiu took out a tree pole from the mainland of the farm. Before the stone men reacted, Chen Jiajiu swept the trees towards the stone men.

Although Chen Jiajiu had just thought of this idea, he didn't expect it to be effective. After the stone man was swept to the ground. Sure enough, the attack stopped.

Then Chen Jiajiu came down and picked all the weapons from the stone man's hands, and put them into the farm continent.

At the same time, Chen Jiajiu would not let go of these stone people, and they all took them into the farm continent, and Chen Jiajiu felt that he should understand what these stone people were all about.

However, what Chen Jiajiu could be sure of was that the person he had just taken in was indeed a stone man, not a zongzi.

certainly. If Zongzi is wearing a stone helmet armor, this is not impossible.

If these stone men are really related to Zongzi, then how to explain those weapons.

Of course, Chen Jiajiu liked to see that this was a relic left by aliens. Chen Jiajiu already has an existence like Farm Continent. If you really get the relics left by the aliens, it will be like adding wings to a tiger.

After Chen Jiajiu entered the farm continent, he immediately inspected a stone man lying on the ground and unable to move. Unexpectedly, this stone man turned out to be a robot.

This made Chen Jiajiu see more hope in his heart, and now Chen Jiajiu can be sure. Where I am now. It is very likely that it is an alien base that has not been discovered yet!

However, if this is an alien base, then the long-haired human face I saw just now is ghostly. What the hell is going on with the blue-scaled armored corpse?

After Chen Jiajiu dissected the robot, he directly threw all the robot's structure and program to the intelligent system for processing.

Chen Jiajiu was somewhat interested in those laser guns, but the structure of those laser guns was very unique, after Chen Jiajiu researched it, he found nothing. Just don't bother with it anymore. Give it directly to the intelligent system to crack.

According to Chen Jiajiu's thoughts, as long as he has mastered the technology of these laser guns, he can't use them even on the earth. But use the head office in God of War Continent!

When the time comes, create an army with laser guns at the touch of a button. Even a child can shoot a strong man with combat power.

Coming out of the farm continent, Chen Jiajiu encountered problems again. Chen Jiajiu found that if he wanted to continue exploring, it was very necessary to find out where the gate was located.

What made Chen Jiajiu feel depressed again was that there was no door around him. As long as there is space. There will always be an entrance and exit!

Now I can't find the entrance. Chen Jiajiu felt troubled again. Chen Jiajiu thought to himself, could it be that he really wanted to destroy it all the way.

Think here. Chen Jiajiu couldn't help but smile badly in his heart, if this was the case, there was no other way.

After figuring it out, Chen Jiajiu stopped looking for any doors. Instead, he beat the surrounding stone walls. The sound that came back from the beaten stone wall. Nothing but real voices!

Just when Chen Jiajiu was depressed again, she suddenly felt a slight sound coming from under her feet. Suddenly, Chen Jiajiu, who was highly concentrated, was shocked.

At the same time, Chen Jiajiu couldn't help being ecstatic, because Chen Jiajiu soon discovered that the place under his feet was actually empty.

Chen Jiajiu stepped back quickly, took out the wooden stick and threw it at the place where she was standing just now. There was only a clicking sound, as if something had been smashed.

Only a huge stone slab collapsed, but it didn't completely collapse. Instead, it formed a half-collapsed appearance. It looks like there is something sticking up below.

Chen Jiajiu was always very confident in his attacks, but he never thought that he couldn't break a stone slab completely just now.

In other words, it wasn't a problem with his own strength, but a problem with this stone slab. Chen Jiajiu recalled when he was smashing the bottom of the black water prison just now. It seems that the stone wall there is not very thick, but it can freeze so much water and water pressure.

Wherever he looked, Chen Jiajiu soon discovered that there was a room below. In such a place, there is no telling how many spaces like this exist around.

I hesitated in my heart. Chen Jiajiu felt that it was too risky for him to jump like this. But if you don't take a chance. There is no point in staying here by yourself!

Just as Chen Jiajiu was thinking in his heart, suddenly, Chen Jiajiu heard the sound of water coming from Heishui again. It seemed that something was about to crawl out of the black water.

Chen Jiajiu hurriedly looked up, only to see a monster that was covered in scales and had several snake-like bodies crawling out of the black water.

Zongzi, Chen Jiajiu immediately thought of this, but at this moment, Chen Jiajiu could only hear the intelligent system saying to him: "Master, the other party wants to talk to you."

When Chen Jiajiu heard the voice of the intelligent system, he couldn't help being stunned, and quickly asked: "What are you talking about? If you want to talk to me, can you gather what the zongzi in front of you is trying to express?"

The intelligent system Ji Ying said, "Yes, master."

Chen Jiajiu asked curiously: "Then how should I talk to him." The intelligent system said: "Master, express what you want to express, and I will help Master convey it to you."

Chen Jiajiu didn't know whether what the intelligent system said was true. At the same time, I never thought that one day I would communicate with a zongzi.

Chen Jiajiu saw the monster walking towards him, and quickly said to the intelligent system: "Let it stand there. Don't come over."

After hearing Chen Jiajiu's words, the intelligent system fell silent immediately. At the same time, Chen Jiajiu was really surprised to find that the zongzi who was walking towards her had stopped. Don't keep going.

At the same time, a voice echoed in Chen Jiajiu's mind, which Chen Jiajiu had never heard before, and he didn't know what this monster was screaming.

However, the intelligent system soon translated it to Chen Jiajiu: "Master, the other party said that he is very happy to meet you. It has been waiting here for three thousand years. Master, you are the only human being who can hear what it says."

Chen Jiajiu heard the translation returned by the intelligent system, and said: "Tell him, he is not the first alien I have encountered. If he is interested, he can come to my house as a guest."

After Chen Jiajiu confirmed that the monster could really communicate with him, he couldn't help thinking about the alien. As long as you enter the farm continent, you still have the final say!

With the continuous information sent back from the intelligent system, Chen Jiajiu found out that the Black Water Prison was originally used by aliens to cultivate genes. Let Chen Jiajiu break it now!

As for why there are snakes and rice dumplings in the black water prison. Those are all semi-finished products. It can be seen from the appearance of this alien who is very similar to the zongzi. This is an alien species with the ability to walk upright and its appearance is related to snakes.

In other words, the zongzi that Chen Jiajiu encountered before were probably made by this alien. And they are all semi-mature experimental subjects.

However, how to explain those zongzi sleeping in the coffin. Regarding this question, Chen Jiajiu didn't think about it at all.

The strange alien in front of him is not very tall, but his appearance looks quite disgusting. If Chen Jiajiu read it right, the body of the snake kept surging on it. It is the body of the poisonous substance.

This can also explain why in such a place, there are so many turtles. It turns out that these were brought over by aliens.

It may be because this alien belt has stayed in the world of the earth for too long, and it has no intention. Moreover, he sincerely invited Chen Jiajiu to visit its alien test base.

According to the explanation of the alien who came from Watt Liangxing, he has changed for almost five thousand years. Three thousand years ago, he had a few accomplices here, but those accomplices never came back after they left the base.

The reason why they can live for such a long time is because of its special genes. Moreover, Chen Jiajiu also learned that Chen Jiajiu was not the first person to visit the base.

Aliens may be trying to show off how perverted the science and technology of their world is. Immediately brought Chen Jiajiu to an artificial gene replication laboratory.

I only saw stone coffins here, and according to what the alien described, just put a sample of human beings into the mother coffin. In other coffins, the person's appearance, characteristics and genes can be copied together.

When Chen Jiajiu asked why this alien didn't replicate himself. The alien said that in order to complete the reproduction, not only the sample is needed, but also the mother copy.

It seems that only men cannot have children, and the existence of women is also needed.

After Chen Jiajiu heard the alien's explanation. I think it makes sense, but fortunately the alien in front of me is the last alien of the extinct species. Otherwise, I really want him to copy it like that. It is not humans who rule the earth. (To be continued..)

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