Super Finding App

Chapter 1051: The God of Finding Things (2)

At the same time, in another part of the country of Sadie, His Highness Five embraced and held right and right, with an elegant smile on his face and the turning of His Royal Highness. He had no fear at all.

In the long-term game, he has gathered his own group of people. Now what he has to do is to do everything possible to pull the great prince of the country of Cedi off the throne, only then Enough to control the power of the entire country of Sadie.

"The depletion of the oil fields in Sadie is the biggest secret in our country. If it were not for my close relatives who were planted on the side of the father, it would be no wonder that His Royal Highness treated such a secret to the great prince. I told the great prince, but now that I have known it, the situation will change dramatically. "

The five princes of the country of Sadie laughed slightly, the corners of their mouths were slightly raised, and their eyes were narrowed.

"The most important field in the country of Sadie is the oil field. I only need to hold a large number of undeveloped oil fields. By then, the king of the country of Sadie must belong to me, so the final game is on the oil field. You immediately watched the movements of the explorers club, if they can really help the prince find the oil field, you should know what to do. "

The man in black with glasses behind the five princes of Sadie nodded heavily

"His Royal Highness Prince, please rest assured, I have arranged for someone to deal with it. I believe that the Falcon mercenaries are already on the road, although I don't know if some of this explorer club will still be able to find the oil field, nor do they know the completion It ’s really amazing if Cheng Yiping, one of the top ten impossible missions for the club, is complete, but this is all unnecessary for us, just wipe them out. "

There was a strange light flashing in the eyes of the five princes of Sadie nodded and chuckled.

"I don't know or know all of what you said, you take care of it."

The man in the suit nodded his head respectfully, raised the corner of his mouth, raised his eyes, and the cold light was emitted from his eyes.

After a full day of purchasing from CCID National University, Cheng Yiping felt the soreness in his whole body, raised his eyes and looked at it, and looked at Manager Bai with frustration and Zhou Yi's plump chest full of sigh.

At first, I originally wanted to make a large purchase in the country of Sadie, but I never expected that the two managers, Bai and Zhou Yi, were reluctant from the beginning to the current interest. The entire shopping mall has a sore back and legs. However, both Manager Bai and Zhou Yi did not know about exhaustion at all. It seems that women are born shopaholics for shopping.

In the future, I can no longer go shopping with women, it is simply suffering.

Cheng Yiping sighed a long time, his body felt very comfortable and fell on the luxurious bed of the Presidential Suite, feeling that he could not move all over.

Although the shopping is very refreshing, if you encounter two big beautiful women, it will be reduced to a porter.

"Cheng Yiping, Mr. Cheng, we're ready, don't know when we can start?"

"Mr. Cheng, we are ready and don't know when we can start."

Six other second-level members of the Discovery Club have long been waiting at home.

Many of them used the super-hunting appv to pray religiously during the day, but still found nothing.

After all, he looked at Cheng Yiping eagerly and asked Manager Bai and Zhou Yi back after shopping.

For them, it is only reasonable to find the oil field earlier and leave this **** Sadie country. The others are trivial and trivial things that are not worthwhile. The first big thing.

"Okay, now it's night, and it's the quietest time. It should be ok. Just wait for me. After I take a bath and change clothes, we will perform the devotional search of the super finder app."

Although Cheng Yiping was in pain, he still had to fight with tears in his cannon. Since he said yesterday that he would perform a super-find app, he must do it sincerely. If not, then he would not hit his own face. ?

Not to mention that the bath in the Presidential Suite of the Sadie Country is very refreshing. After a while of washing, Cheng Yiping has washed away the fatigue and discomfort of the whole body, and came to the conference room of the Presidential Suite with a refreshing spirit.

Manager Bai, Zhou Yi and the six second-level members of Tanyou Club have long been waiting for their own mobile phones in front of them. The icon of the Super Hidden Object app on the mobile phone is clearly in sight. It can be seen that all of them have done their homework and are waiting for Yiping's pious pathfinding.

"Okay, everyone, now that you are all ready, I won't say that much. Everyone open the mobile phone, open the prayer page of the Super Hidden Object App, and pray with me sincerely. I believe in the God of Hidden Object. Will definitely feel our sincerity "


This thing can't be seen or touched, it's very magical, but I have to say that this is definitely a panacea.

In reality, if you want the Buddha to bless you, you must be sincere, right, especially in the relationship between men and women. The most often said by girls is that I just test you to see if you are sincere . "

The word "sincerity" belongs to a panacea. It can be said that anyone can use it, and it can make others speechless.

In the presidential suite, Cheng Yiping, the charming white manager and Zhou Yi, dressed in casual clothes and full of breasts, sat at the other end of the sofa.

On the other side, the other six second-level members of the Explore Club were sitting on the other side of the sofa, and then under the command of Cheng Yiping, at the same time opened the piety page of the Super Hidden App in their hands and began to silently pray.

"It's no wonder that a lot of religions have a ritual this year. It really makes people feel holy. I almost take it seriously."

Closing her eyes in a paperback, she opened her eyes slightly, revealing a thin seam, but she saw the white manager, Zhou Yi, and the other six second-level members of the Youyou Club intently praying.

In an instant

It seemed that the hall of the entire presidential suite was full of holy smell.

If Cheng Yiping knew that he was definitely a pretender, maybe he would really be infected by this atmosphere, and think that there is really a **** of object-seeking to search for things religiously.

I have to say that this ritual is still very useful, at least in the mind of Cheng Yiping, marking the gradual deepening of the line of faith of the other six second-level members of the exploration club ...

This is the benefit of the line of faith, which allows Cheng Yiping to know clearly who is in the conference room who is sincerely seeking things, those who are pretending to be, those who are shallow believers, believers and religious believers!

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