Super Finding App

Chapter 1052: God of Finding Things (3)

Cheng Yiping closed his eyes slightly and held his breath, but his brain was thinking wildly.

He is waiting.

Waiting for time to come.

If such a group of people suddenly comes down to the **** of finding things, it may cause people to doubt, so he needs to wait patiently.

this moment.

Suddenly he understood why even if there was a God in the major religions, God would not come easily, perhaps because of this consideration.

It is because God does not come easily, that is how precious God's coming is.

It was just that Cheng Yiping suddenly found that it would be boring if he didn't do anything like that. He even had some doze off.

Time passed little by little in the whole prayer of the presidential suite.

Cheng Yiping Chen can clearly feel how the group of people are praying sincerely through the line of faith in his mind. Although he can't see it clearly, he can also calculate an approximate.

According to the luster of this line of faith, you can clearly feel that the youngest member of Zhongzhou Hao's line of belief is the darkest among the six second-level members of the Discovery Club, and the color of the line of faith accompanied by prayer Continuously transformed into a devout believer, it seems that Zhou Hao is a true and true believer in the super finder app, and believe in the **** of finder, compared to the belief line of the other five members of the explorer club. It is relatively dim, but in general, it has been developing from a shallow believer to a believer, which is a good thing.

As for the charming white manager and Zhou Yi wearing a suit chest, the line of faith between the two of them is a simple believer, and there is no increase at all.

In other words, these two people seem to be performing the pious search of the super finder app, and they are searching and praying reverently. However, these two people are not really convinced at all. They just hold and try. Just try the idea.

Cheng Yiping looked at the line of faith in his mind and sighed sighingly at the charming and charming white manager. At this moment, his face was full of piousness, and his plump body and full **** were ready to come out. Look, this expression is almost more devout than the other six second-level members of Tanyou Club, but Cheng Yiping is very clear that the line of faith in his mind will never lie.

Sure enough, the more beautiful a woman is, the more she will lie.

Cheng Yiping sighed quietly and stopped paying attention. After all, the charming and charming Manager Bai and Zhou Yi were definitely strong women.

It is not easy for strong women to conquer them easily.

Fortunately, Cheng Yiping did not think of regaining Manager Bai and Zhou Yi, but just thinking about which one of these two strong women and hot high-quality beauties would be cheaper in the future.

Time is constantly passing by in Cheng Yiping's cranky thoughts.

When it was 12 o'clock, everyone was drowsy praying sincerely, and Manager Bai and Zhou Yi could not hold on.

As for the six second-level members of other exploration clubs, although they are still insisting, their eyelids are constantly closed, after all, they are not monks who can meditate without distraction.

However, Zhou Hao, the youngest among the exploring clubs, has an extraordinary piety, and still insists on it.

In Cheng Yiping's mind, Zhou Hao's line of faith became brighter.

"You are the one!"

Cheng Yiping moved in his heart, instantly mobilizing the power of faith in his mind, and opened the faith finding object of the super object finding app.

In an instant

A deep and distant one-eyed pupil emerged, and then a booming connection connected Zhou Hao with a face of pious.

Zhou Hao held his breath, he didn't know if there was really a so-called God of Finding Objects in this world, but one thing is certain that he did not become a second-level member of the Discovery Club by relying on the Super Finding App.

Compared to others, he believes in the power of this super finder app, especially when he sees the magical power of Cheng Yiping's use of pious finder to find the **** of finder, which makes him convinced. .

But at this moment, even if his eyes were trembling no matter how much he trusted and believed, he didn't know how long he could hold on. He could only wait in his mind to continuously pray for the coming of the **** of faith.

In other words, one of the many people present can pray for the success of the **** of faith.

Of course, the most promising of these is, of course, the success of the super-hunting app.


Zhou Hao, who had been praying praying for a moment, found that a golden light burst out on his mobile phone. He showed a surprised look and shouted in surprise.

"I succeeded, I succeeded"

The rest of the faces turned quickly and looked at Zhou Hao's mobile phone.

I saw six golden characters appearing on the page of Zhou Hao ’s super-find app on the pious prayer page.

[Successfully Finding Objects]

"Oh my God, did it really succeed?"

"It's really successful, is there anything wrong? It's really amazing that there is the advent of the **** of finding things in this world."

"Zhou Hao, take a look, look at what you should do next."

"Yes, yes. After you leave, please take a look and see if the God of Finding Objects tells you where you are in other oil fields in Cedi!"

"The main thing is the oil field, the main thing is the oil field. It doesn't matter if the oil field has the least storage. Does the God of Object Search tell you the location of the oil field? Is this the most important?"

At this moment, Zhou Hao ’s devotion to find things shown on the Super Finding App on his phone is successful.

The advent of the **** of finding things!

The white manager of the Explore Club You Zhou Zhouyi and five other second-level members were thrilled.

They don't know what to do after the religious devotion is successful?

But one thing is absolutely certain. Since the pious search of objects has been successful, does it not mean that it will not be long before you can use the **** of finding objects to find an oil field?

As long as they can find the oil field, they can end the painful days in this country.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll try it now, I'll try it now ..."

With a nervous and excited look on Zhou Hao's face, he stretched out his trembling hand and carefully clicked the six characters on the page of Devotion and Prayer for Success.

In an instant

I saw a Guanghua on the mobile phone instantly fell into Zhou Hao's mind.

Zhou Hao felt a mysterious and mysterious feeling in his mind. A mighty and mysterious figure appeared in his mind.

this is.

Zhou Hao, the youngest member of the Discovery Club, was shocked. He really didn't expect that the Super Hidden App would really have the Hidden Object!

At this moment, the black figure in Zhou Hao's mind seemed to exude a holy light. He wanted to see his face clearly, but he couldn't see it clearly.

Suddenly, the sacred voice of the God of Finding Objects sounded in my mind, and the text appeared.

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