Super Finding App

Chapter 1062: Serial homicides (1)

Cheng Yiping is not clear. What changes did he make to the Sadie country after he uploaded the backup system of the Super Hidden App in Sadie country?

But at least one thing is certain. Regardless of whether the prince or the five princes have focused all their attention on the Super Hidden App, they no longer care about visiting the club.

After all, the great prince of the country of Sedi knows that everyone in the Discovery Club has found the oil field with the devotion of the super finder app. Everyone at the Explore Club can do it, then the Grand Prince of Sai Empire thinks he can do it.

The five princes of Seti also had the same idea. Incidentally, they all gathered their own horses at the same time and then started to use the super finder app to prudently find things. I hope they can find things successfully and find more oil fields.

Of course, as for the development of the state of Sadie in the end, the final result of the great prince of Sadie and the five princes of Sadie.

All this is leveled and he doesn't care and care, at this moment he has returned to the Kingdom of Tang Dynasty.

"It's a hell. It's a guilty innocence and guilty of being guilty this year. I originally thought that when I went to the country to find an oil field, it was just to help someone. I didn't expect to be involved in the struggle for power. To be honest It's too much trouble, but fortunately, you can slip away quickly, otherwise it would be troublesome ... "

After getting off the plane, Cheng Yiping parted ways with the crowds of the Exploration Club. Although charming Bai Manager and Zhou Yi were very inviting, Cheng Yiping ignored the situation and he was immersed in the confrontation with terrorists. After the first murder Cheng's nausea made Cheng Yiping feel nauseated, and it took a long time for him to calm down.

What he didn't know was that after the charming and charming Manager Bai returned to Tanyou Club, the first thing was to upgrade the membership level of Chengyiping Tanyou Club from Level 2 to Level 1.

At the same time, a new membership system is also being implemented such as the Discovery Club. It is not impossible to use the Super Hidden Object App, but it will be extremely difficult to upgrade, and the ethics and loyalty screening of the seekers are also listed. To explore the requirements for club member upgrades.

Of course, for Cheng Yiping, he didn't mind at all.

All he has to do now is to sleep well after returning to Jiangzhen City. He desperately wants to see Zhang Xiaona.

The next day or two became a good rest at home.

And then Zhang Xiaona was off work and enjoying the peaceful life of the Tang Dynasty, everything seemed to be back on track.

Not long after, Cheng Yiping received a call from Wang Yuting, a group of six in the heavy case, and the call was a roar. After all, Cheng Yiping still hangs up as a consultant for the group of six, and disappears in a week or two without paying attention. It's shameful.

If it is not because Cheng Yiping is now the consultant of the six groups of serious cases, but the official police officer, I am afraid that he has already been punished and even fired.

"I said, I said, no, I'm just a police adviser, and now you all have a super-hunting app. As for calling me now?"

Cheng Yiping held the phone far away, and even across the distance, he could hear Wang Yuting's violent thunderous voice inside the phone.

"Shut up, shut up, but you are the police adviser of Group 6 of the serious case, that is, you should return to the police station. This is what the police should do. It is enough for you to go missing for three days and now. I'm back, I have a case to deal with, and come back to me immediately ... "

Wang Yuting's irritable voice came from the mobile phone. Cheng Yiping shrugged his shoulders boringly, and touched his chin. After thinking about it, he thought that he would still go to the six serious cases.

After all, now it is plain, and there is no difference between him and the unemployed traveller. Although Zhang Xiaona has been thinking of looking for a stable job, Cheng Yiping is also thinking about what he has done. So far, he has not thought of what he wants to do?

Not much to say, Cheng Yiping got up early the next day. After having some breakfast, he leisurely came to the six major case of Jiangzhen Police Station. He just opened the door of the six major case and saw it in the room. There was a strong smell of cigarettes. Yang Tie, Mo Fei, and others smoked a lot of cigarettes. Both eyes were dark. At first glance, they stayed a few days without sleep.

"No, what the **** happened? You are so desperate, haven't you slept for a few days?"

"Cheng Yiping, when did you go abroad? When did we not sleep ..."

The youngest Yang Tie had murmured complaints in his eyes, but he thought that he was working hard here, and Yiping even ran away, and he really hated his teeth.

At this moment he was infinitely envious. If he was also a police adviser, how good it should be. At that time, if he did n’t want to play, he would come. If he did n’t come, he would n’t come. No results yet.


"Isn't it going to be a week soon, you guys won't be exhausted yet."

"What the **** happened?"

Cheng Yiping was stunned, really didn't expect that he hadn't asked in doubt for so long.

But Wang Yuting's eyes were black. Honghong walked out of the room and threw the documents into a flat front.

"This is the case. Before you left the serial homicide case, we originally thought that there was a super finder app that can be easily found, but I did not expect that the finder app needed a lot of beliefs to find him. We were not enough at all. The systematic visit and research of the case, but so far there is no clue at all, and just the day before yesterday, a woman was found dead ... "

"This is a big case that has shocked the whole society, serial homicide ..."


Serial homicide?

Not enough faith points for the Super Hidden App?

Cheng Yiping's face was aggressive, but he still took the file in Wang Yuting's hand, and flipped it up. This was the case that Wang Yuting took over in the six groups before he went to the country of Sadie. At that time, he was just shocked. And modern careful inspection is really shocking.

"The first case of serial homicide occurred on January 25, 3017. A woman, who was patrolled on the track of the high-speed rail, was found to have been killed by rape. It was originally just a case of robberies by the police. The killing case was handled, but after half a year, on July 25, 3017, another woman was raped and killed in another section of the high-speed rail. This case has attracted the attention of relevant departments. Until January 25, 3018, Another woman was killed, so far there have been three victims ... "

"This is really a serial homicide"

Cheng Yiping rummaged as he rummaged, letting down the dossier slowly, looking up at Wang Yuting and others.

"If the Super Hidden App has no effect, have you visited and asked if you haven't found any prisoners so far?"

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