Super Farm System

Chapter 234 Confused Reappearance

In order to avoid trouble, Chen Jiajiu bypassed Dulong Village. (www.) After all, Chen Jiajiu stayed here for a long time and left quietly without even saying hello.

And if people know that he came out of Changdulong Valley, it will definitely cause unnecessary trouble for him. So Chen Jiajiu felt that it didn't matter even if he took a longer detour. As long as it doesn't appear near Dulong Village, it will be fine!

The scenery of this place in Yunnan is not bad, and the weather is also very good. It belongs to the cooler weather, when Chen Jiajiu went around the mountain a few times. Chen Jiajiu didn't distinguish between east, west, and north. As long as you see the road, go!

It took two days to grow up and walk out of the mountain. Standing on a hill. What surprised Chen Jiajiu was that. I only saw rice under my feet.

Chen Jiajiu thought that rice only grows in low-lying fields with water, but he didn't expect that the rice he saw in front of him actually grew on the mountain.

And seeing that the rice is arranged in an orderly manner, it seems that it was planted. Not wild! At the same time, Chen Jiajiu looked into the distance, and only saw the terraced fields arranged in a zigzag orderly manner!

Although Chen Jiajiu had never been to Yunnan before, he had heard of the existence of terraced fields. And artificially designed scenery like this is better than natural scenery. It was also what Chen Jiajiu yearned for.

It's a pity that most of the farm continent is flat, and it's hard to find a place to make terraced fields. Of course, if Chen Jiajiu really wanted to build a terraced field, that would be fine. It just takes a lot of manpower and material resources.

Chen Jiajiu picked some unripe rice in his hand, bit it with his mouth, and found that it was ordinary rice. There is nothing special about him and the rice he has eaten.

However, Chen Jiajiu also knew that if he just ate like this, he wouldn't be able to eat it. Therefore, Chen Jiajiu searched among the terraced fields, very restrained. Chen Jiajiu saw a dark one-story house appearing in a relatively flat place about three kilometers away in front of him. There is probably a village there.

Chen Jiajiu couldn't help but be overjoyed. Now that he discovered human civilization, he wouldn't have to wander around the mountains anymore. Thinking of this, Chen Jiajiu looked for the way and walked down the mountain.

Want to go down the mountain. It is necessary to pass through the winding terraces of Banting. Chen Jiajiu is not a local. After entering these terraced fields, he felt as if he had entered a maze.

Although it was annoying to go on like this, Chen Jiajiu knew that as long as he was patient, he would keep going down. You must be able to go out, after all, these terraces are like stairs.

at the same time. Chen Jiajiu also discovered the secret hidden in these terraced fields. Between these terraced fields, Chen Jiajiu unexpectedly found fish swimming in the water.

There are carp and tilapia, these fish are relatively easy to raise, because these fish live in the fields. In addition to eating pests, they usually eat the flowers that fall from the rice, because the flowers of rice are yellow. So these eat yellow flowers and grow up to be fish, also known as yellow croakers.

fish like this. There are also in the mainland of the farm, and it was raised by Chen Jiajiu imitating the technique of raising fish in terraced fields. And because the water is sufficient, the food is rich. The fish raised here are much fatter than those here.

even so. After seeing the authentic yellow croaker, Chen Jiajiu still couldn't help the urge to catch a few yellow croakers. Chen Jiajiu knew that the fish in the terraced fields were likely to be all the wealth of a certain farm in the village down the mountain, so he didn't dare to catch too many, and only caught a few yellow croakers.

At the same time, there are some poultry that can survive in the water, such as ducks, but these ducks ran away before Chen Jiajiu arrived.

Generally, these ducks are stocked together in the whole village. And when it is harvested, it is also owned by the whole village. Chen Jiajiu wanted to catch some ducks in his heart. Let's see if the ducks raised in the farm continent are better or the authentic terraced ducks here are better.

Even if these ducks have become elves here. But if Chen Jiajiu wanted to catch it, it was impossible not to catch it. At the same time, Chen Jiajiu was pleasantly surprised. Among the rice fields here, there is also a group of cuckoos living. That is the Hehuaque written on the menu of the restaurant.

This kind of bird is known as the locust among birds. It is a bird that eats both insects and rice. As long as there are cuckoos, locusts basically cannot survive.

but. In the absence of locusts, cuckoos have become a major pest in the fields. However, relatively speaking, cuckoo meat is much tastier than locusts.

Although this kind of bird is a protected animal in foreign countries, and it is also listed as a protected animal in some places in China, I have never heard that eating cuckoo is against the law.

Especially the existence of such a dish is recognized on the menu in some hotels.

Chen Jiajiu has always wanted to raise cuckoos in the farm continent, but he couldn't find the cuckoos to put into the farm continent for a while. Now, there is such an opportunity in front of him. How could Chen Jiajiu let it go!

Since there was no net, Chen Jiajiu could only compete with these cuckoos in the field. In the beginning, it was difficult for Chen Jiajiu to catch these cuckoos. But after some tentative captures. Instead, Chen Jiajiu managed to live in a few.

Now Chen Jiajiu has basically mastered the trick of how to catch cuckoo. At the same time, in the village of an unknown ethnic group, someone seemed to have noticed a madman running in the field.

Of course, Chen Jiajiu also saw their arrival, and when they ran to his side, Chen Jiajiu ran to the west with the advantage of speed.

And these cuckoos have a very wide distribution range. This time and again. After spending more than two hours. Chen Jiajiu actually managed to capture hundreds of cuckoos.

These cuckoos captured by Chen Jiajiu were naturally taken into the farm continent by Chen Jiajiu. In the end, on the pretext of chasing a duck, Chen Jiajiu was stopped by those big guys from the minority ethnic group who rushed to the field.

If Chen Jiajiu hadn't had the idea of ​​entering the village, Chen Jiajiu would not have been caught so easily. And I was just catching a duck, the big deal was to lose some money, it wouldn't be as serious as being caught and beaten to death.

While calling him to stop, Chen Jiajiu thought of an excuse in his mind and said that he was a tourist. I lost my way and came here. After a brief question from Chen Jiajiu, he immediately knew that he was in a village called the Dai people.

Looking at the clothes they were wearing, Chen Jiajiu could tell that they belonged to a minority ethnic group. After all, in China, except for the Han people who don't pay much attention to clothing. Most ethnic minorities dress in exotic clothes.

As long as you understand their culture, you don't need to ask who they are, and they belong to that minority tribe. You can tell which minority they belong to.

Since Chen Jiajiu touched the interests of the entire Dai village, after being caught. Naturally, they have to ask their village chief to deal with it.

On the way, all the houses Chen Jiajiu saw were made of wood. And these wooden houses are not built on flat ground. It was built in the mountains. It may be because Chen Jiajiu was looking down from the mountain just now, and mistakenly thought that the houses in this village were built on flat ground. This Dai village is crossed by a small stream, and most of the village is planted with bamboo, which is considered pretty good in terms of the scenery alone.

At the same time, Chen Jiajiu also saw that there were several food markets beside the village road. And there are snacks for sale. From Chen Jiajiu's point of view, these are all indications that this place is not isolated from the outside world, relatively speaking, compared to Dulong Village. Much better.

The people in the village heard that a thief who was stealing ducks in the terraced fields had been caught, and they immediately gathered around to see who was so bold. As long as they are people from other nearby villages. This matter is no small matter. Rather, it is related to major events between the two races.

However, when they saw Chen Jiajiu dressed like this, look at the clothes. I knew there was no play. Although their minorities have great rights among the tribes, there are some people they cannot offend. These people are naturally Han people. Relatively speaking, most Han people are very kind.

And the reason why their village has such a good business is entirely because a Han Chinese company has started a tourism industry in their village. It not only repairs kilometers for them, but also allows them to stay at home, which is more than those who go out to work every year. To earn more.

And they just provided board and lodging, and now a thief who stole a duck has been caught. You don't need to interrogate to know that there is no play. The curious visitor must have gone out into the fields to chase the ducks.

In fact. It was indeed the case. After the so-called village head learned what had happened, he immediately called the person in charge of a tour group over and asked the person in charge of the tour group to come and claim it.

Of course, the person in charge didn't know Chen Jiajiu, but due to the strange eyes of the villagers in the village, the person in charge had no choice. Let Chen Jiajiu pay 300 yuan in compensation. As a guarantee, he released Chen Jiajiu immediately.

Of course, the condition is that Chen Jiajiu provides Ti with his ID. Naturally, Chen Jiajiu would not show him his ID card, but Chen Jiajiu took out a mobile phone, which was the iCrazy 5S that Gu Facheng had left for him. The person in charge of this tour group is also the owner of the goods. After hearing that Chen Jiajiu is willing to use this mobile phone as a mortgage with him, of course, the condition is that Chen Jiajiu asks him to borrow 1,000 yuan as travel expenses.

Such a good thing fell on his head, the person in charge only hesitated in his heart and agreed. And he also invited Chen Jiajiu to have a sumptuous dinner.

The next morning, Chen Jiajiu was sent away like a plague god. Of course, after mortgaged the mobile phone, Chen Jiajiu took out the polite m card.

After all, a mobile phone is nothing more than a trivial matter to Chen Jiajiu, as long as he has this card. After returning to Kunming, I just bought another Aimian.

Chen Jiajiu left in a tour bus with a Guibei tour group. It can be said that Chen Jiajiu was in the middle of the car. And there are still a few empty seats in the car. The tourists in the car did not object to such a person coming up suddenly.

Most of these tourists are natives of Yunnan, and they all come from Kunming. When I heard that Chen Jiajiu was from Guangdong and had been lost on the mountain road for a few days, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

It may be because Chen Jiajiu is more casual, and immediately became acquainted with the tourists in the car. Along the way, everyone sang Yunnan's characteristic folk songs together, and before we knew it, we arrived at the end of the car for a long time. The tour bus has finally arrived in Kunming!

Now Chen Jiajiu has a special idea of ​​wanting to go home, but he can't stop the invitation of a few friends he met in the car, so he insists on dragging Chen Jiajiu to his house as a guest.

Chen Jiajiu saw that they were well dressed, so he nodded in agreement. It was a middle-aged man in his forties named Zheng Yongye who forced Chen Jiajiu to be a guest at his home. Chen Jiajiu knew that he had pulled herself into his house as a guest, and it was definitely not because he was a Cantonese. Or he is a particularly hospitable person. Definitely have something else in mind for yourself!

Chen Jiajiu couldn't help being curious about the reason why Chen Jiajiu agreed to follow him home. On the way, he just said that he was in business. But he didn't want to tell Chen Jiajiu what kind of business he was in.

What Chen Jiajiu didn't expect was that this middle-aged man actually had a garden, after the minibus arrived at the station. He directly brought Chen Jiajiu to one of his breeding gardens.

If it was just a chicken farm or a pigsty, Chen Jiajiu would not be interested. But what he bred in this breeding garden turned out to be centipedes.

At this moment, Chen Jiajiu couldn't figure out what the middle-aged man was thinking, but soon the old guy said straight to the point: "Brother Chen, I can see that you are a big business person just by looking at your words and gestures. You After viewing my farm, are you satisfied?"

Chen Jiajiu couldn't figure out what he meant by this at all. Hastily said: "Boss Zheng, the surprise you gave me was too great, no wonder you didn't want to tell me what kind of business you are on the way. If you really told me, I must have done it for you The business was scared away."

Zheng Yongye said straight to the point: "Brother Chen, I don't have any skills, but I have a way of judging people. Although you are young, I can tell. Your business must be doing very well, but I don't know if there is any problem with breeding centipedes." interest."

When Chen Jiajiu heard what he said, he couldn't help thinking to himself. Could it be that I really met a magic stick this time. Chen Jiajiu quickly said: "Hehe, Boss Zheng, I really can't see it, you are still a master. You can see how big my business is, and I really admire it. It's just that I don't care much about centipedes. Interesting, you have found the wrong person."

Zheng Yongye said: "If I hadn't encountered a shortage of funds in business, I wouldn't have asked you to cooperate." Chen Jiajiu said quickly: "This is your own business, what does it have to do with me? Centipedes are not interested!"

After hearing what Chen Jiajiu said, Zheng Yongye said quickly. It's like this, I met a fortune teller a few days ago, and he told me that instead of staying at home and worrying, I might as well go out for a walk, maybe I would meet a noble person on the way. On my way back, you happened to show up. I think you must be the noble person that fortune teller said. "

When Chen Jiajiu heard Zheng Yongye's words, a vein could not help appearing on his forehead, and he kept thinking in his heart, who the hell was able to figure out his own.

Looking at Zheng Yongye's face and eyes again, Chen Jiajiu believed that what he said might not be false, and quickly asked: "The fortune teller you mentioned, what is his name, and did he give you any hints." Zheng Yongye said quickly: "He It's just that when you see the nobleman, please help him say hello to a friend named Gu."

When Chen Jiajiu heard Zheng Yongye's words, his face trembled slightly. I thought to myself, I originally thought that after the aliens were captured alive and all the family files left by the aliens were removed, the matter between myself and Gu Facheng should also be over. It now appears that this matter is not over yet.

Who is it, who wants to say hello to a friend surnamed Gu through his own mouth. Among the friends Chen Jiajiu knew, there were not many with the surname Gu. The only thing Chen Jiajiu could think of was Gu Facheng.

Who the hell is my fortune teller? How did he know that he appeared near here, and he figured it out a few days ago. At this moment, Chen Jiajiu's complexion turned from white to ruddy. Only put is happened between tens of seconds.

It seems that I really want to ask Gu Facheng himself to find out about this fortune teller. Maybe it was a friend who knew Gu Facheng. Chen Jiajiu thought to herself, and couldn't help but take out her mobile phone again.

Although there is a signal now, Gu Facheng has not seen him calling or sending messages. At the same time, in Chen Jiajiu's heart, he had no choice but to pin his hopes on the m card in his hand. ,

Chen Jiajiu said to Zheng Yongye: "In this way, you may have met an old friend of mine. He saw your current predicament, and at the same time he was helping me. In this way, I can finance you But I will hold 90% of the shares in the established company, 10% of which will belong to you, and the company will still be managed by you."

After Zheng Yongye heard Chen Jiajiu's words, his face began to look very ugly. If he really agreed, then the rich man he asked for back was not helping him, but swallowing himself alive .

When Chen Jiajiu saw his face, he knew what Zheng Yongye was thinking. Quickly asked: "How many shares do you plan to sell to me?"

Zheng Yongye said: "At most 50% of the shares." Chen Jiajiu continued to ask, how much do you plan to sell. Zheng Yongye said: "I invested a total of more than 800,000 yuan, and invested all my accumulated net worth. I will buy you 50% of the shares. Only 500,000 yuan is enough."

After hearing Zheng Yongye's words, Chen Jiajiu chuckled and said, "I'll give you a plan, you have to agree. Let's cooperate. If we don't agree, let's be friends." (To be continued...)

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