Super Finding App

Chapter 1063: Serial homicides (2)

Yang Tie, must have a bitter smile

"How could it not be found? We have basically searched all the relationships around the victim several times and screened it, but there are no suspicious people at all. The main thing is that the murderer is very cunning. He chose the high-speed rail. No one found nearby barren mountains and wild areas, and it was still in heavy rain. All fingerprints and even records were washed away by water. It was too cunning ... "

That's it.

Cheng Yiping squinted his eyes and thought seriously. What appeared on his dossier was the miserable appearance of the first three victims when he was discovered. Even through the photos, he can still see the victim's painful struggle. The appearance of being killed by cruelty shows the cruelty of his murderer.

"What I set for the Super Hidden App is that you must have this belief point in your search. The more difficult the belief point, the higher the belief point. However, it never occurred to me that this matter was applied to the six major cases. Has become an obstacle to prevent them from finding the true murderer, which is definitely not true. "

As Cheng Yiping flipped through the dossier, his brain began to think quickly. The Super Hidden Object app is really amazing.

However, from the beginning to the end, Cheng Yiping believes that in addition to helping self-change lives, the main thing is that it can also change society. Perhaps for ordinary people to use the super-hunting app to make money, it needs a lot of faith points. It is necessary, but it would be ridiculous if the police such as the six serious cases used him to arrest the prisoner and needed the faith points, or the prisoners could not be arrested because of the belief points.

Blessings help the world, while the poor live alone.

Since the Super Hidden Object app has been uploaded to the entire Tangtang country through the backup system, Cheng Yiping feels that he can also refine it. For real, prisoners, and for the police to use it to find prisoners, it should be helpful, and It's not rigid.

"It's just too much trouble if that's the case"

Cheng Yiping sighed sighingly. The reason why the Super Hidden App will be set up is because Cheng Yi Ping uses the backup system of the Super Hidden App to collect the points of faith. Another thing is to worry about trouble.

Otherwise, if millions of people in Shuidang Kingdom use the Super Hidden Object App and make a request to Cheng Yiping at the same time, he estimates that they will be busy every day if they are busy.

Don't do anything.

Just do it.

Such a situation is absolutely impossible.

"It seems that we have to find a way to improve the Super Hidden App in the future, but from the present point of view, there is no way at all. Perhaps the correct way can be found after the fragments of the other two Super Hidden App are obtained."

Cheng Yiping squinted his eyes, thinking silently, after seeing the fairy dressed in casual clothes and the cute little exquisite in the devil zone.

Cheng Yiping believes that there is really a so-called new **** in this world. Similarly, if it is a new god, then there should be a way to solve this problem. Otherwise, those people cannot be called gods, they can only be called For the machine

Don't want to, don't want to.

The main thing now is to see if this case can be resolved!

Cheng Yiping took a deep breath and looked through the file, and began to think seriously. Several other people in the sixth group of serious cases stared at Cheng Yiping and couldn't wait to say

"Cheng Yiping, I know that you have the ability to find people and find things very well. Originally, we thought that we could find things by ourselves after having the Super Finding App, but now it seems that we are too taken for granted, so this time Cheng Yiping, if you can really help us, we still hope you can help us find the prisoner. "

"It's not just for us, it's also for the three killed girls, they are just flower girls, and they should not die like this"

"I see. Give me some time. After all, like you, I have a super finder app. If the only thing I am different from you is that I use a super finder app for a long time and have a lot of faith. Points should be enough to find! "

Cheng Yi nodded solemnly. The Super Hidden Object app is his biggest secret. No matter what, he will never leak it out. Although all the people in the entire Tang Dynasty have the Super Hidden Object app, it is just Users only.

Cheng Yiping just turns himself into a user of the Super Hidden App, and never tells people that he is the Super Hidden App owned by the authority of the Super Hidden App.

One is the user and the other is the owner. Although there is only one word difference, the meaning is different from Tianyuan.

"Okay, okay, Cheng Yiping, if you can really help us find it, that would be great."

I have to say that this time the case will be serious. Everyone in the six groups is struggling. They want to seize this desperate serial murderer. Even after a year, they hope to find the murderer. Offender, absolutely do not want to let this perverted murderer rest peacefully and escape legal sanctions.

Now everyone is pinning all their hopes on Cheng Yiping.

The youngest Yang Tie patted his chest

"Cheng Yiping, you must help us. If you can really catch this year and still commit, even if you use the Super Hidden Object app, as long as you can lock the suspect, as long as you can find the breakfast for this month, I will Packed. "

The handsome Wang Yuting's complexion became iron blue, took a deep breath, with a slight loss in her tone.

"Although I don't want to admit the magic of the Super Hidden App, it is undeniable that the killers in these cases are too disgusting. If the prisoner can really be caught, even the Super Hidden App can be used."

Compared to the dignity of the police. Wang Yuting cares more about being able to bring the murderer to justice.

"I understand."

Cheng Yiping took a deep breath, knowing that this was not the time to pretend.

The perpetrators of this true serial homicide are now fully arrested.

next moment.

Cheng Yiping instantly mobilized the point of faith in his mind and infused it into his super-finding app.

In an instant

A spinning and bright starry sky came to mind, and a deep tunnel and long lone pupil appeared.

[Starting Super Finding App]

[Begin Your Wayfinding ...]

The next moment, a deep and distant one-eyed pupil shot out of Guanghua's mind and instantly covered Cheng Yiping's mind, and then fell into the folder in front of him.

Cheng Yiping's mind was instantly aware of what he wanted to find, and then the whole mind turned into a bright colorful channel, and Cheng Yiping's consciousness was immediately pulled away and floated in the sky.

next moment

Appeared in a wild country, with thick bushes everywhere, the sky was extremely dark, and the rainstorm was rushing down ...

Vagueness can be seen in this bush ...

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