Super Finding App

Chapter 1019: What work is good

"Another devout believer ..."

What's the happiest thing in the world?

Nothing is more cramping than counting money, sleeping and waking up naturally.

For Cheng Yiping, the happiest thing in the world is to see the power of faith in the super-finding app in his mind grow rapidly. This speed is as fast as when the super-finding app did not evolve in the past. There is a world of difference.

Looking at the beliefs of many super-hunting apps is rapidly increasing, the corners of a flat mouth will be distorted.

At this moment he was standing on the rooftop of his home, with both hands open, and he could clearly feel that the power of faith was flowing within his hands. This was a very magical feeling.

"No, even though the power of faith in the Super Hidden App is constantly accumulating, I do n’t know how long it takes to accumulate new gods. The main thing is that the fusion of the Super Hidden App and the host now only reaches 80%. In other words, there are at least two fragments related to the Super Hidden App in this world that I need to find. Maybe as long as I find these lost fragments and merge with them, maybe by then, I will be able to know how to become a new god! "

Cheng Yiping sighed quietly, his eyes flashed, and he looked up at the entire street. Almost everything was holding a mobile phone, and the mobile phone only had a super-hunting app on it, whether it was a simple believer, a believer or even a devout Believers will use the Super Hidden App to find their lost items. For a while, people ’s lives have completely changed. If they lose something, they can just use the Super Hidden App to find them.

"The faith-seeking of the super-hunting app also requires faith points to find things, so I will set up a prayer page on the backup system, and according to the believer ’s prayers, I will get different faith points, and then I will search for them. When setting things, I set a double faith point.

Half of them are used for faith finding and the other half are owned by me. It is also the case that we can quickly believe points, that is to say, the number of devout believers is still relatively small so far ... "

The backup system of the Super Hidden Object app has been uploaded to the Internet, and the number of downloads and installations has increased by tens of thousands every day. However, the number of devout believers is only a few hundred people. This shows that people in today's society are Feudal superstitions have been very unbelieving, and the growth rate of devout believers has been unusually slow.

"No more, let me check it out before, where are the other two fragments of the Super Hidden App"

Cheng Yiping is very clear that he can only completely control the power of faith only if he finds the shard of the fusion of the other two hosts of the super hunting spp, and the fusion degree of the super hunting app reaches 100%.

Then he achieved a new god.

The essence of being a super finder app is to find things. If you can't find it, what use is it for?

How else can you become a new god?

Cheng Yiping's eyes flickered in his thoughts, instantly mobilizing the faith-seeking page of the super-seeking app in his mind.

In an instant

The rotating and bright starry sky emerged, and the deep and distant one-eyed pupil emerged.

"Super Finding App. I'm looking for the remaining two pieces of Super Finding App."

In an instant

The search page of the Super Search App in Cheng Yiping ’s mind burst into light, and the belief point is rapidly reduced with the speed that can be seen by the naked eye.

Cheng Yiping's face turned pale in an instant, watching the point of faith rapidly decrease, gradually changing from four digits to three digits, and then to two digits, he said quickly

"Stop, stop, stop!"

In Cheng Yiping's mind, the belief points of the super finder app were completely fixed in double digits, and Cheng Yiping was truly frightened.

After wiping the sweat from his forehead, according to a message from his super-finding app in his mind, he knew for a while that if he wanted to know the location of the other two super-finding app fragments, he would have to reach at least 10 million faith points!

"Hell, hell, you need tens of millions of faith points. If I want to save myself, God knows when I'm going to die,"

"Although the believers and ordinary believers have fewer faith points, it seems that there are only two ways to quickly obtain tens of millions of faith points."

"The first is to expand the scale. The entire Mercury Star has billions of people. It should be enough for everyone to contribute. In this case, the scope of the super-hunting app needs to be larger. At least this takes time. The second is to increase piety. The number of believers, the number of faith points that a devout believer can get every time they pray is hundreds of times that of a shallow believer, and several times that of a believer. As long as the number of devout believers is enough, they can also earn tens of millions of credit points. "

"In other words, whether it is the first method or the second method, it is the same for me now, or it is too few. I need to quickly collect faith points!"

Cheng Yiping nodded while thinking about the way to go in the future.

She took a long breath.

Cheng Yiping lifted his eyes and looked at the rushing traffic in Jiangzhen City, and sighed quietly.

"The Super Hidden Object app can be said later, if for me the promise of Zhang Xiaona should be put on the agenda, I can't always be so idle."

"Since the backup system of the Super Hidden App is uploaded to the Internet, most people do not need me to find people, so it is time to find a job."

Cheng Yiping touched his chin and began to think. Finding a job was not difficult for Cheng Yiping.

"Although I do n’t have enough academic qualifications, but I have the skills of finding objects in the Super Finding App. Each one is top-level and self-reliance is completely okay. Now what I want to think about is what I want to do!

"I used to be a security guard when I didn't have the skills before, and now of course I want to do what I like!"

Cheng Yiping began to think seriously.

Even when the Super Hidden Object app didn't evolve into Xinyang Hidden Object, Cheng Yiping gained more than a dozen life skills with the help of Hidden Object, each of which can earn a living.

Not to mention that nowadays there is a belief system for the super finder app, which can be used to exchange skills through belief points.

It just depends on the need.

"Even if you are looking for a job, you must find the kind of leisure and flowing time. After all, I don't know when I need to help people find things to find beliefs ..."

"It is both easy and free time. Why do you think there is no other way to do business besides yourself? So what kind of business is it?"

Cheng Yiping touched his chin and thought seriously.

This is a very serious question.

Aqua Blue, CCID

The country of Sadie is in the new northwest of Aquamarine, and among the Aquamarine stars, the country of Cerdi is quite famous.

His fame is not because of anything else, but because Sadie owns money, yes, Sadie is known as the richest country in the entire blue water star!

They have built extremely magnificent facilities with the world's tallest building, because Blue Water produced the largest amount of energy in the export of Blue Star.


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