Super Finding App

Chapter 1018: Thief (2)

The thief with a beaked mouth cheering and looking at the ID card and school information in the wallet at the same time, but for the thief, don't say that this is just the tuition for school and some proofs from the school. To them, it is their own in the hands, as far as the so-called human life is concerned, they are fart!

Don't mind at all.

For a thief, as long as he can steal money, it is the most important thing. Everything looks at money.

The thief happily received the money in his arms, and threw various documents into a garbage dump aside, smirking.

"Anyway, I'm a good person. I'll give you this information. If you can find the wallet, you can also get these documents back. If you can't find it, it has nothing to do with me. "

The thief said happily, thinking that he was still a thief. At least he didn't give everything away, so that the stolen student had nothing, and it was considered a thief.

As for the so-called money, I'm sorry, it must belong to him. He will never give it up. Will the money that he threw into his stomach as a thief still be given back?

Is this simply impossible?

The thief who had done all this felt that what he was doing was seamless and turned away.

The thief is so beautiful now that his business is doing very beautifully. I am afraid that the next thing to do is to find a place that is good and cheerful. When it is true, it will not open for three years, and it will open for three years.

"it's him…………"

The jab-throated thief had just turned around, but saw a group of people standing in front of him. Three of them were dressed in police clothes. The thief-throated thief was suddenly shocked, but as a thief, he was considered an old name.

His face changed immediately, a humble smile appeared, and he secretly cheered.

"Calm down, calm down, be calm, even if they meet the police, they never see me stealing things, it is impossible to know that I am stealing things, they must be here to do other things."

The thronged monkey cheek thief lifted his eyes while looking at himself. Behind the policeman was the rural college student he had just stolen. At this moment, the rural college student's mouth was wide open, and his fingers constantly accused the thronged monkey cheek. stand up.

"It's him, it's him, he has red light on him"

The college student from the countryside has wide eyes. He never thought that the human body would emit a red light, which he had never seen before. Is this also a super-hunting app?

Does the God of Seeking Really Exist?

"Stop, stop, you, what are you doing? I tell you, I didn't do anything, don't frame me"

The prickly-mouthed thief knew that he was still stubbornly resisting at the moment. He would never admit that he was stealing something, and his eyes flashed.

He had thrown away the wallet, there must be no evidence from the other side, and the uncle door guard at this moment said with pity on the sharp-eyed monkey cheek,

"It's true that we haven't seen you steal something, but don't forget, there is one more thing in the world, the Super Hidden Object App. Sorry, he showed that you stole something, and the wallet was thrown aside by your trash. Bucket and the money is in your hands "

Super finder app?

If the thunder-mouthed thief is struck by lightning, as a thief, he must also keep up with the times. He naturally knows that the Super Hidden Object App can help people find items, but he will never admit it.

Just kidding, how could he be called a thief if he just admitted this.

The police in police uniforms didn't look too much at first glance

"That being the case, then we doubt you anyway, please come with us to the police station to cooperate with the investigation"

The sharp-mouthed thief almost paralyzed when he heard this.

Are you kidding me?

If it is just an ordinary person, he can not recognize it, but if it is a so-called policeman, it is definitely different.

If you go to the police station, it is estimated that you will be asked a little bit, and even the police investigation will reveal everything.

"Do not"

As a policeman, he has already trained his eyes, and when he saw the expression of this sharp-mouthed thief, he immediately knew what he was thinking.

This is the thief who stole the wallet of a rural college student. He can't rely on it, and as long as he finds the wallet and arrives at the police station to check his fingerprint, everything will be revealed.

The Super Hidden Object app turned out to be true.

When the rural college student came out of the police station and took back his wallet and a lot of money, he was so excited that he stared at the guard uncle gratefully.

"Uncle, where is this super finder app? Where is the **** of finder? I am going to worship him"

"Haha, young man, it's not clear if the **** of finding objects in the Super Finding App really exists, but one thing is completely known, as long as you buy a smart phone, you can just drop things online Opportunity to get a super finder app, then you will be able to search for things like me. As for whether the finder **** is real, I think it should exist. "

Uncle Gatekeeper laughed, he felt very happy to be able to help a rural student.

College students from the countryside hesitated to hear what the uncle said. For him, buying a smart phone was definitely a luxury.

He didn't even think about buying a mobile phone when he was in college, but after experiencing the event of the Super Hidden App, he still gritted his teeth and went directly to the second-hand market to buy a very cheap second-hand hand.

After returning to the school to go through the formalities, I came to the dormitory. Fortunately, today's schools even have wireless networks. Although they will be closed at night, this is enough for college students coming out of the countryside.

He followed the words of Uncle Gatekeeper and started downloading all kinds of things. Finally, a super-finding app logo appeared on his mobile phone page. He was ecstatic and opened the super with reverence. Find object app, after viewing it, click directly to the prayer page, praying hands together

"The **** of finding things in the super finding app, thank you very much for helping me find my wallet. Thank you so much."

The college student from the countryside prayed sincerely. When he was on the prayer page, a golden line of faith was connected to Cheng Yiping, and the line of faith was unusually deep and bright.


There is a message of devout believers on the page of rural college students alone.

And things like this happen from time to time throughout Mercury Star. Since the advent of the Super Hidden App, the number of devout believers has been rising.

Everyone is marveling at the magic of the Super Hidden Object app, and they are discussing whether the God of Hidden Object really exists.

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