Super Finding App

Chapter 1020:

The oil field is a well-deserved source of energy for Mercury Star, and its demand is exceptionally extensive. It can be said that the entire Mercury Star needs all kinds of machinery, and it is also called liquid gold.

It is also because of the large number of oil fields that the entire Sadie State can make a lot of money and become extremely rich. But oil fields are not an endless source of energy. After years of exploitation, oil fields have become increasingly depleted.

This is definitely a terrible bad news for the whole Sadie country. Once the oil field is finished, the Sadie country without the oil field will completely fall.

In order to cope with such a situation, every year, the Sadie country arranges a large number of professionals to go to the Sadie country to find places where oil fields may be found for exploitation, in an attempt to extract new oil fields.

At the moment, in the conference hall of the most luxurious Sadie Hotel in Sadie, the royal king of Sadie in a gorgeous costume was looking down. Even so, he squeezed a smile and turned to look at his son. Road

"Are you sure? Can the people who came here really help us to find oil fields in the country of Sedi? You should know that our oil fields in the country of Sedi will dry up after digging for more than ten years. This is an absolute secret , Do n’t allow anyone to know. Otherwise, our entire country of Sadie will certainly fall apart. "

The King of Sadie is a man with a handsome face, a beard full of faces, and full of exotic sentiment, but with anxiety in his eyes, the Prince of Sadie nodded beside him

"Please rest assured, father, everyone knows that there are so many oilfields in our country. It is impossible for anyone to know that most of our oilfields have dried up, and this time I also called the oilfield through the name of the oilfield detection company. Exploration experts, let them help us find oil fields. If they can find them, they will get a high salary, and no one will be suspicious. After all, we will organize personnel to explore oil fields every year to find new oil fields. Absolutely not. It's okay for anyone to be suspicious. "

"I'm assured of what you do, but one thing you need to know is that we have been holding this kind of event for a long time. So far, we have only found an oil field, and the oil reserves are very small. It's nothing. I don't know Can you find a suitable oil field this time? "

Hearing the words of King Saidi, the eldest prince of Saidi quickly nodded, carefully took out a cell phone from his arms, and handed it to his father respectfully.

"Father, this time is completely different than before. A very magical thing appeared in the kingdom of Tang Dynasty in the east of Aqua Blue Star. This is the super-hunting app. It is said that as long as you have this thing, you can find anything you want to find. I have tested it, and indeed there are a lot of things that I deliberately concealed. I have found them through the Super Hidden App, and this time through the detection company to find the oil field, there are almost one exploration staff, all have Super finder app, so I believe that this time you can find oil fields! "

Saidy Guo Prince said excitedly, handing his mobile phone carefully to his father.

King Sadie's eyes flashed, and he took a closer look at the back of the phone.

"So it ’s true. I ’ve heard of the Tang Dynasty Super Finding App. If it ’s really so amazing, then we just need to find it by ourselves. Why do we need to find some investigators? Is n’t it a waste of money? , And more secure! "

Grand Prince Saidi shook his head

"Father Wang, I think so, but it is really impossible, because there is a huge disadvantage of the Super Hidden App, that is, he must use the belief point to be able to perform belief finding. It can't be collected in an instant, so we have to find other people and let them help me find the oil field. "

"Please rest assured that we have acquired a large number of mobile phones with a super finder app from Tiantang Kingdom, and at the same time let many people perform piety search. If one person can piety search successfully, we will definitely find the oil field!"

The King of Seda nodded

"Are you devoted to finding things? You are talking about the God of Finding Objects? But it is unknown whether this God of Finding Objects is true or not. If there is a so-called God of Finding Objects in this world, as long as he helps us find them Oil field, I can even make him the state religion of our country of Saidi, and this is absolutely no problem. "

In the eyes of the King of Sadie, the light was shining. For him, as long as he can find the oil field, let alone set the Super Hidden App as the Saidi State Church. Even if the whole of the Sadie State makes everyone a super seeker The app's followers are perfectly fine. You should know that any oil field can even extend the wealth of their entire royal family for hundreds of years.

"Yes, please rest assured, Father, everything is in my plan. This time I invited a very, very famous international exploration club. In the past, without a super app, the exploration club was very Is famous, and now has a super-hunting app to explore the club, it's just like a tiger. "

"And this time they sent over, and even their second-level members, all of them are very powerful, professional knowledge is very solid, coupled with the assistance of the Super Finding App, I believe this time you can find an oil field."

"Very good, if that's the case, then leave it to you, remember to do it steadily, as long as they can help us find the oil field, no amount of money is completely Problem, we just need oil fields! "

The King of Sadie finally gave his final voice and bowed his head respectfully beside him. He knew that as long as he could actually find the oil field, the position of the heir of the country was stable, even if he had seven behind him. It is absolutely impossible for the sons of 80 fathers and kings to occupy his place again, respectfully said

"Please rest assured that my father is everything in my plan. No one will know that our oil field in Cedi is almost exhausted, but we are still building the world ’s largest tallest building, the most luxurious building, and the most thrilling game. Field, no one will doubt it "

At the moment, in a luxurious luxury car in CCID, etc., seven or eight people wearing various kinds of overhanging clothes and proud faces showed bright smiles. One of them opened the window and looked at Soaring into the clouds, the bustling Sadie City makes an amazing sound

"This is the country of Sadie. It is too luxurious. It is simply lingering. I did not expect that I have one day to go abroad, and it is still the country of Sadie. The country of Sadie is really amazing."

"Okay, okay, it's just the country of Seddi, are you as it is? It's so unseen, you are still a second-level member of the Youlu Club if you lose it, you just lost the face of our visiting club."

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